Sunday, November 27, 2011

Two Homeless Men in Starbucks

I had coffee with two homeless men in Starbucks tonight. Not really “had coffee”, but they were in Starbucks when I was. (They didn’t buy anything, but they did eat a sandwich they bought in and washed it down with what looked like gin, or maybe it was a bottle of water.)

They were quiet and courteous. They unloaded their possessions, actually enough to seriously impede their mobility, and, I couldn’t help but notice, quite nice luggage (actually gym type bags.)

Of course everyone carefully ignored them and they didn’t bother anyone, except to ask someone if it was supposed to rain.

It is rainy and cold (and most of all, windy) here (in Oklahoma City) and I suddenly thought how I don’t like rain and wind as an inconvenience, it is really important if you are homeless.

I couldn’t remember the last time I thought of a homeless person as other than someone I see walking down the street, asking for money at the intersections or asking me for money as I carefully avoided looking at him or her.

Actually, the last time I probably associated with homeless persons was when I was in college and working summers in Denver. I came from an extremely small town and probably had never been in a city as big as Denver. I came out to work at a summer job in a Samsonite Factory. (I can still do the moves I did on the assembly line.)

My Mom gave me a check to sustain myself until I got my first paycheck, and, of course, no one was about to cash a check from a city they had never heard of before!

I actually slept in the bus station and other areas for several days until the bank associated with Samsonite finally cashed the check and my parents sent me some more money! Actually, I never had any problems, although I kept my distance also.

I still probably won’t look at homeless people any differently and I still resent being asked for money. Years ago, I started adding a little extra on tips to servers etc., but I refuse to succumb to what I consider to be extortion of someone asking me for money on the street.

I decided a long time ago, I’d give a little extra to help working people, but not panhandlers. I realize probably a percentage actually really, really need the help, but I just don’t like being approached asking for money. It isn’t just Memphis, I’ve been approached on a regular basis in Lakeland at gas stations. Maybe I’m not thinking about it in Lakeland, so I look more like I might give, but I especially resent it when I am approached late at night, it is too much like a robbery attempt. I probably should give something just on the basis that I may be helping someone who really does need it, but I can’t bring myself to do it. I’m much rather continue adding a dollar or two the tips to people who work and are trying to help themselves.

It was an interesting experience and certainly gave me a more personal experience with the current group of homeless people (I have a feeling the ones I saw tonight were some of the “new” homeless, who may have had a good job, owned their own home and never thought they would be homeless, in the recent past. It is easy to look at them and see myself in their place and question my thoughts on this and my policy of not giving money to panhandlers.

As I am reminded, given an unlucky break here and there, it could just as easily be me.

Sunday, November 06, 2011

The Extra Hour

Every year when Daylight Savings Time returns and we get an "extra hour", I skidder around and try to find a use for the "extra hour" and the entire day seems somehwhat strange, but good. I like the feel of having an "extra" hour, and somehow the day move a little slower.

I always like it when the time "falls back" or I go west to the time zones when the time falls back. I am always a little unsettled about going an hour ahead. When DST "springs forward", I really don't mind, since we get an extra hour of evening!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

37 years!

37 years ago (October 21, 1974), I walked into the Liberal, Kansas City Hall to start my first day of what has turned into a municipal career. The City Manager showed me my office (I was impressed I actually got my own office!) and advised me he wanted a grant for improvement of an area of town and to improve housing. (At the time, Liberal had a housing shortage).

The years since then have gone by in a blur. I think a major change has been that many decisions that in the early years I would have agonized over, I started to make almost without thinking, and my instincts and reading of peoples behavior have significantly increased to a point I find amazing (I also don’t say a lot about it). I think that must be one of the major benefits of experience.

Looking back, I find it is difficult to write about. I started working with grant programs for about eight years, when I assumed my first City Manager job, more of a change than you think it would be. My first few years as City Manager, I read and read about different technical aspects of a city, as well as leadership techniques etc. (Now that I think about it, I still do!).

I found most elected officials really are honest and hard working and their major interest is for the community as a whole, not personal interests. I actually saw more elected officials vote against their personal interest at times then I did vote for something that would benefit them.

The most dangerous elected official? The “single purpose” elected official whose only interest is the advancement of a personal idea, concept or group and with no interest in being fair to all parties.

Probably the biggest benefit I have had from my career is knowing and working with many of the persons who served their communities in either elected or appointed positions.

I like to say I played “City Manager” when I was a child and I developed cities with police and fire departments, public works, airfields etc. Of course I didn’t call it that but that is what I was doing.

I realized had found my career when I was asked at a Toastmasters meeting what I would do if I won the lottery or otherwise suddenly had enough money to not work. I thought about it and said I’d go to work the next day and continue to do what I loved.

I know there won’t be another 37 years. I do wish I could start again 37 years ago with what I know now!

I remember after several months I was standing in line in a movie theatre and as I looked around me, I realize that what I did for the city (little as it was) contributed to the daily happiness of the people, I actually felt a chill down my back and tears come to my eyes as I thought about how the City affects the daily lives of it’s residents.

And that is why I am still working for city government for 37 years and, other than wishing I had made better decisions at times (which is how I got experience), I don’t regret spending my career working for cities and I can’t imagine a better career than City Manager.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fall of 2011

Fall of 2011

Summer of 2011 is over and the Fall has be gorgeous thus far, but I still miss Summer and I know that winter is coming. In all fairness, Winter isn’t that bad in Lakeland, but it still is cold and there are no leaves on the trees etc.

A while since I have written, probably one of the longest since I started keeping a written journal in the Summer of 1987. (Can it have been that long ago!?) I still keep a daily journal of my basic activities, but I don’t write my thoughts down on a daily basis.

I keep thinking I will start writing daily observations, but life gets in the way. I will make an attempt to jot some observations down (written on paper, not just in the computer) today.

I recently attended the International City Managers Conference, and I thought how a conference is something like life. You look forward to it, it gets here before you expect, and by the time you learn your way around, it is over (or almost over)!

The last few days have been beautiful.

Overall things are going well. Aliene had pneumonia recently, which with her condition is bad, since she can’t take antibiotics without some serious side effects. Then after she started feeling better again, her back and leg started hurting again. Same problem as with the pneumonia, she can’t take much of the pain medicine.

I am still walking in the morning, then an “outside” bike ride on my now trusty six year old Trek (it has been a super bike, although I don’t get anything but a mountain bike in the future) and then, something relatively new, I go over to the ATC (Around the Clock) gym and read the morning paper while I ride the stationary bike.

You would think I would start losing weight, eating still is tempting!.

I am going to try to write more often and less wordy, so I’ll stop for now and post this.

Written October 15, 2011 in Lakeland, Tennessee

Monday, August 15, 2011

Summer of 2011-cooling down!

72 degrees this morning when I got up! It almost seems cold out here.

It is the time of year I hate to see arrive. My favorite spot, my back patio, is almost too cool to sit out and work/read in the early morning! I always kind of dread this time of year since at times during the summer it seems like it will last forever.

I am treasuring the last few days that I can sit out on my patio and work/read and listen to music on my ipod.

I decided to listen to my entire classical library this summer during the early morning and I am now on 398 of 567 (Oddly enough, Vivaldi " Summer" of the Four Seasons is playing right now. Even more oddly, much as I hate Winter, my favorite of the Four Seasons is "Winter" with Autumn a close second. In reality my favorite seasons (in order) are Summer, Spring, Autumn and Winter (a long fourth!).

Time for another early morning session to end and another week to start.

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Now I'm 64 (sung to the tune of "When I'm 64"

Now I’m 64:

Four years ago, on my 60th Birthday, I commented that “in ten years I’d be 70”. I am now 4 years into the 10 years to my 70th birthday, something that seemed so far off at that time.

Today it is July 5, 2010 and, as I sit outside and listen to the thousands (if not millions) of tree frogs coming in waves over me as I nap, I thought about what it means (or will mean) to be 64.

Tree frogs, as cicadas, are almost a comfort noise for me. I feel a sense of well being when I hear the sound of numerous tree frogs or cicadas (just one or several would drive me nuts, but the sound of the many is comforting and almost a nostalgic feeling.

In a month, August 6, 2011, I’ll be 64 years old. Just a number in a lot of ways, I really don’t dread it or even really have any major feelings about it, except it is a signpost I am passing on my way through life.

I recently read that “age destroys what it creates” and I instantly grasped the truth of it. I see it in the faces of people I have known most, if not all of my life, and I especially notice it in people I haven’t seen for awhile.

As I grow older, I realize how fast life is, and I see it most in the growth of children. That is one of the most amazing things, to see a child turn into an adult and I realize how short of a time it really is.

This will probably be too long, most of you will probably never read the entire note, since this is only the first day (I know better than to say I will write “every day”, but I will write periodically and post this on my 64th Birthday on August 6.

Since the Courter Family Reunion is in July, I expect to especially notice the passage of time. For the past 30 or so years, the annual Family Reunion has been a marker and an important part of my life, as my brothers and sisters and I move from the “youngsters” to the “Senior Generation’.

30 years ago, I wondered how I would feel when my Dad and Mom were gone. It seemed impossible that it would happen. Now I know how I feel and I know it does happen.

I even notice it in minor possessions. I look in disbelief at hats that are 30 years old, my cowboy boots that are at least 32 years old, t-shirts that I got for running/walking in “runs/walks” since 1988 etc. Where did the time go?

I listen to the tree frogs and cicadas and wish this moment would last longer. Perhaps by writing about it, I feel I will make the moment last longer. Not forever, winter will will come, but longer.

July 6, 2011: In one month, I will be 64 years old. No real thoughts on it today, probably because it was one of “those” days part of the day, when I just wish the day would get over. One thing about the City Manager profession, while of course there will always be cities who consider an applicant “too old”, generally, age (and experience) is respected in many cities and I have known City Managers in their 80’s get a job as City Manager.

One thing I have found as I grow older, time becomes more valuable than almost anything. Many activities I did in the past, I have stopped doing since I don’t want to take the time to do it.

July 31, 2011: Received a card today from my insurance agent. It is worth noting the following items were invented/started in 1947 (64 years ago)

-Ajax Cleanser

-Transistor (by Bell Labs)

-Tape recorder for home

-Almond Joy candy bar

-Zoom lens

-Network news

-Radar for commercial and private planes

-First U.S. ballistic missile was fired

What would really surprise me I expect is to see what has been invented since my youngest granddaughter was born in 2002, and certainly since my daughter was born in 1979!

I can remember buying one of the first transistor radios (for $20-I put .50 on it in “layaway”) and my first computer (a Vic 20) in 1981 or so and my first “real” computer (a PC clone without a hard drive!) in 1986. The advancements since then never fail to amaze (and please) me as I wonder how I ever got along without a computer, iphone, ipad, GPS etc.!

One area I am disappointed in is that when I was young, I never thought I would be driving the same basic car (yes, much advanced, but still the same basic car) and not using “jet packs” or “transporting” myself to get places! Even airplanes haven’t changed much. I remember attending a meeting over 12 years ago where I was advised the technology exists to walk out to your airplane, and, completely through computer control, fly to your destination. I wonder why the advancements are so slow in that area?

August 6, 2011: Today I am now officially 64 years old. (I believe as of about 5:28 a.m. this morning!)

Soon I will stop thinking (or at least responding, I don’t think of myself as being in my sixties!) of myself as “63” and now I will be saying “64” with the same sense of disbelief that “Now I’m 64!”

Monday, July 18, 2011

July 18, 2011

I just passed the anniversary of when I started basic training in the Air Force and didn't even think about it (July 15) as did the day I was discharged (Friday, July 13 since the 15th was on a Sunday!). Time passes.

Summer of 2011 is about halfway over. This morning, I realized the days were already getting shorter, but I'll enjoy the summer while it is here!

One of the primary activities I enjoy about summer is sitting outside on my patio either reading or working (thank goodness for wi fi!). I enjoy not having to dress for cold weather, I love hot weather.

The birds clog the feeders (yes I now have two with room for a third). I fear I have made a bunch of dependent birds, dependent on me remembering to get the food out in the morning. I try to arrange for enough food when I am out of town overnight, but I really feel a sense of guilt! I am sure they find food someplace, but I still feel a slight sense of guilt.

I enjoy the "forest" in back, but early in the morning when I walk, I hear sounds from the forest and nearby indicating that life is probably rough in the forest for the wildlife. (Such as some animals becoming food etc.-I won't get into it anymore than that.)

I enjoy each day of summer, but it is going by so fast it is becoming a blur. It is already time for the Courter Reunion, which has always, to me, meant the end of summer and the start of school. Of course, in reality, at least in Lakeland, I enjoy summer weather for at least three more months and frequently well into September.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer of 2011 is here!

My favorite day, June 21, the first day of SUMMER!!

I am sitting outside (in a slightly cool breeze tonight) listening to the summer sounds and enjoying the thoughts of the summer to come.

The birds (at least most of them) won't come to the feeders (yes, I now have two feeders for my spoiled birds), so they are probably mad.

Slightly hidden in my subconscious are thoughts that today is the longest day of the year and it only goes downhill from here until June 21, 2012! However, I will enjoy the next four or five months of nice weather for my early morning walks, bike rides and just sitting out on the patio enjoying the weather.

Occasionally, I'll take the time to just sit back and think about what will happen in the next year, the next ten years and life in general. I take a moment from work, reading etc. and just kick back and listen to the sounds of summer and feel the breeze.

Summer of 2012 has begun and I will treasure the memories of each day.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Summer of 2011

Sitting outside, listening to the cicadas, working on stuff, reading, drinking ice tea. It doesn't get much better than this!

The only slight problem is that thought in the back of my mind that June 21 is coming and the days will start to get shorter, and winter will come but such is life.

I enjoy the early morning walk and bike ride in the early morning heat.

At times like this, it is hard to believe that winter even exists!

Wonderful time at the CMA Fest, am writing up a summary of it. Some "once in a lifetime" happenings!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Bullfrogs are here, summer is arriving! (Cicadas can't be far behind!)

After at least two years away, the Bullfrogs have finally returned to the pond in our area!

For some reason, I really enjoy the “harmony” of the bullfrogs in the early morning. (I’m not sure if our neighbors do!) I take an early morning walk and bicycle ride and I feel like the bullfrogs are welcoming in the Summer!

I really don’t know why they disappeared or why they returned, but they really add some atmosphere to my early morning walk and ride!

This morning it was also 77 degrees which at least indicates that Summer is finally here!

Another sound I always associate with summer is the cicadas. The sound fills me with memories and is one of the few sounds (in addition to bullfrogs) that don't bother me regardless of the sound.

Many evenings I actually sit outside and sleep to the sound of the cicadas.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Armadillo attack!

Snoozing this morning after my exercise, I suddenly heard a "bump" against the back door. Instantly alert, I banged on the door (for some reason) and prepared to run to the phone to call 9-1-1.

I peeked through the door when the noise stopped and saw an Armadillo taking off! This was daylight and about 6:30 in the morning (and it was my back patio, not a highway!) so it was a shock to see and it took me a second for my suddenly alert brain to realize what it was!

I tried to find where it had gone, but it had gone! Maybe best for both of us. Now I will need to find out why in the world an Armadillo was on my back patio and trying to break into our house!

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Recently I happily put on my Summer weekend/off of work clothes, shorts, t-shirt and scandals and prepared for the Summer!

However.... As usual, it got cold again, so I had to revert to other, more warmer, clothes and wait some more! However, I am enjoying the green trees, the flowers and other colorful displays of Spring.

The pear (I believe) trees are plentiful here in Lakeland and when they first come out (they are gone already), they almost seem to brighten up the night.

We have really been busy, even for the normal busiest time of the year! I always make time for exercise (walking, bike riding and, recently, riding the stationary bike while I read my other passion, the daily newspapers!). I am getting behind on my magazine and book reading and also haven't been able to keep up with some computer projects I have been working on. It seems I get up and go to bed and the times in-between are just a blur!

Graduation time is coming soon, and we are going to several COLLEGE graduations that make me realize how time passes! I remember them as little children and can't believe they are actually graduating from College!

Sunday, April 03, 2011


Saw the first "Crocus" several weeks ago and admired all of pear trees as they bloomed. Cheered the start of Spring on March 20/21 and the 70 degree+ perfect weather.

Of course I realized the miserable weather would return, but I enjoyed the "first Spring". The pear trees in Lakeland bloom to the point that it almost seems to light up the night.

The grass is still turning green and the trees are budding, but Spring is here and I am now awaiting the "true Spring" which arrives after the coolness of April.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Smoke Detectors (again)

Another "smoke detector" went off again at 5;45 a.m. this morning. I was up, but I hate that type of smoke detector. I don't think the harassment really works, it just makes you angry and take the battery out. (I had to check my previous blog to remember to disconnect the electric connection also). We installed some electric smoke detectors with direct Fire Department access, so we don't need them anyway.

I can't believe someone actually manufactures a device like that. SURELY with all of the technology they should be able to do better!

Wasted 30 minutes and woke Aliene up killing it.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

WARNING-Apple Products-Like Santa Claus, I no longer believe!

My trust in Apple products has evaporated and I feel a little like when I was a child and realized Santa Claus was a myth.

I had to reset my iPhone (due to corrupt files). I was advised that I "may lose some text messages".

NOTE: yes, I had carefully "syned" and backedup my iPhone in the belief that everything was maintained in teh backup file on the computer, exactly as I was told.

I did lose my text messages. I ALSO LOST:

-All of the information in my "apps" including my calendar etc.

-All of my "notes" I kept in the "notes" app for the past three years. It Apple Computer had advised me I was going to lose all of my notes, I could have e-mailed them and saved them.

-All of my "favorite" phone numbers and contacts

-All of my "bluetooth" connections

-I lost may of my "apps" and regained "apps" I had thought I had removed from my computer.

What really upsets me about the whole thing is that WHY WASN'T I TOLD what would happen? I could have taken precautions to save some of the information.

I no longer trust Apple products (iPhone, iPad) etc. Now I wonder if I will lose everything on my iPad also, even thought I back it up on a regular basis.

Apple Computer needs to use some its profits to better serve it's customers and advise what will happen. Surely, with all of the technology available they can take steps to make sure this doesn't happen!

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

An early "April Fools" from General Mills


As a Hot Wheels/Matchbox miniature car collector, I am always on the lookout for them in boxes of cereal etc.

I thought I had hit the jackpot from General Mills when I read an add about a series of 4 such cars. I quickly went to the grocery store and was pleased to see that the cereal (one of each type yet!) was still available. I carefully looked at the box to make sure it was a car “inside the box” and not a coupon to send off etc. Satisfied I quickly bought one of each for my collection.

While I normally eat oatmeal for breakfast, I dutifully started eating the General Mills cereal. As I got to the bottom of the box, I started wondering where the car was.

SURPRISE!! As I got to the bottom of the first box, I read the box again and realized it said “collect all 4 BOXES”!! This, after, suspecting a trick of some sort (I’m ashamed to say I have been burned before), I had carefully reviewed the ad and the boxes of cereal!

I just laughed about the “early April Fool” from General Mills, and vowed never to buy anything from General Mills again, but I do feel sorry for the kids who don’t realize how tricky General Mills ads and cereal boxes are.

At least it was an inexpensive lesson! And I will enjoy the cereal, but after this the other brands will do fine when I decide I want to eat “cold” cereal.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Winter Daze

It it that time of year when I just "take it one day at a time" as I wait for Spring! Actually, in spite of this being the "worst" (most adverse weather) since I moved to Lakeland, I still have managed to get most of my morning walk and bicycling in (although bicycling does get a little cold at times). I have only missed a few events because of snow and bad weather.

There is even a "good" side. I am wearing clothes I haven't worn for years since it is normally too warm (even during the winter) to wear them and I just hadn't gotten around to giving them away.

I was going through some of my clothes and I have cold weather clothes that go back to at least 1981. That means I have had them for 30 years! I never would have even guessed that 30 years later I would still be wearing them.

Actually the cold doesn't bother me a bit during my walk. My hands get cold while I bike and I never have found a pair of gloves that are warm enough, but thin enough so I can shift gears and maintain control of the bike.

I just switched from biking by "distance" rather than "time". I found I was dogging it to use up time, if I go by the distance, I am more likely to go faster so I can reach my mileage faster!

However, the Winter continues and I wish again I had made arrangements to be somewhere hot and warm sometime this Winter as I wait for Spring to arrive.

One thought keeps me going through the cold winter-Spring is coming and the first little yellow flowers will soon show up!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Best Buy (Mission Accomplished?)

Just to finish the situation with Best Buy.

Our TV was finally taken to the shop and apparently finally fixed. At least it hasn't had a problem yet.

The Tivo has been installed correctly and we are taking our Comcast box back tomorrow.

We haven't paid the $109 for the "service call" that was actually a warranty call, but since we now have proof that it was installed incorrectly (even according to Best Buy) when the Best Buy "Geek Squad" Agent came out and tried to say nothing was wrong and charge us $109. We haven't gotten a letter saying we didn't owe it, but we haven't gotten a bill and I'm sure we won't get one.

My major concern about Best Buy is the absolute total refusal of anyone to respond to my concerns and their refusal to apparently even consider that one of their agents were wrong. Our overall total visits include four for the Tivo, and six for the TV since December 5, 2010.

A major concern is that most of the technicians indicated no sense of accountability for doing the job right and the overall glaring lack of concern and response by Best Buy management. The only person who responded at all was the person on Facebook. Absolutely no one else (in immediate or upper management, including the Presidents office) responded or expressed any concern. I wonder how Best Buy stays in business.

A disturbing experience of defective customer service by a major retailer, although I do want to state that the problem was eventually taken care of. If it hadn't been for the attempt to charge us for a warranty call, I would probably be sitting here with an improperly connected Tivo and a defective TV, so it wasn't all bad.

I do have to praise the Best Buy "front line" representatives who listened and kept dispatching technicians to resolve the problem. They did a super job of listening and trying to respond to my concerns. It is too bad the supervisors and upper management demonstrated such a culture of horrible customer service and response, when many of the front line personnel were excellent.

Friday, January 07, 2011

Birds life "brutish and short"

I recently read that a birds life is "brutish and short" and that only 50 % of birds survive during a season. (This was in a short about the bird's "falling dead out of the sky" in Arkansas.

Makes me feel better about the time and efforts I make in feeding the birds in my backyard!