Tuesday, August 23, 2005

August memories

We really enjoyed the reunion this year. We enjoyed it so much, Delta decided to leave our bags in Denver! We got to Memphis and waited and waited for our bags, but they weren’t on the flight, but were delivered uneventfully the next day.

One thing we did forget to do was ask to see Ken and Janet’s bicycles!

We have been really busy. We just signed our contract, loan agreement, etc. for our new house in Lakeland. The “sold” sign is up and they are getting ready to pour the foundation.

Aliene also sold her house in OKC, so she has been in OKC since August 11 to help her Mother move to an apartment. Her mother still drives and gets around well, but the apartment will be relieve the problems with house repairs etc.

I went to OKC to see Aliene (her house won't close until later this week, so I drove back by myself.) The drive from Memphis to Oklahoma City is interesting, even though I have driven it many times. It starts with the trees and rolling hills of Lakeland, then the Mississippi Bridge from Memphis into Arkansas, than the rice fields of eastern Arkansas (yes, rice in Arkansas), than the “mountains” of the Ozarks, and then I really notice the lack of trees and hills in Oklahoma. One thing I really notice is the sunsets/sunrises in Oklahoma!

On the way back from OKC, some classical music seemed appropriate as I drove through eastern Arkansas. It was almost like watching a movie, or perhaps living inside a movie if you can imagine that.

I enjoyed a vist with Angela and Kail/Katherine also, as well as all of the children and Aliene's mother at "my" birthday party!

Election year this year in Lakeland (September 15), which brings dread into the heart of any City Manager! Actually, it doesn’t look that bad. We will have two new Commissioners since the two Commissioners up for election are not running for office. However, the Mayor is unopposed for re-election, which is nice, and the three persons running for the two open Commission seats seem ok.

It was nice to see everyone in Boulder and we are looking forward to next year! If you get out this way, give us a call or E-mail.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

"Dead Week" in Memphis

This is "Dead Week" in Memphis. (Officially known as "Elvis Week"!) The City has a lot of Elvis events and it is always an interesting week!

We have a lot of changes going on. Aliene is currently in Oklahoma City, helping her Mother move.

We just completed selecting all of the materials for our house, and hope we made the right decision!

School has started here. It is hard to believe it started so early!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Happy Birthday to me!

Happy Birthday to me! Today I "celebrate" another Birthday. I can remember when I was a child really thinking I would NEVER really be the age I am now!

Time goes so fast, the older I get the faster it goes!

It really has been busy since we got back from Vacation. Of course I had a backload of work at work, plus we have been busy with the house.

We selected our "colors" and "materials", which is always exciting as well as a little scary. What you are doing is so permanent! It is the last step before we actually "close" the loan. (It is a construction loan and will closed with a "permanent" loan when the house is completed. Don't ask me to explain it!)

Aliene got me seveal T-shirts for my birthday, and I also intend to get myself an Ipod for my birthday. I have been busy reading up on Ipods, how to use them etc. It will be interesting.

It is now raining outside. During past birthdays, especially when I was a child, I would have been very disappointed, since it was one of the few times I got to swim during the year! (At least, that is the way I remember it.)

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Started back to work today after a great vacation! It is really nice when you enjoy visiting with your relatives!

One slight problem-Delta lost our checked luggage, but it did arrive today, so not problem. We're just glad it happened here and not when we were in Colorado! Other than that, we had a great vacation and really enjoyed visiting Colorado Springs, Boulder and all of the visiting.

As usual after a vacation, work was non-stop today, but the vacation was well worth it.

I noted that the high temperature-nation wide-was 108 degrees in Hays, Kansas so I believe Jerry and Margaret were not kidding when they said it was hot!

I guess the old saying, it's good to go but it's good to get back was right! I went to a "neighborhood night out" gathering tonight. It is always fun, but I always get asked a couple of questions I don't know!

Looking forward to next year's Courter Reunion in Topeka, Kansas. In a weak moment, Aliene and I volunteered to be the "hosts" for the Reunion next year, so you'll be hearing from us!