Friday, December 21, 2007

Shortest Day of the Year

I always like December 21, "the shortest day of the year", because it means the seasons have turned and it is all towards Summer from here! True, I am sure some serious cold weather will arrive before Summer does, but at least there will be more light!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Blueberries and hypertime

I am glad to find that fresh blueberries are available year-round now! Frozen blueberries are ok, but fresh blueberries start my day off much better! I always put them in with my oatmeal in the morning.

I will never understand why time passes so fast in the morning. It seems no matter how much time I should have in the morming, time passes faster! I have heard it described as "hypertime", which is a good description.

This morning, I could swear someone moved the clock up, time went so fast!

I think of the morning as "my time" and maybe that is why it goes so fast. I g et up about 3:30 a.m., and it is time to go to work (7:40 a.m.) before I know it!

Why I enjoy an occasional morning meeting/breakfast out (on workdays), I really enjoy the time to get things done.

I especially like my morning walk. I think that is when I process thoughts and events and try to make some sense out of what is going on and life!

Saturday, December 15, 2007


Christmas activities bring up all kinds of memories of "Christmas Past" and perhaps even "Christmas Future".

Comments from my sister about Christmas reminded me of growing up on a farm when Christmas was waking up early and waiting for my Dad to complete the chores. He always seemed to deliberately take his time, to the frustration of all of us.

Actually, I expect he really did take his time to entend his enjoyment. He grew up in an orphanage (from about the age of 4 or 5) and his Christmas literally was an orange and a chance to visit his sister. (I don't know how much is creative memories and how much is truth, but from what I have read, I expect he was close to the truth and it even might have been more stark than that!

One of my most memorable Christmas memories is walking over to a neighbor's house (it was actually about 3/4 mile, but I remember it as about 1 1/2 miles) and watch a show on tv about Scoorge and the ghosts etc. I left in the dark and ran all of the way home! I vividly remember the show even now.

We would never really start Christmas until my Dad completed the school Christmas program, so our "Christmas" always started late.

Perhaps one of my most enjoyable Christmas experiences was when I was "drafted" as a Santa Claus to deliver presents and food to needly families. I drove around in my Santa constume waving at people and REALLY enjoyed giving the gifts and food and seeing the reaction of the children and adults. Then I came back home and acted as "Santa" to 3 year old daughter-she never recognized me!

Another Christmas-I always look forward to it, but I enjoy the interaction and visiting-pershaps also I still feel a secret little thrill when I open a gift or give a gift I know will be enjoyed! There is nothing better than knowing you have found and given the "perfect gift".

Sunday, December 09, 2007

December 9 2007 Thoughts

76 degrees here today! I have starting my biking again, although I am gradually getting back into it after my skin cancer surgery. I have been back on my walking schedule for some time.

I always expect this time of year (between Thanksgiving and Christmas) to be “slow” and am always surprised when it isn’t! Besides the usual work and personal activities, I am busy with Christmas preparations etc.

I am in a program with the International City Managers Association where I try to keep up to date on municipal management matters. It has been really valuable to me, but it takes a lot of time and I have to send it in by December 31, so it is one more thing!

I am trying to keep up with all of my reading etc. as well as work. I keep planning on learning more about setting and structuring my web page, itunes and iphoto, but …. I do make progress, but I need to use the techniques to keep them fresh.

I haven’t started on my Christmas cards yet, so I’ll get on it, probably next weekend. I have a meeting every day this week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday), so it promises to be a busy week!

Since it gets dark out here so early (around 4:30 p.m.), I am thinking about riding my bike early in the morning, but I don’t know if I can squeeze it in.

Aliene is doing about the same. She is getting back into her exercise routine and has been busy making stuff for Christmas.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

December 2, 2007

64 degrees at 4:00 a.m. this morning. A little windy, but I had a nice walk. I am glad to get back into my exercise program after a short break due to my skin cancer surgery. (The surgery itself was very minor and not any big deal, but keeping the area dry and trying to make sure I didn’t pull apart the stitches was a major hassle! Still haven’t started riding the bike or lifting weights. (I do the stationary bike and situps, but it’s not the same.)

Work remains busy, even though frequently it slows down this time of year (maybe I say that every year!) It seems like there are two or three projects arise to make up for the one I finish! Well, I would rather be too busy than bored!

Everyone is doing ok overall. Aliene is just getting over a bad cold, which I know is miserable. She is glad to get back into her exercise etc. program also. She has decorated the house for the holidays, she always does a good job. The house takes on a “seasonal” look as the year goes by and I enjoy the change.

I am about five books behind on my reading and, as usual, behind on my “thoughts” on the conferences and seminars I have attended as well as books I have read. As part of my designation with the International City Managers Association, I need to submit a report on what I have learned during the year. Although it is time consuming, I enjoy it and I know it helps me retain and use some of the stuff I learn.

I am currently waiting for the local paper (Commercial Appeal) to be delivered. As normal, it is late on Sunday.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

Rain and cold prevailed over Thanksgiving. We still had a lot of fun in OKC. We visited, ate and visited some more. We were glad to get back to Lakeland where the weather was a little nicer!

Both the trip up and the trip back were in the rain. On the way up, we hit some really strong rains, which I hate to drive in. On the way back, it started to sprinkle and rained literally all the way back to Lakeland.

We enjoyed visiting everyone in OKC. One memorable trip was to the Omiplex Science Museum. Angela wanted to see the "Our Body" exhibit. It was definitely interesting and I actually learned a lot.

We are home for awhile, and we are really glad. We enjoy our house and Lakeland so we are glad to get back into the routine after a lot of traveling the past two months!

As I mentioned in a prior posts, I haven't been able to bicycle. Unfortuanately, I have been able to eat and the impact on my weight has been rather alarming! I'm back into walking and am watching what I eat, so I am back into my routine and hope to lose the "holiday weight" before Christmas!

New Orleans & Skin Cancer

I have been rather delinquent in my posting.

I had some surgery for skin cancer (in three places) on November 5, 2007. It wasn't any fun, but it wasn't that bad. The worst part is waiting for the area to heal. I won't go into detail, expect I'm glad it was discovered before it got any worse.

I haven't been able to use my left hand (even for typing on the computer) since I may pull the surgery apart. I haven't ridden my bike since the surgery and I really miss it. I still walk etc., but I also can't lift weights.

I went on a tour of the "project areas" in New Orleans. 26 months after the hurricane, the areas are still devasting to look at.

The tour director started with the comment that she had just moved into her house (after 26 months) and "she was one of the lucky ones". The tv pictures etc. I saw couldn't begin to illustrate the absolute devastation of the City in some areas. Many FEMA trailers were still evident and many shopping centers, stores and houses are still closed and apparently waiting for either demolition or rehabilitation. Some areas were completely destroyed and had not been rebuilt.

The tour had a police escort-we didn't stop for the entire 2 1/2 hour tour! It was an experience I will not forget!

I saw the Superdome and the highway where the tv pictures of the people escaping the flood etc. and it was difficult to realize it was the same place.

Friday, November 09, 2007

A Tennessee Fall 2007

Daylight savings time has ended. I always enjoy the “extra hour” on Sunday after “falling back”, while dreading the impact of having darkness by 4:30 p.m.! However, I also can look forward to another Spring!

I recently had “skin cancer” surgery in three areas. I didn’t realize it was so extensive. What surprised me is the number of people who advised me they had had skin cancers removed. The Doctor advised me that this probably was a result of sun damage years ago, but I also should use sunblock on a daily basis. I still have the stitches in, but expect to have them removed next week. (I can’t wait!!!)

I haven’t exercised (walk or bike) since the surgery last Monday since I didn’t want to take a chance on pulling the stitches etc. I can feel not doing it! In addition, I hope I don’t gain back a bunch of weight! I like the extra time, but miss the exercise.

We enjoyed the trip to Kansas for Tonya’s wedding and especially seeing everyone. It was not a bad drive, since it was interstate all the way and there were plenty of rest-stops!

We also were in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania about a month ago. Somehow, Pittsburgh was a lot different (in a pleasant way) than I expected. The people were very friendly and it is a beautiful area. The weather even cooperated and we felt (weather wise) like we were home in Lakeland!

Overall we enjoyed our visit and learned a lot.

The Realtor who handled our house sales gave us a bird-feeder. After we finally got it up, we were amazed and pleased by the variety of birds that came to our back yard. However, we didn’t like the mess created by the birds dropping the outside of the bird seed and resulting squirrels etc. We purchased “no mess” bird seed, but found the birds apparently don’t eat it! We haven’t even seen any birds since we put it out, so we will need to go back to “messy” bird seed so our birds will visit us again!

After some urging by Aliene, I read the “Kite Runner” in almost one sit-down reading and was impressed by the book. I am looking forward to reading his second book.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tonya's Wedding

We really enjoyed going to Tonya's wedding last weekend. We enjoyed seeing everyone, and it was a wonderful day for a wedding and everything really went well.

It was fun to watch the entire community come together to celebrate this event.

The drive back was long, but enjoyable. The weather was perfect and we listened to a "audio book" to help pass the time.

The wind in western Kansas reminded me of why we now live in Lakeland, Tennessee, but we did enjoy visitng! I had forgotten how high an altitude Hays, Kansas is (Fort Hays is where I got my BA) and I now realize I'm not just exaggerating how cold and windy it got out there!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Doris Kearns Goodwin

My favorite history author, Doris Kearns Goodwin spoke at the conference on Wednesday. I saw her about 7 years ago and immediately went out and bought all of her books and read them. She has a way of making history come alive. She won a Pulitzer several years ago and wrote a biography of Abraham Lincoln (Team of Rivals) which I read earlier this year. Her speech was mainly on the findings of her book, Team of Rivals. It was a super book. If you think you don’t like history, read her book.

She gave a super presentation at the conference. I wanted to get her to sign my book, but I had to rush and check out of the hotel and head to the airport.

We went to TGI Fridays to eat. To my amazement, about five minutes later Doris Kearns Goodwin came in and sat at the table next to us! We were nice and merely told her we appreciated her excellent presentation and I advised her how much I enjoyed Team of Rivals. She may not have believed I owned and had read all of her books, but I wanted to tell her anyway!

It would be like going to a concert and then having the star come and sit next to you in the restaurant after the concert!

It was a moment to be remembered and treasured.

Oddly enough, at the same conference 7 years ago, Beck Weathers spoke (Left for Dead) and I went on an odyssey of reading mountain climbing books, as well as books by Doris Kearns Goodwin. (Goodwin also has written books about Franklin Roosevelt, Kennedy (before he became President), a book about her love of baseball, and Lyndon Johnson.


Just got back from Pittsburgh, PA (actually I’ve been back several days, but this is the first chance I’ve had to write about it). It is an interesting town. A lot of the residents seem a little insecure about how visitors will like the City but it has a lot of variety and is a comfortable town to be in.

It is definitely a “Steelers City”. The Steelers played while we were up there and it was evident everyone loves their Steelers, whether they go to the game or watch it on tv or whatever.

I think they are still recovering from the steel mills going down, and they are doing a good job of rebuilding.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Arkansas Walking Stick

Every morning when I walk, I carry my “Arkansas Walking Stick” or a another walking stick (with a name I can’t spell!). They provide a certain comfort as I confront possums, skunks and other early morning critters. Fortunately, they are as surprised by me as I am by them and we each quickly go our own ways. (I go my own way very fast when I see a skunk!)
I got the Arkansas Walking Stick for $5.00 in 1994 just across the Oklahoma Line in Arkansas. (Some friends and I went on the Talihina Drive into Arkansas to a resort called “Queens..” something or other. The other walking stick I got in 1973 at an estate auction of a 93 year old man. Supposedly, the walking stick had been owned by his Great Grandfather. I don’t know how old it really is, but I can guarantee it is 34 years old! I bought it in Wakeeney, Kansas, just after I got out of the Air Force. I couldn’t foresee the future when I bought it but I am sure I would have been amazed if I could have seen the future!
Right after that, I went to Wichita, Kansas and enrolled in Wichita State University to get my M.A. in Political Science. Somehow I have carried that with me all of these years.
I get a certain comfort and sense of balance out of carrying them. The Arkansas Walking Stick is a lot taller. I’m not sure how I make the decision on which one to carry, but the walking stick is as much a part of my walk as the walk itself.
By the way, I recently noticed them for sale for as much as $50, and appeared to be the same ones I paid $5.00 for 13 years ago!

Friday, September 14, 2007

September thoughts

Tonight I had the unique experience of finishing my bike ride and finish with exactly 1:00:00 on my bike computer! I couldn’t have done that if I had tried!
Last night I went out to ride and found I had a flat. Since I have no ability or talent in that area, we loaded the bike up and took it to Bikes Plus to have the tire changed. I need a backup bike for those times! We are taking Aliene’s bike up tomorrow to have the seat changed and the brakes checked.
Everything has been really hectic at work. It seems I get to work, am busy all day, and still haven’t gotten much done! I do most of my writing and research during non-office hours. It keeps me busy, but I enjoy it. It varies, and right now is a busy time.
The weather has definitely cooled here, so I believe the hottest part of the year is over, at least for any extended period of time.
We really enjoyed having everyone out for the Courter Reunion and are looking forward to the Courter Reunion next Summer.
Tomorrow (Saturday) is one of the biggest garage sales in Memphis and it is in a neighborhood right next to us! We normally try to be out of town when it is held, but it didn’t work this time!
Looking forward to seeing everyone at Tonya’s wedding. It wil be here before we know it!

Monday, September 03, 2007

Summer of 2007-Labor Day

Labor Day 2007

I have enjoyed the Summer of 2007 and, in this area, will continue to enjoy it for several months.

The temperature is cooling in preparation for winter and there is always a bittersweet aura around Labor Day since I know Winter is coming.

I was asked my age the other day, and for the first time, said “60”. Lighting didn’t strike and no one screamed in fright. I did suddenly realize I had started another decade!

I have been biking a lot since I got back from OKC. We have been in Lakeland and I had the chance to ride every day since last Thursday. I rode over 11 miles per day (12 miles today) which is great for me.

I am venturing out of the neighborhood more. For the most part, residents and motorists are very courteous. For some reason, there is one street (Canada Road) where they seem to lose their cool and become monsters, as far as driving and respect for bicyclists go. I can even ride on the highway and have 55 mph (and faster) traffic flowing past and feel safer than on Canada Road where I have motorists seem to aim at me to see how close they can get. I am seriously thinking of getting a video camera so I can tape the cars so I can identify the ones who get too aggressive. I walk between 2 ½ to 3 ½ miles at 3:30 -4:15 a.m., so I don’t have a lot of problem with aggressive motorists at that time. (I am more concerned about aggressive skunks and walking over a snake laying in the road etc.!)

I recently printed out some of the nutrition information on restaurant food and suddenly realized why I am not losing weight as fast as I thought I should! While it won’t stop me from having my # 9 breakfast (with a strawberry shake) at Steak and Shake once a week, I will watch myself at other meals! It was a shock to see the calories and the sodium I had been consuming.

The Lakeland City Elections are coming up so that is always interesting to me. They are September 20 and I will be glad (I think!) when they are over.

Aliene though she may need a neck operation, but instead the Doctor is having her tested for Carpal Tunnel (I may have misspelled that).

I hate to see Labor Day end. I love Holidays, because, unlike a vacation day, I normally don’t worry about work, except in the case of a real emergency.

Aliene and I went to a Memphis Redbirds game last night (Sunday) and really enjoyed it.

Well, Labor Day is almost finished. I have actually spend most of the day “laboring” getting ready for the week.

Monday, August 20, 2007

August travels

A busy week. Aliene and her mother flew to Nashville, I met them. (Due to Northwest pricing, it is impossible to fly directly into Memphis. Northwest charges excessive fares into Memphis, just because Memphis is a “hub” and it is put it to Memphis residents. It ought to be illegal. For example, Northwest charges $400 to fly from Oklahoma City to Memphis, and $200 to fly from Oklahoma City to Little Rock-on a flight that lands IN MEMPHIS! Thank goodness for Southwest. I have no sympathy for Nothwest when it declares bankruptcy again-they deserve it. What a ripoff.). Hopefully some other airlines will start flying through Memphis and keep Northwest honest and quit ripping off Memphis residents. For example, if you are going to Orlando or Denver now, you can get decent fares since Frontier is here.

We took Aliene’s mother to the “Grand Old Opry”, since she had never been there before and had always wanted to attend.

We then went to Lawrenceburg where Aliene’s and her mother visited a relative. We had lunch at the “Square 40” café in Lawrenceburg which had some good Southern cooking! They had pictures on the wall signed by President Bush and Harold Ford who had eaten there.

I also visited “Davey Crockets” home. He grew up in this area. I can remember he was my hero when I was a child and I was part of the Davey Crocket craze in the 50’s .

We went to Lakeland for several days and then took Aliene’s mother back to OKC. I figure I drove over 1600 miles in that week! We had a lot of fun.

While in OKC, we were in part of the storm from the hurricane. While we weren’t “in the eye”, we were close to where it was. We were glad to get out of the area safety Sunday.

We celebrated Katherine’s 5th birthday and my 60th in OKC and returned home Sunday. As always, traveling is fun, but it is nice to get home!

I am still watching the podcast on “Mount Everest”. They are now actually climbing Mount Everest. It is an interesting series.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

August 12, 2007 Summer 2007

103 degrees today, supposed to top 106 degrees Wednesday and Thursday. I went on my bike ride today, tried a new route, going down the bike lane on Highway 64. It has a bike lane, but it is still intimidating to have cars going by at 55+ mph. Actually it went pretty good. My clothes were literally soaked when I got back. My head bad was really soaked. I’m going to have to bring an extra!

Biking down the highway gave me the best average speed I’ve had for awhile although I was holding back a little, since I didn’t have anyone to call if I get in touble..

I’ll be glad when the election is over. I’m already tired to seeing campaign signs. Of course when the Lakeland election is over, it’ll be time for the other elections in the area (Memphis etc.). Oh, well, just part of the process I guess.

I think August has always been one of the hottest Summer months, even though Summer actually starts in June.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Living it and loving it, Day 2-Summer 2007

85 degrees again this morning. Yesterday it reached 102 degrees. I went biking for about 45 minutes. It’s not as bad as it seems since by the time I went biking (around 5:30 p.m.) it was actually shady in many areas on my ride route. I’ll probably ride earlier today. I have been riding in “the neighborhood” so I can stop if I start to feel overheated.

Just saw a couple from Tennessee on the “ Rest of Everest” podcasts. It is a long slow group of podcasts. I don’t think I could just sit and watch it, but I do enjoy watching it while I working on the computer or reading and picking up the highlights.

During my walk this morning I was thinking how my job is somewhat like a Conductor of a symphony and just now I am reading an article which says that is what a Manager’s job is like.

Crews are pouring the foundation for a nearby house this morning. It is interesting to watch. They seem to pour a lot of foundations on Saturday when the Inspectors aren't around! (The County inspects houses in Lakeland, not the City.)

Friday, August 10, 2007

Living it and Loving it-Summer 2007

85 degrees at 3:45 a.m. this morning! I love it! I am currently sitting on the patio enjoying the head, and, oddly enough, a nice cool wind.

I really enjoy sitting on the patio, either working, reading or whatever. I am currently also watching a podcast on Mt. Everest (“The Rest of Everest”). I enjoy reading and watching about mountain climbing, although I don’t have any interest in every mountain climbing. I read “In Thin Air” and then heard Beck Weathers at a conference and read his book (“Left for Dead”) and a lot of other books on mountain climbing.

The podcast on “The Rest of Everest” is a daily (almost tedious) film of a Mt. Everest expedition.

I have been staying busy both for the City and personally. Somehow things never seem to slow down, and obviously I hope they don’t. I am currently reading a book about Lincoln, autobiography (David Donald, Lincoln), a book about Iraq (Bob Woodward, State of Denial), and a book “Bringing Out the Best in People”. In addition, I try to keep up with my magazines. I also love newspapers and spend too much time reading the Commercial Appeal and Wall Street Journal!

We enjoyed the Courter Reunion, and then my 60th Brithday. Aliene’s daughter is having knew surgery so she is with her for the surgery and aftermath.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

83 degrees at 4 a.m.-Summer is really here!

83 degrees this morning at 4:00 a.m.! I love Summer, I enjoy the heat, and especially enjoy being able to sit outside and read/work, the long daylight hours, the fresh blueberries, the flowers, leaves etc. and even the sound of the cicadas in the early evening.

Of course, now the Summer is at its height, it is also declining into Winter, somewhat like life.

I enjoy it while I can. Actually I love the climate out here, since the Winter isn’t really that bad. What I don’t really like is the way the cold/coolness hands on in the Spring. I always think around late February or March I want to go someplace hot to get away from the cold.

I really enjoy fresh blueberries for breakfast with my oatmeal and, while frozen blueberries are better than none, I really miss fresh blueberries!

August always means the Courter Reunion. The Courter Reunion is here and gone. It is always a surprise to me how long you plan for something and how short it lasts. We had basically planned for the Courter Reunion for a year (in our minds anyway). Suddenly it is over.

We really enjoyed having everyone out. Sorry more people couldn’t be here (you were here in spirit, we talked about you!), but we had a good group and we are already looking forward to next year.

Monday, August 06, 2007

60-no longer an abstraction!

60 years old. What used to be an abstraction (and a far off one at that) is now a reality. I don’t really dwell on it. Over 20 years ago, I firmly decided not to worry about events I couldn’t do anything about so I could concentrate on events I could do something about. Turning 60 is definitely not something I can change!

I have learned the value of experience the older I get! I have also realized how important it is to look at life with the wonder of a child looking at something new and exciting and not to get into a rut.

Probably, as for the past 20 years, maybe 30 years, what bothers me most is the lack of time to do what I want/have to do. Probably for the last 15 years, I don’t like the idea that opportunities are closing on me.

I will always remember the first time (and subsequent) times I heard the Robert Frost poem “The Road Not Taken” and how I immediately recognized the Great Dilemma of life.

Some roads I am glad I have taken is my career as City Manager, marrying Aliene, moving to Lakeland, bike riding, walking in the morning, l loving to read etc. Not to say there aren’t many things I would have done different, but overall I feel I am on the right road in those areas. I think that helps facing the years to come and the feeling that opportunities are closing.

Looking back, I am glad that at 40 I realized the “future is now”. While I realized you still need to plan for the future, you live in the present. At 50 I finally understood the beauty of experiencing every minute of life, including the rough times.

One thing about living in a 55+ community, I see some many people “more mature” than I who still enjoy life and have a high quality of life. It can be done!

Yesterday I mentioned that perhaps the scariest thing about turning 60 is that in 10 years I will be 70! I hope to work at least 10 more years, so in only 10 short years I could be facing the major life change of retirement. Of course, I remember when I was in my 30’s I thought retiring at 55 was a great idea, in my 40’s I thought retiring at 62 was great, when I was 57 I liked the idea of retiring at 67, now I am thinking of retiring at 70 when I am 60!

Of course, one reason I picked 67 was that in 2015 I wanted to walk up to the stage and receive my “40 years of service” award from the International City Managers Association at the Annual Conference! It is hard to believe on October 21, 1974 I started my first full-time career job with the City of Liberal, Kansas. (I started my first City Manger position in 1981. I can still remember the impact of realizing my responsibility-as well as the opportunities-of the position.)

The first real impact of working for City government actually came shortly after I started my first job. I was standing in line for a show and I looked at the line and a chill went down my back (a pleasurable chill) when I realized that my job affected, however small, the quality of life for everyone in the City. I am pleased to note that I still feel that chill of pleasure!

60 years-perhaps still an abstraction, but I am living it!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Tennessee Update

It has been a while since I have written. We have been busy, but really nothing noteworthy, other than getting prepared for the Courter Family Reunion. Angela and the girls are coming out early for a visit, so it will be nice to visit with them and then visit with everyone at the Family Reunion.

We set up a bird feeder that the Realtor bought us when we bought the house (it shows how slow we have been on this!). We had fun watching the wide variety of birds we didn't realize nested in the area. Soon the squirrels started eating the bird feed (even though it was supposed to be a "squirrel proof" bird feeder. We finally found something that stopped the squirrels from eating the bird feed.

I am now walking about 3.45 miles each morning, and then I do my weight lifting. I bought a weight bench so I can do everything but bench press at home. It saves a lot of time going to the club and back. I enjoy going outside in the morning before I go to work and reading, working on the computer or whatever.

I usually get an hour bike-ride in about 4 times per week, depending on the weather and meetings etc. I finally decided it was just too dangerous to try to go too far from the addition, when the addition is such a safe place (relatively speaking) to bicycle.

We're looking forward to visiting with everyone at the Family Reunion who can attend! I can guarantee it will be warm!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Suddenly it’s Summer

June 21 is my favorite day (longest day of sunlight and the beginning of Summer). Unfortunately, it also marks the time that the days will start to get shorter and Winter is coming! Of course, I can’t allow myself to dwell on that, I just enjoy the Summer.

I had hoped to be bicycling longer by now, but time and safety are always factors. So far, my neighborhood is interesting enough I haven’t gotten bored with my hour or so bike ride, and I just don’t like the odds of trying to ride on some of the streets near me. While the highway by the addition has “bike lanes”, the speed limit is 55 mph, which is kind of intimidating. Also, I can’t get across the highway (a five lane road) because of the traffic. I am glad I have a safe neighborhood to ride in and right now I would have a problem finding time for riding more than an hour or so a day anything. At least the sun is up enough now I can ride after work. During the Winter, I feel lucky to ride 30-45 minutes.

I am thinking of riding early morning, but then I miss my time with the newspaper, reading and catching up on work!

Aliene and I are looking forward to hosting the Courter Reunion (the 60th if I am figuring right) in July! This will be the first Courter Reunion ever held in Tennessee!

Summer always seems to go so fast (and Winter always seems to drag!) so I really enjoy the climate in Lakeland.

I don’t want to waste any of the sunlight, so I’ll quit for now!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Tree Frog

This morning, I suddenly heard this racket, right outside the back door. I opened the door and found a light green tree frog, right on the door step. I think it fully expected that it ws announcing itself to be let into the house! (fat chance of that!).

I temporarily lost my compassion for animals and knocked it onto the patio. (I had some qualms as to whether the tree frog was actually trying to tell me something,thinking of persons being turned into frogs, but these are only thoughts that I have in the early morning.)

Later, I heard this racket and found the tree frog had climbed up on the ceiling (of the enclosed patio) and I quickly got a broom and, with some compassion, guided it out into the back yard and it was quickly jumping away towards the trees where it belongs when I last saw it.

I like the sounds of tree frongs in teh distance, but not in or near the house!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

1000 miles on my bike!

Saturday, June 16, I just went over 1,000 miles on my “new” bike. (Just about a year old.) It is a milestone for me. I would like to start taking longer rides on an occasional basis. That 1,000 miles is all daily rides of from 7 to 12 miles per day, usually averaging about 11 miles per hour. I would prefer more, but that is what it is. Based on my miles per hour average, that is approximately 100 hours on the bike.

I plan on starting taking longer rides and hope to ride in one of the multi-day rides in the next several years. Of course, I have a hard time finding the time for longer rides, primarily because there is no safe routes for me to take longer rides. I could drive to another area, but that drastically incrases the time.

I am thinking of riding in the morning right after I walk. I rarely miss a walk, because I walk from 3:30 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. just after I get up. Of course, I have my morning routine (read the paper, get some work done, read something I normally wouldn’t read fro at least 15 minutes etc.) that I would miss if I rode my bike for an hour after my walk each morning.

Lately I have been waking up at 3:00 a.m. but I decided that is just too early to get up! I always take a nap before I go to work, but I expect getting up at 3:00 a.m. is just pushing it too far!

In the meantime, I enjoy my short daily rides. I ride a little longer in Summer and in the winter I just try to grind out a few miles so I stay in shape! I really enjoy it and maybe the short rides of an hour or so is what is right for me at the present time.

Friday, June 15, 2007

The Innocent Man

John Grisham, The Innocent Man

This book illustrates what I consider the horrible example of Police Officers and Prosecutors and how some of them can develop mindsets of “win at any cost”. The book documents lying, framing, setup, the “good old boy/girl” network (including the residents) that allowed innocent persons to go to jail and almost be put to death.

Looking back, I sometimes wonder about some of the Police Officers working for me and if they had the same mindset.

This book probably affected my actual view of City Management as much as any book or session. I consider one of a City Managers’ primary objectives is to insure that services are provided consistently and fairly and that the “power” of the City not be misused.

The book documents gross, gross abuse of office by Police Officers, Judges, Prosecutors, and even the residents. What is REALLY frightening is that some of them are still in office, even after documentation of gross misconduct!

I had to ask myself numerous times throughout the book-Where were the Police Chief, the City Manager, the residents...?

What controls can we use to insure this doesn’t happen in "our" city?

10th Anniversary!

Aliene and I celebrated our 10th Anniversary June 7, 2007! It has been a wonderful 10 years and I can truly say we celebrated 10 years of happiness.

On our June 7 Anniversary we had Teri Clark, Trace Adkins, Dierks Bentley, Brooks and Dunn, Alan Jackson and Reba McEntire perform and we had 30,000 people attending!

We actually were at the CMA Musical Festival in Nashville. It was a great 4 days of music and fun. We went last year and really enjoyed it and already have our tickets for next year!

The ten years have certainly flown by.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Lincoln and his Generals

I am reading the book "Lincoln and His Generals" (actually published in 1959) in my continuing quest to learn about Lincoln.

I was fascinated by his Generals, who were characterized by inaction and continuing requests for "more, more, more". It was also interesting to see how Lincoln grew in office, as he gradually learned what a made a good General. (He put it simply-a good General takes action and wins battles!).

In a much smaller way (but just as important to our residents!), I can see parallels to Department Heads who delay action and continually want more resources and they they'll take care of a problem. I can hear it now "just one more (name it) and THAT will be all I need".

Saturday, May 26, 2007

TEAM OF RIVALS-A super read!

I just finished reading “Team of Rivals” by Doris Kearns Goodwin. It was a fascinating story of Lincoln, his election, selection of his cabinet (including many of his rivals for President). It included the civil war period and his assassination.

At the end, she described the impact of the assassination on his wife, family, cabinet and colleagues and especially the nation in such a moving way I even had tears come to my eyes.

I heard her speak at an International City Managers Association meeting a few years ago and was intrigued by her knowledge and her way of describing history. I read all of her books (Wait Till Next Year, a story about her love of baseball and how her father taught her to love the game; No Ordinary Time, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt: The Home Front in World War II; The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys (which covered the history of the families up to when JFK became President) and Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream.

They are all fascinating, informative books regardless of your political beliefs about the persons involved!

At the conference, she had just finished Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream and she mentioned her book on Lincoln, so I was anxiously awaiting the book.

If you have any interest at all, read Team of Rivals.

I am starting next on “Lincoln and His Generals”. Lincoln was such an amazing man, decided I was going to always be reading something about him. I am also starting Walter Isaacson's book, Einsteen.

I am looking forward to seeing Doris Kearns Goodwin at the ICMA Conference this year. I am hoping I can get her to sign all of my books!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Memorial Day

I always especially remember Memorial Day, probably because when I was a kid, we always went what (to me) was a relatively long trip to the cemetery to visit our ancestors and deceased family members.

The small town where the cemetery was located (Soldier, Kansas) always had a big Memorial Day dinner for the persons visiting the cemetery. They also provided the lunch etc. for funeral services.

My parents both rest at the Soldier, Kansas Cemetery and the residents of Soldier provided the lunch at their funeral services and I still enjoy their Memorial Day lunches when we visit on Memorial Day.

I am still impressed by the dedication of the residents of Soldier, Kansas over all these years where they still provide such a service to visitors.

I think one of the reasons I enjoy being a City Manager so much is that I have some strong memories of the small towns I visited when I was a child and I realize the impact of city services and facilities. In addition to the Memorial Day visits being one of my earliest memories, we were heavy users of the Holton, Kansas library, parks and recreational facilities when we came to town on weekly shopping visits. I still remember how well they were maintained and the true dedication of the librarians and park workers and I hope we leave similar memories for our residents and visitors.

Also, Memorial Day always seemed to have some special events. When I was a child, I loved to LISTEN to the Indy 500. I'd go outside and listen to the entire race and I always had hopes of attending the race sometime. (I did visit the race track several years ago, but I have no desire to watch the race.)

Also, maybe because it was right after school, I always have memories of events around this time. When I was a freshman in college (between my Freshman and Sophomore year), I went to Denver, Colorado to work at Samsonite Corporation making suitcases as a summer job. I didn't have the slightest idea what I was getting into, but it was an enjoyable and educational Summer. I didn't have any idea how to get around in a big City (my Mom actually wrote me a check to use as money until I got my first paycheck-of course, not one would cash it and I ended up sleeping in the streets and bus station for several days) but I learned and it was a fascinating experience.

It was also where I learned to like Tamales. I worked "swing shift" and the on street corners vendors would be selling tamales. On weekend nights, I'd wonder around downtown Denver and eat tamales and watch what I considered the wondrous "big city" life go by.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Memphis and Nashville on-airport parking-HORRIBLE!

This is an excerpt from my previous blog. I really want to emphasize the failure of the Memphis and Nashville Airports to provide decent "on-airport" parking. Of course, "off-airport" parking owners are getting rich off of their inadequate service.

We flew out of Nashville, (To Albuquerque) so we could use some unused funds from Southwest. (Memphis is a nice airport, but can be excessively expensive to fly from. Frequently we fly Southwest from Little Rock or Nashville, usually Little Rock.) The schedule to Albuquerque-I finally learned how to spell that!-from Nashville was so much better that it was worth the extra drive.

We did find the parking at the Nashville Airport is just as bad (or worse) than the “on airport” parking at the Memphis Airport. At both airports, they use the “bus stop” method, with large, mostly empty buses.

In Nashville, the “shuttle” (actually a very inefficient large “city bus” size) drivers were extremely rude and unhelpful. I don’t see how they stay in business. When we were returning, a lady was getting on the bus and the bus driver pulled out and almost caused her to fall. How do they ever stay in business?

In the future, we’ll do as we do in Memphis-use off-airport parking!

Memphis actually charges $11.00 per day and we parked them only one time! Not only are they expensive and use inefficient buses, but it is inconvenient and almost impossible to haul heavy bags to the excessively large “shuttle” bus.

I don’t see how either airport parking transportation meets the requirements of the American with Disabilities Act.

In Memphis we found a very nice off-airport parking with a courteous shuttle bus driver (who normally actually jumps out and helps you load/unload luggage) who drives to your car to pick you up and to your car to drop you off! The price is just over 50% of on-airport parking!

Both Little Rock and Oklahoma City airports have small shuttle buses with courteous drivers who pick you up at your car and drop you off at your car. I wonder why Memphis and Nashville can’t see the light and provide decent on-airport parking.

Other than the rude, inefficient on-airport parking in Nashville, we had a wonderful and enjoyable trip. As usual, it was nice to get back to Lakeland, but we enjoyed New Mexico.

Sudden it's Summer

Suddenly, it’s Summer and I don’t need to dress warm in the morning when I walk or when I bicycle. The flowers bloom without fear of freezing.

Last weekend, we visited New Mexico on a “real” vacation. We went to “Old Town” in Albuquerque, and rode the Tram up the mountains. We went to Santa Fe and then Taos, We visited friends in a rural area south of Taos and north of Las Vegas, New Mexico. We visited Angel Fire and saw the Viet Nam Memorial. We drove and shopped, ate and drove. Touristy stuff, but interesting.

The first day, we just drove to the Continental Divide west of Grants, New Mexico. An interesting drive.

We noticed the colorful New Mexico license plates and I wondered again why Tennessee has such plain, ugly, regional plates. Tennessee is a beautiful state, and the license plates don’t do it any justice whatsoever. Talk about a lost PR opportunity!

I wish I had my bicycle, (although we flew to Albuquerque, so it would have been difficult). New Mexico has a lot of bicycling opportunities.

We enjoyed New Mexico and are already planning our next visit, probably to stay several days in Santa Fe this time.

We flew out of Nashville, so we could use some unused funds from Southwest. (Memphis is a nice airport, but can be excessively expensive to fly from. Frequently we fly Southwest from Little Rock or Nashville, usually Little Rock. The schedule to Albuquerque-I finally learned how to spell that!-from Nashville was so much better that it was worth the extra drive.

We did find the parking at the Nashville Airport is just as bad (or worse) than the “on airport” parking at the Memphis Airport. At both airports, they use the “bus stop” method, with large, mostly empty buses.

In Nashville, the “shuttle” (actually a very inefficient large “city bus” size) drivers were extremely rude and unhelpful. I don’t see how they stay in business. When we were returning, a lady was getting on the bus and the bus driver pulled out and almost caused her to fall. How do they ever stay in business?

In the future, we’ll do as we do in Memphis-use off-airport parking!

Memphis actually charges $11.00 per day and we parked them only one time! Not only are they expensive and use inefficient buses, but it is inconvenient and almost impossible to haul heavy bags to the excessively large “shuttle” bus.

I don’t see how either airport parking transportation meets the requirements of the American with Disabilities Act.

In Memphis we found a very nice off-airport parking with a courteous shuttle bus driver (who normally actually jumps out and helps you load/unload luggage) who drives to your car to pick you up and to your car to drop you off! The price is just over 50% of on-airport parking!

Both Little Rock and Oklahoma City airports have small shuttle buses with courteous drivers who pick you up at your car and drop you off at your car. I wonder why Memphis and Nashville can’t see the light and provide decent on-airport parking.

Other than the rude, inefficient on-airport parking in Nashville, we had a wonderful and enjoyable trip. As usual, it was nice to get back to Lakeland, but we enjoyed New Mexico.

Two things we missed we want to see if White Sands and Los Alamos.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

100th Posting

This is my 100th posting since I started this Blog!

I just realized I hadn’t written for a long time.

The City budget is always a busy time, and it was especially busy since I also had some other meetings etc. I kept up with my exercise etc, but got behind on my magazine and book reading!

Today (Saturday), I almost feel lost not having the budget looming over my head. Actually, I just have the first draft done, but that is the hardest. I have been trying to catch up on my reading without feeling guilty about it!

We went through a bout of cold weather, but hopefully Spring is finally here! Everything is green and the flowers are out! Aliene recently bought some flowers and plants, so the house is looking nice.

It is nice to have a house where we can open the windows and get a good breeze without a lot of noise or dust!

Aliene has had several “nerve block” shots. We hope they work so she won’t need neck surgery. I haven’t gained any weight, but I also haven’t lost any more weight. I am getting ready to concentrate on losing more weight since the budget is completed and Spring is here so I can exercise more.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

April is almost here!

I am really enjoyed Tennessee this time of year! Like magic, suddenly the trees become green and flowers burst into color! Wonderful! I am looking forward to the next 6 months!

Life continues, and I am always amazed at how fast it goes! I am going into my "hour" session with the bicycle where I try to ride at least an hour when I ride, especially on weekends. I hope to slowly start increasing my speed.

My goal is to do 60 miles on August 6 when I turn 60! (If not exactly August 6, than a day close to that.) At my present speed, it would take me at least 6 hours to do 60 miles and, including breaks etc., I am probably looking at 8-10 hours to do sixty miles. Oh well, I can dream! Maybe I will do 20 miles a day and just call it one long day!

I really do enjoy biking, but time is also a factor. Currently, on many days I walk for about 40 minutes, do weights (another 40), and then bike (60+), so I invest a lot of time in exercise! I have lost about 35 pounds, but have reached a plateau and need to reduce my eating so I can lost weight. I want to lose another 20 pounds or so before I plateau again and then I will decide if I want to have the pain and suffering (and not eating peanut butter and strawberry ice cream!) necessary to lost the next 20 pounds I really need to lose.

We try to make a point to keep in touch with our families in OKC and visit personally about every six weeks or two months. Sometimes it is hard to get away from work (it normally takes about two days of vacation plus the weekend), but we feel the personal visit is good and necessary.

Happy Birthday to Barbara (March 24) and Eleanor (March 31).

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Spring Musings

Sometimes it seems this time of year is the hardest. A few days temp you with nice, warm temperatures and then it turns cold again. Even though it isn't really that cold, my expectations of the temperature are different!

This year it has been especially hard to ride the bike cool temperature (45-50 degrees) after a few days of riding in shorts and a t-shirt!

Every year it seems that Spring temps you and the cold chill hands around until May. Maybe I need to take a trip to someplace really hot in March!

Everything is busy as normal. (I guess busy is good!) I saw some Spring flowers the other day and I guess I got overexcited. But soon the trees with bud, other flowers will come out and Spring will truly be here!

While riding my bicycle in the cold air I think about this summer and riding in the hot weather! Summer will widen my bike horizons. Right now I am planning on how I can ride 60 miles on my 60th Birthday!

I have been reading an interesting book on Lincoln, "Team of Rivals", by Doris Kearns Goodwin. I have enjoyed all of her books, and learned I need to buy them so I can take the time to read them throughly! I heard her speak at an International City Managers Conference (ICMA) and was so interested I collected all of her books. (She has written biographies about Roosevelt, Johnson, Kennedy and now Lincoln, as well as a book about her love of baseball.)

At that same conference, I heard Beck Weathers ("Left for Dead") speak and I became a fan of books and movies about mountain climbing. I'd never want to try it myself, but I really enjoy reading about it.

I have been keeping a listing of all books I have read since 1989. I am slowly putting them into a computer listing.

Thursday, March 08, 2007


Few events strike dread like suddenly realizing you lost your wallet (or purse etc.) with you drivers license, credit cards and money. The feeling of panic and helplessness is overwhelming.

I recently lost my wallet and after, several hours I called my house and had a message “I think I have something you are looking for” from a Lee Wright. (I’m not even sure if I have the name spelled right.)

I am pleased to say that Mr. Wright not only sent my wallet to me by FedEx, but he did not take a single dollar for the expense or his time or as a reward. (I urged him to keep the money for his time and expense.) I called and asked what I could do and of course, he just said he was pleased to help.

I don’t know anything about Mr. Wright (his name fits!) except he is from the Atlanta, Georgia. I decided I will make sure I will pass on his good deed (somehow, the term “good deed” seems inadequate) any time I have a chance. Somehow I think he would like that!

On reflecting on this, I observe a lot of similar “acts of kindness”, although if you have ever lost your wallet or purse, you will know what I mean by the feeling of relief you get when you get everything back intact!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Coffee, Strawberry Shakes and Strawberry Jam/Jelly

I have noticed for some time that:

-People who don't drink coffee don't understand the importance of FRESH coffee.

-People who don't drink Strawberry Shakes (or any kind of shake) don't understand the importance of a THICK shake.

-People who don't love Strawberry Jam/Jelly don't understand why I can't stand "mixed fruit" jelly and always ask for Strawberry Jam or Jelly!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Cold weather is here!

I walked in 20 degree weather this morning. I was warmly dressed and it actually felt ok! (Actually I was too warmly dressed!) Yesterday I biked in about 28 degree weather. Biking is a little colder because of he wind factor.

As long as there is not a major wind, the cold doesn't bother me too much.

We recovered from the Christmas holidays and can't believe that January 2007 is almost over! It appears 2007 will go fast.

I have been reading a biography of Abraham Lincoln (Team of Rivals) which is interesting. It is written by my favorite historian Doris Kearns Goodwin. I heard her speak at a conference and read all of her books. (At the same Confernce, I also heard Beck Weathers, which launched me on reading about mountain climbing, a subject I still enjoy reading about. It was a life-changing conference.

At work, it seems like January 2 started hectic and it hasn't slowed down! I don't mind, I enjoy being busy, but I almost haven't had time to hardly think!

Monday, January 15, 2007

January rains & bicycling

I was looking forward to the 3 day holiday as a time to get some "daytime" biking in. However, rain each day kind of spoiled that. (I just don't feel comfortable riding in the rain or on wet streets. I know a lot people do, and I would if I had too, but I just don't feel it's worth the risk of a fall.)

I feel kind of a guilty relief, but I can feel the effects of not riding. Fortuately, the rain is light enough I can continue my early morning walk of about 2.5 miles or so. Of course, there is always the treadmill or stationary bike (although that is at the exercise club, we have a treadmill at home), it just isn't the same.

I try to "maintain" my bike riding throughout the winter, hoping I can start some longer rides this summer. During the week, assuming I don't have a night meeting, I try to ride. However, when it gets dark so early, I always ride in the dark. I feel comfortable riding "in the dark" in my addition, but I don't like to get out of my neighborhood after dark.

Aliene tells me I look like a "Christmas Tree" going down the street with all my flashing lights, but I still don't know who might not see me. I have the regular bike lights and also have a flashing light on the front and back of my helmet and a flashing light on an arm band as well as all kind of reflective items. However all it takes is one inattentive driver!

One thing I really don't like is the "regular" bike items (that are specified for bikes) are either too small (an "XXL" at a bike shop may be a 44 chest!-usually XXL is at least 48 chest etc.), stupid (wrong way zippers, breaks easily etc.), made for a professional biker, and-Always-too expensive. I purchased my best items at Wal Mart and the Academy at about 30% of the cost of the same item "designed" for bikes.

I respect bike shops and try to buy what I can there (gloves, helmets etc.), but they all just don't have any bike clothing etc. at my size. Since I can't even change a flat tire, I need to have my bike maintained at a bike shop and I am willing to pay higher prices for bike items I need, but they even make that difficult! (I can't even ORDER larger size clothing.)

Anyway, I just hate to order clothing from the internet since I really need to see it before I buy it. Actually I feel the same about bike items. Just too many scammers out there.

(I don't even order books off the Internet anymore. They arrive damaged etc. and then I have to go to the trouble of returning them etc.). Fortunately, I have a Barnes & Noble a mile away and a Borders several miles away, but I still haven't found a bike shop with decent clothing, at any price.

I bought my bicycle at a local bike shop with the full expectation they would keep it repaired and maintained. They have done well thus far, thank goodness!

Anyway, summer is coming and I have plenty of t-shirts, which is all I need for summer riding!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

January Thoughts

I am surprised when I see how little I write, or at least how infrequent I write. I keep a personal journal daily and fequently write thoughts in another journal.

Perhaps knowing that your thoughts are literally public restrains me a little!

The weather to the west hasn't hit here, although we do hae "rain" ather than "snow" or "ice. Anyway the wesather is really nice!

Ever since January 2, it has really been busy at work, I guess catching up with everything we didn't do over the Holidays!

Looking back over the year, we really enjoy our house and are glad we seleced this house and this addition. As a general rule I don't make "Resolutions", and I didn't this year. I do hope to keep losing weight etc.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

2007 Thoughts

I was surprised to suddenly realize yesterday (Saturday, January 6) that I no longer had that little cough I have had for years! I realized it when I drank my first "diet Pepsi" for several months and started coughing! I guess the advise to not drink carbonated beverages was good advice for my “GERD”. Coffee is also supposed to affect me, but I’ve found I can drink some coffee during the day (I don’t drink my 10 cups before I go to work anymore!) and it doesn’t seem to adversely affect me or at least I can live with the consequences. I have it mostly under control.

Overall, we had a great Christmas and New Year’s. We were in OKC for Christmas and enjoyed ourselves and seeing everyone. New Years’ we spent in Lakeland at a local dance and had a good time.

Weather here has been great with some rain (but no snow!) and an occasional cool day, but otherwise, if there has to be Winter, this is a good way to do it!

I’ve been trying to catch up on my reading as well as work. It seems everything slows down over the Holidays and then goes into hyper-time afterwards.