Monday, December 26, 2005


Overall, a good Christmas, marred somewhat by colds etc. While Angela, Kali and Katherine and I had a good visit before Christmas, both Angela and Kali were sick and unable to attend the "Christmas Party" and open gifts etc. It was still nice, but nothing is more fun than watching children opening gifts!

Aliene and I are still feeling the lingering effects of being sick. I still have a cough etc. (sometimes I wonder if I've always coughed), but I feel a lot better today and hopefully it is basically over.

We are visiting with Kim, Eleanor and Rebecca in Tulsa and having a good time!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

December 21

December 21 is one of my favorite days because it is the "shortest day of the year", which means Summer is ahead! Of course, there is still a lot of cold weather, but at least the days are getting "longer".

Actually of course, in Memphis, Winter really doesn't normally get bad until about January and continues through late March with a lot of nice days. However, the "chill" of winter doesn't normally recede until late April, which you really feel Spring is here and Summer is ahead!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Moving continues

Aliene and I are still not feeling well, so the move is going slowly and we are living in a sea of boxes! So far, we have managed to move a few things since we went to our Doctor Monday and got some medicine for what we had. We had two entirely different things, I had acute bronchis and Aliene had some kind of virus.

We had thought by now we would be somewhat settled in, but perhaps this is the way it was meant to be.

We have a wonderful view out of our back windows and really enjoy it.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

We have moved!

We moved to our new house on Monday, December 12. Overall, I think we are going to really enjoy the new house, as soon as we get settled.

We had planned to get "settled" this weekend, but both Aliene and I got sick. I think Aliene has some type of flu and I have a coughing cold that I am trying to get rid of. So, here we sit, both sick, with boxes stacked around just waiting to be put away!

We had hoped to at least clean our the garage enough so we could get the cars in, but no such luck unless one of us starts feeling better!

We plan on going to OKC next weekend for Christmas, so we hope we start feeling better and are able to get some of our stuff put away this week before we leave for OKC!

After driving through the ice storm last Christmas, we decided to fly this year!

Friday, December 09, 2005


We "took possession" of our new house Wednesday, November 30. (Due to the way it was financed, we had already "closed" on it last August.)

A few minor things to be done, or problems, as always, but overall we are very happy with it.

We moved some storage items from the "POD" into the house, but THE move is going to be Monday, December 12. We gave up on moving ourselves and are hiring someone to move us, at least the big items. We are going to be glad to be in our new home.

The apartments weren't bad. The Champion Hills apartments are very professionally managed and maintained well. Still, it will be nice to have our own home (and garage) again!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Radio Stations

I am sick of the "talk" on Memphis radio stations. (Oklahoma City was the same way.)

When I interviewed out here, I loved the music on the radio stations. I DIDN"T realize that I wasn't listening early in the morning and they all have the crude "talking heads", who apparently have an overly large opinion of themselves and feel all their listerners are 2nd graders who like potty talk, long laugher and rude noises.

Thank goodness for NPR, IPOD's and XM satellite radio!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

The change is weather is confirming that winter is coming! The leaves on the trees are falling off, and the bare limbs are starting to show.

I get a chill when I think that Spring is some time away and even the "shortest day of the year" is over a month away, so it will get dark earlier and earlier for at least a month. Out here, it gets dark earlier than Oklahoma City, about an hour earlier. I get used to it, but it doesn't mean I have to like it! I do like the fact that it gets light an hour earlier.

I am now starting to yearn for Spring and the new leaves, grass and flowers. At least the holiday season is always nice. I like the holiday music, the gathering with family and friends etc. I still don't like buying gifts (well, I LOVE buying the right gift, but the right gift is hard to find and I get too worried about buying the right gift. Fortuately, Aliene understands, and my family is resigned to it.)

The season is still a novelty. I get really tired of it around February and usually want to take a vacation somewhere warm and sunny. One of these years I will do that!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Weather (again)

This will teach me to brag about the nice weather!

The temperature this morning was 37 degrees, still not bad for November 16! The storms you may have heard of yesterday did include a lot of wind and rain, with some hail, but did little damage in this area.

Saturday, November 12, 2005


It has been beautiful weather the past few weeks. This week, the temperature was 83 degrees a few days! Even when the temperature is in the 40-50 degree area, it still feels warm enough to walk in shorts etc.

Aliene and I are starting to plan where to put things in our house! It is taking shape nicely and we are really looking forward to moving in, but not necessarily to moving.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

New House about ready!

We were advised this week that our house may be ready for a "walk through" on November 21, and closing on November 29, 2005!

The house now has some of the flooring (tile) down, the driveway is completely in (with some landscaping) and it is really starting to look like a house!

We are excited, although slightly dreading having to move again. However, we will have over a month to move, which will be nice.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Time Change

Every fall I look forward to the "extra" hour when DST ends. Of course, normally Sunday is the only day I notice it.

However, there is always something different about that Sunday, a feeling of expanding of time. I always like to take at least one hour and do sometime different I normally wouldn't do.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Uncle Wayne

A lot has happened since my last post.

Uncle Wayne passed away and Aliene and I went to his services. We are glad we had the opportunity to join in with other family on saying goodby to Uncle Wayne.

Aliene and I decided to drive, and on the way, we listened to Tim Russert's memories of his father. Somehow it was very appropriate, as both his father and Uncle Wayne were part of the "Greatest Generation" who have given so much to our country. Uncle Wayne was especially instrumental in Boy Scouts, his church, and the Cloud County (Kansas) Historical Society. Also, he was just enjoyable and interesting to talk to and we will miss him!

Two chins?

While putting my Granddaughter in her car seat recently, she innocently asked me "Grandpa, why to you have two chins!

I immediately decided to go on a strict diet and increase my bicycling and walking exercise time!
Hopefully, in the next year, I will be saying "thanks" to her for helping me lose weight and get in better shape!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

My "Strengths"

I recently read a book that emphasized we need to work on improving our “strengths” and managing our weaknesses, rather than spend a lot of time on improving our weaknesses, since when you build on your “strengths” you actually get more “payback” than when you spend your time trying to improving in your weak areas.

The book emphasizes you need to manage or compensate for your weaknesses, but the important goal is to “know yourself”. I read the book in preparation for a session at the ICMA conference. I also took the test to determine my “strengths”.

Of 34 character traits, I ranked highest in “Input”. I am sure there are a number of books with this theory out there that give different names to each character trait, but this book defined the “Input” trait as “inquisitive”, a “collector of information or even tangible objects that interest the person”.

At the conference, all of the persons with “Input” as their highest “strength” sat at the same table and talked. I was amazed!

Everyone at the table had the following characteristics:-Felt like they missed something if they didn’t read the newspaper each morning. (I normally read two daily newspapers, and will read three or more if I have the time. I deliberately don’t subscribe to home delivery, because I know having to read the newspaper will provide the incentive for my morning walk to read the newspaper!) All of us also admitted to subscribing to more magazines than we had time to read, and reading 3 or 4 books at the same time.-

I have always probably enjoyed “planning” trips and getting information about locale, sometimes more than I actually enjoyed the trip! I was pleased that everyone at the table had the same characteristic!

Almost everyone at the table admitted to either setting up (or trying to set up) a filing system to collect clippings and stray information. I don’t collect “things” so much, but I did have to admit to my collection of Hot Wheels, t-shirts etc. ( Aliene would probably advise you that my statement I don’t collect “things” is an incorrect statement when she works around my magazines, books, hats, and stacks of information I keep around the house. Actually, I am much better than I used to be about discarding items.)

For those of you who have read the book, of similar books, besides “Input”, my other top five traits were “Developer”, “Learner”, “Positivity” and “Strategic”. One thing I didn't like at all was that this specific book only has a “unique” number and you can take the Internet test only one time. The web site then encourages you to purchase very expensive programs to examine the program further, and I simply don’t like such techniques. However, I did find the book and session to be an excellent investment of time and it was certainly an interesting and enlightening exercise.

September/October happenings

Well, I have a lot of catching up to do since my "blog bug" disrupted my writing!

Aliene and I have been busy. Our house is starting to look like a house, and we are still hopeful of being able to move into the house in December, although January is more likely.

We just attended the International City Managers Association conference in Minneapolis, MN. It was one of the most enjoyable conferences I have attended. All of the sessions were good, and we really enjoy Minneapolis. It was really an "up to date" city, with a lot of conveniences other downtowns in larger cities don't have.

Aliene had another "epidural" in her neck for her neck and arm pain. She had one in June and it was wearing out. We hope an occassional shot will prevent having to have an operation on her neck.

Aliene gave me an "IPOD" for my birthday and I am still dithering over which one to choose. I had almost had selected an IPOD with a hard drive when Apple came out with the "Nano", which has large "flash drive" which is supposed to be more reliable. (If I sound like I really don't know what I am talking about, I don't!)

"Blog Bug"

Well, I'm sure I have lost all of my loyal readers! I developed a "blog bug" I still haven't been able to resolve. Every time I tried to post to my "blog", my internet shuts down! So far, no one has been able to resolve it, but I have found (today) I can go to AOL and then to and it will work ok.

Keeping AOL all of these years finally serves a person, other than to just keep my screen names!

Monday, September 05, 2005


It is really good to have Aliene at home after she was up in OKC for three weeks helping her mother move. She is very glad to be home also!

We hardly had time to relax and then the Hurricane Katrina effects came. While we didn’t get even a small portion of the Hurricane by the time it hit Memphis it was a lot of wind and rain.

Memphis and the area got a lot of persons who evacuated from New Orleans. Even since I moved to Lakeland I have appreciated the expression “Southern Hospitality”. It really is true that Southern people (at least in this area) truly know how to treat a guest, and Memphis is showing it with the people left homeless by Katrina. Not to say anything bad about Oklahoma City residents, who will literally give you the shirt off their back (the Murrah explosion showed that).

Of course, whenever a tragedy like that happens, I think about what if it happens where I am City Manager at, at least on a smaller scale.

Colder weather is coming, or rather is here, and I dread the coming of winter. The only good thing is that I know Spring will follow.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

August memories

We really enjoyed the reunion this year. We enjoyed it so much, Delta decided to leave our bags in Denver! We got to Memphis and waited and waited for our bags, but they weren’t on the flight, but were delivered uneventfully the next day.

One thing we did forget to do was ask to see Ken and Janet’s bicycles!

We have been really busy. We just signed our contract, loan agreement, etc. for our new house in Lakeland. The “sold” sign is up and they are getting ready to pour the foundation.

Aliene also sold her house in OKC, so she has been in OKC since August 11 to help her Mother move to an apartment. Her mother still drives and gets around well, but the apartment will be relieve the problems with house repairs etc.

I went to OKC to see Aliene (her house won't close until later this week, so I drove back by myself.) The drive from Memphis to Oklahoma City is interesting, even though I have driven it many times. It starts with the trees and rolling hills of Lakeland, then the Mississippi Bridge from Memphis into Arkansas, than the rice fields of eastern Arkansas (yes, rice in Arkansas), than the “mountains” of the Ozarks, and then I really notice the lack of trees and hills in Oklahoma. One thing I really notice is the sunsets/sunrises in Oklahoma!

On the way back from OKC, some classical music seemed appropriate as I drove through eastern Arkansas. It was almost like watching a movie, or perhaps living inside a movie if you can imagine that.

I enjoyed a vist with Angela and Kail/Katherine also, as well as all of the children and Aliene's mother at "my" birthday party!

Election year this year in Lakeland (September 15), which brings dread into the heart of any City Manager! Actually, it doesn’t look that bad. We will have two new Commissioners since the two Commissioners up for election are not running for office. However, the Mayor is unopposed for re-election, which is nice, and the three persons running for the two open Commission seats seem ok.

It was nice to see everyone in Boulder and we are looking forward to next year! If you get out this way, give us a call or E-mail.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

"Dead Week" in Memphis

This is "Dead Week" in Memphis. (Officially known as "Elvis Week"!) The City has a lot of Elvis events and it is always an interesting week!

We have a lot of changes going on. Aliene is currently in Oklahoma City, helping her Mother move.

We just completed selecting all of the materials for our house, and hope we made the right decision!

School has started here. It is hard to believe it started so early!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Happy Birthday to me!

Happy Birthday to me! Today I "celebrate" another Birthday. I can remember when I was a child really thinking I would NEVER really be the age I am now!

Time goes so fast, the older I get the faster it goes!

It really has been busy since we got back from Vacation. Of course I had a backload of work at work, plus we have been busy with the house.

We selected our "colors" and "materials", which is always exciting as well as a little scary. What you are doing is so permanent! It is the last step before we actually "close" the loan. (It is a construction loan and will closed with a "permanent" loan when the house is completed. Don't ask me to explain it!)

Aliene got me seveal T-shirts for my birthday, and I also intend to get myself an Ipod for my birthday. I have been busy reading up on Ipods, how to use them etc. It will be interesting.

It is now raining outside. During past birthdays, especially when I was a child, I would have been very disappointed, since it was one of the few times I got to swim during the year! (At least, that is the way I remember it.)

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Started back to work today after a great vacation! It is really nice when you enjoy visiting with your relatives!

One slight problem-Delta lost our checked luggage, but it did arrive today, so not problem. We're just glad it happened here and not when we were in Colorado! Other than that, we had a great vacation and really enjoyed visiting Colorado Springs, Boulder and all of the visiting.

As usual after a vacation, work was non-stop today, but the vacation was well worth it.

I noted that the high temperature-nation wide-was 108 degrees in Hays, Kansas so I believe Jerry and Margaret were not kidding when they said it was hot!

I guess the old saying, it's good to go but it's good to get back was right! I went to a "neighborhood night out" gathering tonight. It is always fun, but I always get asked a couple of questions I don't know!

Looking forward to next year's Courter Reunion in Topeka, Kansas. In a weak moment, Aliene and I volunteered to be the "hosts" for the Reunion next year, so you'll be hearing from us!

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Courter Reunion

The Courter Reunion has been a great time.

We started by flying to Denver and then going to Colorado Springs to visit Aliene's brother. It was the first time we had seen their new house. We drove into the mountains Wednesay, and then Thursday we went to the Air Force Academy and then to the Royal Gorge.

I had never been to the Royal Gorge before so it was interesting. It is really a wonder how they built the bridge back in 1929!

Friday we drove up to Boulder, Colorado for the Courter Reunion, where we did a lot of visiting (and eating) and really enjoyed ourselves.

Late Sunday afternoon, Aliene and I and Eleanor and Kim drove out on Canyon Road and ended up about at least a 9,000 foot elevation! We came back down and stopped at Nederland, Colorado which is a very interesting mountain city! We enjoyed our visit there.

Boulder is a fascinating city. The bike paths are wonderful (especially for a biker and walker!) and the city and residents obviously work at protecting the environment.

Saturday, July 23, 2005


We put "earnest money" on a new house, although we're still working out all the final details about upgrades etc. "Upgrades" are to houses as "options" are to cars. You can add what seem are small, but nice, items and before you know it the price has increased substantially!

The apartments are actually ok. We hear some noise, but nothing really distracting. We do really miss our garage!

A friend came down last weekend and we went on a "lunch" Mississippi River cruise. It is a lot of fun and we never get tired of going on it when people visit! We actually go down to Tunica Mississippi and go on the "Tunica Queen" rather than the "Memphis Queen" (from Memphis obviously) since we like the "Tunica Queen" better.

Hot weather has hit here, after a week or so of rainy weather. I really enjoy the hot weather, and especially enjoy biking in the hot weather.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Reunion!

Saturday, July 16, 2005


One of the advantages of Summer is that blueberries are plentiful and relatively inexpensive. I love blueberries on my morning oatmeal and really miss it when blueberries get too expensive to use on a regular basis.

I always start to feel slightly deprived when blueberries become so expensive that I can't justify buying them even for my morning oatmeal! It is a great way to start the day! (I like peanut butter for breakfast even better, but I finally had to reserve that for just special occasions when I realized that peanut butter doesn't do a lot to help me lose/maintain my weight, even with exercise.)

Summer is my favorite season anyway, and blueberries are a nice addition to a great season! Actually, I like Spring and Fall also, but I always can't wait for Winter to be over. When Fall comes, I know Winter isn't far behind and when Spring comes, there is still the reminders of Winter. That is one of the many things I like about this area. The climate changes, but not that much! I always know during Winter that Spring is not far behind!I always look forward to June 21 (start of Summer and the longest day of the year) and hate to see the days grow shorter because I know Winter is coming!

It surprised me when I first moved to Lakeland to discover that it gets dark almost an hour earlier than in Oklahoma City. Of course, it gets light an hour earlier, and since I am an early riser, that is fine! (This discussion on blueberries is not to be confused with the Blackberry, which is a wonderful E-mail device. I'm sure it does a lot more, but I probably will never figure it all out. The Blackberry is even more addictive than blueberries and is available all year regardless of the season! It is also a lot more expensive than blueberries.)

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Digital photos

When our camera got stolen, we finally purchased a digital camera. Overall, we enjoy it. However, we made the mistake of waiting too long to sort through the digital photos (somewhat like all of the paper photographs I have scattered throughout my life!), and had a real problem in organizing and saving them.

This almost decided me to take an anger management class, but overall, it was a good learning experience. I did learn to stay away from SAMS photo processing and use Costco instead. Walgreens is also good, but a lot more expensive.

Overall, I'm pleased with the quality of photos, and I love the convenience.

Now, if I can just learn to print my pictures right after I take them....


I've been getting back to my bicycle, assuming the weather still stays dry. I haven't gotten to where I can ride in the rain yet.

I usually get up around 4:00 a.m., walk for the paper (about 2 miles), read the paper and drink coffee until 6:00 a.m. and then go out for a bike ride with Aliene.

If it is raining, I'll go over to a club and ride on the stationary bicycle. Otherwise, later in the day, I try to ride again, especially on weekends. On weekdays, it depends on whether I have a meeting that night etc.

Hopefully, this will all help me lose weight. For some reason, my weight has been especially stubborn this time. Even if I don't, I enjoy the exercise.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Routine 7 9 05

The new house is progessing. We went out yesterday and made final "option" pricing selections. Next week we will probably make (or at least start) selections of colors etc. Aliene will enjoy that! Soon we will commit to the lot etc. and hopefully the house will start.

I got tired of feeling like I was being taken to the cleaners (so to speak) by local home lenders and I submitted an application to E-Loan. We received approval of a loan about .8% of a interest rate less, which is a considerable amount on a house loan! We'll see what happens, but at least the E-loan rate is affordable. We will use local lenders if at all possible.

Apartment life is actually still ok. The Lakeland Champion Hills apartments are professionally run and relatively quiet, for apartments. Our air conditioning went out Thursday and it was quickly fixed.

Friday, July 01, 2005


We have lived in the apartment a month now. Not bad overall, we do miss our garage! I didn't realize how much I used the garage until I didn't have one. (Kind of like water, I guess.)

I'm trying to get back into bicycling again after a period of not bicycling due to bicycle problems. Apparenlty the problem was the rim, which I thought from the beginning.

We are now starting the process of buying our house. We have selected the plans and the lot. Now we need to finalize the house "options" and the financing and hopefully we will be moving into our new house within five months!

Memphis had a real haze/smog cover last weekend and the first several weekdays. I had to take Aliene to the Little Rock airport and the haze lasted all the way and really got bad in Little Rock. Reminded me of the movie "Soylent Green", which I saw in 1974.

Aliene was flying to Oklahoma City to take care of her house. It is just too expensive to fly from the Memphis Airport on short notice. Little Rock has Southwest Air (need I say more?). Northwest is great (usually it is non-stop) if you have time to buy your ticket well in advance.

We do have our tickets to Boulder for the Courter Reunion, and we also have reserved a Mustang convertible, so we are plan on enjoying a real vacation! We are stopping to see Aliene's brother in Colorado Springs before the Reunion. We will be at the Reunion hotel on Friday night.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

We are now "homeless"

The deed is done. Our house has sold “closed” and we officially no longer own the house. We greatly enjoyed the house and will miss it. We currently are staying in the apartments in Lakeland. It’s not bad at all, they run a good operation.

Obviously we are also looking forward to our house being ready, but since it hasn’t even been started yet, we will have a wait!

As always, the pain of change is also the excitement of change and the excitement of the possible.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Rantings and ravings

Aliene’s “epidural” went ok. She is tired, but glad it is over!

We just got back from a meeting in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. This area (Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge etc.) is extremely hard to get to, and, quite frankly, Pigeon Forge is just trash, and Gatlinburg is somewhat more interesting, but, what’s you’ve been there, you’ve been there! I don’t know why Tennessee organizations insist on going there, but… There are so many other interesting areas in Tennessee that I would prefer going to.

We are enjoying our apartment, but looking forward to moving to a house. We are still looking at house plans etc. and trying to select the “right” plans.

I am getting my bicycle fixed (new wheel) and hope to start biking on a regular basis again. I have missed it. I do walk several miles each morning when I walk for the paper.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Life resumes, goodby old house

I mowed the yard at the old house today, perhaps for the last time. The buyer looks like she will qualify for loan and the "closing" of the sale may be moved up from June 28.

The apartment hasn't been bad at all thus far. Some things are more convenient (just call the office if something is wrong with the apartment!), some things aren't (no garage), but overall it's ok.

We still haven't selected the plans for the new house. Some of the houses we really like, but the bedrooms are really small etc. The developer keeps raising prices, so we may just decide to purchse somewhere else! Probably not, we like the concept and we have found one plan that we really like. We would like to get a third car garage (not for the garaage, but for the space for exercise equipment storage etc.), but we don't like any of the plans that include a third car garage.

I took my bike over to have the wheel replaced. I just don't trust the front wheel anymore. I wasn't riding it much because I was scared the tire would so flat. Being very mechanically uninclined (I can't even change the bike tire, much less fix a flat), it is important I not have a flat!

I've resumed walking in the morning. I have a nice route, a circle route, which helps avoid boredom.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

the Internet is back!

I am pleased that I now have my wireless broadband internet back! I was getting restless using dialup! Broadband is so much better and I am really happy to have it back!

We are just about moved out of the house. It is sad to leave a house we liked so much and lived in for almost four years.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

8th Anniversary!

Today, June 7, 2005 is Aliene and my 8th Wedding Anniversary. It has been a really wonderful eight years. I do have to admit that 8 years ago, we never thought we would be in Tennessee, although we are happy it worked out like that!

We are comfortably moved to our apartment. It isn’t bad at all. The apartments are well run and relatively quiet, which is important to me.

We still haven’t selected our house plans, although we have narrowed it down to two plans and we have at least tentatively selected one. We are waiting for the sale on our house to “close” before we make any final decisions.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


The move is generally complete, thank goodness! We finished moving Saturday night around 2:00 a.m. (actually about 2:45 a.m. before the got the truck back). We aren't used to those hours anymore!

Of course, that is just the first part, now comes sorting etc. We are leaving a lot of stuff packed, since we don't know when we are moving to our house. We are currently living in an apartment, which actually is nice. It is well-maintained and relatively quiet and the staff is responsive to problems.

We have a lot of items in the "PODS", which is really quite a device (and also quite expensive, so I hope it isn't too long before we move!).

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Moving Day!

Today is our "moving day". We are moving to "temporary housing" while the house is being built (it will be some time, since we haven't even signed anything yet).

We had some good news. Aliene won't need an operation yet, they are going to try some other treatment first. THAT makes us feel good! We weren't looking forward to moving that then her having an operation Wednesday!

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Moving blues!

We are starting to pack and prepare to move. We hope to get an apartment while our house is being finished.

Moving is never fun, but it does help me to weed out stuff I don't need anymore! Aliene is actually going most of the work. I'm busy trying to "weed" items.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

We sell our house

Approximately two weeks after putting our house up for sale, we sold our house! The downside is that our new house won't be built before we move out, so we are facing living in an apartment for several months.

We really like our current house, so we had conflicting emotions on selling it.

We learned we had several offers on the house while returning from a short vacation weekend (Mothers Day) visit to Oklahoma City. It is exciting, but I hate to think of moving again, especially having to move twice!

We haven't even decided on the new house yet, so it is likely we will be living in an apartment for at least six months.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Bicycle (again)

I am swiftly coming to a decision to start looking for a new bicycle. Of course, I don't need much of an excuse, but I have lost faith in my current bikes mechanical condition. Being an incompetent mechanic (I can't even change my bicycle tire), I need to have a bicycle I can trust to be mechanically sound.

I guess "new bike fever" is just or bad or worse than "new car fever". One item I really want are the toughest, meanest, most flat-proof tires I can get!

Saturday, April 23, 2005

House for sale

Aliene and I decided to try to buy another house. We have to sell our current house first for a minimum amount so everything is still iffy.

We like our current house, but don't like the yard which takes so much time to maintain. Also, although it is a good house, it is 20 years old and things start to go wrong. I am all thumbs when it comes to mechanical projects (I can't even change a bicycle tire) and I finally decided I didn't have time to mess with it. Also, we have a very hard time finding compenent people who are willing to work on small jobs.

Anyway, so we are going to start living in the world of "open houses", where people tromp through your house, sudden house visits, and the always on the back of your mind fear that someone actually WILL offer a suitable offer for the house!

The house we are considering is in an "over 55" addition, and has lawn service etc. as part of the Homeowners Association fee. We still haven't signed a contingency contract (contingent on the sale of our home), but expect to in the near future.

We are going to list our house for six months. If it doesn't sell, we'll decide that fate has decreed that this our house and enjoy it!

City Government in Action

The other day, before the Board of Appeals, I observed the reason I love working for City government.

I observed about 30 residents come forward, present their case, and honestly having their input considered by the Board.

THAT is the beauty of City government! It actually sent chills down my spine to observe what I consider to be the beauty of City government. We may not always do what you want, but we listen!

In the end, that is probably the basic reason I love my job so much.

Sunday, April 17, 2005


I rode my bike almost daily for four years without a flat.

In the last month, the bicycle has had a flat tire approximately every two rides! I expect it is a problem with the rim, but the bike shop hasn't found a problem.

With the beautiful weather I have really missed bicycling!


Just got back from Louisville. Louisville is a nice city, although, as the saying goes, I wouldn't want to live there!

On the trip up, from Nashville to Louisville, I was in one of the hardest rainstorms I was ever in, especially since the rain storm lasted for miles.

The conference was excellent. It was a joint meeting of the Tennessee City Managers and Kentucky City Managers, so it was interesting to meet new City Managers, although I am still learning the Tennessee City Manager's names!

Sunday, April 10, 2005


Due to equipment problems with my bike, weather and tooth problems, I am just getting back to riding my bike. It feels so good! There is truly nothing better for clearing out my brain than a ride on my bike!

Also, it is an excellent opportunity for me to not things that need attention by the City! I frequently don't notice some situations in the car that I do in the bike.

I love this time of year in Tennessee when the flowers come out and the trees bud and it is actually warm enough to wear shorts!

Now, if I could just keep my bicycle tire from going flat! I am completely non-mechanical and the times I tried to change a tire, it ended badly, to say the least.

At least now I have a nice bikerack so I can get the bike to the repair shop quickly!

Aliene's hand is still hurting her, so she isn't able to ride her ride her bike.

I am trying to get my distance up to where I can ride the "midnight" ride in June in Memphis. Other than that, my cousin, Kenneth asked me to go bike riding with him in Colorado this Summer, so I have to be prepared for that!

I am thinking of getting another bike. I have rebuilt my existing bike several times, but it is kind of like saying goodby to an old friend to get another bike.

Saturday, April 09, 2005


Well, an update on my root canal. I had hoped it would be done in one visit, I thought my visit Friday was the last one for the root canal part, now I found out I have ANOTHER visit to complete the root canal!

What is really bad is that due to the root canal, I need a crown now!

What is ever worse is the COST! Between the costs for the root canal and crown or the actual root canal, I'm not sure which hurts the most!

Actually, the Dentist has been very good. My teeth ache or hurt for a day or so after the procedure and then I am fairly comfortable.

I will be glad to get the root canal done, and even happier to get the crown done.

Aliene out of town

Aliene is out of town this week to be with her son Ron for his operation.

I forgot what it is like to live by myself. I quickly degenerated into "eating over the sink" and tripping over my clothes on the floor (well, not really that bad), but it is different. Worse, my eating habits reverted. (Like a pie and ice cream for a complete meal!)

I am glad we are married and I will be really glad when she gets back!

April is a really busy month, and I need to prepare the City budget, so this gave me a chance to catch up on my work, and get the framework of the budget completed.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

"The 8th Habit"

I am reading "The 8th Habit" by Stephen Covey as my "15 minute" daily reading exercise. It is a fascinating book and I am enjoying slowly reading it and trying to incorporate the thoughts.

He mentioned the concept of "Completed Staff Work", which apparently is an old concept. For some reason, that concept has never risen to my consciousness before.

It is a great book with a lot of thoughts. I borrow a lot of books from the library. I'm glad I bought this one.

After this book, my goal will be to read the Fortune Magazine "75 Smartest Books". It may take a while to read all 75 books! Actually, I have read a number of them.

Sunday, April 03, 2005


One of my favorite pastimes is reading. I am currently reading "The 8th Habit" by Stephen Covey as my "learning read". (I also read a wide variety of junk mysteries, novels, magazines etc. I just love to read.)

Recently Fortune magazine listed the best 75 books for Managers and I decided my goal is to read all 75 of those books!

I try to spend 15 minuetes per day reading something I normally probably wouldn't read. I figure this will keep me in reading for a long time!

"Hot Wheels" vehicles

I'll admit it. I collect "Hot Wheels" (actually I collect all types of small vehicles). I simply enjoy it and it is a rewarding, inexpensive hobby for me.

I have decided to classify the vehicles (they are much more than cars!) and, several minutes each day, I take the cars and classify them. Some of obvious. I have determined the classifications of "NASCAR", "Indy/Formula I", convertables, pickups, "classic coaches", Ferraris, vans, trucks, fire trucks, police cars etc. Some I haven't been able to classify.

I am looking to trade some cars and will appreciate any information on a "Hot Wheels" club in the West Tennessee. For that matter, I could visit an Oklahoma City club when I am in the area visiting family!

I don't know why I get satisfaction out of collection them. I've been doing it in a coordinated way since at least 1979. Usually I just pick up a couple every now and then, and if I see them at a garage sale (a rare occurance) I buy some of the better ones.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

My Root Canal

I had the first phase of my "root canal" on tooth # 9 this afternoon. Not something I'd want to do everyday, but it seemed to go ok. What I really don't like is having to go back again and then having to go back for a crown.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Donations at stores

One minor pet peeve is the stores (around here, such as Walgreens and Citgo), who ask you to “donate a dollar for a charity” (of course, their charity).

I figure I can decide who I donate my money to. I really believe Walgreens and Citgo make enough money, why don’t THEY donate to their favorite charity and let me donate to mine, instead of begging money at the register and trying to embarrass you into “donating”? (How even do we REALLY know if the money actually makes it to the charity?)

Personally, I try to leave an extra dollar or so to the hard working food servers. I could never be a waiter and I admire their ability to get things right while keeping in a reasonably good mood for such low pay. They do a great job for low pay.

In fact, it is amazing that the caretakers of the things we value most (our food and our children) are paid so little!

Friday, March 25, 2005

Favorite Joke

A horse walks into a bar. The bartender walks up and asks "why the long face?".

(I don't know why, but I can't tell this joke with laughing out loud, and I am laughing now as a read it.)

My front tooth

Well...I'm finally facing my first "root canal". My tooth started hurting several weeks ago. Last week (March 17), it finally starting hurting bad enough I called my Dentist and requested my normal "checkup" day be moved up.

He sent me to a specialist who found my tooth had been infected and I needed an "emergency" root canal. He prescribed some pencellian (spell!). I hurting really bad yesterday, but the medicine is working and I feel much better today. The emgergency root canal is scheduled for next week, assuming the infection goes away.

Aliene started another treatment for her thumb pain and shoulder pain and hopefully it is working!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Teeth hurting

Teeth are still hurting. I've isolated it to one tooth. Years ago a Dentist told me I had a "dead nerve" and said it may come alive. The day is apparently here.

I dislike going to Dentists, but in this case, I am looking forward to the appointment. I figure if nothing else, I will know what is wrong and have some timetable for fixing the problem.

The last time I had any teeth problems was about 5 years ago on Easter Sunday in Chicago! I woke up and told Aliene I'd need to make an appointment with a Doctor when I got back on Wednesday. Within two hours, I was on the phone trying to find an emergency room! I thought finding an emergency room in Chicago on Easter Sunday would be impossible, but I found an excellent facility and they got the problem (a clogged gland) resolved.

However, I was allergic to the drug they gave me for pain and developed a severe rash on my hands!

Hopefully this won't be a serious problem and it will be resolved.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

I quit Peanut Butter (well....somewhat)

Due to some failed attempts to really control my weight, at the suggestion of Aliene, I recently quit eating peanut butter on my toast each morning! This was a major concession for me, a person wh0 has had a lifelong love affair with peanut butter.

However, we normally eat breakfast at the Blue Plate Cafe on Saturday and Sunday, and, it so happens they have peanut butter....It also so happens that the serving staff knows us so well, I don't even have to order peanut butter....However, they do say if you are trying to lose weight, it is better to cut back on foods rather than completely eliminate them, so ....

My normal breakfast is oatmeal, toast and pean (whoops, I forgot) and jelly-no peanut butter right now!

I have let up on the bicycle somewhat due to a series of colds and a case of the flu, but I am getting back into it. I still walk about 2 miles most mornings for the morning paper. As I mention previously, I am somewhat of a daily newspaper addict and don't really feel the day is right until I read my daily newspaper!


My first sunburn of 2005! I attended the Grand Opening of Lakeland Fire Station # 1 and, not wearing a hat, got a sunburn, somthing I try to avoid.

It was fun to attend the Grand Opening of Lakeland Fire Station # 1. I probably will never again attend an opening of a Fire Station # 1, so it was interesting!

There was a heavy rain this morning, so I was concerned about the weather, but the weather was great for the ceremony!

I have a bad toothache (seeing the dentist Monday) and Aliene's arm is still hurting from her thumb reconstruction surgery, so we aren't feeling all that good, but it could be worse!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Jackson Tennessee

At a Doubletree in Jackson, Tennessee. Four years ago, in Harrah, Oklahoma, I would never have imagined myself in Jackson, Tennessee.

Tennessee is a wonderful state, but very unusual in that it has three sections and three entirely different cultures.

-West Tennessee-(Memphis/Lakeland)-Blues

-Middle Tennessee-(Nashville)-Country Western

-East Tennessee (Knoxville)-More of a bluegrass music.

What is strange is that in Memphis there is one Country Music station, and absolutely no place for Country Western dancing. Nashville must have at least five or six Country Music stations and all kinds of places to dance. Walking through downtown Nashville is a wonderful experience.

I love fiddle/violin music (I even played the fiddle/violin for about 10 years. I stopped when I moved to Lakeland in 2001 because I lost my fiddle teacher and I really didn't have the time.

My mother used to tell me that even when I was a baby I was fascinated by fiddle/violin music and would listen with rapt attention anytime I heard a violin. It is still my favorite instrument (in any kind of music) now.

I don't know that much about eastern Tennessee. Pigeon Forge is a trash town (I call it Pigeon S***). Gatlinburg is kind of fun the first or second time. Don't know much about Knoxville. Chattenooga (probably mispelled) is kind of enjoyable, but I don't know much about it.

I can see how Tennessee gets in your blood, especially if you are a native Tennessean.

Morning radio announcers

Sometimes I get so angry at the sewer rat morning radio announcers. They seem to feel 10 mintues of laughter is "entertainment". I listen to my favorite radio station until the "morning barf announcers" come on and then I switch to a CD or XM radio. Thank goodness for XM radio.

I don't understand why they think they are funny or entertaining and I really don't understand why EVERY radio station think they need to have some announcers who live in a sewer in the morning and feel harrassing innocent people is "fun". Sicko.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

I start a Blog

Although I have kept a "chalkboard" for years, this is my first attempt at blogging.

Waiting for Spring-hope it won't be long!

Briefly, grew up in Kansas, moved to Oklahoma, now live in Lakeland, Tennessee. I really enjoy Lakeland, the people, culture, especially the climate and even more especially my job.

What is my day like? Up at 4:00 a.m., walk/exercise, read the newspaper (I am a newspaper addict), take a short nap (I'm a 15 minute power napper) and then off to the office. Usually try to take a brief nap at noon. About 2-3 evenings per week, I normally have an evening meeting, so I take a short nap before the meeting. Usually to bed by 10:30 or 11.

Major hobbies include reading, bicycling, walking etc.

4:00 a.m.??? I know, I just wake up then. I started waking up at 5:00 a.m. some years ago, and rather than just lay there I got up and started walking and enjoyed it. I started waking earlier, but stopped at 4:00 a.m. If I wake up at 3:45, I stay in bed.

My pet peeve? Lakeland has no identity. We "share" a ZIP code with Arlington, a much smaller City, and the U.S. Postal Service is so rigid they can't change anything. If you put in "38002", you will get Arlington every time. BellSouth doesn't recognize Lakeland as a city. If you ask for "Lakeland information", they will tell you we don't exist!

Lakeland has Interstate 40 bisecting it. If you go from Memphis to Nashville, you go through Lakeland!