Friday, January 31, 2014

Winter 2014 January 31 Friday

41 degrees this morning.  
Had my stitches out of my hand yesterday. Unfortunately, the Doctor advised me not to ride the bicycle for another 7-10 days to prevent any problems.  Ouch, now that hurts!  I have gotten used to riding my bike almost every morning (and many afternoons), so it is like a major change in my routine, especially something I really enjoy.
January 31 of 2014.  I have a hard time believing 2014 is already 1/12 over.  For some reason, over my lift February 6 (or at least the general time frame) has been a harbor of major change in my life.  I won't go into the changes, but I first noticed this in 1989 and it has continued.  Not every February, but it has been often enough it is rather significant.  I wondered at times if it was somehow related to the coming of Spring, something in me that makes me change in February or-most likely-just one of those things.  This has been for both very trivial things and major life changes.  Kind of like if I go back and look, every major life change I have had involves me going through Kansas City within the six months prior to the major life change!  Of course, I have gone through Kansas City many times without any major life changes, but, on the other hand, I don't go through Kansas City all that often!  I don't quite know why this is on my mind, except that February 6 (or the time frame) as a date for major positive changes for me has been a factor over my life.  Note, I said POSITIVE change!
Continuing on my pictures of my Hot Wheels cars.  I am doing just a few a day (not more than four), so I won't realize how much time it is taking me!  At 4 per day (really every other day, say 180 days per year, I will finish in about two years.  On the other hand, as I always say, if I DON"T start, in two years I still won't have posted the pictures!  My cars are on Tumblr, "RobertWherryHotWheelsCollection". My main problem is I haven't been able to put the stats on the main picture, so I"ll need to go to iPhoto and put the stats on (such as the date of manufacture, the model, place of manufacture etc.).  
Usually that is what I feel people about college-even if it takes you four years to finish, in four years if you don't start you won't have a degree!   However, the advice applies to everything.  
Sometimes I think about the amount of time I spend on trivial type items.  (I read someplace that the average person spends a large part of their life-such as a year or so, I don't recall exactly-shaving, etc.  That is one reason I sleep 4 1/2 hours per night (plus about another hour of naps during the day).  There just isn't enough time.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Winter 2014 January 30 Thursday

18 degrees this morning.  As an example of this winter, here are the stats that prove it is colder"
High/Low Wednesday:  35/10 (Temperature in Lakeland is normally a little cooler)
NORMAL:  51/33
Record HIgh:  70,  Record low:  5
For good measure, the Mississippi River at Memphis is 5.80, flood stage is 34.  
I love looking at these statistics each day.  I used to keep track of them in my journal, but it became a time thing, and then I quit looking at them every day even though I find them fascinating for some reason.  I especially like to look a the Mississippi level and wonder how this affects people.  
There are a number of persons who live along the Mississippi River (the largest i am aware of near Memphis is across the river on the Arkansas side).  They live in RV's, campers or tents and when the river floods the area you see the Rv's, campers and cars (many of vintage age to say the least) parked along I-40 out of the flooded area.  Not a bad life I guess. (Most of them have jobs etc, they just prefer alternative living arrangements.  
I always think about time, since it is always so scarce.  I am amazed at how much time I waste on "doodling" or just doing small tasks.  For example, some days it takes me 20 minutes after I get up to actually hit the street on my morning walk.  There is no reason I couldn't do it in five minutes, but....  Maybe I need the time for some reason. 
Currently, I feel reading my four favorite newspapers (New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Commerical Appeal and the on-line USA Today-Sections News, Monday, Tech and Travel only!) take too much time but it is frankly worth it to me.  Some time it may not be, but it is the favorite part of my day.  Responding to e-mail takes a lot less time now.  Facebook takes a few minutes, My fitness Pal takes a little etc. and soon I am out of time for other things!  It is amazing how much time the little things that fill my day takes.  
I had a friend once who emphasized that you have to "delete some events/tasks/habits etc. to add new ones".  I realize it is true, but I don't like it, any more than I like the comment that "Life is a series of Hello and Good-by".  Obviously this is true, but it doesn't mean I have to like it or ever accept it!  
Having just endured a big "Goodby", I can testify it is no fun.  Of course I say "hello" and "goodby" to all kinds of events, items and people.  No matter what I am saying "hello" to Thursday, January 30, 2014 and will say "Goodby" as of midnight, no matter what.  
I always liked the poem "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost. I can remember when I first read it (I believe in the 3rd grade or so in one of my brothers high school literature books.  My Dad didn't believe in tv, so I read anything I could get my hands on after I finished my library books!
The Library trip was our favorite.  We would almost always check out the maximum number of books on our weekly trips "to town".  I am always pleased to see the Holton, Kansas Library still there and still well-maintained.  My other primary library memory is the Russell, Kansas library.  If memory is correct, someone donated the funds to the Library for the new building (Kansas has an independent library system, which works well and is a progressive way to fund libraries).  It was a wonderful library, and I will always have a soft spot in my heart for Russell, Kansas and Holton, Kansas for their wonderful libraries and the Librarians who tolerated 7 children and 2 adults checking out the maximum books each week!  (I don't know that my Mom and Dad checked out the maximum or not, but all of us kids did.)
Strange that I now live in a city without a Library, although I have excellent access to a number of libraries.  

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Winter 2014 January 29 Wednesday

5 degrees this morning.  No wind, so wasn't really that bad. Did't ride bike outside (due to hand injuryI), but did go to gym for stationary bike.  Felt good, I missed it.
For some reason ATC (Around the Clock) fitness center insists on playing this horrible music with some dh's who have the maturity of a 4 year old (and that is giving them some).  I can block it out when I am exercising with my music, but when I take a shower there, I have to list to this blather I really get angry.  I'm not sure if I'm angry I have to listen to it, or that such junk even exists.  The logical thing is to just take my shower at home, but that really isn't the point.  LA Fitness is coming that that may be the answer.
Speaking of airlines, Sunday, I checked airfares from Memphis to Denver.  The lowest fare was $409 (Which I thought was great!), with Delta at around $650 and Southwest Air at about $850, which said a lot about Delta and SWA.
Last night I checked, and the lowest price was $339 (I didn't bother to check Delta) and SWA was $115 up and $115 back for a total round trip of $230!)  I grabbed a ticked for myself and tried to buy Aliene one.  SURPRISE, the ticket is now $335 ONE WAY, a $220 increase in one minute!  I called Southwest Air and they politely told me that I had apparently got the last ticket and they could care less about my opinion on this!
This morning, the lowest fare is not $235 round trip  (American, and Frontier).  GO FRONTIER!!  Apparently that is the reason the fares are so low, Frontier just entered the Memphis/Denver market!  (I just checked Delta fares, they are $1,274 or something like that, or over $1,000 over the lowest fare!  If I owned Delta, I think I would sell it! Delta's greed is unbelievable.  
Enough ranting for the day.  In spite of the cold, looks like a nice day.  I have an appointment to look at my tooth (or teeth) implant and than we will set the big day when the "posts" will be implanted.  I will be glad when the process will be completed.  (After the posts heal, I need to go back to my regular dentist for the final part, which is basically two crowns on the posts.)
Change is coming.  One thing about my current status is I know something is going to change so I had better get in front of it and make sure it is a positive change. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Winter 2014 January 28 Tuesday

18 degrees this morning, wind actually made it seem colder.  Walked this morning, didn't bicycle because of wound to hand.  I am ready to start bicycling again.  I dread the day when I realize I will never bike again due to health reasons or whatever.  Kind of like when you are sick and you hope you will be able to feel how it will be to feel well again.  Actually, I should be able to bike Friday, as soon as I get the stitches out Thursday.  Assuming the  weather cooperates.  I don't ride in the rain and, at least as long as i live out here where there is little wind, I don't usually ride much in the wind, although  I'll  ride to the gym etc.
I thought this morning, I am wearing clothes I haven't worn literally for years this winter.  It just wasn't cold enough in past winters to hasten with the cold weather gear, but this winter I am glad I have it!  I have coats I have never worn for at least 12 years that I am wearing.  Not something I really  wanted to find out when I am focused on "weeding" what I own!
Pete Seeger died last night, I saw the news this morning.  As I recently mentioned, his singing (especially the song "Little Boxes" had a major effect on my life, especially on my thinking when I was a teenager. Much later, in Oklahoma City, I believe in 1989, I saw him personally and heard him sign the song.  
I am amazed at the influence of news media on your thoughts and thinking.  I know about sports figures that I never watch  or read about, "reality  shows" winners etc. that I never watch etc, it is just amazing what I pick up.  I don't specifically read about sports stars, singers or "celebrities" but I probably can remember their names or at least associate their name with what they do. 
I remember in college, in Economics, I learned for the first time that advertising can be good!  (Provides information etc).  It was a revelation to me, although I realize the truth in it.  Of course, it also pays for much of our entertainment (tv, news media etc.)!
Expect some important news today (Tuesday) or tomorrow conceding my future plans, although I have found that important news or major Change Agents have a way of jumping out at me when least expected.  

Monday, January 27, 2014

Winter 2014 January 27 Monday

46 degrees, wind made it seem much colder!  Supposed to get much colder today.
I'm having to retying two of my favorites, Apple Computers and Southwest Airlines.  
The other day I had an appointment at the Apple Computer Germantown "Genius Bar".  The "customer service" woman who checked us in was snippy to say the least and probably rude and ignorant and ageist describes her best.  For the first time in the Apple Store, I felt I was targeted because of my age.  One incident does not make Apple a bad place, but it seemed to continue with ignorant unhelpful sales persons.  I guess normally they all are so good, when you meet (what I hope) is an exception, you start to wander.  Since the Germantown Apple Store personnel always being so helpful is one of the reasons I own almost all Apple products, it is important to me.  Of course along with that is the high prices of Apple products (buts worth it so far), the increasing inability to get reservations for the Apple "1to 1" training program and lack of innovation etc.
As far as Southwest Air Lines, checking air fares the other day, the SWA fare was higher even than Delta, the king of high fares!  I found fares on "TraveloCity" for almost $400 less than Southwest and $250 less than Delta. Of course, all I need to do is not fly Southwest Air Lines or Delta on their high priced fares and I won't, but I'm just disappointed in Southwest.
Enough griping for today!  It is Monday, and in spite of the wind, expect it to be a good week! I am counting the days untilI get the stitches out of my hand where I cut my hand.  I haven't been able to ride my bikes since the incident Thursday and I am really feeling it!   It is hard to explain, but I am very aware of something missing in my life!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Winter 2014 January 26 Sunday

28 degrees this morning.  I need to start tracking what is "normal" each day to see how "normal" a winter this is.  When I first came to Memphis, I tracked the high, low and normal for each day plus the level of the Mississippi River.  It really emphasized the importance of the Mississippi to the region to me.  One thing that is truly impressive in this area (among many) is the Mississippi River.  I have taken cruises on it out of Memphis (I'm talking the hour/2hour type cruises) and Tunica County and one memorable overnight cruise from Memphis to Cape Girardeau. I kept imagining what it was like for Tom Sawyer (maybe Huckleberry Finn) to cruise down the Mississippi on raft!  
In any event, it is my favorite river.  Isn't anything tame about it.  I used to like to call my daughter when I was crossing the Mississippi and singing a song about the Mississippi, but the novelty soon wore off (for her, not for me).  I can see myself buying a house just so I can see the Mississippi, but I think if I had the money (I never wellI) I'd just buy a houseboat and cruise the Mississippi River. Not even own a house or a car, maybe just a bike or two.  At least I can dream about it because I'll never do it!
Hand is getting better.  Still not grasping with it, so I couldn't ride the bike this morning.  Didn't take a shower of shave yesterday (due to difficulty of shaving with my left hand and taking a shower with a hand I'm not supposed to get wet), so I am feeling really grungy and will shave and take a shower no matter what.  (I always  take at least one shower or bath, usually two in a day and I always shave!  Live on the wild side for one day I guess.)  Not sure how I would do on living on the Mississippi River.
I talked with a tug riverboat Captain once.  It was interesting.  He told me about life on the Mississippi (I believe they are on for 30 days and off for 30 days, but I could be wrong).  He was avery interesting person.  
Main problem with the hand wound is the feeling I'm not keeping my hands clean enough since i can't wash my right hand due to the wound.   

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Winter 2014 January 25 Saturday

30 degrees this morning, some wind made it seem cooler.  Couldn't bike due to hand wound.  Technically I can bike tomorrow, but I may wait another  day.  Sitting in Starbucks, my "third place".  (Actually, my "second place" right now!)
I am surprised at what I can do with my left hand when I have to use it (when I can't use my right hand since I can't grasp with it).  Necessity is the mother of invention, or something like that.
This has been one of the coldest winters since I have been in Tennessee since 2001.  I don't recall it ever getting below 18 degrees or so before and never to single digits, plus it was generally warmer than it has been.  I assume it is one of the cycles we go through.  One winter it warmed up in February and never got cold again.
Getting ready for a conference in China, which should be enjoyable and an experience.  I figured we may never have the time and money again.  It is an ICMA conference that is worth it for me to make some adjustments so I can afford to attend it.  I expect I will learn a lot professionally and personally and it actually is relatively affordable. I usually enjoy planning a trip almost as much as I enjoy taking it, so I am trying to figure out what we can see without committing to too much.  
Actually, I thought I would get a lot of reading done the past two months, but  I really have been too busy with everything else (different projects etc.)

Friday, January 24, 2014

Winter 2014 January 24 Friday (Wounded by scissors!)

9 degrees this morning.  Took a walk and extended it since I couldn't ride the bike (see next paragraph).
Yesterday morning while trying to remove  a SAFETY cover from a pair of scissors, I punctured my hand, in the fleshly joint between my right thumb and finger.  I have to admit it did hurt and it bled and bled.  Aliene put a bandage on it and it seemed to stop.  However, after lunch,l when she tried to change the bandage, it started bleeding again and it wouldn't stop, so I went in to to see the Doctor.
The result is three stitches, a big bandage and instructions not to ride my bike (or grip anything) for at least 48 hours.  Since it is my right hand, and I am right handed.....  Anyway, I have to look on the positive side, it could have been worse.  The Doctor (fortunately she works in a urgent care facility also so she knows her stuff!) said I may have nicked an artery, so it could have been worse.  
When that happens, i always remember the events leading up to it. I can picture my thinking just prior to doing it.  I actually changed my position to avoid any damage to the chair I was in (which I don't care for anyway) and when the cover released, I jabbed my hand.  I always wonder what my life would have been like if it happened. We would have done something else completely different yesterday and I would never have known how close I came to injury.
Dentist this morning (just a cleaning and inspection).  I have an appointment with the tooth implant surgeon next week and will schedule the planting of the "posts" for the two new teeth.  It seems like it has been a long process.  
The thing I really regret about the scissors incident is that I can't ride my bike.  While it is cold, the wind is down and there is no rain etc, so it is perfect weather to ride, in spite of the cold.
Friday, January 24.  Where does the time go?

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Winter 2014 January 23 Thursday

28 degrees this morning.  The winter continues.
The "Fitbit Force" is an amazing device, with a few limitations.  For example, it doesn't recognize my bike riding at all (I knew this before I purchased it), and I still need to figure out how to relate it to 'My Fitness Pal". etc.  I just need to take the time to do it.
Some time ago, I read a book (I believe by Scott Peck).  In a way the book was disappointing as compared to his earlier books, but he said something about time that really grabbed my attention and to some degree has significantly changed my behavior. He mentioned about fixing something on his car and mentioned that that he could figure out anything, "if he chose to take the time to do it, but he didn't feel that was the best use of his time". 
After reading this, I kind of forgave myself for my complete lack of technical skill, something I have always admired in other people.  It just takes me too much time to figure out how to fix something, it just isn't a good use of my time.  I did figure out some technical things, and was satisfied I COULD do it, but the time involved was substantial.  I happily chose to use my skills in the areas I am good at so I could hire a skilled person to do the items I had difficulty doing.  It has actually worked out well, the major problem is finding people who are good at the tasks and available .  I always say if I was a good handy person (home repairs etc.), I could make a million dollars just by showing up and billing reasonably, but then I don't have the skills and I"m sure running your own business has a lot of billing and collection problems I'm not familiar with

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Winter 2014, January 22, Wednesday

16 degrees this morning.  Not particularity bad, since there was no wind.  I did my regular exercise (walk about 30 minutes, bike to ATC, stationary bike etc.)   Main problem is the amount of extra time it takes to dress for the weather.  An extra layer etc., it all starts to add up.
Newspapers arrived on time, which was good.  It gives me a good start on the day to be able to read them early, usually as I ride the stationary bike at ATC Fitness.  I just started using my "Fitbit Force". It is interesting how it keeps track of everything and "syncs" wirelessly, as long as I have the toggle in my computer.
I downed "box", which is similar to "dropbox", cloud (Amazon), Skydrive (Microsoft) and iCloud (Apple).  I like them all, although I use dropbox and cloud the most right now.  I got 50 GB free on box, which was enough to decide me to switch to Box to store a lot of items!  I still need Apple iCloud to sync my information between all my apple devices (it actually automatically syncs my iPhone, iPads, laptop and desktop so everything I do on one is reflected on the other.  
I feel like today is going to be a great day!  Nothing wrong with being positive! Some years ago, I did decide I was going to have to stop "living in the future" and start "living in the present", mainly meaning I wasn't going to put off so much to some "future self".  I guess that is about the same as was discussed in the "The Willpower Instinct" when a person feels they will have more time, have more willpower, be more confident etc. in the future.  Maybe it's not all that related after all, but it is somewhat the same concept.
Working on "weeding" "things".  Very difficult.  It is a littler easier if I am giving them away, at least I feel the item may have a useful life elsewhere, so to speak.  
As far as the weather is concerned, I'm glad there isn't any snow involved.  I can deal with the cold.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Winter 2014 January 21 Tuesday

43 degrees this morning.  However that is probably the high for the day as the weather is already noticeably colder.  It is now 34 degrees with wind and is supposed to go down to  28 degrees by 11 a.m.!  There is also a wind that makes it seem colder.   
Newspapers arrived late this morning, around 6:30 a.m.  I may or may not read them today, but if this is the new schedule I am canceling all three of them!  I assume the normal Commercial Appeal carrier, who is normally so reliable was ill or may have had car trouble.  A  good news carrier is wonderful.
Reentry into the normal world again after a trip out of town.  It is always a time of finding things again, remembering where you packed them and dealing with the aches and pains of a long car trip  (or a cramped airline seat, but a long car trip this timeI).  
The wind is up and howling, which makes it seem colder.  I am ready for Spring.  I always think that around this time of year we need to take a long trip somewhere that it is hot, hot, hot, or at least reasonably warm!  My Uncle John and Aunt Ruth (if I remember correctly) always did that and I thought it was a great idea. 
Indulging in my secret vice of watching Country Western videos.  I don't actually sit and watch them, they are on and sometimes they catch my attention.  Keith Urban just had a really good one on.  I tope them so I can avoid some of the more toxic commercials, primarily the ones from "Progressive" insurance with "Flo".  A good reason I will never buy Progressive insurance, probably wouldn't anyway since I am an Allstate fan (converted from a State Farm fan after a traffic accident where I was blown off.  Aliene had Allstate and I had State Farm so we knew we had to go with one anyway, and the customer service failure by State Farm made it easy to change.  Funny, the same thing happened to my Dad with State Farm when I was in the 5th or 6th grade.  Maybe the culture of State Farm hasn't changed much.  All I know is, the few claims we have had, Allstate has always come through without any hassle and State Farm has always been some kind of hassle.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Winter 2014 January 20 Monday

Bryant, Arkansas, 34 degrees, 39 degrees in Memphis.  Overall great day weather wise.  Good drive in to Lakeland.
Picked up bike, (general maintenance and checkup), be good to get on the bike again.  I hope to start building up my stamina so I can start riding in some longer rides and eventually my "ride with the summer".  May even try it this year.  
Aliene's mother passed 3 years ago on this date.  It was really sad, she was flying back to see her before she died and she was called on the plane, just after she fell (didn't hurt herself).  Although she knew her mother's time had come, she wanted to be there just in case her mother knew she was there and it could help her in the transition.  
Decisions are looming.  So far, I have been able to allow my future to be guided by events, soon, I am going to have to guide the events, depending on what happens in the next 40 days.  I expect to hear tonight or tomorrow about the Texas project, if I will be considered for it or not.  
I take naps throughout the day, normally one when after breakfast before I go to work and one after work, occasionally one at noon.  These are short "power" naps.  They really help keep me alert and I enjoy them.  I take about a nap every two hours when I am driving.  Not a long nap, normally five minutes or so.  It really refreshes me and I actually enjoy the sound of the traffic going by as I drift off for my break.I don't know if I will need to take cat naps when I ride my bikes on longer rides etc.
Started listening to Doris Kearns Goodwin's "The Bully Pulpit".  It is a good book, I am also going to read it.  It is interesting to read and listen to a book in the same time frame (as I am doing now with "Get Rich Slowly" by Jim Cramer.    I saw Doris Kearns Goodwin speak at a conference once (in Pittsburgh) and then she sat down right next to us at the airport.  We just told her we had enjoyed her speech and she was very nice.  (I should have gotten all of my books by her autographed!)  
I have thought about riding my bike on a longer ride, maybe the "Ride across Tennessee" or the "FreeWheel Oklahoma".  It would be good practice for my "Ride with the Summer".  

Winter 2014 January 19 Sunday

27 degrees, OKC, 39 degrees Memphis.
Sunday, January 19, 1997, Aliene and I met and actually started what resulted in us getting married.  We didn't actually have a date for a week.  We actually had known each other for two years (through a dance club), but the stars didn't align right until this date, exactly 17 years ago!  We got married, June 7, 1997, so things worked right fast!
Birthday breakfast this morning, enjoyed it. 
Took car back to Hertz.  I always have a little sense of relief when I get the rental car back, even though I have insurance on it.
Drove through Dallas, to look at another possible project.  I don't recall there being so many ramps and overpasses before, even just on I-635, wait outside of downtown Dallas!  We drove I-30 east to Arkansas, and I always surprises me at how big Texas really is.
Speed limit in Texas on rural Interstates is 75, which usually means everyone automatically goes at least 80:).  However it didn't seem to be that way today, most cars (with emphasis on most) drove at or just slightly above the speed limit.

Winter 2014 January 18 Saturday

39 degrees this morning, 23 degrees in Memphis.  
Cool, but nice day yesterday.  Enjoyed visiting with Angela and Kali and Katherine, we ate at "Paddywagons", which was good.  Good swim this morning, I would really like to set it up so i could walk, bicycle and then swim every day or at least most days!
Time marches on.  January 18 already.  The days just tend to flow, even with special events here and there.  it seemed like I was preparing so much for Thursday, and it is now past and I need to start preparing for the next project, and i don't have any idea when or where or if I even need a new project!  
Supposed to be a beautiful day today and tomorrow.

Went to Harrah today, hadn't been out there for several years (I was City Manager there for 12 years).  I was very, very pleased to see the main park had been beautifully completed and it was being well used by a large number of people.  The Park Board, residents and Commission got really involved in the park and worked together to provide a great asset for the town.  Mayor Glen West (who passed a young age several years after I went to Lakeland) spent many hours of time on a bulldozer working on the park.  It was great to see the success the community had accomplished.  
In addition, they got their dream of a Historical Museum completed and I noted a large number of houses have been built in the past 12 years.  Shows what can be accomplished when the residents work together.  

Winter 2014 January 17 Friday

36 degrees this morning (39 degrees in Memphis).  
Feel project was successful in that at least I did the best I could.
Frequently feel a sense of aimlessness after finishing an important project or an event I have been anticipating for a long time. Aimless in the sense that I can't get going on another project for a day or two.  Haven't felt it this time, maybe  because I have so much to do.  
Looking forward to my first swim in a long time.  I enjoy swimming, although I am not a good swimmer as such (I just paddle around and play "shark").  Just feels good being in the water. 
Need to start watching what i eat (or rather I need to really limit what I eat) after the last few days.  I try not to say I'm on a diet as such, I just try to eat reasonable.  I do try to avoid bread and potatoes and "carbs" except carbs from fruit and vegetables, where I ignore carbs.  
Looking froward to seeing and visiting with everyone this weekend. 
(A little later):  Enjoyable swim.  I would love to have an indoor swimming pool near!  I really enjoy the swimming pools with the "salt" filters instead of chorine.  Not sure how it works, but it feels so much cleaner.  I especially like a swimming pool with a hot tub (or sauna) close. 

Winter 2014 January 16 Thursday

33 degrees this morning, 31 degrees in Memphis  
This is the day I have been preparing for for several weeks now, and thinking about for almost a month and one-half.  The completion of the project, or the beginning of another project, depending on how everything goes.  Yesterday, I prepared for it all day and really have been working on it almost full time since last weekend, and especially since I got some new questions on Monday.  It has been an interesting process, regardless.  I feel privileged to have been selected for it for up to this point, no matter how it turns out.
In Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.  An interesting City.  I am staying near the "Bass  Pro" shops, or whatever it is called.  Where one is built, there seems to be many other restaurants, hotels and small retail.  More power to them.  
After this, going on to Oklahoma City to visit family.  
As I wait for the day to begin, I always wander what makes the "moment of trial" either a success or a failure.  I think practice and preparation is 80% of it, with temporary factors concerning how you feel etc. about 15% and other factors 5%.  The environment and your "competition" could play a larger role than that, but I can't help but feel practice and competition is most of it.  I remember when I competed in sports in high school there was always that "moment of truth", much as when a sports player has that moment when you either do it.... or your don't.  In my situation, it is more of a matter of do the best I can and I can't control the competition, so I just wish them the best also, and go on.
Watching an article on CNBC about the "second machine age".  I love technology, but sometimes I feel like the chess champion who said he would beet the worlds best computer chess player by "bringing along a hammer".  

Winter 2014 January 15 Wednesday

30 degrees this morning, 37 degrees in Memphis.  At Hampton Inn in Van Buren, Arkansas on way to an project and then on to OKC for a visit.  Stay wasn't as good this time as it has been in the past, the refrigerator was noisy and the heat didn't work good.  Fortunately that is rare in Hampton Inn and this is the first time for this one.  Did I report it?  No, I"m sorry to say I didn't.  I didn't want to mess with it when we got there and the next morning, it seemed rather pointless to complain.  I was going to mention it when I was leaving, but the desk was on the phone.
Good drive this morning, weather was good.  Also, generally good drive yesterday, some light rain and the normal nuts driving between Little Rock and Conway, one of the areas I consider to have th most aggressive and worst drivers in the world.  25 miles of hell, almost no matter what time you drive it.  
Working for tomorrow. I got some additional work Monday and I have been working "A & E" on it ever since.  Essay type questions are so  difficult because I can alway find a better way to word something or a simply mistake may be hiding someplace, so there is no real end until the deadline has come and gone.
I don't feel like I have much chance tomorrow, but I feel good I was invited to participate.  

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

March 2014 January 14 Tuesday

39 degrees this morning.  Looking to be a beautiful day.  In about a month and 1/2, the first signs of Spring should be appearing!
Bicycle in for maintenance/repairs.  Not a lot needs done, another chain, routine maintenance etc.  All I do to my bicycle is ride it and change the batteries (or charge them up) for the lights.  I have tried to learn to change tires etc. My skills simply don't run that way.  I wish they did, but I finally quit butting my head against a wall and admit I am simply a mechanical nincompoop.  (I haven't used that word for a long time!  However I tried to look it up and apparently I misdeeds it.  It says-it actually is in the dictionary-a "stupid or foolish person".  That isn't what I was trying to say, I was just saying I lack basic mechanical skills or abilities.  Anyway:)
However, my lack of skills in fixing the bike limits my bike riding, including my "ride with the sun".  I thought this might be the right year for my "ride with the sun", but I think I need to wait.  We are hoping to go on a trip to China to attend an International City Managers Association  (ICMAI) meeting, probably my one chance to visit China relatively inexpensively and partly tax deductible also!  
I hope to buy another bike soon.  My last bike was a "mountain bike" and I prefer the seating posture of the mountain bike to my present bike.  Not that I don't really like my current bike (a Trek 7500), I really like it.  It has been very reliable and is fun to ride.  I have been riding more lately (other than my daily early morning commute to the gym) and am really enjoying it. 
Too bad the City of Lakeland turned down a $1,200,000 grant for bike paths.  It was  a very poor, shortsighted decision in my opinion.  In addition to eliminating a major danger area for both walkers and bikers, it would have opened up employment and shopping opportunities for all of the residents of that area (about 3,000 people).  Most cities are making this a priority, but....
I have been busy writing and preparing responses.  It takes a lot of time, since I always feel like I can word something just a little better etc.  Even now, after numerous revisions and reviews, I still see an obvious misspelled word!  Part of the problem actually is spell check, which does make some obviously bad interpretations.  

Monday, January 13, 2014

Winter 2014 January 13 Monday

55 degrees this morning.  An unexpected rain.
Radio station at ATC Fitness this morning was absolutely horrible.  The announcer must have stopped growing in maturity at about 6 years old and his callers are worse.  Playing stupid "tricks" which are vicious and not funny at all.  Music is really horrible and not gym music at all.  I don't know why ATC Fitness can't have better music.  Otherwise, it is great, always clean and well maintained etc.  and really can't be beat.  I don't notice it that much when I ride my bike, but when I drive (like this morning when it was raining), it is horrible.   
I am really enjoying the warmer weather.  Hopefully it is a pre courser to an early Spring.  
Listening (and reading) Jim Cramer's (Mad Money) book " Get Rich Carefully".  I enjoy reading it and enjoy watching it when I have time.  I used to record his podcast and listen to it as I walked the next morning so it was timely, but I missed the opportunity to listen to other books.  I primarily listen to non-fiction books when I walk, sometimes I buy the book (like The Willpower Instinct) or listen to it several times.  I have listened to some interesting books, everything from Lincoln, the Civic War, an entire book (and very interesting!) on perfume, one on the history of the search for uranium (this one will shock you), ad the Aztecs (this one will really horrify you),  Audiobooks vary widely, I was really looking forward to a book about the building of the Panama Canal, but it was disappointing.  I don't know if it would be better if I read the actual book or not.  I am currently listening to and reading "Get Rich Carefully", which is interesting.  I see what I missed in one when I hear or read it in the other!
I have loved reading about and studying investments since i was in the 8th grade.  I have long given up hope of "getting rich" whether carefully or not, but I still enjoy reading about it.  I actually started when we got an afternoon paper when I was in the 8th grade.  I'd grab it and read the comics (at the back) and my Dad said (i doubt if he was serious, but....I thought he was back then) that if all I was going to read was the comics he was going to cancel the paper.  So, I started faking reading it and begin my lifelong love of newspapers, politics and the stock market and investments.  
I am always surprised when I look back and note the small events which later became major factors in the way my life has been effected.
Hopefully the rain will stop and the sun will reappear, but right now it doesn't look it it!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Winter 2014 January 12 Sunday

36 degrees this morning, more of a "normal" winter temperature.  Actually, I don't know what the "normal" temperature is.  I used to track the "normal, high and low" for each day.  I'm not sure why I stopped, maybe because it was a waste of time since the information would always be available anyway, except for record temperatures!
Looks like it is going to be a great day today, as high as 60 degrees.  More of the type of Memphis/Lakeland winter I had come to expect!
Just thinking, while I fortunately don't know what it is like to be told i have three months left to live, I understand it really focuses you.  Being aware that I have three months of pay and benefits (primarily medical ins.) and realizing that that time is 50% through next Tuesday certainly is starting to focus me, more on thinking about medical, assuming I don't have another position by them with medical coverage.  Fortunately, I can afford to be selective in what I do next in life, I just need to plan.
When I was a teenager (I think around 15), I heard a song by Pete Seeger, something to the effect of "Little Boxes made of ricky-tacky, little boxes all the same".  It actually had a big influence on my life and, looking back, I think I adopted it as a concept.  It isn't necessarily something to avoid but just something to be aware of as you live your life.  I actually saw him in Oklahoma City, I believe in 1989, and heard him sing the song.  My meaning on it is to be aware of your choices and don't just do something because it is "expected", not that there is anything wrong with it.  I admit, when I was 15, I probably took a different meaning from it.
It is nice to see signs of the coming Spring, even though it is at least a month and 1/2 away (at least in this area). 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Winter 2014 January 11 Saturday

54 degrees this morning.  
Sitting in Starbucks on a Saturday morning.  Sun is actually shining, supposed to warm up.
Been working on taking pictures of my Hot Wheels collection.  Current efforts are at  Just getting started posting the pictures so there may/will be some revisions later.  Note that I probably have over a thousand Hot Wheels, so it will be awhile before I get it completed, in fact I will probably never get it completed, as such.  Even if I get all of the cars on there (which is a big maybe), I will be continuing to add and revise.  I still buy them, and occasionally, when I am in Oklahoma City at the right time, I go to a Hot Wheels show, which is really nice.  I was surprised when I took my granddaughters to the show several years ago (they are 14 and 11 now, so they were probably 12 and 9 then), and they both loved it.
Not sure why, at my age, I still buy them and enjoy them, but I figure is it a relatively inexpensive hobby when each one is less than $1, at least in most cases.  I tend to target more now, buying race cars an Ferraris and any car like one I have ever owned or even liked for that matter.  I also like to buy construction and public safety vehicles/equipment Hot Wheels if they are well done.
By the way, it isn't just "Hot Wheels", I also have a lot of Matchbox and some other brands/generic ones that I have picked up over the years.  If I like them, I buy them, but I normally get Hot Wheels.  I also have some larger ones that I will post also.  
This is a project I have been working on for some time.  I think the right equipment (an iPad miniI) and time (Tumblr) has arrived.  I probably will try to upload the pictures to Blogger and Google Plus also.  It is fun right now, as time goes on it could become a hassle (when I learn how to do it!), so I am just doing a few at a time so I don't get tired of it. 
Almost the middle of January.  We will have some decisions to make shortly which will have long term effects.  Still have  a couple of opportunities I will see if anything comes of.
Our weeping willow tree was bent over from the ice storm (the ice broke the stick that kept it straight), so I need to figure out how to get it straightened up before the growing period begins.  

Friday, January 10, 2014

Winter 2014 January 10 Friday

46  degrees this morning.  Seemed cooler than that.  Walked, but drove to ATC rather than biked since streets were still wet.
 I am always surprised at who the minor events in life are so important.  This morning my newspaper delivery was late (but came right as I was leaving for the the gym), but, more important, the carrier accidentally gave m a USA Today instead of the Wall Street Journal.  While I am on the stationary bike, I normally read the Memphis Commerical Appeal, then the Wall Street Journal and then the New York Time.  So all morning, it just seemed like something was out of place!  Add in the fact I drove (rather than  cycled to the  gym.
As I have mentioned previously,  the Wall Street Journal has the worst on-line newspaper, so I am always disappointed when it does't arrive. For some reason the on-line version is very difficult for me to read, just the way it is organized (or not organized).
Today is Friday.  I still am surprised that the week goes fast, even when "every day is a Saturday except for Sunday")  There is a definite difference between the weekdays, and especially between the workdays and weekends that are more defined than I expected. 
Speaking of the Book Club I noted yesterday, I enjoy it a lot more than I thought I would.  It is interesting to be around intelligent people who like to read and have read the same book and take the time to discuss it.  We know we have an hour and we know we are there to discuss a specific book, so there is no hurry and it gives a chance to really discuss it.
I can remember reading "Catcher in the Rye" when I was a kid (probably about 14) and thinking that there are other people out there who have weird thoughts also!  (Not exactly the same, but not the standard either.)  I read a lot of books when I was a kid.  When I was in the 7th Grade (and later) I read any book I could sneak past my Mom, although I continued to read a lot of standard library books.  We would go to the Library (in Holton, Kansas when I lived n the farm and in Russell when I was in the 8th through 12th grade.
Watch the "Frontline" report on the fraud at the SAC Capital Fund.  It was somewhat discouraging to see the large scale cheating, especially when I remember 2008 and how none of the individuals actually were punished in any way, especially for the mortgage fraud.
I have been reading about the CES show.  It is amazing (and sometimes disturbing, but always amazing)

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Winter 2014 January 8 Thursday

34 degrees this morning, light misting rain.
Sobering thought:  "In 1970, less than 1% of taxi drivers had college degrees.  Four decades later, more than 15% do".  (Wall Street Journal, Thursday, February 9, 2014, page A13)
Not that taxi drivers have an easy job.  I tried to do it in graduate school (in Wichita) as a part time job and, believe me, it is a tough job.  I admire taxi drivers and always try to add an extra dollar or two to the tip, especially the good ones.  It it not an easy way to make a living.  All the more that the figure is scary for college students find it as the only way they can make a living.  If they enjoy it, great, but I doubt if that is the case.
I am backing off a little about the Logictech "ultra thin" keyboard.  I still don't like it, but I don't like the standard cases even less.  At least I can separate this.  I'm looking for one like I had before, if I can't find one, I may need to make do with this.  I can't understand why, when they can make something wonderful like the iPad, they can't make a decent case or keyboard.  Apple does make some great products (and some real duds).  Two of my iPod shuffles (at least 6 years old) are still going strong, as is my original 6 year old iPod.  My "3" iPhone is still be used as a iPod touch and it has to be at least 5 years old.  And, my "original iPad", although woefully obsolete works so well I can't bring myself to give it away.  I don't use it for much, but is still is great as a somewhat giant iPod Touch I can use for music and audiobooks.  (It is a little slow for e-books).
I used to make 8 cups of coffee in the morning, I am now making 10 cups due to the extended morning.  Coffee is may last vice, and a good one I enjoy!  
Speaking of e-books, as much as I hate to admit it, e-newspapers e-magazines and e-books are getting better, or at least I am getting used to them.  The Commercial Appeal actually has the best e-newspaper, and the New York Times has made some major improvements.  I prefer the printed edition, but it makes it nice when I am traveling for need to check on something to have the New York Times and Commerical Appeal have such nice e-newspapers.  Strangely enough, the Wall Street Journal e-addition is very hard to read and I usually simply avoid it if i can't buy or snag a copy.
Discussed "Catcher in the Rye" at our book club yesterday.  It is so nice to be around other people who love to read and want to discuss what they have read!
I see signs that the light of day is lasting longer!  Spring will be here shortly!  (Maybe in more ways than one!)

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Winter 2014 January 8, Wednesday

23 degrees this morning.  Good to get back to regular exercise etc.
Two product evaluations that I feel deserve negative comments:
-Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover for the iPad Air is not good.  First, it doesn't say you can use it only in one position.  I was ready to forgive that until the magnet failed and I almost dropped my iPad Air.  Back to Apple for a refund!   It is as bad as the Apple "Smart" cover where the magnet also never held, ln that case I dropped and cracked the iPad.  Apple kindly charged me $300 to fix that (actually I got a reconditioned one).  I don't think they have perfected the magnet technology yet.  I know, many people love it.  I'm just advising of my experience, it is a no go and is going  back for a refund.  I don't know who gives it all the "5 star' reviews.  
-Performance bike equipment.  I bought (at a relative expensive price) some biking jackets.  The material is great, it is warm in winter (I wear it in 16 degree weather) and in summer (I wear it up to 75 degrees or so).  However, I have four worthless jackets, because the zipper fails, almost as soon as I bought it.  I had the zipper replaced and it failed again, so I am going to go somewhere with a decent return policy and buy one!  I blocked Performance from my e-mail and throw away their catalogs without looking at them.  In my opinion, they sell junk.
On a more positive note, I am still listening (or listening again) to the "Willpower Instinct" on my morning walk.  They made a point this morning about the "future self" being seen as more flexible, having more time, and more willpower than the "present self".  Of course that makes sense.  Actually being able to think that way is different.  You always think you will have more time, money and feel more relaxed in the future and than the future suddenly gets here and it is just like the present!  (Or something like that).)
I was surprised what studies have found is the primary aspect of willpower-what you think everyone else is doing!  For example, they did a study on recycling, energy conservation etc. and, regardless of their views on this, the primary factor was what they thought everyone else was doing.  On utility bills, people who see they use less than average electricity, start using more electricity etc!  Rather surprising (and perhaps discouraging) if true!
Back to iPad covers, the last good one I had was a "fitted" keyboard cover and the iPad just fitted into the keyboard cover.  I'll have to look for one of those for my iPad or just go bare, except I do like having a keyboard and I don't like the thick cases around.  Why have a thin iPad and then buy a thick cover?  (I guess you can that about a lot of things!)

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Winter 2014 January 7 Tuesday

5 degrees this morning.  (yes, five degrees, single digit!).  This is the coldest it has been since we moved here, I can't actually rememberer the last time it has been this cold.  Walked this mooring, not bad.  I don't bicycle out of caution.  I did ride yesterday in about 14 degree weather, and it really wasn't that bad, except for my fingers getting cold.  +15 libs over my target weight today, although only the Monday weigh-in is recorded.
Apple store today to try to figure out my iPhoto photos.  I have a lot of photos to delete and organize.  I am also going to try a new keyboard for my iPad which is connoted with magnets. I haven't had a lot of luck with magnet conniptions, but I couldn't really find anything else.  I bought a "smart cover", which turned out to be an absolute disaster, one of the worst products Apple has ever made.  (I dropped the iPad twice due to the defective "smart cover".  Even Apple personnel recommended I go to Office Depot (not specifically, but to another store) to get a decent case. Hopefully this will work out better, but I have 14 days to take it back.  
Noted in the WSJ this morning that "ginger" may help asthma.  I need to let Angela know about that.  I have "exercise induced" (which is made worse by cold weather) asthma, but it really isn't that bad.  I cover my mouth when I exercise in the cold and do the 'puffs".
The "puffs" are a perfect example of environmental stupidly or maybe a payoff some place.  The "puffs" were working find and were cheap to buy.  THEN to minimize the "environmental impact" of all of those puffs (probably  one minute of a small jet from all of them together), the FDA changed the standards and only one company could meet the standards.  Of course the price went sky-high and it doesn't work near as good.  I strongly believe in environmental improvement, but his was simply stupid, someone had they head in a place it shouldn't be.  To be honest, I don't know for sure that this explanation is true, but I know it went from a very effective drug to a lot less effective and substantially more expensive.  A pharmanist told me about the FDA and the reason for the change was the "environmental damage" caused by the aerosol. 
"Weeded out" two file drawers yesterday.  A lot of memories in there, but very little I really needed.  I thought about scanning all of it before I tossed it, but decided not to. Probably, after not looking at it for at least 7 years, I will need it tomorrow!  There are a few items I will send to "shoeboxed" to get scanned.   I am going back to try to weed one book per day.  It is hard to do, believe it or not. 
I looked at the "Apple" remote control Ferrari on the Brookstone web site, and, sure enough, I get this creepy message about the item in my Facebook news feed.  Makes you want to get disconnected, at least don't give your real name.  I'm sure I will start getting junk mail and junk phone calls now about it.  One reason I NEVER use the "sign in with Facebook" option.  
Need to go through my papers today again and start sorting stuff out.  Actually hasn't been that bad yet.  One good thing I don't have to weed stuff, I just want to slim it down a little!

Monday, January 06, 2014

Winter 2014 January 6 Monday

16 degrees this morning.  A slight wind made it seem cooler, but no snow etc, so it was cold.  Exercised this morning (including walking outside) but did not ride the bike outside.  It's not really that bad.
Strange occurrence yesterday, looked at "Brookstone" for a keyboard and then went to Facebook.  Lo and behold, an ad (they call it a "sponsored post" or something like that) popped on my timeline for a keyboard from Brookstone!  Really crreeped me out and I decided I wasn't going to buy anything from Brookstone.  That is even worse than's creepy "suggestions" which almost never make any sense as something I would be interested in.  Sometimes when you buy an item, (one that you wouldn't buy another one for a long time, if at all), they will keep e-mailing you about sales on that item!  Crrepy, even though I realize that no human being  actually is involved.
Monday, the official end of the "Holidays" and the real start of 2014, as far as work activities go.  I am committing myself to work my normal schedule etc. I haven't changed my exercise schedule and intend on setting up an office here depending on what happens.
I am starting to notice the days "getting longer", which helps me create a positive frame of mind, knowing that Spring and Summer are coming, although probably the worst of  Winter will be in the next two months.
I am +16 libs on my weight goal.  I decided to establish a new goal, now that I have been at my current weight for a year (a 45 lb loss).  I will make a note of how much I have to lost every Monday.  In fact, I will make it a separate post (right after this one)
I'm not sure how long I have been keeping this daily on-line journal now, but it has been long enough it is a habit.          

Sunday, January 05, 2014

Winter 2014 January 5 Sunday

48 degrees this morning.  Supposed to be much lower later today (in single digits).  It was supposed to rain at 4 a.m. this morning.  I even saw the little green clouds coming this way.  So I didn't ride my bike to the gym.  Of course, it is now 7:21 a.m. and it still hasn't rained!  Not that I will ever complain that it's not raining that day (although I realize we need rain).
Sunday morning, tomorrow is the first day after "the Holidays"  Eight of the 11 holidays actually fall from November 11 to mid-February.  
Started reading a book by Alan Greenspan, 'The Map and the Territory".  Perhaps I shouldn't be so surprised that it is so readable and informative, but I am .  It actually is an excellent book if you want to learn about the financial crisis.  Other books i have lined up and ready to read includes  Jim Cramer "Get Rich Carefully"  (CNBC "Mad Money); Christann Brennan, "The Bite in the Apple" and Jefferson Bass "Cut to the Bone".   The last is a "body farm" mystery.  These are just the library books I am reading, I have about five others ready to go.  Of course, I never have enough time, so I end up reading about a book every week.  I've had to cut out a lot of what I'd like to read, but I"m just glad I have the opportunity to read.
The "Body Farm" novel revolves around a real "body farm" around Knoxville (there are also a few others) that study changes in bodies etc. to help law enforcement.  I thought about, and probably will donate myself (after death of course) for the cause.  I like the idea of being outside instead of underground or burned up.  Not that I will probably care at that time, but who knows?
A lot of projects this week, primarily going through my stuff and trying tow weed out what to throw away, give away, sell or donate, if anything.  I also have some other projects (writing etc., training at Apple) I am working on.  Also plan on starting back at Toastmasters if I can find a club in a reasonable distance at a good time.
See three deer out back in the trees.  That is one reason I love this house.
Read this morning about an "all digital" library (all computers and iPads).  No problem with that but I hope they don't forget the traditional books.

Saturday, January 04, 2014

Winter 2014 January 4 Saturday

28 degrees this morning.  Actually felt colder than yesterday when it was 18 degrees.  Walked, but drove to ATC.  Currently, looks like it will be a nice day, although supposedly rain, snow and extremely cold temperatures are coming, just in time for school starting again!
Working on a variety of projects that are keeping me busy.  Trying to fit in some reading and having a hard time finding the time.  Usual!.  Trying my best to keep up with "My Fitness Pal", so at least I am aware of how much I eat.  My goal is to be down another 10 lbs by late February or early March.  If I don't get there by then I'll re-evaluate my program and decide if I simply need more time or if I need to make some changes.
Sitting in Starbucks on a Saturday morning.  I really enjoy it here.  I love their coffee, but find their food to be less than satisfactory, at least what I have tried.  (I'm not counting their oatmeal or peanut butter cookie.  I am referring to their breakfast food, especially the wraps.  They are almost uneatable.  The oatmeal is ok, but....  In spite of that the coffee and atmosphere and staff are excellent.  I don't know whey they don't have a better breakfast.  They do have a bunch of sugary food I don't eat anymore, unless I am really desperate.  I don't know why Starbucks can't develop a better breakfast, and more variety of healthy food.  Also, it is weird and strange that they don't have any recycling containers!  They need to start walking the talk.  But the coffee and atmosphere more than make up for any failings in the food, I just don't eat their food.
Reading this morning about the "death" of the print media.  Probably correct, although I really hate to see it.  Of course I read it in print, so it isn't completely dead.  Buffet's thesis was that print media will continue to thrive to provide local news.  Maybe.
Speaking of "walking the talk", many apps for smart phones, tablets etc. (iPhone and iPad in my case) don't "walk their talk" and I delete them after they either don't hold up to their promises, continually crash etc.
Temperature was forecast at 18 this morning, hopefully the forecast will be better than forecast.

Friday, January 03, 2014

Winter 2013 January 3 Friday

18 degrees this morning.  Felt it also!  I rode my bike to ATC Fitness and while it was parked outside (I am there for about 40 minutes), the moisture from my breath (on the deal I wear over my mouth to mitigate cold/exercise induced asthmaI) was actually frozen, as was the "riding" water bottle I left on the bike.  (I actually carry two bottles of water, one for on the bike, the other for whilel I am in the gym.).  Anyway, it so cold.  My hands really felt it on the way back!
Great OU (Oklahoma University) game last night.  We record the games and watch them delayed by an hour or so.  I don't let a football game get in the way of my sleep time (from 10:30 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.), so I told Aliene to ''wake me if they're winning, let me sleep if they are losing", so I got to watch the last few minutes of a wonderful ball game!  I'm not quite sure why I am such an OU fan (I have six hours of Graduate Work from OU, but it was a program offered to the Air Force (and probably all the military and companies) to get a degree.  I have only been on the campus several times, although I used to go fairly often to visit a wonderful little museum on the campus.  Anyway, I've been a rabid OU fan (in all sports and other programs) since probably the early 70's at the latest.  Of course, I am also a Wichita State fan and University of Memphis fan.   And I will always be a Memphis Redbirds fan, no matter where I live, I had so much fun attending the games and seeing the players move up to the St. Louis Cardinals.
Looks like it should be a wonderful day, after a very miserable day yesterday (windy, cold and wet).
I am going to the Apple Store to look at my "iTunes", I need to get it better organized.  
Amazon.Com is not charging Tennessee sales tax, so I feel much freer to purchase from other companies and express my dislike for the techniques Amazon uses. 
Speaking of techniques, one gouging action I really hate is the huge markups on "Premium" unleaded gas over regular unleaded.  Kroger (at least the one at Macon and Houston Levy) chafes like a .20 markup over regular for Premium Unleaded.  Recently, we were fooled into paying a .50 difference.  I know, drive a care that uses regular, or just drive off if the price is too much, but it's not quite as simple as that.  I'm not a big fan of Kroger, but at least on gas, they treat you right.
Finished reading "Catcher in the Rye" for my book club.  Kind of reminds me of "Bright Lights, Big City", with BLBC being the career version and CITR betting the teen version.  
Starting my "Hot Wheels" Tumblr blog, gradually develop pictures of all my Hot Wheels (and Matchbox etc.) cars.  At 2 a day, it will take me about three years to have pictures of all of them (I'll take a picture of the new ones when I get them), but if I don't start, in three years I won't have any pictures also!  I can't even count how many there are.  My main problem may be not duplicating cars as I gradually get the photographs.  That is one item I don't plan on weeding.
I am tossing a lot of paper, I figure I may as well do it now.

Thursday, January 02, 2014

Winter 2014 January 2 Thursday

48 degrees this morning, but rain and high (for out her) winds.  Didn't walk or cycle outside, just did the stationary bike at ATC Fitness.  I really like ATC Fitness since it is literally never closed (open 24 hours/7 days per week), seems relatively safe and clean and is maintained well.
X+1-i first heard this when a speaker said the the early test pilots (and some military pilots) had a joke about how many times you could break the rules (flying to the limit) without getting caught or crashing.   X is the number of times you do it, +1 is for when you get caught or crash!  
I really liked the general concept of describing any type of actions, not necessarily breaking the rules, but just to describe that moment or time when the variable "+1" comes into effect.  There is a lot of ways to look at it.  I guess you could even say it is the formula for when you are going to die or how long you will be employed, as well as a formula for how many times you can test the limits of an airplane.  
I discussed it throughly with a friend of mine at the time and we had a lot of fun and thoughtful discussions about the concept, as well as the concept of "The World Without End is Ending'.  Of course it could be positive also, the formula for success of the KFC Colonel Sanders in selling his formula for cooking chicken (if I recall correctly, he lived out of his car and was rejected over a thousand times before he actually sold it and later became successful), or maybe how many resumes you have to send out before you get a job.
The concept of "the World Without End is Ending" became "...has ended' in 2013.  Of course, it actually ended on September 19.  i guess if you really think about it, there is an overall "World" and a bunch of "mini-Worlds", with the overall World being your life. 
Maybe better not to to read too much into "X+1" or "The World Without End is Ending", although it is fun to discuss it and think about it. 
Miserable looking day  today.  Only good thing, it's not cold enough for freezing rain or snow.  Of course, even the best day can have it's bright spots!
Starting the dreaded process of "weeding" books, papers etc. 

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Winter 2014 January 1 Wednesday

25 degrees this morning.  
Read another story about the importance of "design", although it was in physical items such as headphones etc. rather than "design"in the concept of "design" being the interaction of the consumer and item/experience. I tried to research the concept of "design" in providing municipal services, but I haven't found anything yet.  I'm sure information is available  on this.  
It is somewhat like "big data", it just really rose to my conscious mind at a conference where there was a session (or several sessions), now I see the term "big data" all the time.  From the information I read, the "big data" concept has obviously been around for awhile.  I was aware of the general concept, but not the term.
That is strange how something (a slogan, idea, person etc.) can suddenly rise to your conscious mind (such as "drink the kool aid, throw under the bus etc.) and you hear it all the time.
The 2013 "holiday season" is now officially over (or at least by Monday), so I am looking forward to important decisions to be made in the next several months.  
Wonderful day again weather wise today again after the cold start this morning.  
Looking out over the woods at the back of the house, I am struck by how full the woods appear in the  spring and summer (when the trees are all leafed out) and how desolate and empty it appears in winter.  (See pictures).  The green leaves etc. make such a huge difference in our   experiencing the forrest  I'm not sure what that all means, but it is interesting to think about how the leaves change our interaction with the forest.  In Winter we can see through basically to the other side, in the Summer we can't see through them at all.