Saturday, February 28, 2015

Winter 2015 February 28 Saturday (Winter Weekends, Telescopes and News Stories)

19 Degrees this morning.

Thin covering of snow and ice so no walk.

End of February, means 2015 is 17% gone if I am figuring it right.  

Probably will be snow and ice over the weekend.  We aren’t planning n going any place!  Also, Aliene still isn’t feeling good, although I think she is feeling better.

I am glad there aren’t many days left in this Winter (roughly, about  21).  It hasn’t been that bad of a winter, but it has been a long winter.   the cold weather has seemed especially cold and nasty this year.

Probably just not used to this kind of  cold.

Of course, our winter hasn't been near as bad as other  places.  We have it really easy compared to other areas, although they are used to the winter weather.  I expect being “used to it” gets tiresome.  

Part of my “in the field” was near where we live last week.  I really haven’t driven around around here that much and I was surprised at the number of houses being built in this area.

We are still looking at options as far as buying a house (or staying here is also an option).  So far, we haven’t found a house that we would want to commit to purchase.  

I am trying to view all of the “stuff” I have with new eyes, primarily thinking of what I have been carting around for years and never looked at, and I have to wonder, who would be interested in it?  I may as well donate it (or throw it away as appropriate) now as have to cart it around any more or worry about storing it!  

Probably a primary example is a telescope I have been carting around for at least 30 years, no make that 40 years.  I am looking at the box right now, and I am not even sure if i have ever taken out of the box.  Actually I’m sure I have, but I have never used it.  I probably got it when there was a comet or something and I really thought I would sometime be interested in looking at the stars.

In theory, I like the idea, but i know I will never do it unless I just do it to be doing it.  However looking at the box, it is a Bushnell “sport view” with 9 -30 power zoom, so maybe it isn’t even for looking at the stars.   It even has it’s own tripod and I did’t know that

I think the “toothbrush test” would say to get rid of it!  I don’t use it and it really has no value to me.

Other examples are old newspapers etc. 

Actually, there is a news clipping that I’m glad my Dad saved.  It is a story (probably when  he was in the last 20’s) about how fast he walked and how he walked so fast his coat was always flowing.  It was written by the local newspaper and my Dad saved it.  I’m glad he did, that is something that is unique and says a lot about him.

I have some newspapers that have some stories, but aren’t really deep insights into anything.  

I always thought (when I first started working for cities) that I would keep a scrapbook of stories.  I’m actually glad i didn’t, it would just be a pain to deal with and I know now I would never look at it.  

Perhaps if the internet had existed when I started, I would have started a digital file someplace, but in the end, who would have time to look at it? And who would really care?  

I don’t mean anything negative about it, it i just a fact of life.  Things are unique to us individually, and sometimes perhaps they are meant to stay that way.

Such are my thoughts on a snowy weekend.

One dream I remember, (again after my nap after my walk on Friday morning), I was in a hotel, with many rooms.  I was trying to find a cup of coffee.  Many of the rooms were locked, some with elaborate locks, others were wide open.  All I could find were the little packets of coffee that looked like the tea packets you get in hotels.  It was dark and I didn’t recognize anyone else. There appeared to be no point to the dream, which may be the point.

That’s it for now, Saturday, February 28, 2015.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Winter 2015 February 27 Friday

20 Degrees (5 degrees wind chill) this morning 44;56 minutes walk

Strange thing happened today, on my way home from “in the field”, a big semi (a Pepsi truck) was existing and suddenly started to swerve  into my lane (like the driver had suddenly realized he was in the wrong lane and didn’t mean to exit).  The truck swerved back and exited.

it reminded me of my dream where a truck suddenly crosse the  road in front of me, except it was from left to right, not right to left as in my dream.  

Not likely the dream and what happened had any relationship of any sort, but it did cross my mind.  

I really don’t believe that dreams foretell anything, I think the closest it could get is a dream might signal some type of behavior or perhaps a threat or opportunity  that you aren’t otherwise aware of, some type of threat or opportunity  (either a person of situation) that you have at a subconscious level.

I think “awareness” is the real value of keeping track of your dreams.  I don’t have any doubt that dreams may be analyzing your environment and warning you of possible hazards or threads or weaknesses, trying to tell you of opportunities or just jogging your memory.

Now that i think of it I used to know someone (this was about 20 years ago) who could analyze dreams and even daydreams and many of his interpretations included dreams trying to warn you, both of problems and opportunities.  

Anyway, I didn’t remember any of my dreams yesterday so we’ll see.

Friday and the end of the month of February.  2015 is already two months old!  It doesn’t seem like any time has passed.

We have been here 8 months now and I have worked  for 6 months.  Even though it has passed fast,  somehow it seems like it has been longer than that, not in terms of time, but it just seems like it has been so much longer.  Not in a negative sense in any way.

I think it is the way of thinking where you suddenly realize you are measuring in years rather than months.   Obviously that is some time away!

Aliene was sick today, hope I don’t get it.  It at least appears it was one of those 24 hour things that you get.  

I can remember the times I been sick with the same thing, (as I mentioned earlier this month, the time a year ago in February when i got one that i will remember for a long time.  It is miserable.  Aliene is starting to feel better last night, able to eat a bit, although she wasn’t back to full feeling good.

I remember when I was sick last February, it made doing anything (literally even reading) impossible.  All I wanted to do was sleep and have some peace without being sick.  

We use an app called “My Fitness Pal” to record our exercise and eating.  I am now on a 73 day run and it reminds me if I forget that I “have until midnight” to record something if I don’t want to lose my string of days.  

This is definitely the longest I have kept a record every day on My Fitness Pal.  Hopefully it will help. 

Supposed to snow lightly today and heavier Sunday.  Our last snow was a lot more than they forecast, around 4.5 “ versus a forecast of 1-2. 
I’m ready for Spring.

That’s it for now, Friday, February 27, 2015 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Winter 2015 February 26 Thursday

28 degrees this morning, 44:34 minutes walking

A wonderful day yesterday, and of course the weather person said this was the “highest” we would have for some time!

More snow and ice, possibly rain this weekend. I am really ready for Spring!

Work day today was different since I was in a new area today.

Looking at putting together some sort of framework for learning the computer programs in a more structured way.   I feel like I pick up some here and there, but I don’t use the programs to their maximum effect.  Of course, it isn’t quite as important now.

I especially want to get going on the photos, both taking photos of items I am going to donate as well as sorting through the photos I have now.  

Aliene wants to scan a bunch of her photos, although she can follow the structure she has her photos in now.  

I have made some progress on my China photos, but not as good as I would like, plus I have a lot of other photos I need to organize.  

An example of “accidental learning” (or perhaps “incidental” learning is I was reading up on Siri and suddenly learned how to dictate into my MacBook!  (Siri isn’t even available on the MacBook Air).

One thing that was really valuable was the “1 to 1” program Apple has.  I can actually get a “1 to 1” (individual session) on almost anything with an expert.  The problem is I need to buy another computer before I can get back into the program.

I don’t want to buy a “MacBook Air” yet because I think Apple is coming out with a major upgrade for it and I don’t want to buy one until the upgrade is here.  I have been burned once too many times purchasing something right before an upgrade which is something I really don’t like about the way Apple operates.  

The very first Apple Computer I bought, about two months later they came out with a different chip which basically made the computer I purchased obsolete, although it was an excellent computer for me and I still have it. After that, I check before I buy any Apple product to see what the rumors are.

I learned a lot from the 1 to 1 program.  Frankly, the Memphis Apple store is a lot better than the one we have here, but I figure I can make it work. Somehow the Memphis staff just seemed more dedicated, although they are ok here.

I could buy a “mini” Mac, which isn’t that expensive and enroll in the program immediately.  It may be worth it.

I think at least the “1 to 1” instruction helped since I learned each program in a “step” fashion, or I could learn just a part I was working on.  Also, it made me do my homework on learning a program and, best of all, if I got frustrated at not being able to complete something or quite understand what I as doing wrong, I knew I could get help soon!

Of course, that doesn’t help with the Evernote program, somehow the Evernote program just doesn’t always come together.  (Since Apple doesn’t sell it, they don’t provide instruction in it, which makes sense.

Not looking forward to the bad weather to come this weekend, although at least I know the the cold weather is limited now since Spring will soon be here!  I believe the latest snow I remember was early April and that was gone soon.

That’s it for now, Thursday, February 26, 2015

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Winter 2015 February 25 Wednesday

26 degrees this morning 45:32 minutes walking.

Hesitated to walk this morning due to ice, but it was actually very good.

Wednesday, for some reason, it seems like it has been a long week, even though it has been a relatively good week and work has  really been interesting and busy.  I think it is the snow and ice  limitations.  

I really miss my walk, I realize it is a ritual I follow literally every day, so missing it makes a big difference in my day.  It was good to get back to it this morning.  

I always think how I can use the hour or so, and then I usually end up piddling it away, although I do get some things done. 

Didn’t do a good job of recording my dreams, just a squib here and there.  I will plan on keeping at it and see if it is worth it.

Weather yesterday (and hopefully today) was nice.

Plan on a field day today.  What is unusual is that it will be the first time I have worked this area for an entire field day.  It will be interesting.  A whole new group of people to deal with.  

I am surprised at how fast word gets around in my regular area.  I understand why everyone in the mall knows who I am, but it seems like (to a small extent), word passes throughout the different businesses.  Fortunately most of it is relatively positive considering what I have to do sometimes.

I really enjoy the “helping” part, where you assist persons with procedures etc.  It is not unusual at all to have someone say “they are so glad to see me”, since they had a question and, like many people just didn’t call, in spite of all the information provided.  

The website is actually very up to date and helpful, I go to it just to look around and get background.  If I try to think like a business person it helps me anticipate questions or problems.  

The book on China is especially interesting since it involves relatively recent actions.  One rather shocking statistic (if true) is that since 1990 over 18,000 corrupt officials had fled China after stealing $120 billion!  It supposedly was a secret internal report.

The book is about a lot more than that, it was written by a journalist who was the China news reporter for the Nw Yorker, so he had access to a lot of information others probably don’t.

Aliene and I have been keeping Great-Grandchildren occasionally, so it has been very interesting, actually very enjoyable.  

As I have mentioned before, it is amazing to see the growth and development of children, Sometimes in a matter of weeks there are major changes.

Occasionally I meet someone (an adult) who displays the wonder that children have about their world, and it is interesting that they have maintained that sense of wonder and interest that children display.  

Not much to report on my dreams.  This morning, by the time I got my dream down, the only event I remember is I was in an older model car that had been highly modified with bars on the front.   That is literally all I remember.  

The other dream, I dreamed I was standing in kind of a shower type  building (the outdoor type, if here is such a thing) but i wasn't talking a shower, I was taking movies of something outside the shower.  The shower (that I call it that, it might have been something else) was made of purple and white tiles and didn’t really have a door.  Later, a woman (also fully dressed and not taking a shower) was taking movies of something i couldn’t see.

Then I was (in a car?) an a big semi truck had a  wreck in front of me, or at least it recklessly crossed in front of me. 

No idea what it all means, somewhat like life I guess!

That’s it for now, Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Winter 2015 February 24 Tuesday (Snow, Dreams)

20  degrees this morning. No walk,  snow on ground and slick streets. 

A lot of snow yesterday, more than forecast.  It started with a light snow, as forecast, but then it didn’t stop and kept snowing.

I didn’t hear the number of inches, but it was enough  to make the streets slick and snow accumulate.  We have wonderful neighbors who shoveled our driveways for us without asking us.  I bring in her cart most trash days, but I didn’t really expect that !  (They did the sidewalk to the house and the entire driveway, which isn’t a small matter.)

Thank goodness for being able to work from home!

I had a very busy day, since I had a lot of paperwork, but as the snow continued, my chances of catching anyone by phone become unlikely.  I still was able to complete a lot of paperwork.  

For one night or so, being “snowed in” isn’t that bad, but I can’t even imagine what ti would be like to have the snows they have had in Boston and other areas. I don’t want to find out either!

I decided to try to keep track of my dreams and at least acknowledge what they are about, since I have to know what they are before I can analyze them.  Depending on the content, I’ll post them at the back of this.

The big problem with reviewing dreams is remembering what the dream was about long enough to get it down.  I’ve found dictating it is the fastest and retains the most. The big problem with this is the spelling of words,  etc.

We’ll see how it goes.  Maybe I”ll improve as time goes on as far as being able to docent my dreams and see if they mean anything .

I can’t help but feel there is some sort of rational basis for dreams having some meaning.  I will see.

It didn’t take me long to read USA Today on the iPad this morning.  I had zero interest (or maybe even negative) interest in the Oscars and I could care less who won, what won, what anyone wore and what anyone said.  

I don’t understand why they don’t have a separate section for all of the Oscar news, since it keep out a lot of other news.

(According to the  placement of the news, about six stores, including something about dresses, was more important than the threat on the shopping malls!)

What is always worse is the way they go on about it on tv about it.  (Even CNBC).  I finally turned the volume down even quit watching for awhile.  

I am always surprised at how fawning the announcers come across.  

I guess it is one of those awards that have assumed more of an importance than it deserves.

Now for my dream yesterday morning:
2-23-15:  Monday:

30 minute nap dream:  Dream  I was at Courter Reunion.  A lot of people I didn’t know were around.

I talked to a man (I vaguely knew who it was, but didn’t identify him in the dream) who was talking with me about some other cousins who had visited me and I apparently had gone out to eat with them and showed them some attractions.  He said he wished he had known they were in town, he would have come along.  I vaguely said something about it.

I go up and went in to eat in a large dining room.  There are a lot of people I didn’t know, most at tables by themselves or with one or two people.

Eleanor (Wherry) waved and I walked over to visit her.  

That was the crux of this dream.  No idea what it means.  

I’ll get better as time goes on at recording them (hopefully!)  I didn’t get my dream down last night or when I woke up this morning.  I’ll keep trying.  

That’s it for now, Tuesday, February 24, 2015.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Winter 2015 February 23 Monday (Snow, Sunsets, China and Siri)

22  degrees (8 wind chill) this morning. No walk, wind plus some  snow/sleet.  It has accumulated where it could be slick in places. 

I was pleased this morning to note that Daylight Savings Time will start March 8!  Daylight Savings Time means it is getting closer to Spring!  

It will be interesting to see the “long sunsets” again and the long evenings.  It got dark an hour earlier in Memphis then it does here so we will enjoy the longer daylight evenings, although I will miss the early sunrises on the other side!

We couldn’t see the sunsets in Lakeland because of the trees and terrain, so it wasn’t the early sunset, it was the fact we couldn’t see it regardless of the time.

The weather has worsened here, to some degree.  There is snow about 45 miles north of us yesterday that created a lot of icy roads,  but we haven’t gotten any except for some light snow early yesterday morning.  There may be some snow and/or sleet today.

I was trying to read the Cliff’s notes version summary  of Paradise Lost and finally gave up.  Some things aren’t meant to be read or understood, at least by me!  I can understand what he is saying, I’m just not sure why.  Anyway, last night I gave up and am starting on another summery for my “15 minutes” per day I read something I probably wouldn’t read otherwise.  

I have been reading fairly extensively on China, so I can understand how China of 1929 became the Chine of 2015.  It has been interesting to read about.  I can’t say I understand yet, but I am beginning to get some ideas of how it happened.  

I read an amazing statistic, if true last night:  In 1949, the average life expectancy in China was 36 years old and the literacy rate was 20%.  In 2012, life expectancy was 76 years old and the literacy rate was above 90%!!!!  That is truly amazing even allowing for exaggeration  or errors. 

Of course, the costs were also astonishing.  

The book I am reading mentioned the same word I hear in the US “Crony Capitalism” .  It notes that corruption is one of the major problems in China, just as it is in the United States.  It may take a little different form, but….

On the other hand, some types of “Crony Capitalism” in the United States are rewarded, not punished. 

Working on learning my computer programs etc.  I am looking at more effective ways I can use Siri besides “What Flights are above”   or asking him about the weather.  

Actually, I have him doing a lot more than that, such things as taking notes, making calendar appointments and texting etc., but I’m still not using him to the maximum advantage.

I especially like the “Hey Siri” arrangement, although he has to be plugged in for it to work.  

(I refer to Siri as “him” since I use the male voice, for whatever reason.)

I was surprised to discover that my MacBook can take advantage of many of the characteristics of Siri, dictation etc.

I am still working on Evernote.  Either I am not getting it, don’t need it, or a lot of wool is being pulled over eyes about this program.  

Actually, I get a lot out of it, but I have this sneaking suspicion that I’m only using about 10% of it’s capacity and not very well at that!  I”ll keep on it.

Catching up on Friday, so today will be an office day.  May be a good day for it considering the weather

That’s it for now, Monday, February 23, 2015. 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Winter 2015 February 22 2015 Sunday

44 degrees this morning, 45:58 minute walk

Looked more at houses to yesterday.  Haven’t found the perfect house yet, at least one we have to have.  

As I have mentioned before, both renting and owning have advantages, but owning does have a lot of tax advantages plus we would be more free in what we can do with the property.   Leasing has fewer surprises and you don’t have to worry about maintenance.

Went to the “Writers Club” this morning.  It was very interesting and encouraging.  The overall presentation was on “self publishing” via the internet.  Of course, he emphasized you need something to publish before you can be all that interested in self-publishing!  

He also reviewed that as far as as reviewing a manuscript etc.  when you are the publisher you also need to arrange for editing, proof reading, the cover picture, marketing et.

The room was packed and it was interesting in being in a meeting with people with the same interest.

Of course, I really don’t have any interest in writing fiction, etc., it would have to be some type of non-fiction area.  Maybe travel articles, which would combine two of my favorite activities!  Anyway, it will give me something to brainstorm even if I never do anything.  

I do love to write, as I mentioned, there is a certain music and flow to writing that I love.  

Angela is really super at writing reviews of plays, movies and books.  I just can’t do it, or at least would really need a lot of training on it.  Angela must be a natural on this, because even when she was in high school, she could write excellent views of books and movies and later, plays.

I remember when she was about in the fifth grade, we went to see the movie “Turtle Diary’s”.  I

I fell asleep (sound familiar), not because the movie was boring, just because that is what happens sometimes.  Afterwards, Angela gave me a detailed review of the entire movie!  I was impressed!

However, that just isn’t one of my strong points, so I’ll stick with my good points.

One approach he mentioned was to start writing a blog about the subject (basically composing your future book), also a way to gauge about a future article or book.  i may try that.  (He didn’t mean a blog like this.)

I have a lot of ideas, I’ll just have to consider the negatives and positives for each one and decide if I want to commit the time and effort for it.  

Relatively good weather today, a little cool.  Compared to what we have seen in other areas, we are fine.

However, I am definitely ready for warm weather!  Hopefully, it won’t be long.  It may sound strange but there is a big difference in dressing for a cold weather walk and a warm weather walk!   Perhaps the time involved is the biggest negative. 

By the way, the Friday work day was fun and interesting.  I had a lot of new accounts in a new area.  and it intriguing.  My only problem is now I am behind on my paperwork, so I will need to have an intense office day Monday. 

That’s it for today, Sunday, February 22, 2015.


Saturday, February 21, 2015

Saturday, February 21, 2015 Saturday (Books Books and Books!)

39 degrees this morning,45.22 minutes walk

Library book sale last night was fun.  I did end up buying several books, but I will also try to weed an equal number (or more) books.

The crowd was large, many having all kinds of ways to store their books, including wagons, trash cans and suitcases!  

I enjoyed seeing so many books, book lovers and the fact that people of all ages were enjoying purchasing physical books.  Nothing against “e=books”, they have their place also.  

While I was tempted by many books, the thought of the books yet to be read (many such books) restrained me a lot!

The phrase “So many books, so little time” illustrates how I feel about it.

I am especially susceptible to historical books (which technically never become obsolete, although I have noted how history is interpreted and re-interpreted as the years go by and “summaries” like “Cliffs Notes” etc.

I used to like “self help” books, but I rarely read them anymore.  Perhaps I have accept the idea that I am beyond help, or maybe that many of the self-help books are basically the same-old, same-old, re-packaged to sell.  

I think there is a certain age where “self help” books are important (or maybe certain stages of life) and otherwise they aren’t that important. 

I think the amount of knowledge contained the the books is amazing.  The book sale included lots of fiction, lots of non-fiction, records, audio books, magazines, even comic books!  

I think books are about like music, you never know where it will take you or what memories you will have.  

Today I heard the song “Walking in Memphis” and it reminded me of the good points of the Memphis area.

Going to look at some houses today.  I think there s always be the anticipation that “This may be the house”  (I guess just like “this will be the job” etc.)   

Going to a “Writers Club” meeting this morning.  They are discussing self publishing, which is the reason I am going.  I don’t really consider myself a “writer”, although I enjoy writing.  I  actually did write a short story once (and got “Honorable Mention in a contest), but I didn’t really enjoy writing fiction.  I do enjoy writing just as part of the job etc.

In a lot of ways, I feel writing is about like a song or music.  It just flows out of you and develops a rhyme and melody of it’s own and once it starts it is just like communicating with the keyboard.  I think computers (where you can see the words magically appear on the screen) have even made it more enjoyable and rewarding.  

The one problem I have found about word processing is it seems I miss more errors, or maybe spellcheck does it and I don’t catch the changes in meaning or spelling.  

The book I am listening to (Edge of Eternity) is now at around 1968.  I really don’t know if the book will make it to 1999.  

That’s it for now, Saturday, February 21, 2015.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Winter 2015 February 20 Friday (Sands of Time, Options and Challenges)

38 Degrees this morning  46:49 minutes walking

Friday, another week gone before we know it.  Just like the months go by.

While I never watched it, I always liked the title of the soap opera “The Sands of Time” and the opening of it, although I don’t recall the exact words.  

(Actually, I looked it up and the title was “The Days of our Lives” and the opening was “Like Sands through the hourglass so are the Days of our Lives”.  I don’t know a thing about the soap opera, but that was an impressive beginning!  Very descriptive.)

Perhaps I have been aware of that all my life.  I’m not sure if I feel more so or less so as I get older.  I think the older you get, the fewer alternatives you have, so you have more time to reach your goals.  I’m not really sure if that makes any sense, I’ll have to think on that!

A variety weekend ahead, I am going to the library book sale tonight, and am going to a Writers Club meeting Saturday where they discuss self-publishing, which should be interesting.

I’m not sure if I have the same goals on writing as when I was younger (make that I don’t have the same goals), I am still interested in learning about it and perhaps doing something.

We will probably also look at some houses and we know we know we will discuss houses and our options, including staying where we are at.

It is nice to have options.  I think the problem is we know once we actually buy a house, our options are a lot more limited (or disappear), so we have to be careful, without being so careful we don’t do anything!  

I think that is always the problems with decisions, whatever decision you make, you limit your future decisions, 

Strange the things I learn that I should have known.  Until it was mentioned in the audiobook I am listening to in the morning, I never realized that “LP” record meant “Long Playing” record!  For some reason I never really even thought about it or wondered what “LP” meant.

Looking at my books again.  I will need to restrain myself tonight and this weekend and avoid buying any new books.

Just looking at the books, while I can understand why I kept many of them (some I will keep no matter what), I see many I can dispose of.  I am going to have to be ruthless in “weeding” books and other things and realize they are always available on the internet.

I think part of the attraction of the books is that  I know they are there, and if the desire hits me, I can just pick up a favorite book and read it.  

I loved having a lot of new accounts for work yesterday.  It is hard to explain, it is just the process of working them is “fun” or perhaps like a challenging puzzle.  Every one of them is different, has different people involved, and has a different solution, but you learn from each one.

I try a varied approach, usually picking the absolute hardest ones (I think) to resolve  while picking some really easy ones (I think) to resolve so I feel like I’m making progress.

Like life, sometimes the hard ones are the easiest ones to resolve and sometimes the easiest ones turn out to be the hardest ones!  

I think I look at each account as a challenge to be resolved.

That’s it of now, Friday, February 20, 2015. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Winter 2015 February 19 Thursday (Houses, Naps and Dreams)

28  degrees this morning 45:01 minutes walking

The second month of the year 2015 is already well over 50% over.  Time does move fast. It seems there ought to be a way of marking each month, maybe it wouldn’t go so fast. 

Life is kind of in maintenance mode right now.  In the process of making some major decisions as far not only on a another house, but even the  living concept change.  

We can either buy or least, which is a major decision right there.  We has have some other options available also, including buying (or renting) a house in an “over 55”area with lots of extra services, but still a single family home.  If the need ever arises, you could move from the single family house to an apartment type of unit.    Each of the alternatives has advantages and disadvantages.  

After touring the “over 55” complex, we both felt like we were spring chickens again, since we were about the youngest people in the place. 

Several of the alternatives would require major weeding of “things”, which may not be that big of a deal.  If I really used the “toothbrush test”, I could ,…

At last, if we decide to move, moving will be a lot simpler here than in past moves (I hope).  At least, we have gotten rid of a lot of stuff we won’t need to move again!

It has helped my frame of mine when I realized that the stuff I have isn’t valuable to anyone but me, and it may not be that valuable to me.  Keeping it in my memory may be enough.  

Got some more accounts at work today, it was like a late Christmas, or perhaps an especially good day at the mail box.  Usually we don’t get a lot more until after the first of the month, so this is good.   I like keeping busy, and I especially enjoy working the accounts and getting them processed in one way or the other so they are resolved.    I enjoy working with the people in getting the problems resolved.  

I am always amazed, and probably somewhat enjoy, the intense dreams I have when I take naps.  I wasn’t aware of how much of a role the environment plays in my dreams. 

The other night (this wasn’t a nap) I had slept for an hour or so and Aliene was watching tv.  Somehow, I incorporated something said on Tv into something she said in my dream.  I woke up and repeated my dream to Aliene and of course she recognized that I had attributed to her something I heard on TV.  In the dream, she definitely said it, not the TV, so somehow I heard the Tv and incorporated it into my dream. It seemed to be part of the dream, if that makes any sense.  (Dreams frequently don’t.)

When I take my “post walk” nap, I listen to music and I noticed that i incorporate the music int my dreams.

They say dreams have a purpose.  I think a lot of it has to do with processing information and perhaps filing away information for future use.  I have to believe it is a way of avoiding information overload, perhaps by deciding what is important and what isn’t.  I know anytime i am tired, the first thing that happens is I start getting  having dreams.

I think that may be why in my naps (most, except for my “post walk” nap are 10 to 15 minutes) I have intense dreams.  Most days, shortly before I start work, I take about a  5-8 minute nap, when I don’t recall dreaming quite so much, so I figure I must start dreaming at about the 8 to 10 minute mark and then wake up during the dream.   My “post walk” nap is usually around 27 to 34 minutes and includes some really intense dreams.  However, I am frequently a little draggy for a few minutes if I sleep much more than 27 minutes.

Who knows what it means.  Right now, I don’t worry about it, just enjoy it.

That’s it for now, Thursday, February 19, 2015.