Monday, October 31, 2016

2016 Fall October 31 Monday

56 degrees this morning.  

Cold weather crept in this morning, but it is supposed to be in the mid-eighties later today for “trick or treating”.  

Several years ago, I bought some bandannas from Amazon, I think about $4.00 for a dozen, which obviously is much cheaper than I normally pay. Actually I bought them because I wanted to get a color that was noticeable for when I rode the bike or walked.  

As they say, “you get what you pay for” as the bandanna edges quickly started unraveling, something that has never happened with the other bandannas.  

I guess there are several ways of looking at it, it may be just as cost effective to buy the cheap ones and throw them away when they start to wear as to buy the better ones and keep them until I lose them or they become so faded I am embarrassed to wear them.  That never happens on my walking or biking!  

Of course, I also have to consider it may not be good to reward someone who makes inferior products also!  

I have several hats and t-shirts that I am debating tossing or giving away.  (Some of them are so decrepit I wouldn’t give them away!).  

It is strange it is so difficult to get rid of something like that, I guess it is every t-shirt and hat (or many of them) have some type of memory attached to them.  

I have been planning to set up a “hat and t-shirt photo album” and I will do that and start getting rid of them.  It is a lot easier when I have a picture!

Wrote down a dream:

10-30-16;  Dream Sunday

Don’t remember a lot of this dream but it took place in the farm house we grew up in.

Both my Mom, Dad and some of my bothers and sisters were in the dream.

We seemed to have mysterious visitors who were talking to my parents in one room.  It was night.

I went to bed.  I had a piece of chocolate cake with me.  

I woke up at my usual time (some of the present  time here) and then some more visitors came back to talk with my parents again.

Somehow both my bed and pice of chocolate cake disappeared.

I was looking for them when I woke up 

Can’t remember the early part of the ream but it was a strange dream.

My brothers and sisters are all sitting around listening, but none of us understand what they were saying or who the visitors were.

Somewhat like my dream the night before.  In the  I left a good dress jacket (a sport jacket) and something else somewhere..

When i realized I had left it, I went back to look, but I couldn’t  find the building i had been in.

I couldn’t remember any of the other parts of it, so I din’t write i down. 

That’s it for now, Monday, October 31, 2016.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

2016 Fall October 30 Sunday

66 degrees this morning.  Walk 35:40 minutes 

I was surprised to note it was 66 degrees when I got up this morning and then it was 60 degrees when I finished my exercise!  

I usually don’t notice it, so I don’t know if it is normal, but I had my iWatch on, which is when I noticed it.  

I put my iWatch on to “try it out”  yesterday morning and didn’t take it off until I reluctantly removed it when I went to bed so I could charge it up!  

To say I like it is putting it mildly.  It fits very well (I’m glad I spent  few extra dollars on a nice band and watch, it will be well worth it.)  

Of course what I really like is what it does.  I spent a large  part of the day learning the capacity etc. and the wide variety of things it can do.  It is really amazing.  

I expect it’s weakness will be it’s battery life, like a lot of electronics.  

It was interesting to see my heart beat rate.  I have never paid a lot of attention to my exercise heart beat, since my regular heart beat is so low (in the 36-43 ppm range if resting). 

I had never observed my heart beat while exercising before.  I  watched my heart beat on the exercise bike yesterday and during (really after) my walk this morning.  It was interesting.  I’m going to have to read up on what my heart rate is supposed to do while I am exercise.  It did increase some, but I don’t know what it means.

I have it set up so it follows me all day and lets me know how long I walk, how many calories I may have burned etc.  I’m still not sure what all it measures.

Also, I was surprised at the number of times it advised me it was time to “get up and walk around for a minute”!  I never considered myself as someone who sat around for long periods!  

And this is all just the very basic “apps” etc. There are a lot of more specialized apps out there that I have looked at but haven’t installed yet.  I wanted to take it a little bit at a time!

“Lucas”, not “Lucus”.   I am always a little discouraged when I make a mistake that I shouldn’t.  I was writing a letter and kept trying to put “Lucus” (for Lucas, Kansas) and spell check kept changing it.   Unfortunately it didn’t change the spelling to the correct spelling “Lucas”, but tried to switch me to Lulus or locus (depending on whether I used the capital letter or not).

Of course, this morning I realized suddenly (one of those “thunderbolts” that hit you) that I had misspelled it in the first place, even after I looked it up on Google to make sure I had spelled it correctly.

Unfortunately I can’t even blame age, since I have always occasionally had something like this happen!
I’ll probably keep writing about the iWatch until everyone gets very tired of it!  It is a fascinating gadget, especially with the “apps” that are available for it.  (Maybe there is an “app” for errors like I mentioned above! 

It is interesting to note that some of the “tech” companies are starting to realize, or at least to admit, there is some limits on what they can accomplish.  Apple apparently gave up on an “Apple car” and Google give up providing fiber service to many cities and some other projects.  

On the other hand, it is rather sad to learn there are limits to dreams.  Perhaps Apple learned a lot from the Apple car project (if there actually was one) and can provided improved software for cars etc. and Google may have realized that fiber is already obsolete and it is time to work on something else.

We’ll see.  (Maybe)

That’s it for now, Sunday, October 30, 2016.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

2016 Fall October 29 Saturday

66 degrees this morning, walk 36:02 minutes

While I know general advice is to lift weights on an every other day schedule at the most, I have a difficult time not doing sit-ups and lifting weights every day.

It isn’t like  I am doing any substantial heavy lifting, and it makes me feel better when I do it.

Since I started lifting heavier weights (not a lot, 5 lb more on the dumbbells) and I’ve started doing bench press exercise, I have found that about every 4 days I need a break and so I don’t lift weights for one day.  If it rains etc., it presents a natural break, or I just don’t lift weights one day after my muscles start feeling a certain way and I decide it is time for a break.

I don’t feel the same about walking.  I like to walk every day, and when it does rain etc., I take a break and enjoy the break.

We have started going to the gym on a somewhat regular basis (we aim for 4 days per week) where I do the stationary bicycle and Aliene does the treadmill.  We are trying to decide on the other exercise.

As always, time is a big factor.  

Had a “personal” “computer chat”/phone/video training session on the iWatch.  It actually helped out a lot (especially when I got the watch unlocked!).    It is actually relatively easy to use and can do a lot and I am just on the surface yet.

I probably will schedule another session.  They also advised me of an “operations manual” which is excellent.  

Overall, I have a feeling there is no way I am going to return it in 14 days!  

My major decision will be which are I wear it on and if I wear it with another watch!  

Very likely I will wear another watch, but that is something I can decide as time goes on.

Overall, I am very pleased with it and glad I got the model I did, even if it did cost more than my second choice.

As I’m mentioned before, I learn to operate gadgets like the iWatch a little at a time, getting some experience, and then some “classroom” instruction that answers my questions and goes into more advanced operations etc.  

The people with Apple will probably be tired of me before this is over, but I will become proficient in operation of the iWatch!

Listening to the “Great Classics of American Literature”, I  realize again why I haven’t (and never will) read Walt Whitman.  

The instructor reads some of the passages and interprets their meaning.  I wonder how in the world he got all of that from what he read!

I could read it a 100 times (which I won’t even read it onceI) and never get that interpretation!  I really don’t know where they get the what they interpret from what was written, but….

Glad the weekend is here.  It is supposed to be in the 80’s today.  We’ll enjoy it while it is  here, I am sure the cold weather is coming!

That’s it for now, Saturday, October 29, 2016.

Friday, October 28, 2016

2016 Fall October 28 Friday

66 degrees this morning, Walk 36:32 minutes

Opened up the iWatch yesterday, got it charged up and telling time.  Of course I didn’t buy it to tell time!

I have 14 days to decide if I like it or not.  Notice I didn’t say if it was worth the money!  It probably isn’t, but I figured if I was going to buy one, I may as well get what I wanted.  The band is wonderful.

Of course the key isn’t telling time, but getting the other functions.  

The State is going to a new way of paying mileage where you get paid for actual GPS mileage from stop to stop.  (They figured out it was another way to punish state employees, although it probably won’t make any difference, except increase the amount of time needed to document  the mileage , which will actually decrease productivity and increase costs!  

Anyway, I figure the watch GPS will document my mileage exactly, plus I can use it for my appointments etc., so I figure I can deduct at least part of it off my taxes!  Not that I couldn’t do the same thing with my phone but that isn’t the point.

What is so ironic is that the way the law was written, I am supposed to turn in a documented mileage sheet for each stop I make.  Even the state administrative watchdogs are saying they don’t want us to comply with that part of the law.  Since I make at least 8 stops (and usually more) each day I’m on a “field day”, which is about 3 days per week, that is a lot of paper!

I am thinking (well, not really) of insisting I comply with the law and turn in a piece of paper for the every stop!  Of course, most are actually less than a mile, so whoever wrote the law was more intent on punishing state employees than accomplishing any goal.  

I am going to have to go back and read “Animal Farm”, that describes the State Legislature well.

Today is Friday, which means I will be working a “short day”, since I can’t work over 40 hours per week.  This does give me  a chance to get some things done, and, today will provide me a chance to work on learning my “iWatch”.  

I did set some priorities for the iWatch, first just getting it charged and then getting it to tell time.

My next priorities are getting the GPS to work, the stop watch, and then the appointments and reminders etc.  

One of my priorities isn’t using my watch as a phone!  I think I would feel rather stupid talking into my arm, but…. who knows!

Actually, I am considering wearing my iWatch on my right wrist and a regular watch (when I wear one) on my left wrist.  I really have some watches I like and I see the iWatch as more than a watch.

I thought the new iMac was interesting (I still haven’t read much about it yet) but still not a “touchscreen”.  I just hope my MacBook Air lasts until they have a touch screen.  

Of course, by then laptops may be obsolete. 

I keep seeing the “sponsored content” (so I don’t read it) about “when smart phones are obsolete” and I’m sure they will be.  However I don’t have any idea what will be the next smart phone.  I expect it will take another  Steve Jobs to invent that.

Glad the weekend is almost here!

That’s it for now, Friday, October 28, 2016.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

2016 Fall October 27 2016 Thursday

57 degrees this morning.  Walk 36:22 minutes 

The iWatch arrived yesterday!  Due to other activities about all I did was unpack it.  The case is beautiful, yet so simple.

Apple products are always packed so nicely, almost a thing of beauty in itself.  This time I took pictures  of each stage of the unpacking.

One thing I noticed about the first iPhone was how so many Apple products can be operated almost on an intuitive basis. When I saw the iPhone, I realized exactly how to operate it at least on a minimal basis.

Kind of like Bridge, it is relatively easy to learn, impossible to really get good at it!

I am going to really concentrate on using the IWatch.  I figure it is guaranteed for two years, and I’ll probably use it for four years before it becomes obsolete.  

Of course when I got my first iPhone, (and probably my first computer), I thought  “who could what more than this”.  Of course, all it took was the next upgrade!

Actually, I jumped from an iPhone 3 to an iPhone 5, which I believe is a jump of about 4 generations of iPhone!  

Actually, this iWatch probably does have most of what  I will even want.  Probably a better battery will be the reason I upgrade .

Anyway, it will be fun (and probably somewhat frustrating) to learn the capacities of the watch.  

My first action will be to learn how to turn it on and how to charge it!  Then “telling” time and then probably the GPS operation.  

After that my priorities will probably be on reminders, messages etc.  and then some of the other apps I probably don’t even know about.  

Now I will start saving my “cashback” from the credit card for an iPad Pro, that is, when the new upgrade comes out!  

Walking this morning and hearing some of the noises (coyotes yelping in the distance etc.) I wondered what it was like to walk the same ground 100 years ago, or 200 years ago.  It is a strange feeling.

One thing I really like about this addition is that, for the most part, it was built in accordance “with the land” and doesn’t appear to have been a lot of “leveling” etc.  The land is probably somewhat the same terrain as it was 100 or 200 years ago, although I’m sure there has been more “scraping” than I realize.

Part of this is probably from listening to my book during my walk which is currently in the field of literature about 150 years ago..

I was rather fascinated by one book I have never heard of before, by Herman Melville (Moby DickI) called Benito Cereno.  I doubt that I will ever read it, but the plot is that on a ship, the slaves take over a ship 

Instead of acting like they are in charge, the slaves make the crew (Captain etc.) play their past roles while the slaves play the roles of slaves, but are actually in charge.

Apparently the way the book was written, it takes the reader a while to realize what is happening.  Brings up a lot off thoughts about roles, role playing etc.

That’s it for now, Thursday, October 27, 2016

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

2016 Fall October 26 Wednesday

66 degrees this morning, walk 36:30 minutes 

I have to admit, I get very tired of seeing people who make unbelievable (and undeserved) amounts of money trying to justify continuing to pay sub-living wages to “ordinary” people.  

Of course we all are subsidizing the companies when full time employees  have to use public programs for medical, food etc. That is just shameful.  

What is worse is when you see companies paying billions of dollars to lawyers and bankers etc. to “buy” another company merely because it gives them more prestige or they make more money.

Of course in a few years they will pay more billions of dollars to “breakup” the company to “capture it’s value” as they sell it for half of what they paid. 

Of course, by then the people who made the original purchase have been paid millions of dollars to retire or leave due to their mistake.

Meanwhile, they try to justify paying a sub-living wage to their employees!   

Mark that as one of those things I can’t do anything about, but at least I can complain about it.  

I saw a quote this morning that I thought was interesting.  (In general, no relation to what I wrote previously).   it was “There is more to life than increasing it’s speed”.  (Attributed to Gandhi).

I’m not really sure if I want to increase the speed of life.  There is always some reason that you hope time goes fast, but there are numerous reasons I would like to slow it down also!   I assume the older you get, the faster life seems to go.

The other day someone in their early 30’s  was bemoaning how fast the year was going, so I guess all ages feel it.

Speaking of time, the “iWatch” is arriving, probably today.  

It was interesting watching it’s progress, it left China and then to Alaska (where it actually arrived the previous day from it’s shipment from China due to the time difference), then to Louisville, than to Dallas and it went out locally at 12:04 a.m. this morning, so I assume it is now on a truck headed to the house,

I plan on using “mindfulness” and enjoy every moment of opening the package.  Then comes the frustration of learning how to do everything with it!

It originally was scheduled for November 3-10, so it is actually about a week early.  

I have been reading up on “apps” etc. and setting up the watch.  As usual, I will take my time learning how to use it.  I will probably spend a day or so just looking at it.

Apple does have a session you can schedule at home on setting it up etc., as well as classes at the Apple store.  

i found I learn better if I try it first and then attend classes on it, rather than the alternative.  Not sure  why, but that is just the way I learn.  

66 degrees this morning, supposed to get hotter today.  I can deal with that!

That’s it for now, Wednesday, October 26, 2016.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

2016 Fall October 25, Tuesday

66 degrees this morning, walk 36:27 minutes

Listening to an analysis of “Moby Dick” while I walk.  Interesting, but I”m sure I will never read the book.  Someone said once that “Wealth of Nations” and “Moby Dick” were books that everyone talked about but no one ever read!  

Actually, it has been very interesting to hear the analysis of it. Also his analysis  of Eager Allen Poe and Hawthorne (the Scarlett Letter) etc.

One comment he made about a very short story by Hawthorne was especially interesting.  He said it is a 9 page story (“Wakefield”) where a man leaves his wife and takes an room near her and watches her for 20 years.  The story ends as he returns.  

What was interesting was he alluded to our current culture where people use Social Media to (perhaps) sit in the house down the street and watch the world go by while they escape from daily life.  To some degree he is stretching it, but I think there is some connection.  

Somehow, the idea of someone living their life on Social Media is somewhat related, but I think “Social Media” , like anything, can and is abused but it also contributes n a positive way to our lives.  

I didn’t know how to dress during my walk for 66 degrees, and I ended up dressing way too warm, which instill better than dressing too cold.

We are going to watch the World Series with interest this year, since we have been following the Cubs for years and agonized as they failed to advance to the World Series. Why we followed the Cubs I really don’t know, since I was following the Cubs before I ever was in Chicago.  

A few years  ago we listened to a book by Tony La Russa (St. Louis Cardinals former Manager).  I was amazed at all of the strategy that goes into a baseball game in the mind of the Manager and players.  There is literally some strategy for every pitch.  

I guess “life” is a little like that.  You have a strategy for every pitch.  No strategy is a strateg, probably not a good one, but still a strategy.

The “Citizens Police Academy” in the city where I live is starting to wind down to the last few sessions.  It has been very interesting and enlightening in more ways than I expected.  

Sometimes I wonder how the regular “8 to 5” (with some variations) continues to be considered the “standard” shift, even though many professions work other shifts.  

Not only the regular ones you think of, but also there are the people working at the overnight convenient stores, etc.  

I read recently where Wal Mart raised it’s wages, expecting to take a hit on profits etc. due to the higher wages.

At least so far, “surprise”, the workers are more productive, there is less turnover, they have good ideas and Was Mart is making better profits.  That is probably one interpretation and is teh short term result, but it doesn’t surprise me a bit.

“Office day” today.  I have a lot of stuff to catch up on, so I am looking forward to getting some things done today.

That’s it for now, Tuesday, October 25, 2016.

Monday, October 24, 2016

2016 Fall October 24 Monday

59 degrees this morning Walk 36:25 minutes

Noted this morning I had misspelled a word in my post yesterday.  An obvious word and the “spellcheck” had even highlighted it.  It was “October” so I obviously know how to spell it!

No matter how many times I review something, sometimes….

Sometimes I have this thought that someone is coming in after me and changing the spelling (or whatever), although I know that isn’t true.  

However, “spellcheck’ does frequently change the wording I use, sometimes completely changing the word I used.   I’ not always sure if “spellcheck” is worth it.

Something is digging in our flower beds and now our lawn.  Haven’t figured out what it is, but it is a weird feeling to think of some creature (or insect) digging in our lawn in the middle of the night.  

I did some research and it probably is an insect.  Looked on the internet.  Originally I thought it was a mole or a possum etc., but it may well be an insect of some sort.  

Whatever it is, I want to find something to make it go away!  

That is always a problem with owning a house, finding someone reliable to work on it if something is needed.

Of course we hear all kinds of squeaks etc. that we wonder if it is an indication of something wrong, but not enough that we can justify calling someone if it is serious or not!

Next Monday is Halloween. Although I like the fact that children enjoy it, it seems rather strange to have a semi holiday built sound what is essentially extortion.  (“Trick or Treat”!).  

I will always remember on Halloween in 1991, it actually snowed.  (I verified this on Google, it snowed 3 “).  I was reading “Bright Lights Big City” and I read it straight  through while it snowed outside.  I don’t remember 3”, that is a major storm there, but I do remember it was a relatively heavy snow for any time of year.

Normally I don’t recall it snowing much until around Christmas, but of course the potential for snow is always there November through March.

One thing I really don’t miss about being City Manager is having to worry about snow and ice.  
Obviously if it only snows a couple of times a year, it is difficult to justify massive equipment which can handle quick clean up of sow and ice.

I am always surprised at the big difference there is between the snow here and the snow (and cold weather) where I grew up.  

Occasionally (I should say very rarely) I will be in the area where I went to grew up or where I where I went to college and I realize my memory on how cold it was (and how cold the wind was) is correct!

For some reason I have started dreaming again, some really colorful dreams.  I haven’t been remembering them long enough to write them down in any detail except the one noted the other day.

Start of another week. 

That’s it for now, Monday, October 24, 2016.