Monday, February 07, 2011

Winter Daze

It it that time of year when I just "take it one day at a time" as I wait for Spring! Actually, in spite of this being the "worst" (most adverse weather) since I moved to Lakeland, I still have managed to get most of my morning walk and bicycling in (although bicycling does get a little cold at times). I have only missed a few events because of snow and bad weather.

There is even a "good" side. I am wearing clothes I haven't worn for years since it is normally too warm (even during the winter) to wear them and I just hadn't gotten around to giving them away.

I was going through some of my clothes and I have cold weather clothes that go back to at least 1981. That means I have had them for 30 years! I never would have even guessed that 30 years later I would still be wearing them.

Actually the cold doesn't bother me a bit during my walk. My hands get cold while I bike and I never have found a pair of gloves that are warm enough, but thin enough so I can shift gears and maintain control of the bike.

I just switched from biking by "distance" rather than "time". I found I was dogging it to use up time, if I go by the distance, I am more likely to go faster so I can reach my mileage faster!

However, the Winter continues and I wish again I had made arrangements to be somewhere hot and warm sometime this Winter as I wait for Spring to arrive.

One thought keeps me going through the cold winter-Spring is coming and the first little yellow flowers will soon show up!