Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Fall 2014 September 30 Tuesday (Lost in a Maze)

69 degrees this morning.  55:29  minute walk  Four earthquakes in last 24 hours, 3 within 66 kk and one 89 km (3.6 3.3, 2.7 and 3.2).  Makes you wonder what will happen.

My walk this morning-well, I got so involved in the book (1861, The Civil War Awakening) when Ellsworth because the first death of the Civil War (his killer, the second death) that I missed a turn.  

As I have mentioned, my neighborhood is a maze and I had visions of myself wandering around trying to find my way back until daylight! 

However, from my bike riding I have developed a good knowledge of the neighborhood and I was able to re-orient myself.  I have a horrible problem with getting disoriented as to the direction I am going.

The last quarter of the year 2014 begins tomorrow.  I have ot admits the year has been a lot different than I thought it would be on January 1, 2014 and certainly on September 30 of 2013. 

I expect soon the grass will soon fade and the leaves will turn as winter approaches.  

Haven’t tried “duckduckgo” yet, but I will in the near future!

Tonight I was approached by (what I consider) a very young person who asked about becoming a City Manager.  I became enthused as I expressed the rewards and good parts of being a City Manager.  Perhaps “renewal” includes helping other younger people in their career path.  I am going to contact some people and see if I can help.

I am advancing to another stage in my job, and I am finding I really enjoy it.  It has a lot of different aspects that will take me some time to learn, which makes it all the better.  It is something where it will never become routine!  

Thinking some more of “celebration and renewal” I discussed yesterday, I think both are essential at any stage of your life.  Celebration is a necessary part of life and I expect that most management books now extoll “celebration” of successes and advances.  

“RenewaL” is just a necessary part of life.  Without renewal, I expect we become stagnant and (perhaps) bored or boring.  As I noted, renewal probably includes mentoring younger people and helping them in their careers. 

Of course this also applies to cities, neighborhoods, organizations etc.  You have to have continual renewal to remain relevant to the members and to attract new members.  

While I don’t know if I consciously think of it, I think my goal of “continuous improvement” is a way of continuous self renewal.  I think my walk (which I miss only in the most dire of weather) is a way of reviewing my life, learning something new, and stimulating that brings something new to life.

I equate that with wanting to get the mail each day, it is something exciting and different (or rather at least the potential for something new and different.  

Speaking of renewal, went to my second Toastmasters meeting tonight.  It has a wide variety of members, all interested in self improvement and advancing and expanding their lives.  I think that is what I like about the clubs.  While unusual, I have seen Toastmaster Clubs who have become fossilized and more interested in rules than in growth, same as a trap many organizations (and people) fall into.

I thought a suggestion I lease a car was a good idea, so that is the alternative I am seriously looking at.  The quote I had was reasonable, and it would only tie me up for three years.  Also, it would help out on my taxes.  I think I have found a car to lease, but since the “devil is in the details”, I want to read over the lease.

Reading the lease in detail paid off last summer when we found a house we liked but with a lease which was totally unacceptable including provision for a 10% increase after one year, the requirement that the tenant maintain the fence and other items and pay for any repair under $100. 

That lease was developed by one of the companies which purchase a lot of houses in foreclosure and is renting them out until they hopefully will be able to sell them at a profit.  Their lease was obviously developed by a committee who thought that “profit” was the only reason they were in business, not the provision of providing decent housing at a reasonable price.  

Instead they were going for the maximum profit, without any consideration for the potential tenant or the community.

Thats it for now, Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Monday, September 29, 2014

Summer 2014 September 29 Monday (DuckDuckGo and Celebration and Renewal)

69 degrees this morning. 53:52 minute walk.

“Duckduckgo” is an option on my MacBook Air now (and I assume my Mac).  It is a search engine which doesn’t track me and where I search, which is nice.  I am going to try to use it and see how good it is.

As part of my research on “data exhaust”, I have become much more sensitive to the creepy ads I receive from various “Social Media” etc., as well as the even more creepy (and normally wrong) e-mails from Amazon etc. that they “know what I want”.  Surprise, they don’t.

Actually, since I moved, I have become almost obsessed with not buying more “stuff” that will sit around, take up space and be stored, unless I am absolutely sure I will use it for some purpose.  (With the exception of Hot Wheels cars etc., although you could say I use them when I display them.)

At the very least, I try to make sure I will use it and I try to dispose of whatever it replaces, rather than assuming I will “use it sometime”.  An example is t-shirts, shoes and hats that won’t see the light of day but I keep around in case I need shoes, t-shirt or hat that I can use if I will get it dirty etc.  

Anyway, I will give “duckduckgo” a try.  Unless I hear it is some kind of evil spam or something.  I will search it first.  (Somehow saying “I’ll duckduckgo” that, doesn’t quite have the pizzaz of “I’ll google it”. 

Another week of work ahead.  Actually I have a lot of anticipation about work now, since I hope I soon will “go on my on” and start my home office etc.  It will be several weeks yet, since I still have some computer training, and I need to have my trainer go with me for several weeks as I start working independently.  

I do realize I still have a lot to learn, but I think I have reached (or are about to reach) the point where I will learn primarily by doing and learning from my mistakes and ignorance, so to speak.

Anyway, it was a good weekend.  

I finished “The Night Country” and found a copy of the “1861 Civil War Awakening” at the library (so I don't’ have to worry about what to do with the book after I finish reading it!)  I also found a book on “coffee”.  Since I really enjoy coffee, I thought I would find that interesting.

I am wearing a tee shirt I got at the 75th International City Manager’s Association (they just had their 100th, so the tee shirt is 25 years old. 

It has the words “Celebration and Renewal” on it.  I found that slogan interesting considering my experiences over the past year.  

I think I have a lot of things I can “celebrate” regardless of the fact things didn’t go exactly how I wanted and certainly an opportunity for “renewal.

I admit, I”m not sure how I should “celebrate”  other than perhaps continue to look forward to new experiences and look froward to living life to the fullest by experiencing life.  I will certainly also “celebrate” other aspects of my life, including the fact I had the opportunity for the experiences and friends.

“Renewal” is a little more difficult.  I think “renewal” is perhaps the ability to not letting bad or difficult experiences stop you from containing to experience and enjoy life. 

Renewal is also like the section of town I visited Saturday night.  They grabbed opportunity in disaster and made a success of it.  

The lessons of a 25 year old shirt.

That’s it for now, Monday, September 29, 2014

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Fall 2014 September 28 Sunday (Spam)

68  degrees this morning. 55:04 minute walk. Two earthquakes (3.2 and 3.6)

in my Outlook e-mail account, I was surprised to find that e-mail I wanted was being sent to my “spam folder”.   It appeared to be legitimate e-mail from a co-worker.  when I didn’t get it, I mentioned it to her, she suggested I check my “spam folder” of my Outlook e-mail account.

I was shocked to find all the e-mail I was supposed to get, PLUS two e-mails advising me of a job interview (that I knew nothing about) and some other e-mails that are hardly spam.

While I’m not interested in another job, (I am really looking forward to the one I have!), it was a shock to realize that valid e-mails were going to my spam folder, which is ‘DELETED AFTER TEN DAYS”!!!!! 
I almost deleted my Outlook e-mail account, when of course I realized that I should have known to check my spam folder etc. on a regular basis, although I never imagined some of the e-mail in there would ever be considered “spam”.

Now I wonder what e-mails I haven’t received that were incorrectly designated as “spam” and “deleted after ten days”.  Nothing I can do about it now, apparently, except apologize to the senders of spam that I am aware of!.

Add “always check your spam folder” to “always backup your hard drive”. 

The name of the book I am reading is by Adam Goodheart, “1861, The Civil War Awakening”.  It is more of a social commentary then it is about the Civil War, which makes it so interesting.  I am going to get a copy of it, at least borrow it form the library.

The Library system I have here is much more advanced than the Memphis system, about four generations ahead in the matter of technology.  I can “hold” books by the web site, “borrow” audio books and e-books if I want to.  It is so much more professional and customer friendly.  

Not that Memphis didn’t have some wonderful librarians (they had some very professional and helpful librarians), it was just the structure which was so backward.  That was something I always missed in Memphis although the personnel made up for the lack of professional leadership.  One the the things I really disagreed with (then County) Mayor Wharton was when he dismantled the County Library System.   But, I don’t need to worry about that anymore.

One thing I really miss about Memphis drivers is they are normally courteous and basically friendly  drivers.  They may run red lights, make a left turn in front of you etc, but they almost never cut you off, talk gate you or don’t let you in a lane.

Went to hear Peter (Aliene’g grandson) perform in his band at the “Plaza District” Festival.  It is an area that I remember as a  bunch of bars and disreputable convenience stores etc.  Now it is a true “arts district” with a personality of it’s own.  HIs band is actually very good and we enjoyed hearing them.

There was a good crowd there and it was a perfect night for the Festival.  I don’t know how many people were there, but there was a lot of cars!     

I can remember seeing this area years ago, when it was nothing but seedy bars and convenient stores selling who knows what.  It was not a  place you went in the day, much less the night, not it is several blocks of nice restaurants and stores, art studios etc.  Restoration of an area can happen.  There are actually many areas like that here, which makes it interesting as to what makes such projects so successful.

It not only takes money, it also takes commitment from a lot of people plus support after it is built.

That’s it for now, Sunday, September 28, 2014.       

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Fall 2014 September 27 Saturday

64  degrees this morning. 54:32 minute walk. One earthquake.

I will always remember September 27 as the day my mother passed away.  It will be 17 years this year.  It is hard to believe it has been 17 years.  I remember thinking my mother would have enjoyed (as much as you can) the funeral services.  It was a beautiful day and the preacher took the time to visit with us and mentioned some of the unique qualities of my Mother.

On the way back, I remember seeing the leaves turning and thinking it was too bad that old age and death was not as beautiful in people as in the trees.

I am glad that she had the chance to get to know Aliene (and Aliene her) and attend our wedding.

The weather is cooler each morning as the fall starts to set in;  The past week has generally been 62-67 degrees each morning, about 10 degrees cooler.  So far I have not had to dress any warmer.  One of the reasons I don’t like winter is it takes so much longer to dress before I walk and ride my bike.

Another day “in the field” training Friday.  I learned a lot and I am beginning to feel I am ready to move to the next stage where I do the actual work and am observed/helped by the trainer rather than the other way around.  

I feel I am ready to start doing it and of course am anxious to start.

Saturday night, Aliene and I plan on going to see Peter’s band “Bored Wax”, at a local event.  It will be fun, whether we like the type of music or not!

The book about the Civil War I have been listening to during my walk has really been interesting.  It goes into more detail and includes more information than I have heard before.  

For example, there was a group of soldiers, led by a person called Ellsworth, who were compared to a rock group today.  They toured the country to the adulation of the public.  They were basically a choreographed drill team.  Again, you have to wonder “why”?   By chance, Ellsworth was a good friend of the future President Lincoln. 

Another mention was of the high impact of “modern technology” such as national newspapers and the telegraph and the tumult this caused in society at that time as “mass communication” affected the culture.

Another was the (in 1860) “rejection of the younger people of their parents values” and the adulation of the young.

Some things never change!

I am going to try to find the book so I can read it and I may listen to it again, although I really have some other books I need to start on.   

I also learned a lot more about Fort Sumner than I know before that the impact of Fort Sumner 
on the civil war and our country overall.  

In the present time, I am amazed by the amount of media time spend on the Yankees and the person who is retiring.  Maybe on the sports pages, but on national news, including even CNBC.  Who really cares, other than New Yorkers?  

This reminds me the book on the Civil War I am listening to indicates the first record of the game of baseball as we know it today was in 1856.  

That’s it for now, Saturday, September 27, 2014.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Summer 2014 September 26 Friday (Vultures)

Summer 2014 September 26 Friday 

64 Degrees this morning. 53:44  minute walk

I kind of know what a animal (or person for that matter) must feel like when vultures are overhead  when I drove over to the car dealership to look at a car I had priced on the Internet.  There must have been ten identically dressed sales professionals standing in front of the building waiting to pounce on the next possible car purchasing prospect!  (I don’t blame them or the dealership, but the relationship was so obvious!)

We actually had a very nice, non-pushy, sales person.  It was such a pleasure to have a non-pushy salesperson!  Of course, I assume somewhere along the line, you meet the pushy sales person.  I’ll see. She is supposed to e-mail me the final price.  

It is supposed to be a “best price” deal over the internet.  If the price holds, it will be a great deal, but I’ll believe it when I see it.  

I am waiting to see if it will be financially advantageous to purchase the car of not, I may know how to proceed as soon as October 1, but I doubt it.

Cable TV is another vulture in our lives.  They always seem to have another reason to add a fee someplace, even though the service is a joke.  (The cable internet is great, but the TV cable service makes you want to go “off the net” and just use over the air tv and the internet.  I can understand why people hate cable tv. The service people they send out seem to care less about about their job or providing even adequate service.)

As an example, I like to pay the cable tv/internet/phone bill by a credit card to get points for using the credit card (it adds up over the year).  AFTER the deadline, I was advised that my credit card had been “rejected”.  It was due on the 23rd, they kindly advised me of this on the 24th.  I immediately paid it and was advised that I had a $25!!!!! “late payment”. 

First, $25 is unbelievable and I question the ethics of a company that gouges it’s customers so much.  Second, I have to wonder why my credit card company showed no record of them attempt to run the credit card through.  (I used the very same credit card to pay the bill the month before, the “rejected” charge and the “late” payment”.).  Somehow, I just don’t see how they can justify a $25 late fee that is really targeted at low income people while paying their CEO millions of dollars.  

While I”m on the subject, phone companies are the ultimate vultures.  Over the years (both cell phones and home phone), a little charge will suddenly appear.  When I call about it, they say it is a “mistake” and they are taking it  off.  Figure what 50 million “mistakes’ will make them!  Or the vaguely named “taxes” that are really just fees dreamed up by the phone company!  

One time, I had a small fee for something (I don’t remember what disguise it was), but when I called it was for “special rate international calling” that they “just knew I would want”.  I asked them to cancel it.  I had to call three times to get it canceled.  

Of course, actual phone taxes are one of the biggest “vultures”.  I saw the federal funds being used from these fees (for “school technology) used by a private company to construct an entire fiber optics system for the school system that I understand was never used since they did’t understand how to use it!  I won’t name the school system, I’m sure it is only one of many.  

Anyway, I hate to “rant”, but sometimes, I feel at least one small voice needs to raise it’s head and complain.  

Went on “field training” today and did a lot of the tasks I will be doing myself, thanks to a patient trainer!  While I realize I can’t rush it (There is a lot involved to doing everything independently), I feel I am making good progress. 

Another field training day today (Friday), and then another weekend!  Time goes fast!

That’s it for now, Friday, September 26, 2014

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Fall 2014 September 25 Thursday (Dreaming)


64 degrees this morning. 54:22  minute walk.

An intensive day of “learning by doing” as I spent the day basically doing the duties I will be performing when I am out of training.  

It is difficult to train for all possibilities, since the duties involve a wide variety of possible alternatives, which is one reason I like it so much.  There isn’t a dull moment!

Thursday (today) will include more “field training” and probably will include a lot of me “learning by doing”.  I feel myself growing more confident as I actually “do it”.  

When I actually start in my own area, I will generally have two days “in the office” and three days “in the field”.  The office days are used to do research for the field days, as well as handle matters that can be handled without a personal visit.  The learning curve is actually fairly long on this, but I have a good background to learn it.  

Otherwise, life has developed a subtle routine of daily living that will change as time goes on.  To what degree, who knows.  

There will be a major change when I start doing my job “on my own” and have a home office and then work “in the field” by myself.  Several persons who are in the same job classification have advised me it takes at least two years to really feel confident about it and it is a matter of continuous learning.  

My type of job!  I really like the idea of a lot of variety and challenges, and especially the ability to work both in the office and in the field.  My short time of office training have convinced me I am not the 100% office type of person.  (My entire career has involved both “office” and “in the field” time, thank goodness.)

Looking for a car for use in work etc.  The actual decision will depend on what area I am assigned to.  I am hoping I get an area without a lot of travel, although if I do have a lot of travel that is fine also, but our decision on a car may be a lot different. 

I just had an advertisement e-mail by Trek bicycles pop up and remind me of a Wall Street Journal article I read about a Trek bicycle that has “electric assist”  (a lot different than an “electric bicycle”).  My current bicycle is over 8 years old and has a lot of miles on it, but it still has a lot of hours and hours left on it.  I doubt that it will every actually “wear out” as such.   I am keeping my eyes open for the future.  

As soon as things settle down to a routine here (as I said previously, the “routine” we are in now is a temporary one) and I really want to start riding my bicycle more.  We hope to move to an area with more opportunities for bicycling and walking.  I love to ride in my neighborhood (which with the other neighborhoods provides plenty of daily exercise riding ability), but I can’t really go anyplace due to the lack of adequate bicycle trails.  

In my spare time, I have started to analyze the best route of my “ride with the summer” which I hope to do in the future.  Maybe next year I can do one of the multi-day rides (such as the Oklahoma Free Wheel, Ride Across Tennessee or Ride Across Kansas) and start to develop some multi-day bicycling skills.  

I hope eventually to find a bicycle club here that I can start to develop comfort in riding with other bicycles.  

What the heck, I can dream!  If I don’t dream, I’ll never accomplish anything!

That’s it for now, Thursday, September 25, 2014. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Fall 2014 September 24 Wednesday (Capital Error!)

67 degrees this morning. 53.52 minute walk.

“Meet the Press” Sunday morning had an error, in that the story was on Kansas, but the state capital shown was Oklahoma’s state capital.  (Both are very distinctive and I recognize both of them.) 

I remember the Kansas Capital (Topeka) because when I was a child, when we drove to Topeka we would all make a game of being the fist person to see the State Capital.  

I can remember climbing to the top and one time meeting the Governor.  Years later, I took my daughter in to see the Oklahoma Governor at the Oklahoma Capital.  

If I remember correctly, the Kansas Capital closed their “dome” to climbing the stars, I do’t believe they allow it now.

Anyway, I was surprised there were no snide remarks about the error.  There is simply no mistaking the Oklahoma Capital  

For years it was the only State Capital without a dome, and for some  reason they decided to put a dome on it.

We always drove Highway 75 to the State Capital.  At the time we were moving from our farm north of Topeka, they build a “new” Highway 75 with a very different alignment (several miles difference in many cases.  I was in the 6th grade (actually going on to 7th Grade) so that was about 55 years ago.

Every time I go to Topeka (for family reunions etc.), I  refer the Highway 75 as the “new” highway!   I am sure by now it is the “old” highway. to most people.

I have two “training field days” scheduled (tomorrow and Thursday) this week as I start to actually perform the position duties.  I am getting familiar with what I need to do, now it is time to do it!)   I know it will take me some time to get all of the steps down in “real time”,  but  I will enjoy it.  

I will especially like getting on a routine, even if it is a highly variable routine.  I know I will enjoying having a “home office” (no commute!) and fortunately we have several rooms that would work.  Actually, I kind of like my commute, but I won’t be sorry to not have to commute. My normal schedule will be two or three days in the office and two or three days in the field.  

Signed up for insurance etc.  This means I have had four health insurance plans this year. Of course, I am just grateful that I have health insurance available.  

Thus far, I really like IOS 8 for my iPhone and iPads (I still haven’t upgraded Aliene’s phone yet).  I’m not sure when I will upgrade to the iPhone 6, although I expect it will be soon!  I enjoy reading about it and I am waiting and hopping they will get all the bugs out before I get one!  

I like my new schedule (walk, shower, nap, eat, nap dress etc. and then go off to work), it seems to be smoother and I actually have some time to get some minor tasks done. 
Unfortunately, it does not leave time for riding my bike or reading the papers, but I expect to get something on that worked out soon!  

The coolish weather in the morning is the promise of the winter, which I really don’t like especially for my morning walk and bicycle ride.  No matter what, it seems colder outside.  And, I know it will be here until late May of 2015.

Thats it for now, Wednesday, September 24, 2014 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Fall 2014, September 23 Tuesday (I Return to Toastmasters)

6i4 degrees this morning.  53:40 minutes walk.

Toastmasters played a major role in my life for years, and then I stopped going several years ago since there wasn't  really a convenient club that met my schedule.  

There is both good and bad in everything, and there is a Toastmaster’s Club convenient to me.  I went for the first time and enjoyed it.  I learned a couple of new things ( one was about the ‘MEMEX”, a conceptual first computer and internet and World Wide Web).  It was very interesting.  

Another speaker spoke about the importance of eating and exercise and mentioned he was entering a Body Building Contest in about six weeks. His body fat had decreased from 16% to 9%.  (I would be amazed if I got even close to 16%!)

I don’t necessarily agree with extreme Body Building (the book “Muscle” first provided information on this and also the dangers of extreme body building or exercise).  While I never even considered trying something like that, at the time I was lifting weights extensively and I found it interesting, and perhaps a little scary that people would actually go to those extremes.  I still lift weights, but more to preserve what I have then to gain anything.  

Speaking of extremes, that is true in any field.  The most extreme I think of is Beck Weathers in “Left for Dead” as he describes the dangers of extremism in pursuing mountain climbing  (He was a surgeon who was literally “left for dead” and referred to as ‘that dead man in the tent”.  He lost the use of his hands due to the cold and his wife and family were advised he was dead.  

In the book, the most heartbreaking moment is when he describes the scene of a young guide who is caught at the talk of the mountain, certain to die by freezing to death, as he talks to his pregnant wife over a satellite phone.  He had gone up to rescue someone he was guiding who had ignored his advice.  I will always think of this when I see people who are so focused on one thing they lose there sense of a balanced life.  

I heard him (Beck Weathers) speak with Doris Kearns Goodwin at an ICMA Conference, one of the more notable ones I have attended.  

Back to the Toastmasters group, I was pleased ot see a variety of people in all aspects, I think that  makes for a more interesting club.  I don’t know that I will get too involved soon, but I plan on starting at the beginning manual and working through them (probably on a deliberate basis without getting too extreme about it!)

I am learning more about my job and soon will start “doing” he duties under the supervision and guidance of a trainer.  I am already getting ideas for improvements in some of the job duties that I think may help my productively.  

Tomorrow I am going to finalize all of my insurance and other fringe benefits, including retirement, dental, health insurance and vision insurance.  And life insurance, just in case.  I also get 15 days sick leave and 15 days vacation leave, which is nice.  Best of all, my time after work and on weekends is my own, I not only am not expected to work more that 40 hours per week, I can’t work more than 40 hours per week.  Probably better is the fact it appears I work with some really nice people, which is always a benefit of it’s own. 

First day of Fall.  The cooler weather brings back memories of last December, January and February,, March etc. when I should have had all the time in the world but I felt driven to work on self improvement, looking for jobs etc.

In spite of it all, I seem to have fallen into the perfect job for me, a least in this stage of my life.  I hasten to say, “this stage” would not be here if it hadn’t been for the actions in Lakeland.  I would have preferred to continue  our lives there, we continue to miss many of the routines, friends and activities and always well (as well as our wonderful house).  

But, that isn’t the situation and I have to deal with life as it is and since I can’t always have what I want, I will enjoy and greatly appreciate  (believe me, I do) what I have.

That’s it for now, the first day of Fall, Tuesday, September 23, 2014.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Summer 2014 September 22 Monday (Lessons of History)

Summer 2014 September 22 Monday

64  degrees this morning. 54:13 minutes walking. 

Start of a new week.  Enjoyable weekend, did a little of everything.  Upgrade all devices to IOS 8 except for Aliene’s.   I found it works a lot better if I do it through iTunes.  Also, I decided in the future I am going to get the maximum memory.  The iPads had a problem with insufficient memory.

We made another small dent in  “stuff” we have to donate, throw or sell to reduce the amount of stuff we have to store and haul around!  This involved some of the items we relate to “events” or people, so it was  a good hurtle to get across.  Still need to do a bunch of books and other “stuff”.  

For years I have saved some items (Persimmon Hill magazine etc., some books etc.) on the basis that some day they might be “worth something”.  They probably will be “worth something” to the library to sell at their book sale.

It does make me feel good to know the items are “released” to find new owners who may use them more than we did!

This is the last day I will list “Summer 2014”.  (Unless If forget!)  After that, it will be “Fall 2014” and the cycle will start again.  

Reading (or rather listening) to history always surprises me at something I didn’t know, forgot, or maybe just didn’t see it in the same context.

I’m listening to an audiobook on the Civil War, which currently is at the point where Lincoln is going to Washington D.C. for the inauguration.  

He mentions the “Wide Awakes”, a group of really strange people, to say he least in the time around 1859 or so.  I’m going to look up some more on this.  It might be part of the “psychology of mobs” (and groups and perhaps cities) who end up causing people to do really strange things.  

I remember an experiment in college and it was surprising (and somewhat unsettling) at how short of time it takes for mob psychology to take effect.

Another really interesting observation was about James Garfield.  He was, what today, we would call a “hoarder”.  He saved everything and his house was a warehouse of receipts for the smallest purchases etc.  It was said he was so smart he could write in Greek with his left hand, Latin in his right hand, while lecturing on a totally different subject!  

Of course, this was long before Garfield became President. At the time of the election of President Lincoln, he was a newly elected state senator and college instructor.  

When I read about Lincoln, I think about our visit to the “Lincoln House”.  It was a small house where Lincoln would go to get away from the White House.  I had read about it and asked our guide to take me there.  

I actually spent some time there just thinking of how Lincoln felt at peace at that site, getting away from the White House and the pressures of the Civil War etc.  It isn’t that well known, but I saw it as a major place to visit. 

The other unexpected site that somehow seemed really meaningful was the Air Force Memorial.  Not just because I was in the Air Force, but because of the care and dignity in how it was done. 

Another memorial that always catches me by surprise if the Korean War Memorial.  It is like they are living persons actually coming out of the dark.  

That’s it for now the last day of Summer, 2014, Monday, September 22, 2014.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Summer 2014 September 21 Sunday (IOS 8)

71 degrees this morning. 55:05 minutes walking. (new walking shoes) 

Strange, I always thought Fall/Autumn started on the 21st of the month, this year it is the 23rd.  I didn’t research the reasons for it, but so much for my assumptions.

Completed upgrading to my iPhone to IOS 8.   I always hate the way the upgrades messes up your iPhone, it seems they could do better.

However, IOS 8 is worth it, what can I say.  I love being able to call “Hey Siri” and he (my voice is male) will respond, when the phone is plugged in.  No need to push the button or ever look t the phone!  I love it!   I literally danced with joy when I found out it worked.   It will work even in the car as long as it is plugged in.  

While it may seem somewhat of a parlor trick, it is practical for making phone calls, sending texts and especially making notes about random thoughts you may have during the day, navigating etc.  

Kali, my granddaughter, upgraded her iPhone 4S and she is equally happy with IOS 8, especially the screen keyboard, which is a lot easier to use.  . 

Also, the keyboard is a lot better and there are some good new apps that came with IOS 8.  I am still playing with it. 

I think of a lot of notes and meetings and appts. while driving, so it will be really wonderful for me.

Now, I need to upgrade Aliene’s phone and two iPads, which promises to be fun, especially if they all come up in Chinese!  

Service light (not the check engine light, the service notice light) came on our car today, so we will see what our new dealer is like, when it comes to maintenance and repairs.  Since we only have one car we are very careful about following preventive maintenance procedures and making sure we keep it in excellent shape.   

Time is passing fast, as Aliene has the Halloween and Fall decorations up.  It always brightens the house and outside area of our house up.  One of the “witches” no longer lights up and moves, but it still brightens up the house. 

“Data Exhaust” is the concept that we all leave a detailed record of our lives through our use of data, credit cards, etc.  I kept a record last week and anyone who cared (and probably in reality no one cares), they would know exactly the time I get up (sign on to computer, etc.), time I stop at McDonalds on the way to work (credit card), time I get on the turnpike (pike pass record), time I enter the office (the security pass keeps a record), etc. throughout the day.  Probably no one will ever care, but it is there anyway.

Picked up my business cards for my consulting business yesterday.  Now, if I just develop some business.  I don’t plan on being too active in soliciting business right now.  A person who has his own consulting business is planning to provide me with some consulting opportunities.  I”ll see, but at least I”ll be read if the opportunities do develop.  

That’s it for now, Sunday, September 21, 2014

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Summer 2014 September 20 Saturday (It's all Chinese to Apple)

72 degrees this morning.   53.33  minutes walking. (no Earthquakes!)

Update my iPhone to IOS 8 (the new operating system for Apple).  It came up in CHINESE and I couldn’t change it, since I don’t read Chinese.  

Most of the evening was spent with Apple support (since my iPhone was basically out of service) until finally I got with a person who knew how to correct it without the dreaded “restore” option.  

Again, sometimes I think there is way too much hype in technology that is in advance of reality frequently.  Not that technology isn’t wonderful, it just isn’t all it is hyped to be.  

Of course, when you upgrade, it messes up all your settings, wifi etc.  It seems they could take the time to make upgrading much easier.

I have Aliene’s iPhone and two iPads to upgrade so this could get interesting!  At least i know it can be reversed if possible.  (I also am going to back up all my devices.  While they are connected to the iCloud, a lot of information would be lost if I had to restore the phone.) 

Interesting day “in the field” today.  T:he very first visit involved a very friendly dog with very muddy feet and he jumped up on me.  I ended up with a very muddy shirt and I had to stop and buy another shirt!  

I held my hand out to the dog and realized later it was good he didn’t bite!

Otherwise, the training day involved a number of new twists that indicate it will be a very interesting job with a lot of variety!  Plus the bonus of a “home office” and work involving days out of the office and travel.  Anyway, something different!  

After a disruption of five days, my newspapers appear to have resumed delivery again (hopefully).  I know the option of reading them on the internet is there, but for some reason I just don’t do it, except I usually do get a chance to review the paper I can’t get out here.  I really miss the New York Times, which I feel deserves the reputation of the best newspaper printed and I do try to read it on the internet.  

I still enjoy the on-line USA Today more than I like the regular newspaper and I read it during breakfast.  I only read the “news”, “money” and “tech” parts and I skip all the videos, all the stories about “stars” and tv and movies and sports, so it doesn’t take me all that time to read it. 

My change in schedule to taking a shower right after I walk has made a world of difference for the better.  For some reason, it just makes me feel better.  I know my nap is much better if I take a shower after I walk.  Now, if I can just stop ”piddling” and save about enough time for a 12 minute nap right before I leave!  

I actually enjoy my drive in the morning.  I may have mentioned, I swing by McDonalds (no Starbucks on the way!) and get a coffee and parfait, and head down the interstate to work.  It is an easy drive, and I won’t even have to worry about that after I start working at my “home office”.

Started reading Loren Easley, “The Night Country”, a book on my “round tuit” list for at least 30 years and possibly more.  It was copyrighted in 1947 and my book is copyright 1971. I probably got it in about 1989 (at the library book sale), but I had planned on reading it before that, so I have had it in my possession for at least 25 years.  I will read it and send it on for someone else to read.  So far, I am glad I am reading it and it is making carting it around for 25 years well worth while.

I have a library card, but, oddly enough, we haven’t checked out any books.  I tried to check out some audio books but haven’t had the patience to figure out how to download the books on my iPod.  I am sure when I want to, I will figure it out.  For years, we always had 5 or 6 library books checked out.  Of course, I am behind 7 or 8 books without adding any library books and I am behind even more audio books. 

Listening to a book about the Civil War during my walk.  Thus far, it has been interesting and actually have provided some information about the period prior to the Civil War that I wasn’t aware of.  (At this point in the book, Lincoln still hasn’t been elected.)

Enjoy your weekend!

That’s it for today, Saturday, September 20, 2014.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Summer 2014 September 19 Friday

70 degrees this morning.  54:42  minutes walking. Five earthquakes during last 24 hours (one 3.40)

Training, especially field training, emphasized this week.  Field Training Thursday (I started taking action rather than just observing) and a field day tomorrow.  I am learning, and as I start actually doing the job duties, I learn what I don’t know as well as what I do know.  

However, I know what I will learn faster if I try actually doing everything that will be part of my job when I am in the field.  There is actually a lot involved, but I don’t think I will have any problem with it and find it enjoyable in a lot of ways.

Got my employee number today.  Probably not a big deal in the overall scheme of things, but it is important in that I had to have it to get some access to some computer programs, sign up for health insurance etc. and some other items.!  

Strange weather, a storm came in this morning and when I looked at my “weather app”  (actually, I use the Memphis Channel 5 app), it showed the forecast was for “sunny” at 8:00 a.m., while actually it was high wind and rain.  (Not the fault of the Channel 5 app.). I’m sure Dave Brown would have gotten it right if he was here! 

Baseball season is ending, it has been a lot of fun this year.  As I mentioned previously, while we are still strong Cub fans, we have become very strong St. Louis Cardinal fans.  We became St. Louis fans since we saw so many of the Memphis Redbird players now playing for the St. Louis Cardinals.  Where we live now, we can pick up St. Louis Cardinal gams almost every night, and they are playing terrific.  When the Cubs and Cardinals play each other, we just cheer for each one!

There have been a lot of really excellent Cardinal gams this past several weeks, and we have really enjoyed it.  We will miss it when baseball season is over.  

I like Avia walking shoes, not just because they are inexpensive, but because I really like the way they are so  light and the way they fit.  I used to buy them at J.C. Penny for around $27-34 a pair.  

I need another pair (badly) so I went to J.C. Penny and they only had a few pair.  For some reason, they had an over abundance of another type of shoe.  So I decided to check the internet.  I check Amazon and found a price of $70 per pair.  I checked the Wal Mart internet site and found the very same shoe for  around $19.   Unfortunately, it was labeled as “out of Stock” , so the low price doesn’t help me much!    I’ll keep checking.   

Trying a new scheduled in the morning.  I was walking, then checking e-mail, then taking a nap, then showering etc, and then breakfast.  I decided to try to do i the way I did in Lakeland, where I walked, bicycled, showered, napped and than ate.  So this morning I walked, then took a shower, shave etc., and then checked e-mail etc, then took my nap and then ate.  

I think it cut down on my time (or rather time wasted), but still piddled to much.

Friday.  In Lakeland I really  enjoyed Friday’s, especially our evening out with friends.  Still like Fridays and weekends, but I miss the activities we did in Lakeland.

September 19 of 2013 actually marks the beginning of the end, and I was actually well aware of that on September 19, It just took a while for everything to happen.  I’ll go into that sometime in the future.. The result was an unfortunate end of some routines and friends we really enjoyed and well always remember, but at least we had the good fortune to have the experiences and friendships.  I wouldn’t have known it if we hadn’t had the experiences and gotten to know the people we knew, but I’m sure somewhere I would have know I missed something important.

That’s it for today, Friday!, September 19, 2014.