Saturday, July 30, 2016

2016 Summer July 30 Saturday

75 degrees this morning, walk 36:47 minutes (estimated,forgot to shut off stop watch)

After I commented yesterday morning on how clear the sky was and how I could see all the stars, I was surprised when it came time to ride the bike that it was pouring rain and we were in a heavy lightning and thunder storm!

Obviously I didn’t even think of riding my bike!

One thing I have always feared happened, the recycling bin fell over and recycling material spilled out.  I was able to get it put back in with heavy rain and wind!  The regular trash fell over also, but there wasn’t much in it.  

Since we had the Sprinkler system fixed, it has rained several times, which is kind of the way things seem to happen!

Supposed to be reasonably nice the rest of the week, although you never know  

The annual return to school is starting.  Although I’m not directly involved, the school items start appearing in stores and plans are being made that include school activities. 

I decided to skip weights this morning and give my muscles a rest.   I probably need to alternate exercises daily so I don’t do the same thing all the time.  Routine is so nice though!  I can just go through my exercises without really thinking about it.  

Been reading on interval training/high intensity training.  While I’m not sure if it is for me, I think I will use in in some degree by speeding up my walk and bike ride.  The bike ride actually includes periods of high intensity (going up a hill) and rest periods (when freewheeling down a hill).

I will need to think about  waking, I tend to use walking as a period of reflection, analysis and even planning was I walk eat morning without really seeing anything.  Between listening to my book, thinking and planning, I keep busy during my walk!

The bicycle ride is a little different, in that I don’t listen to anything and am much more aware of my surroundings. 

I can feel my “bicycle legs” slowly  developing.  It is not a fast process by any means. but my legs are much strongly than when I resumed back riding. 

Walking and bicycling  are completely different exercises, at least the way I do it.  I enjoy both, and they both are much different.

Riding the bike, I get the true sense of motion, of gliding along, of the potential of the joy of bicycle riding!

Hard to believe, but it is starting to sprinkle again, may or may not do bike ride this morning. It is a very light sprinkle and I expect  it will not be a problem for bicycling riding. 
(a few minutes later).  However, the rain was enough to  send me back from the patio.  (Another reason we need a roof on it!.  It is fun to sit outside while it is raining, as long as I am out of the rain!

While I don’t ride the bike in the rain (for many good reasons) or  even when it is wet, this rain appears like it is likely to be dry when I ride my bike.  

Good weekend planned, including a birthday party for a one-year old, which is always fun!

That’s it for now, Saturday, July 30, 2016.  

Friday, July 29, 2016

2016 Summer July 29 Friday

78 degrees this morning, walk 36:33 minutes

Nice to walk under the stars this morning without any clouds in the sky.  There is still enough “dark sky” in this area that you can see the starts etc.  Only a half moon (actually a little less), but I enjoy the full moon when I can!

Definite coolness in the air this morning, even at 78 degrees.  

This is “National Chicken Wing Day” (or something close).  I was advised by a Buffalo Wild Wings e-mail that “wings” are half price today, all day. Don’t know that the chickens will be happy about it.

I guess it is normally quiet out here most mornings, I can hear the car (or vehicle) that delivers the papers each morning.  I recognize the sound of it’s motor and the way it is driven.  

While I am currently sitting out on the patio (of course) in back of the house, I can also hear it inside the house where I write this journal.  

I never got back into my habit of reading the newspapers when I moved here.  It just worked out so well in Memphis when I could ride my bike to the gym and read them while I rode the stationary bicycle.  Of course, there the papers got delivered at 3:30 a.m or so.  

Here, they don’t get delivered until 5:00 a.m.  (actually it was 6:00 a.m. where I used to live so that is early).  However, it isn’t early enough for me, and I  really can’t read the paper without disrupting my other schedule.

Actually normally I look at the local paper (which as a newspaper  is what you would expect around here-I don’t bother reading the editorial pages), which doesn’t take long.  I read the Wall Street Journal later and just read the New York Times on the internet and only get the Sunday paper.  

For whatever reason, maybe all of the other news sources, I don’t really feel any compulsion to read them.  However, they are unique enough I pick up news that makes it well worth the time and money to subscribe and read them, at least right now.  

The problem with internet news are the advertisements are so disruptive, I frequently quit reading in disgust.  When I get a “pop up” ad, I normally just exit the site.  Ads are understandable, but they shouldn’t be disruptive.   

Also, much of the internet “news” is simply thinly disguised advertisements or one sided opinions of the owner or writer or whatever.

I miss the “unbiased” news of the past, it seems there ought to are  one source of “news” that is really “news” and not slanted and biased  articles. 

Last day of July.  I always think of August as when it is still hot and summer, but the nights start getting shorter, a portent of the winter to come.  Of course, there are still many nice days left before cold weather hits.  

I am going to have to keep track of how long the Crepe Myrtle bloom.  It is amazing.  We have three Crepe Myrtle, one a beautiful red one,one pink and one white.  

Field day today.  While I normally have a general plan of where I am going (some times, especially at the first of the month, plans for a Field Day are much more defined), each day seems to take on a life of it’s own.  

When I think about it, each day is kind of like that.  No matter what you plan, you normally react to what is happening and adjust, so no day, no matter what your are doing, goes exactly as planned.  Probably a good thing!

That’s it of now, Friday, July 29, 2016.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

2016 Summer July 28 Thursday

74 degrees this morning, Walk 36:03 minutes 

Cooler this morning, but somehow the walk seemed just as hot or hotter.  Probably the humidity from the recent rains etc.  We have had some heavy lightning etc. and some heavy rain.  

The City we live in recently had to start buying water from the “central city”.  It was interesting, the way they process their water is enough different that the change could affect fish tanks or certain medical equipment.  

That is one thing we really miss about Memphis is the excellent water.  It was all ground water and it was excellent tasting etc.  

I realize some areas have to use surface water, but I drink as little of it as possible, since I can’t believe all the chemicals etc. don’t affect you in some way.  I know it is tested and is safe, but I can’t help but get a queasy feeling about all the chemicals.  

For some reason, our house has a  reasonably new water softener.  I may keep it too soft (or too hard for all I know).  One of those “a round tuits” I need to get done, probably call the city and ask them or a water softener person.  

I am amazed at the water wasted in watering of  right of ways, medians etc. by the HOA and other residents.  During my walk, there are large  areas where there is water running down the streets every day, apparently ignoring the “odd/even” rationing.  

Somehow I feel that maintaining proper operation of medical equipment (and fish tanks for that matter) is a lot more important than unnaturally green grass on a street right of way or a median or even a yard for that matter. 

Also, I am sure when they have to buy “peak” water, it is very expensive and so the wasting of the water affects everyone’s bills also.  

I think that is one reason that I thought Tennessee’s approach that a Water Utility or a Sewer Utility didn’t “make or lost money”, and never was supported, or supported other operations of the City.

I think the approach here makes water too cheap so it is wasted.  No one is paying the true  cost of the water, since it is supported by sales taxes etc.  

Anyway, our sprinkler system is operating now, so I expect I will find out the cost of water here.  Although we basically just water enough to keep the grass and trees etc. on life support, I think it will still be expensive.  

I was amazed at the dip in electric use we had (until Air Conditioning session started) just due to switching to LED lighting for much of our security lighting or lights we use a lot.  There was a noticeable dip in electric used.  

We need to continue replacing our light bulbs with LED lights, although for some reason the “floodlight” type LED lights are very expensive.  

Soon it will be August of 2016. Time seems to speed by, not just  seems to, but does.  I think that is one reason I write this journal on a regular basis is to somehow make some sense of where the time goes and somehow mark the passage of time.  

I think I feel if I mark the passage of time, it somehow preserves the fact that time is valuable even though it disappears fast.  

In addition to this journal, I keep an “events” journal which basically notes what I did each day (where an what I eat, any notable events etc.).  Somehow it preserves the value of the past as well as the future by providing a means to remember it.  I can go back and remember the entire day just by noting a few entries. Somehow that puts a marker on time, and it doesn’t just pass into the blur of history, since I now have some way of remembering the events of each day.

That’s it for now, Thursday, July 28, 2016.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

2016 Summer July 27 Wednesday

77 degrees this morning.  Walk 36:13 miles

Relatively cool air this morning.  No rain, at least as of this time, although the forecast  is for more rain later today.

Listening to the stories about the great philosophers, I have to wonder where they got time to come up with all of their writings, thoughts, speeches and activities.  Although many of them were recognized when young  as to their potential some weren’t.  

Of course, I wonder even in the current world how people really have time to work, and watch all of the tv shows, sports, movies and read all the books they say they do.  

Maybe it is more to the point on why you would want to spend your time in such a manner.  

Anyway, I know I can’t do it, and if they can, more power to them.  I already feel like I frequently just skim information, which is not always bad by any means.  Skimming Facebook, the internet news, newspapers etc. is the only way I have time to look at them.  

I really feel that no matter how much time you have (if retired, out of a job etc.) somehow activities expand to fill the time to the point you always feel like you don’t have enough time. Except when I am waiting in line or something, I don’t ever remember being bored for something to do.

That brings up one of my worst nightmares, the “drive thru” anything (bank, laundry, McDonalds, Starbucks, pharmacy etc.).  I just don’t like drive thru’s and normally don’t use them.  
I have gotten to the point where I normally will use a bank drive thru, but that is about it.

My major problem is I can’t stand to sit in the car and wait, and my worst nightmare is getting caught in a drive thru line and not being able to get out!  

The other night I decided I’d go through the drive thru to pick up some prescriptions and I could feel a claustrophobic reaction as I wait, a welling of anxiety that I really had no control over except to control my breathing.  A  really strange feeling.  

It isn’t anger or even impatience, it is just a steady rise of feeling  anxious 

Probably one thing I really don’t like about drive thru’s  is that if there is a mistake, it is really hard to get it corrected.

Also, I really don’t like eating in the car (so much for Sonic!), and I don’t like having old food containers in the car if I can’t get rid of them right away.  

The one exception is on a “field day” at work, I almost never stop for lunch, but eat a “food bar”, some nuts and maybe an apple while I am in the car.   I try to get ride of the apple core as soon as possible.

Speaking of claustrophobia, several years ago I was at a conference and went out to dinner with  group, probably about 20 people.  I was in a long “bench” seat,right in the middle, with absolutely no way to get out until after the  dinner was over.  

I really was completely stressed out and can’t remember feeling more anxious and stressed out than I was sitting there with the knowledge that I couldn’t get out!  I decided I would never let myself get into that position again and I haven’t.

The only worse time was when I was in an airplane with a cramped seat and a very low ceiling.  I really had to practice my deep breathing then to avoid an anxiety attack of major proportions although I have no idea what an anxiety attack is.  I don’t want to find out either, so I really try to avoid those situations.  

That's it for now, Wednesday, July 27, 2016. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

2016 Summer July 26 Tuesday

74 degrees this morning, no walk (rain).

Big lightning and thunder storm last night, lots of rain, light rain this morning, forecast is for some more scattered rain.  

Listing while i walk to some of the ideas philosophers had about elections.  The current elections and some past elections indicate that they were true in some respects as far as elections not attracting qualified people for office due to the nature of elections.  

T:hey also mentioned about “buying” elections and the role of money in elections.  There is to much to really go into it here, but I am surprised at the accuracy of some of the comments as to what can happen and the unqualified people who can get elected, at all levels of government.  

Time to try to decide already if we are going to refinance our house, interest rates have actually declined that much since we bought the house in February.  Since we don’t see any reason we would move, it probably makes sense to go ahead and do it.  

That (house refinancing) is another area where you have to make a decision based on incomplete information, and I really wonder about the extremely high “underwriting” fees they charge.  Somehow “competition” is not a factor, and the original estimate seems to always go up, never down.

When financing or buying a house (especially buying a house), you also feel like you are going to a machine with a bunch of animals nipping at you, getting pressured to make decisions based on incomplete information, signing “standard” paperwork which has one sided provisions which aren’t explained until someone goes wrong etc.  

Of course, as I have mentioned before, it is infuriating that you are expected to make a decision on a car, or something that is a huge financial commitment based on a single test drive or one hurried visit to a house etc.  

That is especially true when you can’t trust the house inspector to do a good inspection job etc.  

However, no one makes you make a decision, it is up to the individual.  The last car we bought, I did wait the “3 days” and not accept a car off they lot they might try to pawn off on us.  Overall we have been pleased with the car.  

I know one area where buying “quality” is worth the money is shoes.  Since I have been buying a higher quality of walking shoes (and shoes in general) I haven’t had any problem with  my feet, which is great.  

I even bought a pair of “dress” walking shoes for work, since I frequently walk so much on my “field days”.  It has made a big difference.  

I just bought a pair of “dress” walking shoes for working “in the field”, and wore them for the first time yesterday.  I noticed the difference.  

My “new” walking shoes actually just completed 20% of their estimated life span.  

Considering what the foot doctor was proposing I would need (an operation on my foot and six weeks of not walking, at least with crutches etc.) a few dollars more for a decent pair of shoes is well worth it.

I have always wondered (in silence) about why “dressing up” involves discomfort.  I have never seen the reason for a tie, and wearing a men’s suit or coat in the heat never ceased to puzzle me.

The sprinkler repair people are supposed to be here this week, of course, just as we get the most rain we have gotten for months!  But that seems to be the wait goes!

That’s it for now, Tuesday, July 26, 2016.

Monday, July 25, 2016

2016 Summer July 25 Monday

81 degrees this morning, walk 35:36 minutes

Last week of July 2016!  As I bemoan frequently, time (especially the Summer) goes so fast!  It is hard to believe August is almost here.  

Taking a break from weight lifting today.  I don’t know if I lift enough weight that I even need to take a break, but I find as long as it is one day, I come back refreshed.  

I have found it helps to take a one or two day break from bicycling, at least while I am trying to get my “bicycle legs” back!  I seem to come back with stronger legs than before the break so it seems to help.

I am gradually increasing my bicycling distance and time.  I don’t have a “plan” as such, just keep bicycling and increase a little as I am able on a regular basis. 

Also decided to follow my own advice and try to get more time during the “hyper-time” of the day.  I call from when I get up to when I go to work “hyper-time” since it seems to go so fast.  

Anyway, instead of taking a shower, shave etc. after I walk and then a short shower after I bicycle, I am going to only take a shower after I bicycle.  Doesn’t sound like much time, but it could be as much as 20 minutes which is a lot during hyper time.  

On the other hand, I may decide it feels so good to take a shower after my walk I will continue to do it.  

Sitting on the patio, hearing a dog barking in the distance.  Thank goodness I can’t hear it from inside the house.  It is one of those does with the especially annoying high-pitched yap.  Nothing against dogs, but I prefer not to hear them bark!  

Of course, I have to wonder why the dog is barking and hope it is ok.  Kind of like there may be a  reason why a baby is crying.  On the other hand, the dog may just like to bark.

Should be getting the sprinkler system fixed this week.  I have to wonder about what the previous owners were thinking when they lied about the sprinkler system working and just being “winterized” and lied that it didn’t have numerous defects.  I like to sleep at night and not have to wonder about someone coming after me for lying.  

Sometimes I think it is just easier to pay it and not worry about it, but then you are rewarding homeowners who lie and lazy house inspectors.

Our car will have it’s 4 year warranty expire today (We are just under the 50,000 mile part of the guarantee) and my MacBook Air warranty expires in early August.  Hopefully, they will continue to operate satisfactorily with no problems.

Normally, I would be looking to buy another laptop, but since Apple computer shut down the “one to one” program, I have no incentive buy another one.  They really haven’t made any major improvements anyway, I really don’t plan to buy another Apple computer until they have a touch screen.  

What really irritates me about Apple Computer is they just quietly quit doing something and don’t bother to announce it, almost like they are hiding it.  I found out about the “one to one” program being stopped by accident.  

However I will never (based on present and expected circumstances) buy any phone than an iPhone or tablet other than an iPad.  Certainly I will never buy another Samsung product, or a Sony product.

I have documented my problems with Samsung, and some years ago we bought two Sony tv’s from Best Buy and the end result was we will never buy another Sony product or anything from Best Buy.  

Anyway, live and learn.  I am learning fast that I am not going to sign anything until it is reviewed by an Attorney.  If they need it faster than that, I don’t need to sign it!  

That’s it for now, Monday, July 25, 2016.  

Sunday, July 24, 2016

2016 Summer July 24 Sunday

82 degrees this morning, Walk 36:15 minutes

Hot weather continues, which is great for me!  I enjoy it and do not look forward to cold weather at all.

Listening to my book during my walk this morning, the phrase “He wrote the truth, so everyone hated him” (or words to the effect that if you tell the truth, you will upset everyone.)

While I am sure that is correct, I think it is a large step to define anything as the absolute “truth”. The writer may believe it to be true, or it may be true at the time, but I doubt that any writer or speaker knows the complete “truth” and there is always room for discussion and changes. 

I think the overload of information and the slanting of news by even what once was considered legitimate news media (print, broadcast, radio and internet included) has made it impossible to define “truth”.  

It almost appears that “truth” is what the writer or speaker believes and you can almost be assured 100% that what they are writing or saying is not the “truth”, it is only their slanted and distorted version of events or of a situation or what a “sponsor” pays them to say. 

Even reviewing different sources of the same event, sometimes you wonder if you are reading about the same event, there are so many different versions, based on the perspective of the person reporting the news or (more likely) what they, or someone paying them want you to believe, not the real truth.  

Anyway, so it is probably a waste of time to get mad about someone telling the “truth” because it isn’t the truth anyway.  

A lot of history and philosophy is people attempting to get to the “truth” or to “prove” something.  Like “the journey is the goal”, 

I think it is essential that people attempt to further knowledge or whatever, but the “truth” or “proof” may be changed by either events, other people working on the same knowledge or even the beliefs of the person performing the analysis.  

I don’t really believe out of a lot of babble an essential truth emerges.  Junk is junk.  

I can say it is “true” that I enjoy sitting on the patio on warm summer morning!  I guess that is bout as close to the “truth” as any statement!  

I can pretty well tell you when my neighbors sprinkler systems start, etc.  While it is still too early for people to go to work, when I ride my bicycle, I have a good idea by now of when people go to work, which car is likely to be backing out etc.  

This isn’t nearly as good as my beloved patio in Lakeland, but it is nice, especially in the morning.As I have mentioned, a root needs to be put over the patio for us to really use it much in the evening.

I have started eating breakfast in the morning on the patio, which is very nice.  It is still coolish and provides a good start to the day.  

Weekend is already half over.  I treasure Summer weekends, even if I just stay inside!    

Of course, here, “summer” usually lasts until late September and then October, November and early December are still relatively pleasant.  

That’s it for now, Sunday, July 24, 20016.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

2016 Summer July 23 Saturday

79 degrees this morning, walk 36:23 minutes

Pondering about buying clothes etc., things that last for a long time.  

I always though it is rather pushy for someone to expect you to make a decision on something you are going to have for a long time in a few brief minutes or hours. 

Examples of such things are not only houses and cars, but also clothing (especially shoes etc.), including appliances etc.  

Considering that if you overlook anything missing that is key to your enjoyment of an item,, or it isn’t just quite right.

I always, in theory, use the “3 day rule”, that I don’t buy something for three days that I am likely to keep for awhile.  Of course, whether I follow it or not is another matter.  

You always get the feeling it won’t be around for 3 days, or that you are taking to much time to make a decision etc.  When you think about it, only the person buying and living with the it can really decide when they are ready to buy it.  

Actually, my thoughts on this came up because of shoes.   Shoes of course need be comfortable, but also have to look good or be the right type.  However, when you purchase a pair of shoes, you can figure on living with them for a number of years.  

Ditto with coffee makers.  While I like the coffee maker i recently bought at Sams and am glad I bought it, it has a design problem.  I have decided that any “special purchase” at Sams will probably have some kind of design problem, be obsolete or otherwise have a problem that the manufacturer wanted to get rid of it cheap.  

That has been true with Sam’s items from a cd player to a satellite clock to the coffee maker I just bought.  I’m not sorry I bought the coffee maker, the design problem is on the cover of the water storage area.  

Another very strong and strange dream. I don’t remember a large portion of it.  

7-22-16:  Dream

Dream Aliene and I were someplace, in a desert type of area.  

At first it seemed like the area we live in now.  

She asked me to go get something ( I can’t remember what).

I took off and soon the terrain changed.  I felt like I had missed a turn.

I started going in a hilly area and went in to an area where there was a small city of tents selling (I believe) American Indian crafts 

I walked through and kept thinking I needed to get the items for Aliene.

I started walking for the car I had parked and suddenly was walking on top of a mountain trail. 

The trail was like a “single track” at the very top of the mountain, it was narrow.

I got to the end and looked down ands valleys and snow and mountains.

I thought, “i’m not where we live anymore”, Aliene will will get worried.

They I realized I had trapped myself at the top of the mountain.  

I finally dropped down a cliff.  I looked and saw more mountains.

Then I woke up.

A strange and almost disturbing (for some reason) dream.  

That’s it for now, Saturday, July 23, 2016