Friday, October 29, 2010

Weeding Books

I look at all my books and know I have to "weed" my book collection sometime. It is difficult, since each one (even the ones I haven't read) shout out their own story to me as I try to find one to throw away.

Yes, one, I have tried in the past to weed one book per week, but I can't bring myself to weed the first one even. I try to think that the book will enjoy being read by someone, but.... I even made a rule that anytime I add a book, I need to "weed" a book, I can't always bring myself to do it.

I look at them and see the potential in them, especially the ones I haven't read.

I can't believe I will ever feel about "e-books" the way I feel about physical books. It just isn't the same. Of course, I will be able to save all of my e-books without worrying about space.

It is starting to get cold, 46 degrees this morning, after being 78 degrees just several days ago. I don't mind the cool weather as knowing that it is going to be cool for the next six months or so!

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

The Answer?

Well, we may have several answers.

The easy one. I disconnected the electric connection AND took out the battery from the smoke alarm and it gave several whimpers and was quiet. When we bought the house, we assumed it had a fire alarm tied into the alarm system (so the fire department was automatically notified). We found out we didn't, so we had new alarms installed that tied in directly to the alarm system that notified the dispatcher so the fire department would automatically be called in the event the smoke alarm went off. They left the "old" smoke alarms (wired with a backup battery).

Aliene now has TWO answers to her problem. The Internist thinks she has Lymphocyte Colitis and that a shot he gave her stopped the diarrhea. The Gastrologist thinks she has has a Gluten allergy. In any event, her diarrhea has (somewhat stopped) and all she wants to do is have it stop and get out of the hospital!

She actually got hungry today, for the first time in four weeks. She is seeing a Nutritionist tomorrow and hopefully will be out by Friday. Of course, we have thought before she was getting out and been disappointed, so... We are hoping!

We'll keep you advised!

Sunday, October 03, 2010

The Tell-Tale Alarm

Slowly, I am going insane from the "beeping" of the "dead" fire alarm! I now understand Edgar Allan Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart".

"The Tell-Tale Heart" was in the literature books I read when I was a child. Actually I probably read it numerous times before I finally understood it, like the store "Alas Babylon" (about nuclear disaster, but I didn't realize what it was about until I was an adult. I found the literature books several years ago and purchased them for my library. I started reading Vincent, John and Mary Anne's high school literature books when I was in the 4th grade because I was bored and I read them numerous times (The Tell-Tale Heart", "The Hitchhiker", "O Captain", "Our Town", "Mary White" the one about the telegraph boy who delivers the telegram of death, the kidnappers who end up paying to get rid the child they kidnapped, ("the Ransom of Red Chief") the "Gift of the Magi" the "War of the Worlds", "Outcasts of Poker Flats," , Rendezvous with Death" etc. still stick in my mind from the numerous readings. That was over 50 years ago! I'm going to have to take the time to pull them out and read them again. I especially enjoyed the American Literature.

Actually, I used the "Rendezvous with Death" idea in a speech about my experience of being charged by a buffalo on a hike up Elk Mountain in Oklahoma years ago.

I am composing an e-mail to the alarm manufacturer in my head and it is not a nice e-mail or letter!

Actually, since Aliene is still in the hospital I'm not spending a lot of time here right now and if I really concentrate I can ignore it and I can get a motel room if I actually have to. It would be cheaper than repairing the fire alarm, wall and electrical damage I would cause by doing what I really want to.