Saturday, December 13, 2014

Fall 2014 December 13 Saturday (12-13-14 Last Time This Century!)

52  degrees this morning.  43:27 minute walk. four earthquakes.

12-13-14, the last time this century the date can be consecutive!  I remember the Kansas centennial in 1961 was the last time in a long time that the date would read the same up and down.  In fact, since it will be 20xx for a long time, I don’t see how it could be the same up and down.

Just for the heck of it, I checked and it will be another 4000 years before there is a date that reads the same up and down.  (the year 6009).   

Anyway, I kind of wish it was a work day so I could write 12-13-14 more often!  

The start of Winter is one week away (actually the 21st?).  Anyway, it will also mean the long march towards Spring (March 21) will start!  It seems like Fall has lasted forever.

As the say, the  journey of a 1,000 miles begins with a single step.

Actually, that saying says a lot.  To save money for retirement, you have to start saving money, etc.  

As I have mentioned before, in order to ride my bicycle up the steepest hill or into the strongest wind, I first have to ride up steep hills and into winds!

 I take several naps during the day, and sometimes I have really intense dreams during my naps, especially my less than 15 minute naps.  I teak a 30 minute nap after my exercise and several 15 minute naps during the day.   It really refreshes me.  

A full day in my office.  I am learning the procedures since something is always different.  It is a time consuming process, but fun.    

One thing I always enjoy about Christmas is the “Christmas letters”.  It is enjoyable to read about the previous year and especially realize how fast change happens.  People you remember as babies are graduating from college, etc.  The flow of life.

I hope to have time to tackle “Evernote” this weekend, or at least over the next month.  I just feel like I am missing a lot by not using it.  I probably use about 5% of it’s capacity and I should be using at least 50%.

Actually I could really use it in my job, since I handle so many different accounts, people and addresses as well as facts.  Since I am using my iPhone 5 as my work phone, it is still supported in all aspects.  

Excellent walking weather this morning.  Maybe it was a figment in my imagination, but I could swear I met a woman in evening dress walking down the sidewalk this morning.  I walk on the street and wasn’t really paying any attention and just, at the last minute, saw her walking on the sidewalk.

I didn’t want to stare, so I didn’t look closely.

Maybe I feel asleep for a second while walking!

Such is the life of the every morning walker.

That’s it for now, Saturday, 12-13-14.

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