Saturday, October 22, 2011

37 years!

37 years ago (October 21, 1974), I walked into the Liberal, Kansas City Hall to start my first day of what has turned into a municipal career. The City Manager showed me my office (I was impressed I actually got my own office!) and advised me he wanted a grant for improvement of an area of town and to improve housing. (At the time, Liberal had a housing shortage).

The years since then have gone by in a blur. I think a major change has been that many decisions that in the early years I would have agonized over, I started to make almost without thinking, and my instincts and reading of peoples behavior have significantly increased to a point I find amazing (I also don’t say a lot about it). I think that must be one of the major benefits of experience.

Looking back, I find it is difficult to write about. I started working with grant programs for about eight years, when I assumed my first City Manager job, more of a change than you think it would be. My first few years as City Manager, I read and read about different technical aspects of a city, as well as leadership techniques etc. (Now that I think about it, I still do!).

I found most elected officials really are honest and hard working and their major interest is for the community as a whole, not personal interests. I actually saw more elected officials vote against their personal interest at times then I did vote for something that would benefit them.

The most dangerous elected official? The “single purpose” elected official whose only interest is the advancement of a personal idea, concept or group and with no interest in being fair to all parties.

Probably the biggest benefit I have had from my career is knowing and working with many of the persons who served their communities in either elected or appointed positions.

I like to say I played “City Manager” when I was a child and I developed cities with police and fire departments, public works, airfields etc. Of course I didn’t call it that but that is what I was doing.

I realized had found my career when I was asked at a Toastmasters meeting what I would do if I won the lottery or otherwise suddenly had enough money to not work. I thought about it and said I’d go to work the next day and continue to do what I loved.

I know there won’t be another 37 years. I do wish I could start again 37 years ago with what I know now!

I remember after several months I was standing in line in a movie theatre and as I looked around me, I realize that what I did for the city (little as it was) contributed to the daily happiness of the people, I actually felt a chill down my back and tears come to my eyes as I thought about how the City affects the daily lives of it’s residents.

And that is why I am still working for city government for 37 years and, other than wishing I had made better decisions at times (which is how I got experience), I don’t regret spending my career working for cities and I can’t imagine a better career than City Manager.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fall of 2011

Fall of 2011

Summer of 2011 is over and the Fall has be gorgeous thus far, but I still miss Summer and I know that winter is coming. In all fairness, Winter isn’t that bad in Lakeland, but it still is cold and there are no leaves on the trees etc.

A while since I have written, probably one of the longest since I started keeping a written journal in the Summer of 1987. (Can it have been that long ago!?) I still keep a daily journal of my basic activities, but I don’t write my thoughts down on a daily basis.

I keep thinking I will start writing daily observations, but life gets in the way. I will make an attempt to jot some observations down (written on paper, not just in the computer) today.

I recently attended the International City Managers Conference, and I thought how a conference is something like life. You look forward to it, it gets here before you expect, and by the time you learn your way around, it is over (or almost over)!

The last few days have been beautiful.

Overall things are going well. Aliene had pneumonia recently, which with her condition is bad, since she can’t take antibiotics without some serious side effects. Then after she started feeling better again, her back and leg started hurting again. Same problem as with the pneumonia, she can’t take much of the pain medicine.

I am still walking in the morning, then an “outside” bike ride on my now trusty six year old Trek (it has been a super bike, although I don’t get anything but a mountain bike in the future) and then, something relatively new, I go over to the ATC (Around the Clock) gym and read the morning paper while I ride the stationary bike.

You would think I would start losing weight, eating still is tempting!.

I am going to try to write more often and less wordy, so I’ll stop for now and post this.

Written October 15, 2011 in Lakeland, Tennessee