Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016 Winter December 31 Saturday

44 degrees this morning, walk 35:05 minutes

Pace was below my “average”, but it is becoming the “new average”.  It is becoming easier to consciously try to walk faster.

Last day of 2016.  It has been a fast year.  Looking back, I can pick out highlights, but the year just zoomed by.  

I saw one of those collages of all the “notable” persons who have died this year.  I was surprised at how many I either didn’t know about or had forgotten about.  

The book I am listening to on science fiction is of continuing interest with the power of science fiction to comment on society and predict the future.    Of course you have to  wonder if it isn’t just a matter of making so many predictions that some of them are going to come true, but I think they are more targeted than that.

On the other hand it could be that many of the inventions are modeled after science fiction, making somewhat of a self-fulfilling prophecy. 

One thing that has always somewhat puzzled me is that the first walk on the moon was in 1969 , which is close to 50 years ago, but very little actual space exploration of that type (human exploration) has continued, although some unmanned missions have occurred.

Much of the science fiction was predicting human colonies on at least Mars in the early 2000’s, which obviously is incorrect. 

Of course it looks like “1984” is going to become true in 2017, or at least “Animal Farm” for sure, which I believe was published in 1945, almost 75 years ago. 

Another dream, for some reason, a very powerful dream, it took me a while to realize it was only a dream.

Dream 12-30-16

Very realistic dream that I was working in a city I used to live in and, for some reason, I was using another building I thought was vacant for storing my bicycle, and just hanging out.

My excuse was I thought it was owned by the Chamber of Commerce (Which actually did own a building in the area I dreamed about)

In my dream, the owner comes in and talks to me.  He is friendly and doesn’t seem to give any indication that I am trespassing.

In the dream, I have a blanket wrapped around myself with a quilt and I am moving my bicycle.

The owner has long tangled red hair and is carrying around some weights (bar bells) and other items, which is rather strange. 

He referred to his wife and talks to her but I never see her.  Several children are laying wrapped in blankets on a bed.

He is discussing how he has just gotten back from Washington D.C and I am saying “nice pace to visit, wouldn’t want to live there”

I’m trying to figure out how to gracefully get out.  I am concerned Aliene will be upset if I leave the quilt.  

I realize the building is the  back room of their house and they use it as kind of an indoor back yard.

I wake up, with a strong feeling the dream is realistic.

Later…. (I take  two mini naps) another dream

For some reason I am arguing with a FeEX driver.  Apparently he calls for assistance and I see another Fedex truck coming up and parking.  Couldn’t remember the rest of the dream.

Wishing you all a happy and rewarding 2017!

That’s it for now, Saturday, December 31, 2016.

Friday, December 30, 2016

2016 Winter December 30 Friday

27 degrees this morning, walk 35:07 minutes

A little off my “record” pace this morning, but still much better than my average.  Hopefully this will become my new average.  It is nice to be able to keep track of my pulse also (high, average etc.) even though it is well below any problem point.

Last work day of 2016.  The year has gone fast.  

Odd to think it has been 2 1/2 years since we moved.  In a sense, it seems like a lot longer than that and the past seems somewhat like a dream.  

Of course, I can remember when I first moved to Tennessee and occasionally it seemed like a dream until it became our reality.  

Listening some more on the Science Fiction literature, I learned that in the development of robots, some science fiction had three rules for robots:

-A robot would never harm a human being or allow a human being to be harmed through either action or inaction

-A robot must obey the orders given to it by a human being EXCEPT if it conflicts with rule # 1

-A robot must protect it’s own existence EXCEPT as it conflicts with rule # 1 and 2

These rules appear to be such common knowledge I am sure I have been aware of them.  However,…

This allows some interesting story lines, for example a person running for office is accused of being a robot (I assume a robot couldn’t run for office).  Finally, at a political gathering, it is attacked and the person running for office hits the person, thus proving he isn’t a robot (since a robot can’t harm a human being).  However, later, someone points out if the attacker is a robot, a robot would then obey the third law, to protect itself!

Another, more interesting story line, is when robots obey rule # 1 by taking away all tobacco, candy, guns etc. since they are  required to “protect human beings from any harm by inaction”.  Interesting!  A robot is obligated to not give in to instructions by humans to be allowed such items by rule #2!

I guess in a way you could say that government could be in that role, although hopefully government is a consensus of the people as to what role should be played in “protecting” human beings.

Some of the early Science Fiction also foresaw some political future, for example, “the Senator from Du Post” (or in our times, the “Senator from Koch Industries or Exxon etc.), or “the President from Trump Industries” even. 

They also may have foreseen the dangers of fracking and many of the drugs available today, as well as live tv, GPS etc.  

I think to know the future, is to enable you to protect yourself from it, so science fiction has actually made some major contributions.  

I didn’t think I had read much science fiction until he started mentioning some of the author is and some of the magazines (Amazing Stories etc.) and I realized I actually had read a lot of science fiction, especially when I was a teenager. 

That’s it for now, Friday, December 30, 2016.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

2016 Winter December 29 Thursday

40 degrees this morning (felt like 33); 34:07 minute walk.

No walking record this morning, but still walking at a faster pace, which is good.

Listening to “Great Course” on Science Fiction.  

The course mentions that science fiction has a way of “humanizing” robots etc. Of course some of the part-human, part-robot creations (I believe called “cyborgs”  or maybe more properly “human augmentation”)  may be humanized with good reason.

However, I was thinking the science fiction writers may have good reason to humanize even mechanical robots, since we tend to “humanize” our cars, etc. and even become fond of clothing and assign it more value than it ever is worth at least in monetary value and maybe even some human characteristics or feelings.   

He also mentioned science fiction concept of endlessly traveling space ships, to the point the “passengers” don’t even realize they are really on a space travel mission.  

Who knows, maybe earth was originally a traveling space station, although that may be stretching things too far.  

If so, I think the non-human evil travelers have taken over the spaceship, at least in the United States!  

Of course, one story keeps coming back to me (Melville, “Benito Cereno”), where the persons who APPEAR to be in charge are actually being manipulated by the persons who appear to be not in charge and everything is actually controlled by the persons who appear to be the controlled.  Or something like that.

The story actually takes place on a ship and what appear to be the slaves are actually the masters, who mutinied.  (That is a very simplified  version, but the idea of the “slaves”, actually being the “masters” stuck with me.)

Actually a lot of early science fiction is becoming reality, as more and more I read about robots being used to assist in health care and take care of Senior Citizens etc.  

I think it is almost a sure thing that, regardless of whether robots ever have any human feelings, we will continue to assign human traits to robots and mechanical helpers.   

Whether they develop human traits and feelings is a completely different matter, or maybe it isn’t if we assume they have them!

The college football “bowl” season is here.  One thing I like about it is it allows even a team with an average season to have the spotlight and end the season as a “bowl champion” even without  a bunch of players  (or any) whose objective is to turn professional. Nothing against players who want to  turn professional, can’t blame them a bit, but it is nice that average players (in perspective) have an opportunity for some glory without continual playoffs leading to an eventual loss.

Currently the weather is reasonably pleasant.  There supposedly is some cold, possibly snow coming in, but, as I mention, every day of winter gone, is a day of winter gone!  It is nice to know that the days are getting “longer” every day and Spring and Summer is coming!

That’s it for now, Thursday, December 29, 2016.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

2016 Winter December 28 Wednesday

55 degrees this morning.  Walk 33:49 minutes

Another record (I believe) the morning with both in “time walked” and the “pace”.  Probably not that important in the overall scheme of things, but one small victory at the start of my day is good!

Just an update on my Apple Watch, I remain extremely pleased with it.  I still have a couple of things I need to learn about it (probably a lot more than that).  

Apparently there is not an “Audible” app for the Apple Watch yet.  I have read up on how to put music on the Apple Watch and it is relatively simple, but putting books on it just isn’t worth the time and effort.  

The only thing I found I was disappointed in the Apple Watch is that you can’t set up “touch” notification individually.  I don’t like the watch to squeak, squeal or beep etc., so I just turned the volume down.  Unfortunately this (I assume) means I can’t use as a phone, unless I turn the volume up, although right now I don’t really have  dire need to make calls on my Apple Watch anyway. 

I did order some “AirPods” so it will be just as easy to use them anyway.  But, it is only of those things (phone calls) I would like the possibility to do even if I don’t do it, if that makes any sense.

I was pleased to note that the credit card Warranty is actually pretty good.  I actually took the time to read the terms.  It actually extends the warranty for two years AFTER the expiration of the manufacturers warranty AND AFTER the extended warranty.  

So, since I got the extended warranty on my Apply Watch (2 years), I actually have a 4 year warranty on it.  Ditto on computers etc.  Can’t beat that.  I don’t know if it applies to phones or not.  Of course this is for defects, not drop damage etc.

Of course, actually collecting on such a warranty may make it virtually worthless anyway. 

Listening to the “Great Course” on Science Fiction during my morning walk.  This morning was some interesting  comments concerning the impact of Editors on science fiction, to the point that many readers would follow Editors, not writers.  

He commented that Editors would carefully review the “letters to the Editor” to determine the likes/dislikes of readers and solicit writers accordingly..

I never thought about ti before but he mentioned that the term “spaceship” almost is away of identifying science fiction, but a “spaceship” has little relation to an actual “ship”.  

Actually probably the fist space ship has the design because of the relationship to a bullet.  Of course, spaceships have that same configuration, so you never know if spaceships are configured that way because it is most efficient or because scientists assumed that that was most efficient because the literature made them assume it was the most and only efficient design! 

“The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” theorized that many advances are made by people who are new to profession. I don’t recall the exact reason (I try to re-listen or re-read the book every few years), but I imagine it is because they aren’t hindered by “supposed to be’s”, or, even worse “can’t do’s” .  

Not that I am going to make any great advances in Science Fiction, but I think I am learning more from this course just because I start from a point of ignorance that is probably greater than most people who are listening to it!/

Was going to comment more about “Dystopia”, especially as to current events, but I am out of space and time.  

Ending of four days of Holidays, so will be getting back to work this morning.  Fortunately a three day week, followed by a three day weekend!

That’s it for now, Wednesday, December 28, 2016.  

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

2016 Winter December 27 Tuesday

32 degrees this morning.   Walk 34:22.  

Pace still below average (meaning I walked faster) slightly higher than yesterday (about 18 seconds per mile slower, but still much better than average)

Today is a Holiday for me, which is wonderful.  I really like Holidays, even better than vacation days, since it means the office is also closed and no one expects you to be around etc.  

As I mentioned several days ago, listening now to one of the “Great Courses”, in this case lectures on Science Fiction.  It is interesting, although it may be more interesting than actually reading some of the books discussed.  

He does make the interesting observation that many of the “utopian” science fiction novels are rather boring, unless there is some other aspect that keeps it interesting.  

Probably that is one reason that utopia’s have always seemed to fail!  Of course, it may depend on your definition of what a “utopia” actually is. 

I think you could argue that many people currently live in about as close to a “utopia” as can be expected, that is except for the terrifying knowledge of the  “dystopia” that is coming in the form of corporations allowed to run wild under the new president. 

For some reason, I did not, at least consciously, know that a “dystopia” is an antonym of “utopia” and of course are more common.

To quote the internet (if it can be believed!) a dystopia is “characterized by dehumanization, totalitarian government, environmental disaster or other characteristics associated  with a cataclysmic decline in society.

Describes the next four years I expect! 

Some examples (both of which I can see coming) is “1984”, and Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451 etc.  I haven’t watched or read “the Hungry Games” but that is also one cited. 

Some examples that are starting to show up in real life are governing by vast  corporations accountable to no one (already pretty much the case with the money they throw at politicians), and governance by advertising agencies.  

This is sure to to get worse in the next four years as the money is shoveled to private businesses and businesses are “deregulated”  and allowed/encouraged to gouge consumers, just like the medical companies do now and a Nazi/Facist government emerges.  

I’m glad I learned the term “dystopia”, sometimes the right term comes at the right time!  I have a eel that “Nazi/Facist” describe it just as well, except the power of faceless, unaccountable corporations will greatly increase.  Private Equity firms are a perfect example of a dystopia type of organization as far as society is concerned that should be outlawed.

I think “dehumanization” is the best way to describe the current national “leaders”.

Anyway, it is amazing what I learn!  I never really realized the political and social issues involved in science fiction although of course it is obvious.

Perhaps “2017” will replace “1984” as the year when “1984” becomes a reality.  The new administration is already a form of “animal farm” where the thin skinned lying bully president-elect requires only praise of his toadies and is using his “power” to kill free speech.    

That’s it for now, Tuesday, December 27, 2016.

Monday, December 26, 2016

2016 Winter December 26 Monday

53 degrees this morning, walk 33:58 minutes 

Record both for time walked (at this distance) and the pace.   The distance was actually about the average, so I significantly improved on both the total minutes and the pace.

The pace was actually about a full minute off of my average pace and about 40 seconds better than my “best” pace since I have started keeping track.  Which has actually only been since I got the Apple Watch.

It is interesting what motivates me.  I have been keeping my time for years and, while it fluctuates quite a bit, I don’t think the time itself has ever really motivated me to walk faster, but keeping track of the “pace” really motivates me.  

Somehow the “pace” , maybe because it has nothing to do with the distance, which may change, is the “gold standard” of how fast I am actually walking.

Of course, then you get into thinking about whether it is really good to walk a faster pace or not.  Does 40 seconds per mile really matter in the overall scheme of the walk?   

I have to assume that it does to some degree.  I definitely knew I was walking faster, and I think is good to mildly challenged myself to do better.  

Of course, at some point you have to realize you are doing the best you can or maybe not, maybe it may take a lot of time and patience, but eventually you can always improve.  

Overall, a very nice Christmas, in fact I would be hard pressed to say how it could have been better.  Of course, while I enjoy Christmas, I don’t have a lot of expectations for it other than enjoying the visiting, the food and the  presents, and, even more so, the overall atmosphere for the month or so.  

Watched a little bit of NFL football, the first we have really watched this season.  We did watch one Kansas City Chiefs game a couple of weeks ago.  

Somehow, the NFL has turned into somewhat of a boring game.  I lost a lot of interest when when went to the “sudden death” overtime (which basically means the entire game was played for no reason), the teams started playing each other with no really rationale and I think the entire think just seemed contrived.  Frankly when teams (for example only) like Seattle and Arizona play why should I really care who wins?

Probably won’t watch any more NFL games  until the playoffs.  I don’t have anything against the NFL as such, (or the NBA for that matter that I absolutely never watch), I do deeply resent having to pay for the extremely high salaries, high cost of the stadiums, high profits of the owners  etc. by the increased cost of products (from the advertising) and cable tv for something I don’t benefit from.  

I really resent the extortion type of action by all three of the major sports (NFL, NBA and  MBL) in their stupid 24 hour channels that they basically extort cable systems to carry.   I was pleased to see that some customers and cable systems are starting to balk at the monopoly costs and viewership is decreasing and, of course, “cord cutting” will help resolve the problem.

Actually I recently read that many younger persons aren’t following traditional sports and instead are “watching” video game playing etc.  Whatever.  

Actually the only thing I really resent about sports is when sports (especially professional sports which is strictly about making money, not sports) intrudes into regular news and is considered as regular news.

Kind of like when “reality shows”  (I have never watched a “reality show”) first came out and were treated as “news”.  Again, whatever, at least now I can fast forward through it. 

That’s it for now, Monday, December 26, 2016.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

2016 Winter December 25 Sunday

64 degrees this morning, Walk 35:04

Trying to figure out how to dress for my walk this morning!  Of course I ended up dressing too warm.  

“Pace” was slightly  slower  from yesterday, but not much (4 seconds per mile).

Light rain this morning, but to enough to stop me from walking.  I think more rain is coming later.  After recent weather of 2 degrees etc. I need to readjust my thinking to 64 degree weather!

Christmas parties yesterday (both a Christmas breakfast, and then we had a Christmas lunch/dinner at our house). Both actually turned out very well, which is nice. 

We tend to keep our thermostat a little warmer than some, and we found our house is slow to cool down once it is warm!  (without turning on the air conditioner).  Since it was around 36 degrees yesterday, that was surprising, even considering the number of people in this house.

Listening to the lectures on science fiction. They mentioned that Poe actually wrote some books that were considered science fiction.  He also wrote what is considered the first detective novel.

Apparently there is also some discussion on the types of science fiction, for example one writer just magically went to the moon, another actually specified a fictional means of  the equipment and inventions needed to go to the moon.

He mentioned that one writer wrote of a journey to the moon (or maybe Mars) and even accurately described how the earth looked as we went to the moon and also was reasonably accurate  on the distance

Read about how “private equity” firms are starting to get involved in public utilities and, of course, cheating the cities and making extremely high profits on the backs of the citizens.

As noted in the article, they not only raise the rates to where citizen can’t afford it, they then “sell” the delinquent utility bills and take their house and then make a profit on the house that they legally stole from them.

Makes you wonder how they can sleep at night or live with themselves.

Of course that is the model the lying, bigoted  bully wants to follow after he is President-enrich the rich at the expense of the middle class and shovel tax money to private equity firms who basically exist only to legally rip off people.  (and receive favored tax treatment in addition!)

For some reason I am getting interested in reading fiction again.  I was thinking maybe I was reading different writers, but I am basically reading the same writers, although some of my favorite authors have recently published new books.  Of course I also have read some new writers that I like also.

I will miss the Christmas music and the decorations as the Christmas season ends.  Now there is all of the “lists of 2016” and “forecasts for 2017” that we have to either endure, ignore or enjoy. Some are good, some are bad.

We actually will have a lot of “landmarks” during 2017, all of different types.  We will celebrate our 20th Wedding Anniversary, I will turn a “milestone” age, and I know there will be a lot of things happen we can’t forecast.  

We are going to have a quiet Christmas, basically just recover from yesterday and go out and eat and relax.  I am looking forward to having Monday and Tuesday off also!

That’s it for now, Sunday, December 25, 2016.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

2016 Wintr December 24 Saturday

2016 Winter December 24 Saturday

37 degrees this morning, walk 34:51 minutes

Best “pace” this morning I have recorded.  It is still too high (so high I am embarrassed to post it), but at least I am working on getting it lower.

Listening to a new “Great Course” on Science Fiction.  Probably a strange one for me since i don’t really consider myself a science fiction reader.  Nothing against it, in fact I like the concept, just never have read a lot of it.

I was rather intrigued to read that the basis of science fiction is in a strange event that happen in 1816.  A volcano had created a cloud of dust around the earth (in fact it was called “the year with no summer”). 

I am sure I have read about it before, but it is rather intriguing and I need to read more about it.  

Anyway a group of people (including Lord Bryon and Mary Shelley) decided to stay inside and tell stories because of the coldish air. 

Mary Shelly told a story based on a dream she had and the others encouraged her to write a book about it, “Frankenstein” was the result.  

I hadn’t realized it was considered the first science fiction.  There may be some disagreement but a lot of people agree with it.  

Of course, her  book is actually much different than the movies, and all of the offshoot books, comics and short stories etc.

He mentions that the basis of science fiction is that it is about the possible. It may be improbable but it can be done.  

I was surprised at some of the dates.  I didn’t really realize Frankenstein was written in 1816, nor was I really consciously aware that Jules Verne and H.G.Wells were so early.  

Jules Verne was born in 1828 and died in 1905.  He was actually French.  I hate to admit I thought he was American  Most of his books were written in the 1870’s, much earlier than I thought.  

Anyway, it will be interesting listening to the lectures.  I think the lecturers concept of how science fiction affects our culture and vice versa is very interesting.  

Today is Christmas Eve, when we have most of our “Christmas” activities.  I have enjoyed the Christmas music and am sorry I didn’t hear more of it. Of course, probably better wanting more than getting tired of it.  

Also, the start of a four day weekend, which is wonderful!  I’m not sure if I have ever had a Saturday thru Tuesday 4 day weekend before.  

Another dream, just a short one.

Dreamed i was in some state Capital or maybe Washington DE

Kept trying to park the car and couldn’t part it right in the parking space.  Almost ran over a memorial like you see on State Capitals or Gettysburg. 

There was a large grassy area between the parking lot and the memorials, but kept driving over the grass and close to the memorials.  

Don’t recall what happens before that but it was strange.  

Kept seeing shadowy figures watching as I tried to park.

That’s it for now, Saturday, December 24, 2016