Thursday, October 31, 2019

2019 Fall October 31 Thursday

26 degrees this morning 79% humidity feels like 17 degrees 

Another miserable day yesterday, even worse than the previous days.  Around 35 degrees and a light mist all day.  At least it didn’t turn into “freezing rain”.  I kept watching the temperature and actually listened to FM radio (for the weather), but no sign of any freezing rain.  

I have to admit when I went on an elevated structure, I kind of clinched when I remembered the signs “bridge freezes first”, or words to that effect.

I do have a “office day” today, so I’d don’t need to worry about the weather, at least as much as I would if I had to travel a lot in it.  

I am definitely ready for Spring to come already!  

No “o” n my computer much of the time, this may be a strange entry.  Already I try and think f words that don’t have an “o”. Actually I am writing this on my iPad again.  

Halloween and it looks like I’m not going to wear my “Halloween shirt” this year (Sigh). Maybe tomorrow.  Next year I will be ready.

Picked up my computer without doing any work on it.  At first the “o” worked, but it stopped working.  It usually will work if I press it for a long time, but not always.

As I mentioned I went ahead and ordered the new MacBook Air, rather than try to baby the one I have.  I couldn’t do much more with it.  Probably outfoxed myself and not get any trade-in, but thats life.  If nothing else I can use it as a monitor etc.  

I was supposed to get a trade-in package for the iPhone 6, but haven’t gotten it yet.  Maybe they decided it was too old, but it seems like they would tell me.

Reading a book about “money”.  (Elizabeth Dunn, “Happy Money”.  One of the chapters discuss how we enjoy something more if it is “scarce”.  The book even says that we enjoy (for example chocolate less if we have it two weeks in a row etc.  

The author terms it “make it a treat”, saying a treat is a lot more enjoyable than something that is available all the time.

I certainly agree with the concept, but on the other hand, if you have a chocolate bar every day, does the “small pleasure” every day, add more happiness in aggregate than the one every week (or whatever).  

It may depend on the item.  As far as chocolate or something sweet, we usually eat one small “sweet” item a day. That makes it special to me.  

It is strange, I can afford to buy all the “sweets”, doughnuts, candy bars etc. I want, but I really don’t want more than the one or so we have each day.  Actually I do, but I know the adverse affects on health, weight etc. so it isn’t really an option to have more than one a day or for some special event no matter how little they cost.

When we go to some grocery stores, I always am amazed how many cakes, pies, donuts etc. you can buy for very little money! 

One of her other “Principles” is “Buy Experiences”.  I’ll go into that in a future post.

That’s it fo now Thursday, October 31, 2019.


Wednesday, October 30, 2019

2019 Fall October 30 Wednesday


36 degrees this morning, 96% humidity Feels like 24 degrees 

Another miserable day yesterday, temperature high was 38 degrees, rain most of day.  Somewhat concerned about freezing rain, but at least it hasn’t happened yet. 

To top it off, this was a thunderstorm with extremely loud thunder and a lot of rain.

Supposedly it is supposed to get to 24 degrees some time today, or maybe they meant the wind chill.

I didn’t really realize how cold it was until I got into a cold car and suddenly felt the cold.  3 degrees may not sound cold, but it is cold!

Usually have a field day today, may change to an “office” day if it is going to start icing up or even if it is raining most of the day.  We generally have flexibility in when we have field days and it is emphasized to not worry about going out in bad weather.  

This is really the type of “winter” weather. I hate, almost worse than snow.  Of course, ice is a lot worse than snow, I’d take snow over ice any time.

Had my MacBook Air checked out, my instincts that I need a new one were correct. The one I have should last until I get the new one.  

My new MacBook Air is scheduled to arrive 11-11-19, which would be 23 years to the day (11-11-86) when I got my first “PC Compatible”.  It had NO hard drive, and the store owner told me, “this will do for a while”.  In a few months, I added a 10MBG (not GIG) hard drive which seemed fast and big.

I actually had had a. Vic 20 and a Commodore 64 before that, in about 1981.

Something with Holidays and I and computers. On Christmas Eve, 1989, I got may first “laptop”, a RadioShack that, if remember correctly, didn’t have a hard drive, and used the “new” 3 1/2 inch disks!

Also, on or about 11-11-06 (I think it actually was November 8, but, what the heck.), I got my first Apple desktop computer and events took off from there.

Because of the “tax holiday” in Tennessee, I started buying my computers on or about my birthday, (which the tax holiday usually fell on), since the 9% savings was significant!  In my current State, the Tax Holiday doesn’t include computers.  

Being around all the thunders storms and cold make me realize how nice it would be to live in a different climate (also where I didn’t cough), but all locations have something that is a negative and there are too many positives to living here, even with the weather and coughing. 

A weird dream this morning.  I dreamed I was driving on a dirt road up a hill.  Sometimes it was raining, sometimes not.

Anyway, I started to feel disoriented, like I couldn’t stay on the road.  I would recover and then get disoriented again.

At the last I was backing up a dirt road in heavy rain and couldn’t see.  I realized there was a curtain over the rear window, partially drawn, which is why I couldn’t see.  I woke up with no idea as to why I had such a dream!  

Hopefully I will have the laptop back today (depending on the wealthier).  I was able to get this posted, but I’m not sure if I can do it again!

That’s it for now, Wednesday, October 30, 2019.


Tuesday, October 29, 2019

2019 Fall October 29 Tuesday


31 Degrees this morning (feels like 23) 82% Humidity

Miserable day yesterday, cold, light rain occasionally.  Preparing us for winter, high was around 45 degrees.  “Freeze warning” was apparently correct!  

I decided to have a Mac computer shop look at the “c” on my MacBook Air.  I thought it would be a simple fix, but, if not, no cost or harm, except that the trade-in value will substantially decrease!  

I am using my iPad, and it actually isn’t that bad.  I was thinking perhaps I could just use this instead of a laptop, but I don’t think I’m quite there. 

It would be nice to have a “touch screen”, but there are other limitations.  Of course many of the projects I need the laptop are “round Tu it” projects, but if I can’t do it, it will eliminate the possibility of me doing them.  

I think maintaining the possible is worth getting the laptop.  Of course, I could always use the desktop, but when you get used to a desktop for many projects, it is difficult because of the convenience.

With the Apple environment, I can work on projects on all of my devices which makes it nice.  If I need the desktop for something, I can do some on the iPad, some on the MacBook Air and where needed the desktop.  I also can do part of it on the iPhone.

When I think about it, it is really amazing what we can do now with computers and I’m sure I do only a small minimum of capacity.  

I did find out that my new iPhone doesn’t “rotate” right.  I called (or rather “chatted”) with Apple and of course they wanted to “factory reset” it.  I told them, no thanks, that appears to be their answer to everything.  I’ll take it to the Apple store.  

We are going to take a “seminar” in the iPhone at the Apple store, hopefully I’ll learn more of its capacity!

This is going to be an experience to post this in my usual Journals.  It may be several days before this is posted, but I will write it anyway.  

I guess it is kind of like “if a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it, does it really make a sound”?  If I write this and no one reads it does it actually exist?

Actually I have written a lot of items that only I have seen.  I think basically I write it for myself.  Oddly enough, I have never gone back to read any of what I have written, it is enough to know I wrote it. 

I ponder about how my journal I wrote today would have been different if I had my laptop. One of those things I will never know.  Kind of like the “road not taken” or perhaps “the road taken”.

One of the problems is my passwords are “saved” on my laptop to the point that I have long forgotten the passwords.  Fortunately sometimes I luck out sometimes not!  I am ready to get a “password generator” or whatever they call them so I don’t have to worry about it.

Today is supposed to be a nasty day, rain, cold and even possibly snow or freezing.  I’m glad it is an “office day”!  

I’m going to find out if I am able to post this Journal now.  If not, it will probably be later this week before it is posted, but at least I have written it.

That’s it for now, Tuesday, October 29, 2019.

Monday, October 28, 2019

2019 Fall October 28 2019


39  degrees this morning, 82% humidity 

Wonderful day yesterday, a little cool, high of 68 degrees.

Swim 18:30 minutes yesterday.

The time finally came to go ahead and order another MacBook Air.  Last night the “o” letter didn’t work, and I decided it was time to go ahead and order another one. I think I can get the “
O” fixed, but I don’t want to take any chances.

Doing this on my iPad, so my postings may be a little shorter after this for a while, at least until the new MacBook Air arrives.  Switched back to my MacBook Air after I got the “o” key t work, at least after a fashion. 

Still haven’t coughed a lot, I am delaying heavy exercise until I determine if I don’t cough if I don’t exercise.  Not that I care, I will exercise anyway, but at least I’ll know the cause.  

The lying coward lunatic showed his lack of class and stupidity in announcing the death of the ISIS leader.  For some reason (as always) but the lunatic and his main toadie seemed to want to somehow attempt to say this was “bigger” than Obama’s.  They are really sick.  Much have some huge inferiority complexes.  (With good reason). 

I can’t believe the lying coward lunatic actually said the ISIS leader “died like a coward” etc.  What a lack of class and a way of jeopardizing the military.  In the first place, the lunatic has no idea how he died. He is such a chronic liar, no one ever knows if he is telling the truth or a lie..

Saw a story about the “Opportunity Zone” scam and how the Treasury Secretary Mnuchin actually “intervened” to help out his “friend” a famous thief, Michael Milken rip off tax $ from the so called “Opportunity Zones”.  Sounds like the new program is designed so the lunatic’s buddies can rip off more tax $ than even the “tax cuts”.

Mnuchin tried to use government planes and funds for his honeymoon, which shows how he feels our tax $ are his personal funds.  

He is typical of the lying coward lunatic’s appointments, kiss his boots and tell him how he is always right.  Sick.

Very disturbing to read about the rise of what is essentially a Nazi party in Germany.  A group of people were asked if some quotes from him were Hitler or him and they couldn’t tell the difference.  

Finished “The Institute” by Stephen King.  Overall a good book, at least it kept my attention.

Halloween is almost here.  I have several (casual) shirts I can only wear around Halloween and I forgot to wear them!

Start of another week.  I’m going to go ahead and stop now.  The “o” key does work if I hold it for a while, but is a little frustrating!

That’s it fr now, Monday, October 28, 2019


Sunday, October 27, 2019

2019 Fall October 27 Sunday


50 degrees this morning,  72% humidity 

Generally nice day after two days of rain and cold.  Still cool (High of 65 degrees), but sunny.

My poor MacBook Air has a cord that is frayed and that I kind of hope it charges each time, plus the battery time is getting shorter and shorter. 

I am trying to hold off until on or about November 16, since then I basically don’t pay for it until January of 2020, which has some small advantages as far as cash flow, but not really anything major.  Just one of the credit  card games I play.

Apple doesn’t charge the credit card until a product ships, so I actually can order it in early November. 

I have looked at the new MacBook Air and was very impressed.  I really don’t believe there will be an upgrade this year.  

Swim about 18 minutes yesterday morning, didn’t walk, still raining.  It was nice to swim again.

Listening to the latest John Grisham book and he really reinforces my feelings about “private prisons” and the “expert witness” scam.  

While I realize it is a novel, he is an attorney and has seen the abuses of “for profit” prisons and the scam of “expert witnesses” in our system.  

Hearing his comments about private prisons and reading about the fights in the private prisons in this state  due to bad food, low-paid, short-handed prison guards , etc.

I read about how the private prisons give bad food, don’t have the funds for adequate guards or to make a decent prison environment and then I read about the fat-cat owners giving millions to the lying coward lunatic so he will continue to hand out our tax $ to the private prison scam.

Not only that, they are using their obscene profits to lobby state legislatures , etc., for stricter and longer prison sentences so they can continue to rip off tax $ for inadequate operations.  

Of course the state occasionally shakes their finger at them, but they just laugh and continue violating their contracts, they know the politicians will protect them and continue to throw tax $ at them.  

Have to get back into exercise again.  So far, I haven’t had any coughing episodes , etc., after we returned.  I’d like to keep it that way, but it’s not likely.  

That’s  it for now, Sunday, October 27, 2019.


Saturday, October 26, 2019

2019 Fall October 26 Saturday


44 degrees this morning, 100% humidity

Rain all day yesterday (usually not hard, just continuous) and cold weather, so another miserable day.  Like the weather is trying to show us how good we had it on vacation!

One of the big disappointments of our vacation was I missed a chance to ride in a Lyft “self driving car”.  It would come up as available and then we would be asked to walk several blocks to the pickup , etc., while Uber would come right to us. 

It was “self driving," but also had two “non-driving” safety persons on board.  

Maybe since it couldn’t figure out where we were, maybe it is just as well we didn’t ride it.  Who knows where we would have ended up.

Anyway, I would really like to have had the experience!  

We had some interesting Uber rides, fortunately not that interesting.  

Probably the most interesting driving was the driver on our Hoover Dam/Boulder City, Grand Canyon tour.  He talked literally all the way up there and much of the way back.  Fortunately he was very interesting and a wealth of information and facts about the area.  

One side stop we made was to see the “big horned sheep” in Boulder City.  They come down from the mountain to graze in city park.  I hope I got some good pictures of them.  They were very docile, but also would walk away if you got too close.  

Another rather depressing fact was the amount of water level the Hoover Dam has dropped (primarily due to excessive water withdrawals for things such as keeping grass green).  It is actually to the point that if the water level drops just a few more feet, it won’t be enough to power the hydro generators, that generate electricity.  That is scary. 

Actually due to the shortage of water, there are very few “grass” lawns in the area, primarily due to water conservation rules, and I assume the cost of water.   

I also walked up to the new “bridge’ over the Hoover Dam.  I didn’t walk out on it, but I walked up too it.  

As I have noted previously, I will need to get on organizing my photos before I forget what they are!  Of course, one of the goals of photos is to help you remember so that shouldn’t be a problem.  

My first stop will be to simply try to eliminate the pictures that aren’t that good, and then organize the ones that are left.

I realized watching the World Series, although we may favor one team, it isn’t near as passionate as we feel about “our” teams when they lose or win.  

I plan on organizing them in chronological order, it probably will point out areas where I wished I had taken more pictures.
One thing I did learn from the trip, the iPhone has a wonderful camera (or cameras).  

Rain appears to have stopped this morning, although some drizzle continues.  

That’s it for now, Saturday, October 26, 2019.


Friday, October 25, 2019

2019 Fall October 25 Friday


41 degrees this morning, 97% humidity, rain.

Miserable day yesterday it rained all day, getting colder.  The rain made the cold worse and vice-versa.  Still raining, has been raining almost continuously since Wednesday night, fortunately a light rain most of the time.

First day back at work.  As normal, fell into the routine like I hadn’t been on vacation.  

Not to say the vacation wasn’t well worth it, it was great to get away for a while and just enjoy some new scenery.  Perhaps best of all was the relief of the respiratory problems, coughing , etc.  

It was really amazing how suddenly the respiratory problems ceased suddenly.  Something around here is very strong to cause the problems. 

In a way, it is a relief that it is probably an allergy and not some chronic condition.  Now, if I could just figure out what it is around here that creates the problem.  

Reading more of “The Institute” by Stephan King. It has definitely kept my interest. I won’t go into the plot, but it is interesting.  

Watching Les Miserables on tv, the PBS movie.  I have heard of it all my life, but never read or watched it.  I cheated a little and read the plot, at least the first part of it. I enjoy  a movie like this a lot more if I have some prior knowledge of the plot.  

We happened to be where game one of the World Series was on and started watching it.  We enjoy baseball, so we are watching the games.  It is interesting how the games unfold in a way that no one could predict.  We are, of course, rooting for one team like we have been lifelong fans.  

I recently read about “face recognition” artificial intelligence software being used for hiring people.  

The system analyzes the job candidates facial movements, word choice and speaking voice and then “ranks” them against other applicants on an automatically generated “employability” score.

Of course, as you would expect, colleges and companies  are now having courses in how to get a “higher score” on the program!  Kind of defeats the purpose of the program, unless it is to hire people who score high on an artificial construct!

Probably the worst part of it is that the applicants are never told why they aren’t hired, aren’t advised as to what the computer didn’t like about them.

I think in the spirit of “you get what you pay for," certain traits will be all that is hired and the companies will miss the creativity that comes from having different types of backgrounds, thinking , etc. 

Of course the chance for mischief with the algorithms is high and probably already part of the process already. 

I remember when I applied for Graduate School, one fo the important aspects they considered was my background was different and that is something they desired.

More on this later. 

That’s it for now, Friday, October 25, 2019.


Thursday, October 24, 2019

2018 Fall October 24 Thursday


52 Degrees this morning, 99% humidity, rain all night.

Started off nice yesterday, cloudy when we got home, cold weather coming in.

Back to the reality of work, as they say, or the reality of daily life.  

A very nice and interesting vacation.  One of the most interesting aspects was my coughing and respiratory problems ceased almost completely.  It will be interesting to see how long my coughing cessation , etc., continues.   

I think in the future I will schedule a day off after I get back from vacation rather than scheduling work the next day.  

While there were a lot of highlights of our vacation, one has to be the “skywalk” above the Grand Canyon.  

The Skylight is a glass walk over the Grand Canyon.  Supposedly it is 4,000 feet.  That may be just hype,  but then there isn’t a lot of difference between 2,000 fee and 4,000 feet if you fall through the glass!  It really was fascinating.  

Unfortunately you couldn’t take pictures, they want to be able to sell you photographs of people on the Skywalk.  

However, in a way it doesn’t matter, since photographs can’t even come close to the actual experience of seeing the Grand Canyon.  

We saw the “west rim” this time, which is much different from the South Rim that we visited several years ago.

At one stop, I can understand how people fall over the Grand Canyon sides.  It is very dangerous to say the least since it is so easy to get close.  Of course, getting close is part of the attraction.  

We also saw the sign for “Area 51," which was interesting.  I hadn’t really thought about where “Area 51” was.  I doubt that the infrastructure could support many people “storming the gate” of Area 51  

I really think if there are aliens, they couldn’t be contained by the fences or whatever of “Area 51”.  

I have always thought it is a little presumptuous to think we (humans) are the only “higher form” of life on the world, although I really don’t know if I believe life as we know it exists on other planets , etc.  One of those things that it really doesn’t matter what I think, it either is or isn’t!  

On the other hand, when you look at some of the atrocities committed by humans , and “people” like the lying coward lunatic and his band of boot licking cowards, I’m not sure if the term “intellinent life” actually applies.

That’s it for now, Thursday, October 24, 2019.


Wednesday, October 23, 2019

2016 Fall October 23 Wednesday


67 degrees this morning, 27% humidity

Wonderful day yesterday, high of 81 degrees 

Last day of vacation today.  Overall, it has been a really nice and interesting vacation.  

A lot of pictures, now I will have to put some time in to save the pictures I want and organize them while I still remember what they are! 

I think the problem is I get back with a lot of good intentions, and they remain just that-good intentions!  

I know when I used to go to conferences, I always had plans to organize my notes , etc., and take action when I got back.  Didn’t happen all that often, until the professional organization I belonged to started a program where you kept a record of each conference or seminar and made a written report on how it helped you on your job.

I didn’t have to make a summary, in fact that was discouraged, the idea was to make a summary of how you used what you learned.  It was very effective and I try to do that now whenever I attend a seminar , etc.  

That Is actually the way I learn, so that program helped out a lot as far as benefiting from conferences or seminars , etc. 

Probably I should do something like that with my pictures, instead of just “pictures," do a summary of why I took the picture or pictures)  and what it meant to me.  Even if it was just an “interesting” picture, that would be enough.

Maybe I could put them in the Apple “iBook” and learn how to do that also, another item on my “too it” list.   

While I don’t necessarily make this journal a “learning experience," frequently I develop thoughts or approaches to problems by writing about them. 

I didn’t even bother to charge up or bring my “regular” camera this time.  I just used my iPhone cameras.  It still lacks some flexibility of my regular camera, but it comes close in 90% of the pictures, so I just decided to use the iPhone cameras.  

Decided to order another MacBook Air very soon.  One reason is that the charging cord  is cracking and I’m not sure how much longer it is going to charge my computer.  

Also, I have heard very little about a MacBook Air update, and I think I would have heard it by now.  I will probably order it in mid-November. 

I hope the new MacBook Air is as good an upgrade as the iPhone 11 is.  While it is a jump of roughly 6 generations, I am still surprised at how nice it is.  

I assume in “people age," my old iPhone would be about 120 years old!  

That’s it for now, Wednesday, October 23, 2019.


Tuesday, October 22, 2019

2019 Fall October 22 Tuesday


55 degrees this morning,   27% humidity 

Wonderful day yesterday, a little coolish.

Corrected the “day” on yesterday’s post!  Vacation can mix your week up!  (I had “Sunday” rather than “Monday”).

Vacation continues.  Enjoyable day yesterday.  Time always goes fast while I am on vacation.  When it started it seemed like a lot of time, but it is going fast.  As normal, I am getting confused about the days!  I wonder what will happen when I retire!  

I expect part of it is that I do have a routine connected to my job that has temporarily changed  and after I retire, I will have a routine also.  

Continued reading of  The Institute (by Stephen King).  As with his best novels, he draws you into the story.  It is good, although the subject is rather disturbing, made a little better with the knowledge that events will turn on the criminals in the book!  I hope anyway.

Used the camera on the new iPhone today.  I need to learn more about the operation of the camera(s) on the phone, but I am impressed by it.  I will need to review the pictures etc. yet.  

Especially since digital camera’s have become prevalent, I tend to take too many pictures and “weed out” all but the best.  This works well in theory, but in practice is a little harder to do it!  

I always have a difficult time weeding out “all but the best” since it is hard to determine just exactly which picture is the “best”.   There are always slight differences in each picture that make it difficult to choose a final “best”.  

Since there is really no “limit” on the number of pictures I store that makes it even more difficult since I really don’t have to make a decision on it!

 At least my  procedure helps me to get rid of the “worst” of the pictures.  Normally I start with the idea of “deleting the worst” rather the selection of the best!  It extends the period a little longer, but I think it is more effective.  

I wouldn’t approach many decisions in such a procedure, but I think there is a reason it works well for pictures. 

I am making picture organization one of my priorities on my “personal Strategic  Plan.  I believe I will organize them by year and then by the subject to get my photo’s.

I think the organization of the pictures is important and hopefully I will get started on it. This is one of those projects if I allot 15 minutes per day to it, I could get it completed.  The problem is that all of my “15 minute” projects take up more time than I have!

That’s in for now, Tuesday, October 22, 2019.


Monday, October 21, 2019

2019 Fall October 21 Sunday


55 degrees this morning, 22% humidity

Wonderful  day yesterday.  No rain, high 73 degrees.  

The low humidity has made a big difference in my coughing. Almost no coughing since I have been in a low humidity area.  Of course, it could be something I am allergic too also.  

The iPhone 11 is seeming better all the time.  It is a wonderful phone.  I have already decided my prodding iPhone 6+ I use for a work phone is going to have to go and I am going to put both lines on the iPhone 11, as long as I can separate the lines.  I need to make sure the lines are separate.  

I don’t quite understand how it works, I have read quite a bit about how it works, but I am going to take it to my phone carrier and see what they say.  

Reading the latest Stephen King novel, “The Institute”  As far as I am concerned, it is a classic King novel and keeps you reading late at night, except I don’t read late at night anymore, at least unless I am on vacation.  

I can remember reading “It” until 2 or 3 a.m. on weekends and got up to check the drains in the bathroom!  “It” was a very scary novel.  Probably his first novel “Carrie’ was a scary as any, although “Pet Sematary” was scary.  

Some of his novels became too predictable and complex and I kind of quit reading his books, but the last several have been good.  I’ll have fun going back and reading the ones I have missed!

We recently started listening to the latest John Grisham book, after deciding not to listen or read any more of them since the endings are always horrible and they have almost become so predictable. I used to read several authors that I quit reading simply because I con almost predict the plot, just have to change the names, It just became boring.  

Grisham is a good enough writer he doesn’t become boring, except maybe “The Runaway Jury” which I quit reading in disgust.

There  is nothing like an excellent book that develops a “flow” and you suddenly know you are involved in it and you just want to keep reading it to see what happens.  There is really nothing better than a good book that “gets in the flow” and you can’t hardly stand not to be reading it!

As I noted yesterday, this is the anniversary of my first “career” job.  I have thought about it and still remember how I felt when I first went to work.  Probably more confident than I should have been if I had known how little I knew and how much I had to learn1  

But if you knew what you didn’t know you may never start.  I know after 10 years of so I looked back and wondered how in the world I survived with what little I knew when I started.

Same with my current job.

That’s it for now, Monday, October 31, 2019.
