Thursday, June 30, 2016

2016 Summer June 30 Thursday

76 degrees this morning, walk 36:18 minutes

Sitting on the patio this morning, the air relatively cool.  

Thinking about choices 

Since I am sitting on the patio writing this, I am not sitting in the bonus room, writing this and (one of my secret vices) watching boxing or auto racing or music videos on tv.  

I would rather sit on the patio, so that is my top choice, but I also miss the option of sitting in the room.  That is not an option, since I can’t be two places at one time.  

Not sure why I like to watch boxing (this is the “traditional boxing”). 

Part of it is I actually like the obvious show of boxing, the entry of the boxers, the ringside introductions, the actual drama of two persons matching wits and even the bad decisions by the judges.

Professional wrestling goes way too far for me and I have no desire to watch it, but most boxing I do like.  Of course, I only watch it on tape delay so I can speed through all the commercials and parts I don’t like. 

Anyway, back to choices again.  Obviously time is limited and you have to make priorities. Just thinking of the priorities you make during the day without thinking is rather amazing.  If you actually stopped to think about each decision you would never get anything done!

That is one thing I noted about my past career, as the years went by, I seemed to develop a “core knowledge” that decisions I would have thought about in previous years, I simply knew what to do without thinking.  (Not always a good thing!).

I am starting to develop it in my present position. It’s not something you can plan, it is just something that happens and you look back and realize what has happened.  

June 30 and the year 2016 is not half over.  I am not necessarily glad or sad, it is just a fact.

My conception of time is that I don’t really want it to go by so fast, but I want the future to get here so the good things that the future brings can also happen.

In this case, time passing is not a “choice” but is just a fact. Time is going to pass, so I had better make good use of it!

Regarding the YMCA, as I learn more about the “partnership” the City, YMCA and School System set up, it sounds like the city was really taken for a ride.  Basically the school system has the complete right to use the swimming pool at any time, for any reason etc. (You get the picture)

Of course it is one of those “partnerships” where each party expects the other to be reasonable.  In this case, it sounds like the school is being relatively reasonable, the YMCA is using it as an excuse to make money from school “clubs” not associated with swimming and basically block paying members from using the swimming pool.

As I may have mentioned yesterday, the YMCA basically told me “deal with it, go to a YMCA 20 miles away if you don’t like it”.    I find it hard to believe the YMCA treats it paying members that way.  

I think this YMCA has lost perspective as to serving it’s members in the best possible way. and certainly took advantage of the “partnership”  to the determent of the citizens and certainly YMCA members.  

As I have mentioned, a major reason we moved to this area was the closeness of he YMCA.  It seems they should disclose that that the swimming pool is not  really available to paying members, but,…..

As it turns out, we love the area anyway, even without the YMCA , so it was the right decision anyway. 

That’s it for now, Thursday, June 30, 2016.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

2016 Summer June 29 Wednesday

76 degrees this morning, walk 36:07 minutes

Well, I found out where a member stands in the “public private” YMCA which I was so pleased was a mile from my home!  (and I emphasize the word “was” pleased.)

As I mentioned the YMCA was a “public private” partnership with the YMCA, the School and the City.  Understandably the school gets to use the pool for their teams etc., although it seems even the YMCA reps didn’t know they were using it from 6:30 9 a.m. in the morning, which is prime time for “regular paying members”.

In addition, I now find out the YMCA “leases” the pool lanes to private groups during the times form 5:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., meaning a “regular” dues paying member has no chance of swimming in the morning!  

While I won’t include any names, I was told to “go to another YMCA” which is at least a 20 minute drive away.  My feeling is, why should I when I live a mile from this one!

I think more likely, I will cancel my YMCA membership and join a private club where my membership is appreciated!  

Here is the quote from the e-mail (with identifying information deleted).  This is after he (a YMCA representative) responded to my letter to the City Mayor and I responded to him expressing my concerns.  

“Understand Robert! Sorry its not more available. Please feel free to use the ***** YMCA Pool. It has more available times, since the school and the competitive teams are not using it”

In other words, if you don’t like it, go somewhere else!  Who cares if it is 20 minutes away instead of two minutes! 

Now I understand why many recreational professionals don’t like the YMCA involvement in a community, they have their own agenda and no concern for members. 

In all fairness, my experience with the YMCA has always been positive before this, and so I am a little surprised to be told “tough, go somewhere else”.

I am also very disappointed to learn that the YMCA is “leasing” already scarce pool time so “regular” paying members have no opportunity to swim!  

I am becoming very concerned about the continued growth of “public private partnerships”, I think it ends up with all the costs to the “public” (and members in this case) and all of the benefits to the “private” (or non-city entity).  

Meanwhile, we will start looking at private health clubs.  Without the swimming pool available, the YMCA is simply too expensive for the limited hours and limited facilities it has. 
We finally got a response from a Sprinkler company, who advised they can’t come out until “next Tuesday”.  Fair enough, I can understand that  Now, assuming they actually do show up…..  If not, we have lost another week.  

I guess our next step is to simply tear out all the plants etc. and have a rock garden, which may not be a bad idea anyway.  (Not very likely actually, although it is always possible!)

It is hard to believe it almost seems “cool” at 76 degrees, but it does.  I am sure it will heat up at the day goes on, but when I went out to walk this morning (and certainly while on the patio), it almost seems cool.

That’s it for now, Wednesday, June 29, 2016.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

2016 Summer June 28 Tuesday

79 degrees this morning, walk 34:31 minutes

My iPhone weather app forecast “100%” chance of rain last night  No rain, in fact there are stars out  when it forecast the “100 % chance”.  I think I need  to get another weather app!

On the other hand, I am sure it was raining somewhere at that time, which means the “100%” change of rain was somewhat correct, just not for the area the forecast was for.  

It seems like the weather app has been doing a lot worse lately. It seems like it used to be correct, almost to the minute.  

It appears to show the correct location on the map, so I’m not sure what the problem it.  I like it because it doesn’t have a a lot of intrusive ads.  

Some of the ads on the internet sites remind me of the “get rich quick” ads the newspapers used to run, or late night tv.    Everyone knew they were probably scams but the newspaper still took the ads and apparently enough people responded to them to make it worth their while.

Sitting out on the patio feeling the day begin.  I know now when the neighbors sprinklers are going to come on (including the bad sprinkler that just gushes).

On my morning bike ride, I am beginning to notice when people leave for work work, there are several houses that I seem to meet each morning leavening for work.  

I bike shortly after sunrise, so I don’t ned to worry excessively about the hazards of riding in the dark etc.  

I have noted that each day (or maybe actually I notice each week), I can peddle just a little more and the hills aren’t quite as bad.  Notice I said “quite” as bad! 

Of course the wind plays a major role in the peddling effort, as it even does in walking.  A hill you don’t even notice while driving suddenly becomes steep while riding!

Looking forward to the three day weekend coming up although today is only Tuesday!  

Today is the primary election day.  There has been more publicity about it, but overall there is little information provided on polling places etc.much less the candidates.  

It will be interesting to see if there is some sort of backlash to the current state legislature members.

I can remember how I wanted to vote before I was voting age and the satisfaction of voting is still there, although they vote on so many people here it is hard to really know who you should vote fore.  

I think that is a local aspect of the national version of “big money” buying elections. 

I read where much of the “big money” is actually concentrated on local politics there they can have more of an effect because of the lack of news coverage etc.  

As I have noted, in my opinion, the government closest to the voters is the most important in the voters daily life.  Unfortunately it is also the level most susceptible to “big money” who get lucrative contracts etc. as part of their political support for  local elections.

That’s it for now, Tuesday, June 28, 2016.

Monday, June 27, 2016

2016 Summer June 27 Monday

71 degrees this morning, walk 33:49 minutes 

Rain last night, maybe help until we can get the sprinkler system fixed.  Not that  I don’t mine wasting water on the grass, I just hate to see plans die  

It amazes me that so much water is wasted on plants and trees that aren’t native to this area especially large public areas designed by people who should know better, or probably more to the point, planted by developers who won’t have to maintain the expense of watering them.  

Read several stories over the weekend that were interesting. 

One was about the “central city” in this metropolitan area.  The story seemed to indicate that maybe, finally, someone was getting concerned about the ‘instant slums” that are being built near one of the malls.  

I really don’t understand how the developers get the approval to build literally thousands of apartments, without any street improvements, parks etc.  They are literally building instant slums that will blight this area for years.  

Even the Mayor (who still can’t understand why sidewalks are needed) says he is growing a “little concerned” about it.  

About time.  It is obvious from the comments that many of the Council Members are, for whatever reason, encouraging the overbuilding and instant slums.  

Thank goodness the past Council Member didn’t run again.  He was the same one who tried to have some weird Ordinance passed that make bicycle riders responsible for any accidents, or some weird ordinance  

The story also stated that he “supported” the massive overbuilding, probably to hope his pocketbook out in some way!

The other was an excellent story in the New York Times about the criminal “private equity” companies and the way they pillage private ambulance and private fire departments, basically the same as they do private companies, steal from them, bankrupt them and than “save” them, all at the cost of the communities that they are supposed to serve.

Hopefully someone will get the courage to stop these “private equity” thieves and send them prison where they belong 

I am beginning to think that “public-private” partnerships that everyone brags about are really just to benefit the “private” side, the public side gets the shaft.  

Of course there are honest contractors who can provide some services more efficiently than a public entity can, but when “big business private equity” comes in, they need to consider who is paying the hefty fees involved and the huge profits.

Some with the mortgage companies, there is only one person paying the hefty fees for the huge profits they make, and that is the homeowner.  

Back to the local situation, part of the reason for the story was the concern of the school system that serves the area of the apartments and how it was impossible to plan with all of the apartments being approved 

Since this state has “independent” school districts, one city may have 3 or 4 school districts and a school district may serve any number of cities  

Monday, the last full week of work for several weeks due to holidays and planned vacations.  By the end of the week 2016 will already be half over.

That’s it for now, Monday, June 27, 2016.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

2016 Summer June 26 Sunday

76 degrees this morning, walk 34:21 minutes

Sitting on patio again as I write this.  There is something about early morning outside.  It is still and yet not still.  If you stay out, you can see the world wake up, as the sun rises, birds start chattering and people start moving about.  

The 4th sprinkler company who was supposed to show up yesterday, didn’t show up. No call etc.  I realize they are busy, but I don’t see how they stay in business without some common courtesy and good business practices.  Maybe they don’t stay in business.

I am hoping for some rain, but overall the plants and grass seem to be getting along ok.  Of course they are showing the change of the lack of watering.  

Skipped the weight training exercises this morning (dumb bells  and regular weights)   I didn’t so much skip as I decided to take a recovery day, since I had been exercising daily since around June 4.  While I feel “every other day” isn’t often  enough, I expect you do need to take a recovery day sometimes.

The dumb bars emphasize how a “little” can affect the overall situation. I had been living 20 lb dumb bells literally for years.  About a month ago, I switched to 25 pound dumb bells.  (25 pounds each).  

The extra five pounds made a huge difference as far as the effort etc. and I still am not used to them.  

Of course, although with that, I added the bar bell training (as in the bench press) which of course adds to the exercise of the muscles n my arm.

I think it is difficult to realize the effects of cumulative small changes, and how it added to bigger changes.  Weight is one of them.  You add a pound here, a pound there and eventually you suddenly realize you’re overweight.

When a series of incremental changes lead to a large change overall, I think it is especially important to be aware that changes are being made, and just because they are small, doesn’t mean they aren’t  important.   

Looking back, I can usually see where some incredible small decisions or changes led to a major decision.  20/20 hindsight and all of that, but it seems I still should be able to recognize  that small decisions will lead to much bigger “decisions” whether I intend it or not.

I like the “long nights” of early summer.  That is one thing we really missed in Memphis.  Here, at this time of year, it doesn’t really get dark until around 9 p..m. (an hour later than Memphis) and it is really nice to have that extra sunlight.

Of course, baseball season is almost half over, and soon July 4 will mean the traditional time known as “summer” will also be half over.  

Getting back into bicycle riding also.  I am taking it gradually, getting my “bicycle legs” back.. 
I don’t formally train as such, I just go as far as I feel comfortable, and each day try to go a little further and with a little more speed.  However, I don’t push myself, my first priority is making it a positive experience.  

We are considering getting a stationary bicycle and  a treadmill for the course (and canceling out YMCA membership due to the school taking over the swimming pool and blocking the members out.  

As long as we can do a little each day, I think that is what is important

Looking forward to another hot Sunday, with possible rain late tonight.  

That’s it for now Sunday, June 26, 2016.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

2016 Summer June 25 Saturday

Up at 3:02 a.m., walk 36:22 minutes

Two years ago, we were in the process of moving to this area.  While I generally count July 2 as the date we actually moved (that is when the moving van arrived and we actually “moved” in), we actually left Lakeland June 23 and stayed in a motel and then stayed in an empty house with an air mattress.  

It seems like forever and yet it also seems like a short time ago.  

Certainly we could not have forecast the events of the past two years

In a way moving is (psychologically, it is never easy physically) easier than it used to be.  Facebook, unlimited long distance, the internet etc. allow you to move and yet still keep up with friends and events.  

Called four sprinkler companies thus far.  Only one has bothered to return my call.  And we just called him because we saw his truck at a neighbors house.  

I realize they are busy, but it seems like from a public relations standpoint they would at least return your call and say they didn’t have time.  Maybe that is too counterproductive.  However, I do know three sprinkler system companies I will never call again, not that they will care anyway.

Sitting out on the patio. While I really  like the room and setup  etc. where I write in winter, there is something about sitting out on the patio in the early morning, listening to the wind and  the occasional bug etc.  

Spaces can really affect our lives.  I know living in a house with a forest behind it was much more relaxing than living in a house looking at five houses looming over you (I never spent much time on the patio at that house) to now where there is a large separation between the other houses.   

I also think looking at a 6’ foot high “dogear” fence is rather depressing.  Here we have a fence but it is basically a  4’ high fence which provides a sense of living among the environment rather than the sense of living in a cocoon that a 6’ dogear fence gives you.  

Of course, I prefer the “no fences” environment with the forest we had in Lakeland

We have noticed something strange about elections here.  It almost seems as if the elections are kept quiet.  Certainly a school bond issue was kept very quiet and we later learned they were building a 90 million dollar football stadium with it!  It was one of those elections on a Tuesday in February (I don’t recall the exact date), but even at the time we mentioned it was almost  like they didn’t want anyone to vote.

I am getting the same impression now.  “Early Voting” is  little publicized (this is for the Primary) and no information is provided on polls etc.  Of course, the information is available, but not publicized like Memphis did. 

I don’t agree that “voting” as such should be encouraged.  I do believe “informed” voting (whatever the side of an issue) should be encouraged.  

Another dream to note, this one a snippet. 


Another realistic dream.  I wonder where I would be in my dream if I napped for 7 more minutes.

Dot’t recall a lot of of this dream.

We were climbing a long stairs  like what you see in churches and City Halls etc.  .  Katherine (my granddaughter) was still little (probably about 10 years old) and she insisted on climbing up the stairs on the wrong side of the railing and I was concerned she would fall off.

Aliene was with me.

That’s all I remember

That’s it for now, Saturday, June 25, 2016. 

Friday, June 24, 2016

2016 Summer June 24 Friday

81 degrees this morning, Walk 35:30 min (estimate, watch  didn’t work)

The first time that I can remember a digital watch quit working before the battery went out. For some reason it won’t change to “stopwatch” mode (and I’m sure it’s not operator error!).  That is unusual for a watch to become defective in that way after about 10 months.  

For a $15 watch it has provided good service considering I have worn it walking, biking, swimming etc. although I am surprised it quit working in that way.  If the band had broken, the battery quit etc., I wouldn’t have been surprised.  

I frequently wonder how so many products that are basically good products (watches, clothes, some food, etc. can be sold for so little, relatively speaking.  

I think about the taxes I paid last year, the price of a “sit down” meal (or even a “fast food” meal anymore), certainly medical costs, any kind of service call etc., and the cost of “goods” is almost nothing in comparison.

That is true especially when you consider that many items can literally last forever, and even the cheapest (or most expensive) can last a long time.

In comparison to eating out, medical costs, cable tv etc. what it cost me for an excellent pair of walking shoes etc. is relatively speaking, nothing.  Even food in a grocery for most times is basically inexpensive.  

Even cars, I may be someone wrong, but I think cars used to cost about a years salary and last 60,000 miles, with a lot of maintenance costs.  Now a car costs cost less than  years salary (of course it varies), or less and last 200,000 miles with relatively few maintenance costs.  Again, obviously this is generally speaking,

Also, at least right now, interest cost  for cars and housing is relatively speaking,  almost insignificant compared to the 8% or so of a few years ago.  Of course that could change fast.

On the other hand, the cost of any kind of service is almost prohibitive, and certainly medical costs etc. have no basis to reality.  

The vote in England was kind of a shock.  Makes me wish I had following my original instinct and sold all the stocks in my retirement plan and converted to a money-market fund.  Of course, you never really know what is right and what isn’t.

Sitting out on the patio, enjoying the breeze and the sounds of the wind through the trees.  As I have mentioned before, it is actually  cool (but  a “good” cool, not an unpleasant cool) here in the morning.  

I’m not really sure where time goes.  It seems I am always busy and  not getting everything done that needs to be done.  

Thursday, June 23, 2016

2016 Summer June 23 Thursday

80 degrees this morning, walk 34: 30 minutes

Thinking of “Trust” this morning.  As an example of how lack of trust can cost,  a place I know (no names of course)  is so concerned about the few employees who may not be productive that they require all employees to take such detailed records that it probably takes about 25% of your time just to provide you are keeping busy!  

What is so strange is there are many ways of measuring productivity and spending 25% of your time on unnecessary paperwork just isn’t the way to do it.

Of course, that doesn’t even count the waste of time of supervisors in having the spend an enormous amount of time spying on employees and keeping detailed records of the detailed records of the detailed records at each level!

This isn’t even close to companies who measure keystrokes, steps etc.  What you get is employees who are good at producing keystrokes and steps and not productivity.    And supervisors who are so worried about details they don’t see the overall picture.  

A lot of that must come from “tests” of school children, which basically means teachers have to ‘teach to the test” instead of actually teaching!

Checked with out “home warranty” company who bragged about how they cover so much.  Even the sprinkler control box isn’t covered.  Of course, how could I be so stupid as to think they would cover some thing like that that is, in my opinion certainly a major part of the house!

In all fairness, I know they won’t cover things like the sprinkler system itself, and sprinkler control boxes aren’t specifically mentioned as covered or not covered (although they couldn’t explain why it was on the pull down menu as a covered item).  

Vagueness is an insurance company way of avoiding having to pay claims. 

Or they couldn’t explain why no one bothered to notify us that it wasn’t covered, which give our grass and shrubs etc. another five days to burn up.

Read with some amusement an article in the local newspaper which was written in a tone of awe that “old people actually exercise”.  This with “old people” being people over 50!  

I guess the writer thinks that anyone over 50 automatically stops all exercise.  

One focus was on people who exercised after injury or a heart attack etc., which was interesting, but I was surprised at the writers tone of awe that “old people-over 50 yet-actually exercised!”.  

I may be too sensitive and reading too much into it.  

Last night we talked to a young woman who proudly said she and her 73 year old grandmother “get their nails and toes painted the same color”. Says something good about both of them, I think!

Another dream, a short one, or at least what I remember is short:


Dreamed having problems with my computer (laptop).  It would hang up.

Took it in to the person I used for computer repairs.  (In real life I just take my computers to Apple for repair). 

The man (an “old” man), didn’t seem interested and when I started telling him about the problem and  laid down on his back like he was taking a nap..  I asked him if he was too busy and if he was ready and he said go ahead.

Angela as a young girl was with me and went someplace else.

He listened, got up and marked the computer with a tag.  I was wondering how many days I would be without it.

That is all I remember.   

That’s it for now, Thursday, June 23, 2016.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

2016 Summer June 22 Wednesday

81 degrees this morning, walk 34:19 miles

Summer is truly here, although the air still has a tinge of coolness in it in the night before the sun comes up.  That is not a complaint!  Actually the tinge coolness is welcome.

The wind is up this morning.  Right now it is a “cool” wind, but it will turn hot fast as the sun comes up. 

Our lawn is rapidly burning up while we wait for someone to come out to fix the sprinkler system.  Of course, some items, like the sprinklers being on the wrong side of the fence should have been disclosed by the sellers, who are flat liars. I really wonder how people like that can sleep at night.  

We are going to talk to an attorney, but we already know the answer (pay up and learn from the experience!)  

I think the problem with something like this is it really affects trust in people.  Someone who sells house with decencies they are legally required to disclose but don’t, an inspector who is too lazy to even do his job in a minimal way etc.  

In spite of that, I continue to basically trust people.  I would have lost a lot more by not trusting people than I would have from trusting people and learning from my mistakes.  Not that it doesn’t make me angry but I figure if they are that type of person eventually their actions will come back to haunt them.

I am trying to get back into an exercise  regime again.  It is too bad about the swimming pool fiasco where what is supposed to be a pool for the “public” is actually a school pool that they almost seem to deliberately try to block the public from using, but I can do a lot of other exercises.

Reporting on another dream, this one actually from Sunday.  It is one of those dreams that hung on.  I waited to write it down and forgot part of it.

Dream 6-19-16:

Dreamed attending Courter Reunion at what appeared to be a Great Uncles house in Soldier, Kansas I remember visiting as a child.

We were waiting for  people to come.  While it resembled my Uncles house, this was a place with a restaurant and a bar etc.

I don’t remember of a lot of it, but I do remember that I went to wait for my daughter (Angela) to come.  I’ not sure where Aliene was, but she was part of the earlier dream.

I went to an upstairs restaurant to wait and just ordered a couple of pieces of toast.  

For some reason, I got up and left to find Aliene.  

Suddenly realized I had forgotten to pay for the toast.  

I went back up , but didn’t see the waitress who served me.  Someone else was sitting where I had been sitting.  

I left and walked though a bar area over water (somehow upstairs, but this is a dream).  People at the bar tossed dollar bills and money at a women who walked in front of me.  Maybe as a way of judging, I’m not sure.

I walked past and even got some dollar bills thrown!  I started walking fast and walked downstairs, which went outside. 

I got my shoes wet since it was raining, and remember thinking “I’ve got these shoes wet a lot lately”.  The shoes were kind of a off-white moccasin style.

Several young men were sitting on the outside porch (the old style, wood), arguing about whether some white paint with water in it was still good.  

I pranced over a couple of rocks to the porch and woke up.

Very strange but very vivid dream.

That’s it for now, Wednesday, June 22, 2016.