Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Spring 2014 April 30 Wednesday

57 degrees this morning. Going to be a nice day.
As mentioned yesterday, posts may be sporadic for several weeks, but will resume on a regular basis .
As I discussed recently, I think some (not all) of the “hedge funds” etc. (Hedge funds used in a generic sense) should not be allowed to buy a company, than loot it, borrow money to issue a huge dividend to themselves and then “sell” the company, with the company shortly going bankrupt due to the huge amount of debt due to the looting “dividend”. (I feel the banks or company making the irresponsible loan and the underwriters on the new shares have some liability here also.) Why aren’t these people in jail?
This morning I learned even more. AFTER the company goes bankrupt, the same “hedge fund”, buys the bankrupt debt and then makes a bundle when the bankruptcy judge allows the assets of the to pay off the “bad debt” at higher than what they paid for it! What a racket. I think it is unethical, immoral and should be illegal, if it isn’t.  They cause the bankruptcy by looting the company, and then profit from it again!
Where is Michael Lewis? I hope he is writing a book exposing this activity.!!!
This (Wednesday) morning there was a story in the Wall Street Journal and New York Times about a utility company in Texas, and this even included the hook that they paid themselves millions of dollars in “severance pay” before selling the company which declared bankruptcy.
Disgusting. And it is even allowed and encouraged by some of the most highly paid and respected people! No wonder there is so much corruption, people have good examples.
Involved in that timeless period of signing a contract to sell our house and deciding where to move etc. Several positions possible, so really have no idea where we are moving to.
That’s it for today, Wednesday, April 30, 2014. If I don’t post for a while, I’ll be back

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Spring 2014: April 29 Tuesday

57 degrees this morning.  Still cloudy and coolish, with possible thunderstorms.  Forest in back of house is almost up to full Spring standards!
I recently charged up all my Apple devices, I am pleased the batteries are still good on all of them,  That includes several iPods that are about 7 years old, a couple of old iPhones (we use them as an iPod Touch), it is  amazing that all of the batteries are still good.
Strange to think we may only live here about another two months.  Of course, Lakeland isn't Lakeland any more anyway since it is turning into a "no service" city with spiteful elected officials who care only about the small things.  I'll be glad to leave in that sense, but I love the house and the City and the residents.  I can only hope the residents wake up before the Lakeland community is destroyed by the ignorance and greed.
The weather is calm after the storms of the last several days.  
That's all for today, Tuesday, April 29, 2014.  I may be spotty in posting for awhile, but I will be back on a regular basis soon.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Spring 2014 April 28 Monday

73 degrees this morning.  Rain during walk, drove to ATC.
Heavy rains, tornado sirens went off, but really not that severe, apparently going to be stormy.  At least I feel Spring is here now for sure, with tornado activity!
Monday morning.  I have become a loyal fan of CNBC and especially "Jim Cramer and Mad Money".  I don't sit and watch it as such, but just have it on, so I miss a lot, but see some of the highlights or breaking news.  (I don't like some of the programs, so I turn it off, with "Squawk Box" and "Mad Money" being my favorites.  My secret vice of Country Music videos early in the morning continues!  Of course this morning I switched over to the news when the tornado sirens went off.  
Finalized our contract on the house yesterday.  I assume the inspections etc. follow.  All we need is for the storm to cause some storm damage during this process!  If it all goes through, we will be moving in late June. 
We actually got a coupon for toner just when our toner went out!  How lucky is that!  Toner hardly ever goes on sale, since you normally buy it when you need it regardless of price.  
Planning to go the Redbirds bell game tonight, probably will transfer the tickets now.  The Redbirds have this really neat program that allows you to transfer your tickets to another game if you can't attend (I think it is a national program called "Ticket Return", and it is really great.)  That is the main reason we buy a "half season" ticket.  (I just bought one ticket and transfer tickets so we actually have two tickets for games we want to go to.)  
Speaking of CNBC, I remember when I first got interested in the stock market when I was in the 8th Grade.  I have always been fascinated by the action, I assume, and the psychology of why it goes up or down.  I actually new about the "flash trading", I read about it several years ago, but it was presented then a just another technological advancement.  Of course, they didn't say anything bout the opportunity for someone to actually preview someones trade and increase the price to them.  It was presented as a way to benefit from "inefficiencies" in the various markets.  I don't think an "inefficiency" includes being able to see what someone is trading and stealing from them by increasing the price!  
I actually read Michael Lewis (author of Flash Boys) years ago, but really noticed his book "The Blind Side" because of the Memphis connection.  I was actually listening on the local public radio station and heard a brief excerpt from the book and bought and read it before it became a movie.  It was a fascinating book as all of his books are.  
That's it for now.  Monday, April 28, 2014

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Spring 2014 April 27 Sunday

63 degrees this morning.  Excellent morning for walk and cycling.
Still thinking about the person I met who I feel was "burned out".  I expect it is difficult to work out of that.  I wonder if "burned out" is basically the same thing as depression?  I wonder if spending too much of your time on one aspect of your life is the reason for "burnout", or is it a complex issue of caring to much and other factors?  I think a lack of balance in your life could be a factor, but that is hard to determine while you are in the race.  A good reason to take some "time out" occasionally.  Not the time out like I have had the past five months, but maybe another interest or challenge.   Maybe you have to "care, but not that much", as Herb Cohen noted during a presentation on "negotiations" when I saw an ICMA Conference in Chicago in 1994.  I have remembered that quote an said it to myself often (but not out loud!).  It actually has helped in a variety of situations, including getting mad about poor service (just how it it -poor service, whatever-so important that I should get all enraged about it?)  Of course, some things are important and you have to take care of them.
A recent question on an employment application made me think of some of the more life changing presentations I have seen, especially at ICMA conferences. One, I believe in Kansas City was the person who said (this was in the days of the very limited "laptops") said the "so what if it costs $750 and is obsolete in a month, it you get $750 in benefit it was worth it, just buy the more advanced model" (or words to that effect.  Somehow this created a major change in my way of thinking of possessions, the utility of "things", and the cost/benefit of equipment in realistic "service" terms.  I am still learning from this presentation.
Another was Doris Kearns Goodwin's presentation in 1999 on a book she had written about Lyndon Johnson (and at a conference in, I believe, around 2009 in Pittsburg on "Team of Rivals" about Lincoln's leadership).  I immediately read all of her books (well, it took me a year, but I mean I started immediately reading all of her books) and developed a whole new concept of leadership or perhaps the lack of or misuse of leadership and what good leadership really is.  Also, just a very interesting writer.  
Beck Weathers was on the same conference as the first Doris Kearns Goodwin.  Perhaps this relates to the "burnout", he as a Doctor who became obsessed with Mount Everest (or rather the climbing of Mount Everest) and he effectively "woke up" when he was "left for dead"  (literally, the other climbers referred to him as the "dead man in the tent") and lost several fingers and had freeze burn scars on his face.  
My phone keeps beeping with thunderstorm warnings for Oklahoma City.  Probably means bad weather for here later today.
That's it for now.  Sunday, April 27.  Probably add some more, will be an interesting day.

Spring 2014 April 26 Saturday

48 degrees this morning, but supposed to be a high in the 80's.  
Today gave the hint of the summer days to come, thank goodness.  I hope I have time to enjoy the house.  We currently have a contract on it, with closing on June 26, which means we have to get busy!  Hopefully this will allow us some flexibility depending on what jobs may come along. 
Busy day today (a point to transparency, this is actually being written Sunday morning, I got busy and just didn't get it written!).  Started with drive to see our "Chinese tutor", which was rescheduled.  Than a stint at our "second place" (Starbucks) where a weak internet took some time.  Than back to our "Chinese Tutor" again.  She was really interesting and helpful.  
Then we went home, hoping to rest, and we we were notified our house was going to be shown to a prospective buyer, so we had to leave.  (The contract hasn't actually be finalized yet, so they are still showing the house, which is fine with us).  Then on to dinner with friends, than the first dance we have attended in months.
Just a thought, that, today, marks the 5 month (November 26, 2013) without a job.  Kind of scary, thank goodness I qualify for retirement pay.  I have made some moves towards starting my own business, I am moving slow on it.  I really would like to get a City Manager position again, especially after attending the conference, but the right one has to be open!  Overall, it has been a really busy time, I haven't had a chance to do all of the "round tuit" reading I promised myself if this ever happened, in fact I have probably done less reading than when I worked.  Of course, the prospective trip to China has taken up a lot of time, since I love to plan travel.  In another life I must have been a travel agent, or perhaps wanted to be one.  
Another "round tuit" I planned on and actually have done some on, is to finally learn more about the capacity of computer programs, even just basic computer operations, although not nearly as much as I had hoped.  I will keep at it.
Other than developing an addition to CNBC and "Mad Money", I really haven't changed my lifestyle much.  I still get up at 3 a.m., walk, cycle, read the papers as I stationary bike, etc. and basically work all day and night and weekends, only now on things such as applying for jobs, writing (and rewriting) cover letters, fighting with various government agencies on retirement and employment issues (when you actually get to a person they are normally pretty good), and doing extensive research for my business.
It will be interesting how I use my time after the China Trip.  Preparing for it has really occupied my time  and after it is over, it will be interesting to see how I react psychologically, although I expect I will have several more projects to keep me busy!.
That's it for today (Saturday, April 26, 2014)

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Spring 2014 April 25 Friday

63 degrees this morning, raining out.
Great swim this morning.  Last session this morning.  Always feel a little regret at the end of a conference, tempered with the good feeling of getting back to your routine.  
A conference is like you have a little community meet, and it is temporary and only lasts a few days.  I always say a conference is like life, or perhaps stages of life,  by the time you learn your way around, it is over.
Met a person who was truly "burned out" on his profession.  Won't say anything that may identify him, but it was really sad.  I really wonder what you do to get out of that frame of mind.  I have probably been close to it in the past, but not recently.  It kind of reminds me of some poems I wrote years ago (warning, I am not a poet):
Failure is as soiled and
Yellowed as an old sheet
 Sounds like an old car
As it spins without starting
 Failure tastes like
Soda gone flat 
Failure feels like the rasp of sandpaper
Taking away the good and the bad
Grinding all into dust
 Failure smells like the standing water
left in the dishpan of life
Blue Buffalo scatter in the green grass
Outside my window
Brightening an otherwise cloudy gray day
While I,
Hearing the sound of duty
Return to
Reading the dry reports
Yellowing on my desk
Not great poetry, but it expressed my ideas on the subject.  
The times I have seen someone who is "burned out", it is almost always a great waste, because usually it happens to some of the best, more productive people.   I don't recall reading a lot on how you get out of the "burned out" state, but I have seen people recover and be all the better for the experience.
Good to be back home, back to the routine. 
That's it for today.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Spring 2014 April 24 Thursday

48 degrees this morning, but expected high of 81  
A good sunny day, but I spent most of the day inside in classes.  They included a morning session on "Leadership lessons from Lincoln" which was excellent.  Enjoyed talked with everyone, I am ready to get back to work!  
Enjoyed swimming in the pool again, one of these days I will be close enough to a pool on a regular basis that I can both walk, bike and swim!  
Didn't have time to read the newspapers delivered to my house this morning, so scanned the web versions.  Not bad, but I miss reading the regular paper.
Thats it for today.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Spring 2014 April 23 Wednesday

55 degrees this morning.
I have become very frustrated with web sites that arbitrarily  change your password (without bothering to advise you and then say "ha ha, we did it for security reasons")  or try to force me to use a certain password format that I will never remember (capital letter, special symbol etc.).  I recognize the importance of security, but if I can never access the site, it doesn't do a lot of good either.  I never would normally use special symbols so I make sure I only use one special symbol, which doesn't make it very secure anyway.  
Along with that are programs that try to do too much for me.  For example, in Safari,   I am effectively blocked from accessing several web sites since Safari feels it knows better than I do what I want to access.  I assume there is a fix, but I get very tired of taking the time for it.  Something that is supposed to save time actually costs me time.  Gmail is horrible   for doting that, the "threads" Gmail tried to impose on me cost me hours trying to undue the mess it made. Not to speak of all the junk mail from Amazon with"recommendations" that I have absolutely no desire to purchase.  Amazon has even started a "local purchase" program, which defines "local" as 8 hours away!  Tennessee is a very long state!  Still in Tennessee, but hardly local and it does make me wonder about their research.
Getting ready for a meeting this afternoon and tomorrow.  It should be a good meeting. 
Speaking of internet security, Aliene's e-mail got "spoofed" yesterday.  We hope no one got taken by the idiot who did it.  Apparently a lot of AOL accounts were used to send out spam.  I tried to explain the difference between "spoof" and "hacked" and couldn't, so I asked an expert for the difference!  At least I will learn something from it!  (After I wrote this, I was advised that her account was probably both "spoofed" and "hacked".  I changed passwords, but it is kind of like closing the door after the cow is out.
Beautiful day today.  I had the opportunity to go swimming this morning, which always makes for a good start! I love to bicycle and go to the gym, but occasionally is nice to do something else, especially in a nice pool.  Hopefully sometime I'll have a facility where I can both bicycle and swim.
Ordered some business cards (in English and Chinese the meeting today and tomorrow.  When they didn't come today, I checked the tracking number and found they had been promptly delivered to the wrong place, about 3 hours away, which won't do me a lot of good!  
To make matters worse, I found that my "Mac mail" has been holding up some important e-mails in the "Outbox", which may cost me the chance at a good job.  So much for Mac mail, I"m sticking with Gmail, Yahoo and maybe the new Outlook.  Gmail for some reason has been changing my password almost daily which has been frustrating.  Anyway, that's the way the world is.
That's it for today. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Spring 2014 April 22 Tuesday

63 degrees this morning. Coolness in the air, even as it warms up today, a light cool wind.
For a variety of reasons, writing this on my iPad, so I hope I don't make too many mistakes. (Sitting outside the Senior Center using the Wi Fi, waiting for Aliene to finish her exercise class. I had some errands to run, so I did it while she was taking her class, and I finished early.)
Getting serious about learning to speak some Chinese. (Emphasis on speak, much less understand and I know better than to even try to learn to write it. Actually, I am surprised at how easy it is to "learn", not that I would remember to use it! There is nothing like being immersed in it. I will try to remember several phrases for when I meet people or see them (Like Good Morning, nice to meet you, excuse me etc.). We are getting some note cards with key words like gluten intolerance etc.
Aliene's AOL account apparently got hacked and sent out some e-mails.  I really don't understand how such low-life's continue to exist.   AOL used to have an option that you could stop all outgoing e-mail.  Of course,  their customer service is non-existent.  Time to cut the final cord with AOL.  I just kept it because it was comfortable for Aliene to use it and I liked having my  comfortable e-mail accounts that I check occasionally.  
That's it for today.  I need to work on the AOL hack and see what I can fix.  Our apologies to anyone who got the e-mail.  Hopefully it was obvious what it was and no one clicked on the link.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Spring 2014 April 21 Monday

61 degrees this morning.  Warm is getting here!
Interesting story about "bots" (as bots on the Internet, Facebook, Twitter etc.).  I was aware of them before and aware that a large amount of people on social media are actually "bots", but I was surprised at how widespread the story said they are.  For example for a nominal amount you could "buy" 10,000 "friends" on Facebook, or 10,000 followers on Twitter etc.  
The story also mentioned that many "bots" are not programed to have names like people (John Doe, rather than "Doe 4y199yy98" and "speak" like humans and also shut down for "sleep" periods etc.  I almost never "talk" with a person (or a bot) on the the internet I don't know or for business reasons, but I expect even then I may have "talked" with a bot, which is strange feeling.  I can see where a bot could be used to increase business and fake "clicks" on ads etc.  A different world.  
Good day yesterday, we had dinner at a friends house and it was a beautiful day.  
We may finalize a purchase contract on the house today.  If we do, closing is still so far off (in late June) that it appears an unreality.  We wanted to maintain flexibility depending on where I might end up with a job etc.  In any event, we want to get out of a "no-service, 'none city" city that Lakeland has turned into, even if we just move across the street to Memphis.  We absolutely love the house and hate to leave.
The forest in back of our house gets greener every day.  It is a wonderful sight to see.
I like to tape the "Formula One" race and watch it early in the morning.  I like the fact it isn't a super long race, and I love the announcers!  They are so human in their announcing and throw an entire new light into the race. The race yesterday was in Shanglai, but if they hadn't told me, I would never have known it (other than some China flags flying).
The start of a new week.  I love to monitor the stock market, and I have ever since I was in the 8th grade.  It is difficult not to have CNBC on all the time!  
I am looking forward to the Tennessee City Managers Association (TCMA) conference, they are having a session on "Leadership Lessons from Lincoln" based on President Lincoln.  I have read a lot about Lincoln, so I am looking forward to the sessions.  It will be a good review.
Approaching some major decisions in the next several months.  One of those moments in life when you make a decision for better or worse and live with it, or not.
That's it for now.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Spring 2014, April 20, Sunday

55 degrees this morning.  However going to be a beautiful  day today, at least it appears so right now.
Living in somewhat of a suspended state for the past 4 months (will, actually since September 19, but really since November 26).  Not a bad state, just a sense of waiting, a sense of major changes, which isn't always bad (or good).

 Easter is a a time of renewal and new life in many aspects.

I have really been busy, but obviously my busy time has been spent on different goals than the past 25 years.  Think about it, but don't really have any major thoughts about it.  Perhaps that is why it is like living in a suspended state.

Hopefully not "Waiting for Godot", although definitely not any boredom.

Trees are greening up well.  Soon I will be able to enjoy the patio on mornings again.  At least until, and if, we sell the house.

I have a list of "books to read" that I don't even want to count, plus books I have on hand, books on my computer etc. to read.  However, I feel I don't have time to read right now, since I feel my priority has to be my next stage of life, and especially, now, preparing for the China trip.

On the other hand, maybe that (reading a good book/s) is what I should be doing.

By the way, I do have my computer back, good as new.  I plan on working on "iMovie", hopefully develop some short videos as a learning experience.

That's it for now.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Spring 2014 April 19 Saturday

50 degrees this morning.  
Obviously April 19 will never be the same after April 19, 1995.  Trite as it sounds, I literally can remember is "almost as if it were yesterday" and I still get a chill down my back when I think of the moment (I was in the Police Department in Harrah, Oklahoma) when the helicopter came around to the side of the most damage and literally everyone was speechless.  I also remember the next month as almost a continuous sends of unreality.  News stations satellite dishes, search lights lighting the rescue attempts 24 hours per day, military troops and tanks in downtown Oklahoma City.  Calling friends who lived near to see if they were ok, hearing stories of survival and death.  On that Wednesday, there was a metro City Manager's meeting about a mile form the site.  For some reason that day (no premonition, I think I was just busy), I didn't go.  Although I didn't always go, occasionally after the meeting I would go swimming at the YMCA cata-corner from the Murrah Building, which would put me turning at the corner next to the Murrah Building at around 9:01 a.m.  Little decisions can affect your life.  Of course, there were many stories of survivors who stepped out to to to restroom and everyone else in the room was killed etc.    I remember it rained for weeks after that, almost like nature was crying, until Mother's Day on May 12 when the sun came out.
Looks like it will be a beautiful day today. I am in my "second place" (Starbucks) enjoying a cup of coffee.
We are currently trying to decide on how to proceed with our house, whether to accept a sales offer etc.  Obviously, it will be a major life decision, but it will allow flexibility as to future jobs etc.  We love the house and hate to think of leaving it.
Wonderful day today, a little cool right now, but should warm up.
Listening to the Chinese language tapes in the morning.  I am thinking of checking on YouTube for tapes in the Chinese language so I can get accustomed the the cadence and pace of the language.  Maybe even get some Chinese children's songs or audio books so I can (maybe) understand a word here and there.  Listening to the Chinese language tapes has been interesting, not sure if I'm actually going to to speak anything understandable, but it has been enjoyable.  
I am planning on making my "ride with the summer" next year, "Ride with the Summer 2015" has a certain ring to it.  I check on some longer multi-day rides this year to get ready and all of them I have conflicts, so I guess it was not meant to be.  Oklahoma and Kansas are on the same days (and conflict with the CMA Fest) and the Tennessee one conflicts with another meeting! 
I have decided when I get a job, i am going to reward myself with a new bike, maybe even an "electric assist" bike (although i feel like a bit of a pansy), probably a Trek, and maybe a mountain bike.  Or when my ship comes in or whatever.  Considering I paid about $800 for my current bike and have used it almost daily for 8 years, with maybe another $300 for maintenance (new chain, brakes, a new tire etc.), it has really been a bargain.  
Have VPN set up, hope it works.
That's it for now.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Spring 2014 April 18 Friday

55 degrees this morning.  
ATC Fitness was light this morning, probably due to Good Friday and Easter Weekend, but I have noticed that Friday is always a really slow day.  Saturday and Sunday I am frequently the only one there (at the time I go) while Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, I expect there are at least 30 people there exercising.  Monday is kind of a mixed day, but Friday is always light.
Hockey and boxing are two sports I rarely watch, but I like when I do watch.  (I also like stock car racing but rarely watch it due to the time involved.  Formula one is always interesting and short enough I enjoy them.)  Started watching the "St. Louis Blues" and the "Chicago Blackhawks" last night, actually during the first overtime.  I was able to finish watching it this morning.  I think what I like about both boxing and hockey is the intensity involved, especially in the overtime.  In boxing, one mistake and that's it, in overtime hockey, the same thing could happen.  I think that is what i like, even though Hockey is a team sport, there is an intensity it has that I don't see in pro basketball (which i never watch) and pro football.  Anyway, that is my perception.  
I never have liked the "shoot-outs" to decide the game.  It seems rather strange (as well as unfair) to play a game based on one situation and then decide the game based on something completely different.  Of course, I have to remember it is just entertainment, not the real world (although the money is certainly real world!).  
In the game last night, I can imagine the disappointment of the Blackhawks.  I wasn't really for either team (highly unusual for me) since I like both Chicago and St. Louis, and both the Chicago Cubs and the St. Louis Cardinals are my favorite baseball teams.  While I don't watch pro basketball, I really have a lot of respect for the Memphis Grizzles, both as a team and for the players as individuals.  They have a lot of class and contribute a lot to the community.
Catching up on my "Wired" magazines.  Like a lot of magazines I get behind because I want to read them "when I can concentrate on it".  I learned to just do it and not worry about it if I didn't feel I was concentrating on it.  I learn a lot from reading Wired. They also have a lot of junk, but I've learned to skip over that, just like I do in newspapers.   Wired is where i first learned about Twitter, which allowed me to get my own name as a Twitter name etc. 
We should know if we have a contract on the house by today, or being Good Friday, it might be Monday.  We still don't know where we would move, will depend on a number of factors.  We just don't know yet.  
Looks like it will be a great day, high of 70 degrees or so, sunny.
That's it for now.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Spring 2014 April 17 Thursday

37 degrees this morning.  
Learned more about iMovie yesterday at the Apple Store.  It is a fascinating program and can really do a lot.  I learned aspects of it I didn't have any idea even existed.  Of course, I don't take video that often, (except by accident), but I do have fun with it and it will be entertaining.  Probably use it more for work.  
The special effects, the music, maps etc. you can put with it is relatively easy, just a matter of time and learning.  My problem is I get stuck on something minor and there I am.  The Apple Store has a good answer for this with their "Open Session" where you work on a project and ask for help when needed.  (The 1 to 1 is literally a single teacher instructing you in the subject, which is wonderful.)
Probably will accept a contract on our  house today (or at least a counter-offer).  We love the house and hate to think of leaving it.  It is a wonderful house in a wonderful location.   On the other hand, we've only had it on the market for two weeks, so we may wait.  We are in no hurry to move, unless I get a job somewhere outside of this area.
Picked up my beloved MacBook Air yesterday.  It is nice to have it back. I got along fairly good without it, but I am glad to have it back.  It is so much more convenient, and actually a lot faster than other computers.  (Something to do with the flash drive, I think.)  I worked on iMovie on it and it is  very fast. I think the problem with my iMac is that iPhoto ran amok with "faces"  (I ended up with almost 60,000 pictures and got rid of 20,000, but I still have 40,000 pictures) and I think it is using up all of the processing power.
Evernote sounds like such a good idea, I just can't seem to get used to using it.  I used to to keep my car mileage and things like that on it, and the books I wanted to read, but that is hardly using it at it'll highest capacity.  Kind of like using a computer as a glorified typewriter, although I don't even know if they make typewriters anymore.
By the way, I need to praise Staples Office Supply.  After becoming throughly frustrated at FedEx Office trying to make up a business card with two sides (one English, one Chinese) and being stymied by FedEx bureaucratic requirements to use their templets, colors etc. and the inability to insert the Chinese Language, and wasting several hours on this, I went to the Staples web site and ordered a double-sided business card in exactly what I wanted in a matter of minutes!  A wonderful representative (I wish I had gotten her name) helped me when I realized my order wouldn't get to me before a meeting, she even redirected my order so I would get it prior to the meeting!  THAT is customer service!  
We're still thinking about the contract on the house. It is for less than we really want for the house, but there is some other factors which would increase the value of the offer to us.  A hard decision to make.
That's it for now.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Spring 2014 April 16 Wednesday

35 degrees this morning..... all time low is 30 degrees in 1950!  I went ahead and did my exercises routine, not too bad.  Sunny day this morning.
Working on "iMovie" on the Mac, have another instruction period at the Apple Store today.  While I  rarely watch videos, I think I need to learn how to compose smoother and better quality videos. It is amazing what you  can do with just the basic "iMovie" structure.  (Notice, I said "you" not "I", at least yet.  I actually got pretty good with Keynote (Apple's PowerPoint) and enjoyed doing it, but there wasn't a lot of demand for slide presentations!  I do use it for business and sometimes just for fun for myself.  It is like a lot of things, the more you learn the more you know you don't know.
I have probably mentioned this before, but the app "WeChat" is truly amazing. The main restriction (like Apple messaging and FaceTime) is the other person needs the program, but the app is available for any cellphone platform.  You can message, call, walkie talkie, video etc.  I am still learning it.  So many apps promise a lot more than they deliver (or there is really no purpose to the app, or other apps or programs simply do it better), it is always fun to find an app that delivers and actually has a purpose.  
Tax day is past.  Computer programs have really saved time on taxes . Plus the fact that Aliene is so will organized, I spend very little time on fling taxes.  I always enjoyed preparing tax returns, and the computer takes away a lot of the paid.(still don't help on the pain of paying the taxes!)
The Tennessee City Managers Association (TCMA) is having a session on "Lincoln's Leadership Lessons" at its Spring Conference.  I am looking forward to these sessions.  The Conferences have become a lot more informative and valuable since the current Executive Director (a retired City Manager) took over.  
It is so nice to look out my back window and see the "forest" greening up again.  It seems like forever since they were last green.  This has truly been the "Winter of our Discontent" and a long, hard winter, both in actuality and in spirit.  Spring is coming!
That's it for now.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Spring 2014 April 15 Tuesday

41 degrees, 17mph wind this morning, it was cold out there!

Normally, I like birds, but this morning one bird started some very loud chirping (or whatever you call it) right as I was settling down for my morning nap (that I always take after I exercise).  It has happened several times lately, but this bird was extremely loud.  I think it got in under the patio (due to the cold?), and it echoed.  I opened the back door and it stopped.

I used to take a 17 minute nap after my exercise, but I increased it to about 27 minutes (I set my timer for 31 minutes, but that includes setting up coffee, etc.) I like to take one mid day (although about an 11 minute nap) and an early evening one (normally about 15-20 minutes.  Except for my morning nap the others I can substitute closing my eyes etc.

Had an offer on the house, one we will consider.  See what happens.  

Heavy rain yesterday, hope the weather improves soon! Looks like it is sunny this morning, but cold.  I will see what the "record" cold is for this date, it couldn't be too far from it. Planned on going to a Memphis Redbirds game today, but it isn't any fun in cold weather!

Hopefully my laptop will be back from the hospital soon  Writing on the desktop and even the iPad hasn't been that easy, but it was certainly easier than I was afraid it might be.  I need to tackle setting up a VPN so I can access everything from China.

Making up business cards for the China trip. Printing two sides, one with English and one side in Chinese.  I know I could never learn written Chinese, but (except the tonal quality, which is key) verbal Chinese is relatively easy (not that I'm any good, but at least I feel like I am learning a very basic version).  Probably no one can understand me, but at least I'll know what I'm saying and I"m listening to some Chinese books so I can get used to the sound and don't go into complete cultural shock when I arrive in Shanghai.

It is strange to be living in a never-never land, with the house for sale, waiting for responses to job applications etc.  Somehow it has become normal life, perhaps with a jolt when a job offer is made and accepted.

That's it for now.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Spring 2014 April 14 Monday

61 degrees this morning, light rain (probably after heavy rain last week).
Listening to my Chinese language tape, I am somewhat surprised to learn that in the Chinese language, America means "beautiful land".  No reason I was surprised, I just was.  May mean that America was discovered by Chinese explorers!  Actually the basic simple spoken Chinese language (with the tones, which of course is something I will never learn) is fairly simple.  Of course, remembering what to say at the right time is more difficult!
This morning I read an article with the term "Grey Ceiling", to represent ageism in hiring and other personnel actions.  Four months ago, I wouldn't have believed it, or at least not understood the full prevalance of it.  Not me as such, but horror stories I have heard.
Speaking of criminals, I always get angry when I read about a group or individual that own the majority shares of a  business company (usually a "hedge fund"), who borrows a lot of money to issue a "special dividend" to themselves (I have seen as high as 3 billion dollars!), they then "spin off" the company to unsuspecting shareholders and the company is unable to operate under the debt load (which unjustly enriched the previous owners) and declares bankruptcy.  I guess in addition to wondering why these criminals aren't in jail, why do the banks (or whomever) loan the money in such a scheme?  I assume it is greed, the loan is probably high interest and they think "this time" the loan will be good.  How is this any different than looting a company of it's cash and leaving town? I get angry than realize I can't do anything about it (other than avoid their stocks) and don't worry about it.  However, I can state my opinion.  Lands End is the latest of these capers and I just read about it.  Probably the less I say about my feelings about this the better since I am sure they are well covered by contributions to lawmakers.
I discovered an app "WeChat"  (actually the person who we are consulting about our China trip told us about it, apparently it originated in China.  We will be able to make phone calls on it on wifi without using the very expensive international minutes. I have used it a little and it works well.  "Whatsapp" is another one.  (I think that was the one purchased by Facebook, so who knows what might happen with that).  Of course, the other party needs to have it also and I haven't been able to get on my iPad.
I'm debating bringing a camera with me.  The iPhone camera (or iPad camera) works so well, but it does have some limits.
Probably a rainy day today.  Made my first "Memorial" pictures of some hats that I am going to give/throw away (so I remember the event).  Trying to decide how to proceed after this, as far as where to post.  I really like this idea.
Making up some business cards in both English and Chinese for my trip, and for use afterwards.  I always have fun working on a project like this and probably spend a lot more time than I should on it.
That's it for now.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Spring 2014 April 13 Sunday

70 degrees this morning. Still a slight chill (with the wind) but was nice. Looks like rain and a cold front coming in (sigh).
Met with a local Chinese Native yesterday to review Chinese customs, some light Chinese language, possible notecards etc. for emergencies etc. It was very interesting.
We set up "Whatsapp" and "Wechat" so we can communicate with her when we are in China and also with a Chinese person who is actually living in China in the event of an emergency.
I really didn't realize that Mac keyboards can be set up (as I'm sure others can) so that you can type Chinese (or many other languages) by type English into the computer. A very valuable capability!
Writing this on my iPad. Not bad. the key board, of course, is a little compact, but ok. I think I will start using a keyboard with my iPhone (a bluetooth keyboard) I may use my phone more for writing in that case, at least when I can drag a keyboard around.
The remains of the Sunday paper are beside me, tempting me to finish them. I have a lot of fun (or at least I do it rather I have fun or not) looking at the Sunday paper. I like the New York Times section on wedding announcements and the little stories they have on some of the couples (usually not more than 3) of " how we met", the Review of Books, and of course all the ads, which I review to find items on sale, make plans to look at the items on sale I am interested in, and then promptly forget about until the next week.
I hate to think about moving to an area without home delivery of the New York Times, Wall Street Journal etc., although where-ever that is (we don't know yet). We just (as I am writing this) got an offer on our house, although it is not what we want. One of those times when you have no idea what is the right or wrong decision.
That's it for now.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Spring 2014 April 12 Saturday

56 degrees this morning, but expected to reach 80. Spent yesterday in shorts and scandals, may well today except for a meeting
Sitting in my "Second Place" (Starbucks) writing this on my iPad. As mentioned, my MacBook Air is in the Apple hospital, getting a new screen and who knows what else. I didn't really notice anything but it cutting out for a short period, but thought better safe than sorry. I depend on it too much, although the iPad isn't bad to write on, but nothing like the MacBook Air.
Spent a lot of time in my "Third Place" (Apple Store) yesterday, working on iMovie. It isn't hard, just learning what to do when. It will take me a while to learn it. It is fun to work with and I'm trying to designate a small amount of time each day to work on it.
I started using "Yelp" in January of 2013 and I sporadically remember to "check in" when I am at a business. I am amazed at the number of times i have been in various businesses, especially since I frequently don't remember to check in. (38 times at this Starbucks!). Steak and Shake is the highest.
One really good thing about the keyboard is the touch screen, especially for correcting spelling. Maybe the next MacBook Air will have a touch screen.
I just read an article where they argue Apple Computer has lost in innovation, due to the death of Steve Jobs and indicated by lawsuits over patents rather than innovation. Who knows. I just know they work for me and Samsung hasn't. I tried a Google Chrome and frankly wasn't too pleased. Cheap is cheap.
Talked with a Chinese native this afternoon who filled us in a lot on Chinese customs and is helping us with some simple (very simple) words.  I am working on getting some business cards. 
Wonderful day today.  
That's it for now.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Spring 2014 April 11 Friday

66 degrees this morning.  A "cool"  66, but it's getting there. The sun is shining and the trees and grass are greening up.
Starting to take pictures of some of my "things" that it it time to get rid of.  I am starting on some hats which have long seen their useful life.  I wear them for exercise etc., but I have many more than I will ever need.  So a picture will maintain the "event" status of the hat (and in the future t-shirts, even books etc.) but I won't have to lug it around anymore and hopefully someone else can use it!  I haven't decided where to post them yet, I will keep them in a folder on iPhoto until I decide.  
Had a physical this morning.  It was interesting, a technician actually came to my house and did the physical.  Overall it was good.  
I am considering starting a "writing" business, if I can decide how to market it and if there is even a demand for it.  I enjoy writing letters etc., and I can (I'll brag on myself a little here) can whip out a letter or document in several minutes that takes others hours.  Maybe there is a niche I can fill someplace and supplement my income also.  It would take a while to build a clientele, but it may be worth a try. 
Preparing for the China trip has been fun.  I even downloaded some Chinese language lessons for my iPod and I will listen to them while I walk instead of my usual books and maybe in the car etc.  I have also read several books about the Chinese culture (including "On China" by Henry Kissinger, which have been fascinating.  As part of the conference and pre-tour, I will get to visit with Chinese officials of several cities etc. which ought to really be interesting.  We are also taking some side tours, assuming this will be our one and only trip to China, although you never know!   We area also meeting with a Chinese native who will review the culture and language with us.  We are also eating at the only "true" Chinese restaurant in the Memphis area to get familiar with the food, especially with Aliene's eating restrictions.
Strange how chance plays such a major role in life.  I was mulling over the China Conference when I went to a "breakfast" sponsored by the Memphis Chamber.  There, I happened to sit with a person who owned a business that worked with local companies on helping international workers become familiar with the US culture, English language etc.  I mentioned to her we were considering going to China and she encouraged me to do so.  When I decided to go, I contacted her company, which advised me of the restaurant and the person who could help us adjust to the culture.  
We have probably spent more time planning the trip than the trip will take, but it has been a lot of fun!  We completed most of the details yesterday at AAA as far as tours and in country flight.  (We are going to Shanghai, XI'an, Beijing, Wangzhou and then Shanghai before we depart!  
Going to the Apple Store this afternoon for follow up work on iMovie.

(Later):  In my "third place"  (the Apple Store) doing open training (meaning I work on my own until I get stuck, and then there is an expert there to unsnag me.  I do love this place!
That's it for now.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Spring 2014 April 10 Thursday

54 degrees this morning.  Looks like it is going to be a great day.
My posts may be a little different for the next week.  My beloved MacBook Air (which is absolutely the best computer I have ever used) is in the Apple hospital getting it's screen replaced, or at least a good checkup.  Not quite sure what was happening, but ever since I owned it, it "cuts out"  very rarely (probably once every two weeks at the most).  I would plug it in and it would start up again with no problems.  Sometimes I'll just hit a key.  I actually thought I was hitting the "off" key in error and it happened so infrquently that I didn't really think about it.
Then I discovered I could restart it by "shaking" the computer.  It hasn't happened for almost a month now, but I decided I needed to get i fixed, especially while i is under warrantly.  Unfortuately it has to go off and not come back for 3-7 days!!!! I kept putting it off, but I will need it for some trips and of course for China.
Of course I do have other computers, ipads etc.  This is actually being written on a 9 year old GMac i5 desktop, with an 18 year old tv beside it!  How time does pass!  
I actually got the tv right before I met Aliene (or at least right before we started dating), so I can pinpoint almost the exact date.  I didn't have cable tv, since I rarely watched tv,  and I decided I was going to stay home more and to out less, so I got cable and a new tv (also, Angela was grouching about it).  Of course, i watched it very little.  Anyway, 18 years later it is obsolete, but still works fine with the box.
I read this morning where T-Mobile was bragging about "no hidden fees" etc.  Try to get the "free" 200 mg for the new T-Mobile ipad.  They will stick you with a $10 per month charge and other "hidden" fees and even the T Mobile reps will insist you need to ake the $10 per month "fee schedule".  Even after they agree I do qualify for the "free" 200 mg per month, the $10 per month still appears (along with other charges for who knows what (such as usage charges when I only use wifi etc.  I literally have to call every bill and the original represetative can't discuss it, so I am sent to someone else etc.  
It will be interesting to see if not haveng my regular computer will make a difference in how or what I write.  
Relatively busy day.  Had an Apple appt. yesterday, learning about "iMovie" (so I can edit by "go Pro" videos and other videos, plus I left my laptop.  Going by today to pickup the backup. Also plan to finalize the China trip.  
Aliene is back on her regular exercise prograrm, which is good.  
Hopefully I can also get the VPN up and running today.
That's it for now.

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Spring 2014 April 9 Wednesday

46 degrees this morning.  Still seems cold.  Better than 31 (or less), but....
At least the sun is shining.
Thinking about how my activities in the morning become so clocklike.  I noted that I probably get home and walk in the front room on my way to the shower/shave etc. after my walk and bicycle ride at 5:17 a.m., probably at least 50% of the time if not more.  i find it hard to believe that I get up, walk, ride by bicycle to the gym, ride my bicycle back, and walk into the front room exactly at 5:17 a.m.!  It seems like there is ample room to deviate!  I thought about writing it down (when I come in at 5:17 a.m.) but that may throw me off!  I have started thinking of myself being "late" or "early" depending on whether it is after or before 5:17 a.m.  
I normally have  a little problem getting started in the morning.  I normally write a bit in my journal a little (just a bit), glance at e-mail and then I tend to dawdle, just looking at stuff.  
I was thinking again this morning how the other gym people and I compose out own little community that sees each other each morning, I'm not into talking in the morning (plus I have my newspapers to read), so I don't really "know" them, but I still feel like I am part of our own little community.  An amazing lot of people are there, except on Saturday and Sunday when I am the only one there, or just several of us at the most.    
Going to my "third place", the Apple Store today.  May have a report on that.  It (a visit to the Apple Store) are energenizes me. 
Looks like is going to be a great day, still a little cool.  
That's it for now.    

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Spring 2014 April 8 Tuesday

41 degrees, actually down to 38 degrees not, but sun is coming out.  I am really ready for Spring and Summer!
Starting to take morning "where I am" pictures again as the grass, trees and flowers start to come to life.  It got too depressing during the winter.  I know winter is necessary, but it doesn't mean I enjoy it. 
For the most part, our lives have a Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter, either very long, or a large number of them depending on how you look at it.  I think I like to think of life in many cycles, maybe with a larger overall cycle, assuming ups and downs in our lives could be termed by the seasons.  On the other hand, it is depressing to think that our lives could be termed in a long term stage of "Winter" with no chance for another "Spring".  Eventually it does happen, but ....
I have been watching my weight (nothing new about that).  I seemed to have attracted two new pounds that seem to like me very well, I am having a more difficult time getting down to my "normal" weight.  My normal weight fluctuates about six pounds, but I am now two pounds over the "top" of the fluctuation cycle and I am having a difficult time getting back to my "normal cycle".  Actually I hope to reduce the "top" of the cycle by two or three pounds this Spring.  It (the extra pounds) came when we had our granddaughters visit.  It wasn't the visit from them, but the extra travel involved when I gained the weight, but I have stayed exactly  at the same weight for three weeks now.
One major problem with trying to maintain a healthy eating style is the restaurants.  There are normally "healthy" alternatives available, I just need to bear down and order the healthy items!  The "low carb" eating pattern has served me well, although it probably is more of a "low fast carb" eating pattern.  Anytime I deviate from that  I seem to get into trouble.  Peanut Butter is both my favorite as well as a problem!  I need to remember "balance".  
Seeing the AAA travel agent to finalize our China trip today.  While I love making plans, there are some things I just can't do or at least don't trust myself to do in a Country I am unfamiliar with.  There are a lot of choices.  Kind of like when you are in a City and don't know where to eat, and it is hard to make a choice because you don't want to make a bad choice, since you won't be in the city again!
That's it for now, may be more later today.

Monday, April 07, 2014

Spring 2014 April 7 Monday

52 degrees this morning, light rain.  Walked regular route, then drove (rather than ride my bike due to the rain) to ATC Fitness Center.  The problem with driving to ATC Fitness Center is I take a shower there (when I ride my bike there, I take a shower at home) and the music they have is so horrible.  They have it on a radio station which has horrible music and immature dh's.
Busy day, with wide variety of activities, preparing for the future basically, China trip, jobs, insurance,  house etc.  Going to talk with travel agent tomorrow about some of the more detailed events.  I love to plan trips.  I probably spend more time planning a trip than I do on the trip itself.  At the very least, I learn a lot about the area before I see it!  I think the quickness of how fast a trip goes is a little disquieting (I think that is the right word) to me.
It is kind of like when I was in the 7th Grade.  We had a section on Greek Art and I went and bought a book on Greek Art.  I was disappointed when we spent only a little time on it and didn't really go into detail.  
I have always like planning events and activities.  In college, I couldn't wait to get the courses for the next semester and I spent hours (probably time I should have been studying) planning which courses I would take, the times etc.  (Then usually I would find half of them were closed etc.). I also carefully planned my tv viewing and then never watched tv at all.  
Anyway, I have researched and researched the China trip (actually the flexible time is relatively limited, which makes it all the more valuable.)
Weather actually was relatively nice this morning in spite of the rain, but got colder and nastier as the day went on. 
That's it for today.

Sunday, April 06, 2014

Spring 2014 April 6 Sunday

46 degrees this morning, but seems to be warming up faster.  Also, trees and grass are greening up and the early trees and flowers are ballooning.
Ate our normal breakfast at "Steak n Shake" this morning.  We have eaten breakfast there (if I remember right) at least once per week on a regular basis for about 10 years.  We usually go on Sunday morning now.  We know the Manager, most of the personnel and even many of the customers who have the same patterns.  It is kind of like a small town restaurant.  The food is good, the service is usually great and it is relatively close.  The cooks even know to start preparing the "Gluten Free" environment when Aliene walks in!  (The grill has to be  cleaned off for her eggs and bacon.)  The Manager is great, and somehow doesn't  go nuts supervising young adults, most of whom are working at their first jobs.    We eat lunch or supper there occasionally, but we almost always eat our Sunday breakfast there.  For awhile, we ate their both Saturday and Sunday, but for some reason settled on Sunday.  Probably due to the Manager as much as anything, it is a great place to eat.  The Manager actually manages three Steak n Shakes in the area.  I like it so much several years ago (around 2008 during the downturn) I even bought some Steak n Shake stock for my IRA.  It did well, a huge percentage increase, although not much in absolute terms since it wasn't a lot of money.  Steak n Shake is now part of a company kind of like Berkshire Hathaway (Warren Buffet), so I own a few shares of that but it's not as much fun as directly owning Steak n Shake.  Maybe they will spin it off in the future.   The strawberry shakes at Steak n Shake are great, second only to Braums.  However, the nearest Braums to Memphis is about 280 miles (exit 13 off of I-40 in Alma, Arkansas).  Actually, for health/weight reasons, I rarely eat strawberry shakes anymore, but when I do, it is really a special treat.
Braums only goes as far as one of their trucks can deliver (supposedly so everything is fresh) so most Braum's are within 8  hours of Tuttle, Oklahoma, which is slightly southwest of OKC..
Finished "Lincoln's Boys"  (about Lincoln's Private Secretaries).  It was a good book.  Haven't decided what to start now, need to catch up on some magazines etc. The book was good, it shed some light on other reading I had done by them.
I am going to tty to set up a VPN (Virtual Private Network).  It apparently provides more security when you use the internet from a public place (like Starbucks or some hotels) plus, the main thing, is so I can access some websites that are blocked in China.  It appears simple, but.... I found a web site that has a very good description of how to set up a free one, but somehow "simple" to them isn't "simple" to me.  I may try it tonight or at least this week.  I have my first Apple Computer, an iMac G5 that I can't part with and it is still humming away in the front room.  It is probably 9 years old, and I think it is a about 7 generations old.  My "new"one is two generations old!  Of course, they released a "New" generation about three months after I bought it, so it was obsolete in three months.
I quickly learned to check the web sites and find out when NOT to buy Apple (and other products) based on when a new model was coming out.  So far it was worked well for my iPad Nano, iPhone(s) and my MacBook Air which I bought about a month after release.  I actually try to buy my computers on "sales tax free" weekend, which may be a poor reason but it makes me feel good.  Actually I use my Discover Card for 5% off and then get 9.25% tax free, so it's not bad.  I need to buy a computer every three years to maintain my "1 to 1" membership.  I'm due to buy one this year, but I'm not sure what I need.  Maybe a MacBook Pro., or the new edition of the MacBook Air, which I consider the best computer made.  The ten hour battery (actually more, since I turn it on at 3 a.m. and put it on the charger at 10:30 p.m. and it is almost never completely down.  Of course if I use it continuously the battery will run down about 7 p.m.
It is funny how the forest in back of our house looks so sparse in Winter, and so full in Summer.  The leaves on the trees really hide the forest.  Kind of like some people I know.
I think I'll get out my remote control car and try it out (maybe after I do the VPN), that is operated by an iPhone.  I had a little problem explaining that to Aliene, except that I had a $30 off coupon for it.  
Got the recall package for the Fitbit Force.  I love it, but since they are recalling it, it probably means I could never get it repaired.  
That's it for today.

Spring 2014 April 5 Saturday

(Written Saturday morning, somehow not posted)

43 degrees this morning.  Ouch! It is even getting worse, 37 degrees right now, although it is supposed to warm up to 63 degrees or so.  I am tired of the cool weather and ready for Spring/Summer.  Many years it doesn't really warm up until early or even mid-May before it really starts getting hot.
In my "Second Place" (Starbucks).  I really like Starbucks coffee and their overall attitude, but there breakfast just isn't very good.  Not good and frequently well prepared.  (I'm talking about their breakfast sandwiches, not their wonder cookies, cakes etc. that I don't eat, even though I would love too.  Very rarely, I will get a cookie.  
I try to follow a "low, slow carb only" diet.  I try to avoid the "fast" carbs (I need to look up how to spell it) of pasta, bread (especially processed bread), potatoes etc. and I generally do.  I don't worry about the carbs in fruit, berries, or oatmeal etc. I think it is a matter of "balance".  
"Balance" was a major discussion item with some friends some years ago, as to how much "balance" was good, what to "balance" etc.  A "balanced" life, diet, etc. was the goal.  I still agree with that, if it can be defined.
However, perhaps "harmony" is also a goal, with "balance" a subset goal to living a life where your different aspects of your life are "in harmony" rather than worrying about everything being "balanced" or in balance.  I also like to think of it as avoiding all extremes (including this one) in what I do, including eating, leisure, work, sleep, exercise etc.  I still remember how amazed I was many years ago when a YMCA representative mentioned that some members had to go "in patient" to deal with their addiction to exercise.  (They were letting exercise interfere with their life, work, marriage etc.)
Anger is another item that should be "in balance" and probably is part of "harmony".  Some anger can be good, but obviously too much is destructive.  (Bear with me, I'm thinking out loud, or maybe thinking with the keyboard here.)  
There is a song I like where a Law Enforcement Officer stops someone for "having too much fun".  The singer says there is no such thing as "too much fun, a girl too pretty, too much class, too lucky etc." and I can't say I disagree with these "extremes", since extremes tend to balance anyway.   I'm not sure about no such thing as "too much money", unless you link it with good judgement, but that isn't within the scope of the song.  
Wonders of the Internet, I looked it up. Hope I don't get in trouble if I include all of the information!  (I've included the lyrics at the end).
The house is now listed and being shown.  If we don't sell it, we have a place to live.  If we do sell it, we'll move to an area, hopefully to a city that believes in serving its' residents and not just serving a spoiled brat who wants his own way and who can't seem to understand the concept of what a city actually is and a Board of toadies who can't deal with telling a spoiled brat "no".   I'm sure there will be a reaction to the extreme, like there is to all extremes.  
Going to the Apple Store again this week.  I"m glad it is close, but I wish it were closer.  I try to schedule several visits together and it becomes a long visit, but fun.
Here are the lyrics to "Too Much Fun"
Daryle Singletary – Too Much Fun Lyrics
Send "Too Much Fun" Ringtone to your Cell
Blue lights flashing in my rear-view mirror
The sheriff says, "Boy I should have known it was you
You've got fourteen people in the back of this truck
I've warned you twice and now I'm writing you up."
I said, "Officer, what have I done?"
He smiled and said, "Boy, you're having too much fun."
Too much fun? What's that mean?
It's like too much money, there's no such thing
It's like a girl too pretty, with too much class
Being too lucky, a car too fast
No matter what they say I've done
I ain't never had too much fun
There was a fight Friday night at the Stumble Inn
Me and ol' Harley just had to join in
Next thing you know we were both seeing stars
They threw us out and closed down the bar
I said, "The Long Branch is open. The night's still young
And we ain't never had too much fun."
(Repeat chorus)
No matter what they say I've done
I ain't never had too much fun
Give me the reins and let me run
'Cause I ain't never had too much fun
Send "Too Much Fun" Ringtone to your Cell
Songwriters: KNIGHT, T.J. / WRIGHT, CURTIS
Too Much Fun lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Universal Music Publishing Group, BMG RIGHTS MANAGEMENT US, LLC