Thursday, July 23, 2020

2020 Summer July 23 Thursday

76 degrees this morning 89% humidity

Another day in Covet—19 land.   A sameness, until it changes.  

The days are the same, although aren’t the same at all.  I wonder about the 14 day quarantine. Not looking forward to it unless it turns out well.   

The days have turned into a saneness with discussion if it is time to get some extra help.  I’m hoping I can just do an er visit, and not have a fire truck and an ambulance at the front door.

There is some relief to calling, but also alarm at losing control of the situation.  No one has ever really said how long the covid-19 lasts.

I’ll be glad with the breathing treatment is scheduled,, if that is what is needed.  

I won’t get used to writing such short posts hopefully the Covitt-19 will work itself out.

That’s it for now, Thursday, July 23, 2020.  

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

2020 Summer July 22 Wednsday


73 degrees this  morning,  90% humidity 

Weather yesterday, was wonderful.  High of 91 degrees.  What is really strange is that in the evening, heavy rain was all around us, and didn’t rain a drop on our house

Found out Monday we tested positive for Covid-19.  Kind of figured out by then, it that wasn’t it, we were really sick with something.  At least we know what it is.  

The wild dreams got wilder.  It was like I was in a continuous dream where I was trying to find  a new  language to fit a new situation and I was concerned about how to make sure it could be understood.  Strange.  
Other than that, a lot  of sleeping , etc. Couldn’t really eat a lot.  

Didn’t sit on patio, didn’t wasn’t to do anything but sleep Tuesday morning.  Started feeling somewhat better as  the day went by, but tired quickly.  

We do household chores (absolutely necessary ones) slowly, as we have energy..  It eventually gets done.  

That’s it for now, Wednesday, July 22, 2020.

Monday, July 20, 2020

2020 Summer July 20 Monday

79 degrees this morning 69 % humidity wind  mph

Wonderful day yesterday, high of 94 degrees no wind, sunny.  Overall a beautiful day, too bad I couldn’t enjoy it!

Should learn about Covid-19 test today.  Don’t know if I want to, really, except at least than I’ll kow what we’re dealing with.  

Zoom family reunion yesterday, went very well, even when it gets back to normal (whatever normal may be, we’ll probably have a Zoom meeting scheduled for those who can’t attend.  

First actual baseball game yesterday.  Actually an exhibition game, but still a baseball game.  

Really wild dreams, I can’t remember, 

Sleep a lot, this will be short, probably for the future my posts will be shorter than normal until I get through whatever the process is.

That’s it for now Monday, July 20, 2020

Sunday, July 19, 2020

2i02i0 Summer July 19 Sunday

78 degrees this morning 74%  humidity Wind, 11 mph.  

Yesterday, another Summer day, high of 95 degrees, some wind.  

Sitting out on the patio this morning, it is a wonderful morning.  Unfortunately the bird with the very annoying “song” is also enjoying the early morning,  

Getting close to completing “American Dirt”. The book really emphasizes then fact that while there is a lot of overwhelming vile evil, there is also good people who perform help other people in even the worst of circumstances.  

I know this, but sometimes with all the recent hate filled talk, it is easy to forget that there are a lot of good people in the world regardless of the demographics. 

In the book, one episode really caught my attention,  The migrants have just been robbed and a Doctor stops to ask if they need help.  Of course, they have reason to be suspicious so they ask him why he wants to help and he points to a crucifix around his neck and quoted the verse “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink”.  

Perhaps it was the situation in the book, but I was surprised at the emotional chord this hit in me. 

The book also emphasizes the need for a Free Press, although recent attackers on news media , etc., also emphasizes  the need for a free press.  The federal thugs who using illegal tactics and unmarked vehicles and uniforms in Portland also emphasize the need for a free press that can report on such illegal activities.  

I received an email from a friend who was writing about the death of a friend who was involved or had been involved in situations pointing out the dangers of big government and (my words) big corporations , etc., who basically take the law into their own hands and frequently get by with the most illegal criminal actions.  

Again, I think the need for a free press has to be defended.

Family Reunion Zoom meeting yesterday (continuing today) was excellent, even more successful  than I expected.  Of course that was due to the preparation and work of the person who set up the Zoom meeting and the fact it was a good idea.

For some reason I am having very wild dreams.  Unlike other times  I don’t remember any of them, which is probably good based on the little bit I remember.  

The dreams basically entail the absolute power of some shadowy figures   I assume it is partly because I don’t know what control I have over Covid-19, assuming I have it.  

I am basically trying to drink a lot of water and gatorade and get plenty of rest.  

We’ll know more tomorrow.

That’s it for now, Sunday, July 19, 2929

Saturday, July 18, 2020

2020 Summer July 18 Saturday


78 degrees this morning,  81% humidity, 11 mph wind

Yesterday started off  warm in the morning and continued to a high of 98 degrees.  Even had a slight rain in the morning although I was able to enjoy the patio.

Another “sick” day yesterday, although I started feeling better mid-afternoon.  I find myself reflexively checking the hospital for our Covid-19 test results, hoping they are negative but not really wanting to know if they are positive.  But what is, is.

No walk or exercise yesterday.

I think what I really feel frustrated about is not being able to enjoy the Summer.  At least the last couple of days, I probably felt like it was more because I’m better staying in inside but that doesn’t change the feeling that Summer is passing me by.  Walking outside every day was a real lifeline. 

As I have mentioned before, the AA baseball team attendance was part baseball, part food, and a large part just enjoying being outdoors.  On my job, I was outside a lot on my days “in the field”  which not only allowed me to enjoy the Summer as well as work.

Also, I realized thinking of what our “normal” activities were, our routine included substantial times in the Summer or outside all times of year.y “

Family reunion by “Zoom” today.  The only possible way to have it now.  I’m glad there is someone who is an expert at Zoom and willing to take the time and effort to set it up.  The good part is it will allow a lot of persons to attend who normally could not attend, which will be interesting. 

As with all “virtual” conferences and meetings I will miss the “sidebar” meetings, that just happen to happen , etc.  

The interesting aspect of Zoom (or Teams , etc.) is that they allow attendance without regard to geography.  We were taking in Toastmasters about how it allows members who have moved away to continue to participate , etc. 

In a way it is similar to Facebook , etc., and even e-mail that allows a person to move geographically but still maintain ties to a community.  

Somewhere yesterday I heard a conversation about the changes cell phones have change  going on vacations, moving etc, “leaving home”  Before cell phones , etc., when you were gone you basically were “gone” in the true sense of the word.  If you called it was usually for emergencies and most communication was by letter or none or  a short postcard. 

Now there are not only cellphones, but Facebook, FaceTime, Zoom, etc., to enable us to technically be in two or more places at once!

Now by text, phone calls, facebook, FaceTime , etc.,.  It is so easy (and good) to maintain contact, you really can’t imagine what it was like.  I don’t like to even walk out of the house without my cellphone now. 

Looking forward to hearing from relatives at the family reunion and seeing how the zoom meeting works.

Waiting for the Covid-19 test results I feel like I’m on a twilight of reality.  While I realized the changes increasing were good at getting it I really thought we took so many precautions we might not get it.  We’ll have an answer by Monday anyway.

That’s it for now, Saturday, July 18, 2020.


Friday, July 17, 2020

2020 Summer July 17 Friday


80 degrees this morning  70% humidity wind  9 mph

Overall good day yesterday, very humid. High of around 95 degrees.

Reading “American Dirt”.  What is so scary about it is while the book may be fiction, I expect it has a lot of truth as to the actual reality.

Still feeling the effects of whatever I have.  I still sleep a lot and have a temperature.  I also have an occasional cough.

Tested for Covid-19 last night, supposed to hear by Monday probably over the weekend on the hospital portal.  No matter what they call it I’m not feeling great, although it could be worse.  

The test itself is absolutely no fun, although it is over relatively quickly.   

I was surprised and pleased that they a lot of different things (lungs, respiratory system, even ears , etc., and didn’t just give the test.  

Sitting on the patio this morning, I figure it won’t do any harm and I enjoy it.  

Keeping this short, so I can take my nap.  Probably going to call in “sick” to work.  I can’t remember the last time I called In “sick” much less 2 days in a row!

That’s it for now, Friday, July 17, 2020.


Thursday, July 16, 2020

2020 Summer July 16 Thursday


76 degrees this morning 87% humidity

Rain early morning yesterday (just enough to ruin my sitting on the patio)!, hot and sunny the rest of the day, high of around 97 degrees. 

Developed some type of virus or cold yesterday, so didn’t walk.  Seemed to get worse at he day went on.

It doesn’t appear to have the signs of “the” virus, although it could develop.  Slept a lot.  My appetite  hasn’t been affected and I don’t feel sick or have any headaches , etc.  

My temperature reached 102.5 degrees last night, although it dropped to 100.8 degrees.

Hopefully it is just a stray virus or infection.  What brothers me is we have been so careful, we shouldn’t get any kind of virus.  

Whatever it is, it is, and I’ll have to deal with it.

I have been drinking a lot of gatorade and water, which seems to help.  

Trying to decided if I should call in “sick” to work or see if I can work ok (I work at my home office, so I won’t infect anyone).  

Hopefully tomorrow morning will find us better.  

That’s it for now, Thursday, July 16, 2020


Wednesday, July 15, 2020

2020 Summer July 15 Wednesday


77 degrees this morning  82% humidity Very light rain. 

Yesterday was another hot day.  I believe it was 82 degrees when I got up, a high of 97 degrees in this area.  One area of the state got to 113 degrees, actual temperature!  Sunny and overall a good day.

Walk yesterday 24:45 minutes, pace was 67 seconds slower than my goal.  I just kind of took it easy.  I have a little bit of a cough, but the walk didn’t make it any worse. 

Sitting on the patio this morning, just enough rain I can’t sit where I like to sit! The obnoxious bird is going at it again.

The Coronavirus is really spreading, some days doubling from the day before.  What is scary is considering this is only the ones who have tested positive!  If you chart it out, it is almost impossible, statistically not to get it.  

I did some research on it and have some idea of what they symptoms are, but the problem is the symptoms are somewhat the same as the flu , etc.  

Personally, I think preventing the Coronavirus and saving lives should be the top priority.  Inconvenience passes, death or disability is permanent.  I can see the viewpoint of a small business or someone who works at a small business (or any business where they are out of workI), but I don’t see how that supersedes lives.  

Actually, it appears if states had been more diligent on “flattening the curve” instead of playing politics (or whatever) it may well have been declining now, instead of setting records for the virus and causing another shutdown.

July 15, the day I went into the Air Force many years ago.  I got out on July 13 since July 15 was on a Sunday that year.

A group of us talked about walking back “home”  (in my case from jVirginia to Kansas).  We discussed it and planned for hours, but I don’t know anyone that actually did it!

I actually threw my stuff in the car and left.  Everything I had could fit in my car, which says something about my minimalism at the time!  I remember driving through Washington DC at rush hour and was terrified!  I also drove on the Pennsylvania Turnpike and stayed in a small hotel in the mountains, or what I thought as mountains.

It took me three days to get home.  I hung around the house for several weeks and then jumped I the car and went to Wichita, Kanas where I enrolled in the Political Science program.  

When I think of all the moving parts that had to go just right, I really don’t know how things do work our right!   I’m not sure (from the perspective of many years later) if I really had any idea what I was going to do.

I think the real fun was having unlimited alternatives. As we grow older, the alternatives become more limited, but somehow it doesn’t matter because you realize unlimited alternatives are a falsehood and your alternatives were always limited.  

A relative who is just getting out of high school wants to live overseas, although she knows not where.  I hope she gets the chance, but I think you always realize the pain or at least the sense of the loss of “the road not taken”. That term always had a haunting quality to me.

That’s it for now, Wednesday, July 15, 2020.


Tuesday, July 14, 2020

2020 Summer July 14 Tuesday


81 degrees this morning, 85% humidity, wind 15 mph.

Another weird day yesterday.  Some rain during night, went out to sit on the patio. Started to rain.  I sat under the small roof area, but I know from experience how much damage a small amount of water can do to a laptop computer, so I came in.  Able to sit down before breakfast and read my book.

After being cloudy most of morning, became sunny with a high of around 91 degrees.  

Dental appointment yesterday morning, fortunately didn’t find anything wrong, so I’m good for another six months!

Patio this morning is very nice, coolish in spite of the temperature due to the dark and the wind.

Walk yesterday, 23:29 minutes, pace was 54 seconds slower than my goal.  

“American Dirt” really got me involved as the story has progressed.  Although it is  novel, I can imagine it being true from what little I know about the drug cartels. Anyway it has made a fascinating book that keeps you reading!

Without going into a lot of detail, I am always surprised and disappointed at the continual lack of supervisory competence in many organizations.  Retaliatory and arbitrary actions appear to prevail, even when specifically prohibited by law and just general good supervisory practices.

Even when the organization spends an enormous amount of time and money in training supervisors, somehow human nature takes over.

I guess that is why attorney’s will keep making a good living!

I have started thinking more on what I will do on my “encore” career to my “encore” career!  I have been lucky in having basically two careers, one 40 years and one almost six years and continuing who knows for how long.  In both, I loved what I was doing.   

I would really like to do something that will exercise my creativity to a degree.  I don’t mean normal creativity, but something I can make a difference in and where I can work either by myself or a small group and we can push the edges sometimes.

Pushing the edges can be hazardous, but if you don’t I don’t think you really progress. 

I am “brainstorming” and it is exciting to think about something new.  Probably both good and bad I have always enjoyed learning something new.  I love reading or watching the news in the morning (which is where I developed a love for newspapers) and getting the mail because it meant something new.  

I’m at the point where there is still time to develop some new ideas, some new solutions, or whatever.  For whatever reason, I feel energized by and feeling and I will “ride the flow” and see where it takes me while honestly considering the limitations. 

That’s it for now, Tuesday, July 14, 2020.  


Monday, July 13, 2020

2020 Summer July 13 Monday


79  degrees this morning  75% humidity wind 14 mph

Yesterday morning light rain about time I sat on the patio, but I hid out under a small roof and it had dried after I took my nap.  Then sunny and hot, high of 95 degrees.  

This morning, still lightning to the North, light showers, still sitting on patio until and if I get chased in by the rain.  The obnoxious bird is fouling the environment with it sound.  

Weights yesterday, sit-ups barbells, bench press.

Walk:  23:51 minutes, pace was 2 seconds slower than goal! 

Started on “American Dirt," got my attention.  So far, a really engrossing book.  I have read some about it.  I like my books with happy endings and I have a feeling this won’t be one.    

Start of another week.  I have a (routine) dental appointment this morning, just a checkup and cleaning.  It is my normal semi-annual checkup, I really debated going, but I know they are serious about disinfection , etc., even before the virus started and they have even more strict procedures now.

Strongly considering going ahead and taking at least Friday as a day of vacation even probably  Monday even if I just sit on the patio late and relax all day.  Originally planned for Friday and Monday for a trip, but no overnight stay’s yet.

We thought about a day trip, but realized we are’t eating in restaurants (inside) yet.  Might go anyway, if we have to sit in the car and eat, what is, is. If nothing else we can “Starbucks” on our patio or inside if it is too hot.  

I call it “Starbucking” because before the pandemic, we would go hang out in our “3rd place” while we drank coffee and read our books or watch our shows.  
The pandemic is actually getting more scary than then it first started.  At least we have masks” now and know more how to defend against it.

When it first started I really thought it would be over in several months, but incompetence by our “leaders” made it a lot worse than it should have been and now it is really bad, again because of the denial and incompetence on the part of the state and national leadership. 

Now masks, sanitizer on hand at all times, not eating in restaurants or shopping inside is a part of “normal” life. 

We made somewhat of a dent in our “stuff” last week when one of the non-profits resumed pick-up of donated items and a relative was able to use an old office chair and printer!.

Before the pandemic started, we were seriously considering significantly “downsizing," the pandemic decided us not to do so at this time. We were debating moving.  Not having to maintain the house , etc., would be a relief, but we would lose a lot of space and privacy that we would miss.  

Since they basically took away our tax deduction for he house to fund huge tax cuts for big businesses, it is kind of a wash money wise to rent versus owning.  

That’s it for now, Monday, July 13, 2020.


Sunday, July 12, 2020

2020 Summer July 12 Sunday


74 degrees this morning 78%  humidity

Yesterday started off almost cool, at least in the dark with the wind.  The temperature  reached a 100 degree high! Wonderful summer weather.  

Sitting on patio this morning, heavy thunder and lightning last night, but no rain here.

Then I step out on the patio (no obnoxious bird) and it starts raining!  It is a very light rain so I retreat to a little alcove where there is a short roof and I am protected, at least during a light rain.  Better than no patio at all!  

Walk yesterday 24:36 minutes. Pace was 36 seconds slower than my goal. 

The sun is setting noticeably earlier, it seems it is dark by 7:45 p.m. now (perhaps dusk, but still noticeable).  That is very sad when I think it will be another year before we have the long sunsets.  At least I will have at least 3 more months of the morning on the patio.

As I have mentioned before, the biggest sorrow of no baseball is I don’t have the excuse to sit outside for 2 or 3 hours with nothing to do but eat, watch a ballgame and enjoy the outside Summer.  Even if the ballgame isn’t any good, it still is fun to sit outside.  Not this year though, the season is officially canceled.  

Finished the book by C.J. Box, “Long Range”.  Actually a pretty good story if you just want to read a good book of fiction, which I like to do occasionally.

Started reading “American Dirt," haven’t gotten enough into it to know if I will finish it or not. 

I have found by reading after my nap and before breakfast, I can actually get quite a bit of reading in.  

I need to find a time in to start bicycling again.  I also like to hit the “heavy bag” and punching bag after I bike an then sit and take a long bath and read.  Hard to do all of that in the early morning and I don’t have time at lunch so that leaves after work.  

I thought about very early morning, but I have the skunk that likes to prowl around our house to deal with as well as the dark.  I used to ride in the dark all the time, but I kind of associate exercising in the dark with my coughing spells.  Probably not any association, but no one will know the wonder of not coughing when you have had spells of coughing.  

I still hope to “ride with the Summer” soon, but I need to be in shape for it.  For those who don’t know, I consider “riding with the Summer” to be starting in south Texas and riding to Canada over the period of when Summer arrives.  I think I have been thinking of this for over six years, but this is the longest I have gone without coughing for a long time.  

When Amazon bought “Whole Foods," I really thought it would be real competition for the regular grocery stores.  However, my experience is it probably they aren’t a real threat unless they change their product line.  

Nothing against Whole Foods, it is what it is, but products and prices aren’t really competitive overall.  A nice niche store and it’s hard to beat 2 hour free delivery with only $30 in purchases.  We do buy “gluten free” and other specialized products there. 

Started watching a show called “Scott & Bailey” on Amazon Prime,  We are on season two of five seasons, so it has been around for a while.  A rather interesting show, a little difficult to follow all the relationships and activities  but fun.

I am learning a lot of British slang from the show.  I watch it with Google up and running. Of course a lot of the slang is on the show I would avoid using in all but the most informal situation!

Sunday, last half of the weekend.

That’s it for now, Sunday, July 12, 2020.


Saturday, July 11, 2020

2020 Summer July 11 Saturday


73 degrees this morning,98% humidity 10 mph wind

Yesterday started off warm (82 degrees, then dropped to about 69 at one time with a fierce thunder and lightning, and heavy rains late morning.  Fortunately it was over relatively quickly and we didn’t have to drive in it.  There was street flooding throughout the area duet the rains.  But the sun came out with a high of around 93 degrees. 

Of course, the weather forecast was for a 10% chance of rain!

No walk yesterday due to weather and schedule.  Will be back in schedule today!!  I have gotten to the point I feel like something isn’t right if I miss my walk.

Sitting out on the patio this morning listening to the obnoxious bird whose goal in life is apparently to disrupt the nice mornings.  Our neighbors “chimes” no longer bother me anyway!  Actually the chimes are pretty it is just that it is “other peoples noise”.

I could listen to music, but I like the night sounds, even the obnoxious bird.  The white Crepe Myrtle is blaring into the dark, it almost is  a flashlight it stands out so much in the dark  The red and the pink Crepe Myrtle are pretty, but don’t stand out like the white one.

Started reading another book, CJ Box, “Long Range”.  I don’t recall having read any of his books before, although I remember the name.  It is on the best seller list, just reading it on a whim. Not bad so far, although it could turn into one of those that I think “a good read, but so what?”  And I don’t waste my time on future books.  Next one is “American Dirt”

I don’t know what makes one fiction book meaningless and one interesting. I think it is some authors are just writing, others are telling a story and I can tell the difference, or at least think I can, same difference! 

It  is one I have to read in three weeks so I can get it back in time.  I have four books on loan, and I have two that are have “holds” on them so I am limited to 3 weeks.  Of course I have to read the short term books first.  While the fine is only 10 cents per day (with a limit of $3.00), I just cringe when I have to pay a fine.

Strange dream yesterday morning, I dreamed I was at a meeting in downtown Nashville.  For some reason I was a a variety of places.  I was driving up the street right in front of the hotel we used to stay at (I believe the Sheridan) because it was right across from the State Capital.

A really weird little vehicle (like an enclosed motorcycle) started doing circles in front of me.  It hit the car I was driving and knocked out a headlight.  The driver stopped and apologized but at the time I was telling myself “it’s only a dream," which helped since I knew I didn’t have to deal with the hassle of insurance and repairing the car!

I didn’t write it down, I remembered so little of it.  

I am having very wild dreams, but I don’t remember them.  I read that somehow, the virus and the quarantining is causing many people to have especially wild dreams, although I don’t remember why.

Saturday morning, start of a weekend, thank goodness.  I have a 4 day weekend scheduled for this weekend (Friday-Monday), although I don’t know if I will actually take it.  Originally I had a reunion scheduled this weekend.  We are thinking of taking several short day-trips, no overnight stays yet!

The wind is blowing this morning, making the 73 degree weather seem almost cool in the dark.  

That’s it for now, Saturday, July 11 (7-11)! 2020.  


Friday, July 10, 2020

2020 Summer July 10 Friday


82 degrees this morning  77% humidity wind  9 mph

Good day yesterday, a little windy, but high of around 88 degrees.

Walk 23:58 minutes, 27 seconds slower than goal.

Sitting on patio this morning, with the obnoxious bird really at it. I didn’t realize a bird could make such an unpleasant and loud noise.  

First day “in the field”  yesterday in almost 4 months for my job.  Frankly, with all of there increasing virus cases it wasn’t pleasant.  Hopefully this is the last time I’ll have to go “in the field” this month.  

Generally, it seems like few people bothered to wear masks, only one other person was wearing a mask that I saw today.  Of course, I wasn’t at any of the big retail areas or restaurants , etc. Still I can kind of see why the virus spread is on steroids so to speak.

Actually felt good to get out and actually talk with people instead of just talking on the phone, but the virus kind of hung over everything.   I used a lot of sanitizer and wore a mask anytime I got out of the car.

I think the major concern is doing something that was risky without thinking.  The penalty can be severe.  

My new “walking shoes” are doing very well.  Anymore I just automatically buy the Brooks Adrenaline shoes.  Not an endorsement, every one is different, it just really works for me.

One thing about my walking shoes is I get new ones every six months or so (usually a little longer depending on my mileage).  It is nice to be able to justify something new and know that it is essential to replace it on a regular basis!

Stacking up a number of books to read.  I finished the Stephen King book.  It is actually 4 novellas, I like the first one, the second one had an ending that made me wonder if I had actually read the story, the third one was ok.   The fourth was good, I actually felt a chill go down my back several times, which usually means it is a good book!

The library system here has a good system.  I get 3 weeks on a book and then can check it out for an unlimited number of times (at least it seems like it), unless someone has a “hold” on it.  Of course all of the popular books can generally be checked out just one time, for three weeks.  Better than the two weeks or even one week at other libraries.  

Just listened to our rather incompetent governor who said we will “live with the virus” because of his incompetence when it first started.  (That is my interpretation, not literally what he said obviously),  Frankly if he had been more vigilant  when it started and had more courage, we probably wouldn’t have to deal with the situation we have now. 

He is always trying to compare with other states, I think the term “do the best you can’” might be significant, other states aren’t doing all that well and I don’t think I would base my success on what other states are doing.   

Every time I think about how much the new “state brand” seal looks like’s Walmart’s “brand," I have to laugh.  Their obsession with the “branding” details has become such an obsession  it has taken over the reason for the program.  I can’t even imagine how much time and money has gone into this program.

That’s it for now, Friday, July 10, 2020.


Thursday, July 09, 2020

2020 Summer July 9 Thursday


81 degrees this morning 77% humidity wind 13 mph

Weights yesterday sit-ups, 

Good day yesterday, occasionally cloudy and looking like rain, but overall sunny and nice.  High around 93 degrees. Excellent morning to sit on the patio both before and after my nap.

Sitting on patio this morning, the wind makes it a lot cooler than it sounds, since it is still dark.  The obnoxious bird is quiet thank goodness.

Finished the 3rd Novella in “If It Bleeds," reasonably good, not one of his best, but interesting enough.  Finishing up the 4th and final one, which is short.

Walk yesterday 27:27 minutes, 43 seconds slower than my goal.  

Going “in the field” for the first time in almost 4 months today, if my plans continue.  Not too worried, the field visits are limited and we are provided with PPE that I will use liberally.  I plan on treating it like a trip through enemy lands, with a “safe” place being each stop!  Well, not really, but it may feel that way.  

I could have delayed until next week, but a week probably won’t matter much, in fact the virus is getting worse daily.  I just need to concentrate on not making a mistake, but being continually on guard.  Since we have been extremely careful, I don’t want to get lax now.

Of course, due to earlier failures and incompetence by the governor, the virus is now back stronger than it was the first time.  As much as possible I think we have gotten “used” to having the virus and that is a good time to slip up.  

I find it unbelievable that our state and federal “leaders” are so interested in re-election and “donations” that they are willing to expose literally thousands of people, especially children, unnecessarily to a deadly virus that kills and causes significant pain and suffering.

When I read about sick actions of making the virus/masks etc a “political” action and the criminal use of the “virus money” that went to politicians, fat cat donors, lobbyists and buddies of the politicians, I feel the overall fraud, criminal behavior and chronic lying has become almost expected. 

I agree with a  Mayor  I know who said there was a major difference between a States-person and a politician.  He always said a States-person is someone who does everything for the common good of the organization and common good of the people represented.   

A Politician will do anything to get elected and gain power and thinks only of the good of themselves.

Of course, there are numerous similar quotes but the basic idea is the same.

It is obvious from the pigs and criminals who ripped off the virus funds, we have a lot more politicians/criminals than states-persons. 

That’s it for now, Thursday, July 9, 2020.


Wednesday, July 08, 2020

2i020 Summer July 8 Wednesday


76 degrees this morning  85% humidity 

Good day yesterday, actually slightly cool in the morning.  High of 91 degrees, some clouds, but overall great day. 

Sitting on the patio this morning, thinking mean thoughts about the obnoxious bird that emits such an unpleasant sound.  I wouldn’t actually do any harm to a bird, but….

Weights yesterday  morning,  sit-ups, bar-bells, bench press.

Walk yesterday 24:14 minutes 31 seconds slower than my goal.  

One problem with “on-line” shopping is  if you buy one item, the vendors  seem to think it is an invitation to inundate you with e-mails.  Obviously the worst is probably Amazon, but all of them are bad.  

Recently I bought some “masks” at a Wichita State University site, since I got my MA there and they were a reasonable price and they are unique.   After I purchased the masks (and I haven’t even received them yet)  I have been I have been getting about ten e-mails a day peddling socks and masks.   I’m not how they decided I wanted to buy WSU socks, I don’t and I’m not buying anything from that site again!  

Not only that, every web page I go, I am haunted by the ads for WSU socks and masks! It doesn’t seem to matter what web page, I feel like I am haunted by the socks!  (I think the main product is socks and the masks ere made as part of the current situation.)

What really gets me if I buy, say a robot vacuum cleaner  (as I recently did) suddenly I get e-mails and have the ads jumping out at me for robot vacuum cleaners.  Like I would buy more than one!  

I could give hundreds of more examples, but I won’t.  Someone is making a lot of money by pushing ads to people who have already have purchased the item and the money is being wasted!

Perhaps, like the restaurants who ask for “feedback” and then use your e-mail to peddle e-mails to you, they are just selling e-mails rather than products.  

The worst part is having to waste time deleting the junk e-mails!  

We are wearing masks almost everywhere outside and certainly when we are inside (other than our house).  It almost seems normal, which is kind of scary.

It is strange, you can’t really tell people’s  expressions when wearing a mask, but somehow you can’ sense it.  I think it is in their/our eyes and gestures.  Sometimes I have to remind myself that others can’t see my facial expression.  

Hopefully the era of the masks and “social distancing” will soon be over, but I doubt it.  

That’s it for now, Wednesday, July 8, 2020.
