Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Birds and bicycle gloves


We have a bird feeder in our backyard, which provides some enjoyable moments as we watch the birds. They range from a pigeon or two, to bright yellow, blue and red birds as well as the normal gray birds.

For some reason, the last few days, the birds have been in a feeding frenzy and actually have started hanging out at the bird feeder even if they aren’t eating.

I think there is supposed to be some kind of message in all of this, but I’m not sure what it is.


While taking my bike riding gloves this morning, I realized the gloves don’t wear out from wearing them, it’s the putting on and taking off that are so hard on them.
Again, I’m sure there is some sort of message there.

I'll think about it some more tomorrow.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Cicadas and bullfrogs

Sitting out on the patio tonight listening to the cicadas. It felt like I was immersed in the sound, there is so many of them. It is an oddly comfortable sound, like the booming bullfrogs I hear in the morning.

I remember the cicadas when I was a child. I'm not sure what I associate with cicadas, but I have always enjoyed it and the sound relaxes me and is enjoyable.

I don't remember hearding bullfrogs before I moved to my current house, although I'm sure I heard them someplace. They are usually only active early in the morning and I like the sound.

Treefrogs, I can do without, although they don't bother me.

August in Tennessee

The weather is getting cooler, as the Summer of 2008 wanes. This morning it was 70 degrees and it was actually cool. I really notice the difference when I ride my bike in the morning. I'll need to get some more bike wear before this winter to keep riding through the winter!

One of the biggest problems in Winter, both for bike riding and walking, is the amount of time it takes to put on and take off the cold weather clothing! It may sound minor, but it adds up during "hyper time", which is the time between when I get up and when I leave for work.

Although I get up arund 3 a.m. to 3:30 a.m., and don't go to work until 8:00 a.m., I walk 30-45 minutes, read the paper, ride 30-35 minutes, eat breakfast, shower etc, take a nap, review and respond to e-mail/write e-mail etc., so the time goes fast!

I hate to see the Summer end. I love Summer and hot weather. While I like the August-November time, it also means the dreaded Winter is arriving (even in Lakeland, which has a wonderful climate, the Winter seems to last forever).

In spite of my exercise, I am still having a problem losing weight.l I guess the simple answer is I still eat too much!

We still enjoy watching the bird feeder. There is a wide variety of birds, red birds, yellow birds, bright blue birds etc. We really enjoy it. We have learned to bring in the feeder at night to stop the racoons from coming in and feeding!

We have been learning a lot about our Mac computers at the "Apple store". I wish PC's had a similar program.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Thoughts on my 61st Birthday

August 6, 2008:  Sometime this morning (I believe around 5:30 a.m.) I turned 61.  

I guess to a large degree, I feel "so what, I don't feel that old!".  And I really don't feel like I am anywhere close to 61 years old, either physically or mentally.

But I am, and, as adults always used to say when I was younger, yes time does pass quickly.  Even if the days drag, the months and years fly.  

I still think of things I intend to do with my life when I get a "round tu it" , or, as I say, "when I grow up."  At least we live in a day now when it is accepted that you can keep on doing things regardless of your age.  Retirement, even from my current position, seems far in the future (and I hope it is!).  I really don't see even thinking about it until I am 67 and hopefully not until I am 70.  

When I was a teenager, I remember hearing Pete Seger (spell?) sing about "Little Boxes" and I thought about how I didn't want a "predictable" life.  I didn't realize at the time that no life is "predictable" and I got my wish.  

Looking back, like everyone, I certainly made a few mistakes I wished I could take back, missed some opportunities I wish I could get again, but, overall....I'm pleased or at least accepting that it could have been a lot worse.  

I still enjoy Summer immensely (right now I am sitting on my patio, drinking coffee, and enjoying the wonderful 84 or so degree weather, watching the time so I can get ready for work.

Each Summer does seem to go faster and the cold of winter arrives quickly, so I have learned to relax and enjoy the Summer while it is here.  August 6, it is already getting darker quicker, and even in the hot days, there are signs of the Fall and Winter to come.  I dread the Winter, and shortly after the leaves have fallen, I think of how long it will be before the flowers bloom again, the  grass turns green and the trees come alive again.  The Winter goes so slow and the Summer goes so fast.

There is one sure thing in life.  In one year I will be 62, in 9 years I will be 70 (if I am lucky)!  I think my dream when I retire is to start where the Summer is endless and follow the Spring and early Summer north on my bicycle, taking it all in as I ride my bike.  (With a backup vehicle and staying in hotels of course!)

I find that I see so much more riding my bike.  I don't have the patience to walk and driving a car is too fast to really observe anything.  I try to ride in areas of the City so I can observe problems better, but time is always a factor (as is safety).  

Probably one of the hardest things about aging is watching others make the same mistakes I did-usually with the same consequences.  Sometimes they listen, usually they listen and forget and my mistakes do not have the value mistakes should have.  I have learned to study my mistakes, although it doesn't mean I always learn from them! 

Time to get dressed and go to work.  Another year of my life begins. 

Sunday, August 03, 2008

August thoughts

We really enjoyed the Courter Reunion in Topeka. It was good to see everyone and, as an added bonus, we got to see Holton, the Solder Cemetary and other places I remember from many years ago! The visiting was the best and we are already looking forward to next year

The trip up and back was relatively non-eventful, which was nice! We went through Oklahoma City to pick up/drop off Angela, Kali and Katherine. They really enjoyed the swimming pool and visitng with everyone.

I am enjoying the hot summer (Aliene probably isn't enjoying it quite as much!). I do most of my exercise in the early morning now, but I do miss my bike rides in the heat. The morning temperatures are usually in the range of 81 to 86. It actually seems cool in the morning on my bike ride if the temperature is under 76 degrees. In that case, I normally wear a long sleeve shirt or jersey.

We enjoy our bird feeder. A racoon also started enjoying eating out of the bird feeder so we have to take it in at dark and put it out in the morning! Last week, on two occasions, deer came right up to our back yard.