Monday, December 26, 2005


Overall, a good Christmas, marred somewhat by colds etc. While Angela, Kali and Katherine and I had a good visit before Christmas, both Angela and Kali were sick and unable to attend the "Christmas Party" and open gifts etc. It was still nice, but nothing is more fun than watching children opening gifts!

Aliene and I are still feeling the lingering effects of being sick. I still have a cough etc. (sometimes I wonder if I've always coughed), but I feel a lot better today and hopefully it is basically over.

We are visiting with Kim, Eleanor and Rebecca in Tulsa and having a good time!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

December 21

December 21 is one of my favorite days because it is the "shortest day of the year", which means Summer is ahead! Of course, there is still a lot of cold weather, but at least the days are getting "longer".

Actually of course, in Memphis, Winter really doesn't normally get bad until about January and continues through late March with a lot of nice days. However, the "chill" of winter doesn't normally recede until late April, which you really feel Spring is here and Summer is ahead!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Moving continues

Aliene and I are still not feeling well, so the move is going slowly and we are living in a sea of boxes! So far, we have managed to move a few things since we went to our Doctor Monday and got some medicine for what we had. We had two entirely different things, I had acute bronchis and Aliene had some kind of virus.

We had thought by now we would be somewhat settled in, but perhaps this is the way it was meant to be.

We have a wonderful view out of our back windows and really enjoy it.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

We have moved!

We moved to our new house on Monday, December 12. Overall, I think we are going to really enjoy the new house, as soon as we get settled.

We had planned to get "settled" this weekend, but both Aliene and I got sick. I think Aliene has some type of flu and I have a coughing cold that I am trying to get rid of. So, here we sit, both sick, with boxes stacked around just waiting to be put away!

We had hoped to at least clean our the garage enough so we could get the cars in, but no such luck unless one of us starts feeling better!

We plan on going to OKC next weekend for Christmas, so we hope we start feeling better and are able to get some of our stuff put away this week before we leave for OKC!

After driving through the ice storm last Christmas, we decided to fly this year!

Friday, December 09, 2005


We "took possession" of our new house Wednesday, November 30. (Due to the way it was financed, we had already "closed" on it last August.)

A few minor things to be done, or problems, as always, but overall we are very happy with it.

We moved some storage items from the "POD" into the house, but THE move is going to be Monday, December 12. We gave up on moving ourselves and are hiring someone to move us, at least the big items. We are going to be glad to be in our new home.

The apartments weren't bad. The Champion Hills apartments are very professionally managed and maintained well. Still, it will be nice to have our own home (and garage) again!