Wednesday, July 31, 2019

2019 Summer July 31 Wednesday

76 degrees this morning, 86 % humidity 

Hotter day yesterday,  an excellent Summer Day.  

Exercise yesterday

Walk;  28:00 minutes, pace 7 seconds slower than goal.  
Swim:  22:32 minutes

Getting my new work computer today, thank goodness.  Hopefully it own’t take too long for me to adapt to the changes!  It will be nice to not have to worry about not being able to charge the computer 

Hopefully will get our house wifi upgraded/repaired I the next several days.  Somehow the wifi got a lot worse several weeks ago.  It started being a  lot slower (on all devices) and has just gotten worse.  

As I noted before, almost all of my “devices” are due for replacement.  I will replace my MacBook Air as soon as I find out if it is being upgraded or not.  

I will definitely replace one iPhone and possibly also my work iPhone this Fall shortly after they come out.  

The lying coward lunatic’s attacks on cities and anyone who points out he is lying incompetent coward racist lunatic is attacked by the lunatic because he is such an insecure childish personality  he cannot stand anyone disagreeing with him. 

What is really scary is he is becoming increasingly isolated with only toadies around who bather praise at him because they know that is how he is controlled. 

I can’t understand why the news media even carries his insane lying insults that attempt to denigrate persons or places.  

This morning I accidentally read the fox propaganda network on my phone.  The story had some obvious lies and I was puzzled until  I realized it was the fox/trump propaganda network of liars and bootlickers.  

What is really scary is seeing his incompetent hangers on illegally use the authority of the federal government  to destroy people  or businesses they consider “enemies” or companies who don’t jump every time the pig faced lying coward lunatic squeals his hate, lies and incompetence. 

The Attorney General is really scary because he obviously cow tows to the lying coward lunatic, to the point he has no ethics and obviously no backbone. \.  His use of the government to try to force “social media” to only allow comments supporting the lying coward lunatic and his band of cowards is certainly illegal and very scary. 

Listening to the book on brain surgery, study of the brain etc. is really amazing.  I may listen to it again in case I missed anything.  It is enjoyable to have a book that keep my attention while I walk etc.  

That’s it for now, Wednesday, July 31, 2019.


Tuesday, July 30, 2019

2019 Summer July 30 2019 Tuesday


75 degrees this morning 86% humidity 

Good day yesterday, a little hotter,  high of around 100 degrees. 

Exercise yesterday, Walk 28:16 minutes, pace was 20 seconds slower than my goal.  

I was (and still am) thinking of canceling the local newspaper.  Part of my decision is  I also would cancel the Wall Street Journal, since it is delivered with the local newspaper.  I assume that is the only way they can effectively deliver it by partnering with a local newspaper.  

While I despise the owners of the Wall Street Journal and feel their editorial opinions are basically propaganda for the lying coward lunatic and his band of coward toadies, I do like  other parts of the paper. 

For example, it was the first place that had a story about how the “baby shark” song was becoming a “brain song” hat you could’t get out of your mind.  (I was familiar with it because of Grandchildren).  

I have to admit when I first saw it, I was (and still am) rather appalled that this was aimed at children, since it was obvious to me that the sharks were trying to eat the fish, catchy song or not!  However I haven’t talked to a child yet who has made the connection!

The WSJ has the first story I saw about how Hank Aaron was on a trend to break Babe Ruth’s record for most career home runs. 

The Saturday edition is especially interesting since it has a section about books, and a section on innovative ideas t.  

Today I saw a story about how more men are getting pedicures etc.  

Anyway it is an interesting news paper.  It has a lot more than just business news. 

I have been dithering about the newspaper delivery. Since January, the newspaper delivery has been erratic and is simply bad customer service. 

Last week it wasn’t delivered twice and came late every day but one.  I was all set to cancel the newspaper Saturday when, of course, it came at 5;15 a.m.  and I hoped they had finally worked out their delivery problem.

Crepe Myrtle are out in full bloom.  As I have mentioned before Crepe Myrtle are one of my favorite plants.  

I don’t know if the rain was especially good to them this year, but they certainly look wonderful this year.  

Getting my new work computer tomorrow.  It will be nice to have one I can depend on, although it is always a hassle to learn a new computer.  Apparently it will have Word 16 instead of Word 7, or some similar jump. 

That’s it for now, Tuesday, July 30, 2019.


Monday, July 29, 2019

2019 Summer July 29 Monday

82 degrees this morning 62% humidity 

Some rain clouds in the general are, east of here.  

Another beautiful day yesterday.  A little windy sometimes, but still a beautiful day.

Exercise yesterday:

Walk:  28:27 minutes, 36 seconds slower than goal.
Swim;  22;32 minutes 

The Summer is rapidly disappearing.  As I have noted before, I will just enjoy each day of Summer as I live it.  Realistically it is at least  several months before cold weather is even a hint in the air!  At least I hope.  

I recently read of a plan to build a “new City” in the desert in Saudi Arabia.  It is supposed to cost at least 600 Billion dollars and will be everything with the highest technology.  

They are attempting to contact companies like Tesla, Apple etc to developing manufacturing there.  

They have already spent a lot of money on consultants and planners etc. 

One part that impressed me s they are not planning any streets, since  everyone will get around by a drone space individual device so no streets would be needed!  

Obviously it is still largely a concept but it will be interesting to see what happens and how it develops.

I certainly never expected when I was in high school that we would be using so many of basically the same things I was using them.  Obviously cars are much better, bu the essential car is the same.

I think that computers etc. were somewhat anticipated when I was in high school, although I don’t know if the “smart phone” was ever actually imagined.  

Of course, I remember “Dick Tracy” and his wrist phone back from when I was in high school.   It has somewhat come into practice.  

That’s it for now, Monday, July 29, 2019. 


Sunday, July 28, 2019

2019 Summer July 28 Sunday


74 degrees this morning, 64% humidity 

Excellent day yesterday, temperature high around 90 degrees.  

Exercise yesterday:

Walk:  28:39 minutes, pace 32 seconds slower than goal.  
Swim:  20 minutes
Bicycle (afternoon):  24:02 minutes

Ordered new pair of walking shoes yesterday.  That is always important to me since they are the shoes I walk in my daily walk for the near future.  I expect I use a pair of shoes at least six months and probably more.  

I only do my daily walk in these shoes and then “repurpose” them as daily wearing shoes.  

As I mentioned the other day, the running shoe place I have purchased my shoes for the past 5 years for some reason quit providing any service other than I might get at Walmart.  (Nothing against Walmart, I don’t expect anything more at Walmart.)

Anyway, I ordered the shoes at  store about a mile from our house.  It is a more or less a small chain store of exercise apparel and shoes etc.  

One thing I like is I can return the shoes within 60 days, no matter how much I wear them etc.  I never have returned a pair of shoes, but it is nice to know the option is there if a pair just doesn’t work out.

Also bought another bicycle helmet, probably long past time to replace the one I had! We drove to a small city near here where the bicycle shop provides extremely good service. 

Went to the local AAA baseball game last night.  Always enjoy it, except they made an unfortunate number of misplays and errors. Of course that is probably why they are playing in the minor league, even thought it is the level right next to Major League Baseball.  

Newspapers came about 5:15 a.m. yesterday, which is later than I like, but a lot better than it has been arriving!  

I wanted to correct  something I wrote about yesterday.  I mentioned that Speedo had changed the packaging from 12 swimming ear plugs to 4 swimming ear plugs at a greater increased price.

Actually, the package of 12 swimming ear plugs is from a different company, and the ear plus I purchased in the past were not by Speedo, but by a different company.  
Shows a real lack of observation on my part!  

On the other hand, it indicates I don’t cloud my mind with small details!

That’s it for now, Sunday, July 28, 2019.


Saturday, July 27, 2019

2019 Summer July 27 Saturday


69 degrees this morning, 71% humidity

Wonderful day yesterday, high around 90.  The days have been typical nice Summer Days.

Hopefully I will get a chance to enjoy our back patio, it is hard to find the time to enjoy it!

Exercise yesterday 

Walk:  28:07 minutes, pace 13 seconds slower than goal
Swim:  21:54 minutes
Bicycle:  (after work):  26:34 minutes

I don’t really have any goals for bike speed etc., I will develop some as time goes on.   I just realized that my primary bike  has lost the “low” “big” gear.  It is the gear that I would shift into when common guy on a bigger than normal hill, so that will limit me for several weeks until I get the problem fixed.  

Fortunately I have another bike, so if I can use it while it is being fixed,  I like both of them, they are different to ride, so it is always a change.

I am still a long ways from when I would plan to ride for  for half an hour (to which she replied “sure”) and then come in after riding an hour and one-half!  It will be a while before I am going for long rides.  

I may try to aim for the week long bike ride, but that is a ways off and I”m not used to riding with other bicyclists.  

Getting a new helmet tomorrow, probably with lights so I can get ready to start riding early in the morning.  I try to do all my bicycle business at a bicycle shop in a nearby town.  

The owner of the bike shop is very  reasonable on fixing and maintaining bikes, so I try to buy items from him if I can.  He will even pick up and drop off the bicycle if he needs to repair it for a very modest fee.  Can’t beat that!

I decided to go ahead and try to buy my walking shoes on-line, but it is difficult to do.  I may try another shoe shore before I buy on-line.  

I complained about not being able to find the ear plugs I like for swimming.  Apparently Speedo has stopped selling a package of 12 for $10 and now sells 4 for $6.50.  You can’t beat greed, but I”ll buy another brand.  May not be quite as good but I may not notice the difference.

I checked on Amazon and the internet overall and found the package no longer available.  I'll buy anything but Speedo.

The printed newspaper delivery has gotten so bad I didn’t get a paper twice this week (and they wouldn’t return my phone call) and arrived as late as 11 a.m. one morning.  Time to cancel I guess.  Now it is a matter of principle, like the shoe store, it just isn’t right to treat a customer that way. 

That’s it for now, Saturday, July 27, 2019.


Friday, July 26, 2019

2019 Summer July 28 Friday


72 degrees this morning 57% humidity 

Good day yesterday, about 88 degrees high.  No rain or wind.  

Exercise yesterday:

Walk:  28:16, pace 20 seconds slower than goal
Bicycle (after work)  21:33 minutes

Need to replace my walking shoes and went to the shoe store I usually buy from.  (Actually I have bought about 8 pair there including scandals and my referrals have resulted in at least 5 more pair for the company). 

I got the feeling (this time and actually last time) that they really could care less if they sold anything or not.  They really resisted even mentioning ordering what I wanted.  I have decided not to wear (for walking) anything except Brooks shoes, so it’s not like I’m not ready to purchase anything.

Ditto with socks, I have really started liking Feetures socks (for exercise walking).  I mentioned what I liked and the clerk showed me exactly what I said I didn’t like and didn’t offer to even check on ordering what I wanted (I even bought a pair along!).  

I just decided Amazon (or at least the internet) was going to make another sale instead of a local store!  Too bad, but I am not going to buy where they have little interest  in selling anything.  

Ditto with ear plugs for swimming.  I found something I liked at Dicks Sporting Goods, they changed their inventory and weren’t interested in ordering it, so I just ordered the same thing from Amazon at about the same price.   

I have a feeling it may be my age, but maybe I am too sensitive about that.  The reason I say that is they almost act like they think I’m not a real customer in spite of my history of buying there and being interested in a specific item.  

The book I am listening to about the brain is really interesting, if a little bizarre at times.  They are going into replacements (such as faces etc.) and how the brain is involved.  For example they mention they try to encourage people to refer to “my hands” rather than “the hands”.

They also found that people adapt to new faces much better than hands.  One theory is that people look at faces different, somehow it becomes “my face” much faster than hands become “my  hands”.

The entire process of face replacement (a face from another person) is hard to imagine and hard to imagine how the replacement process is done.

I am going to have to read the pdf so I can ponder on the information!

This is one of those weeks I am glad to see the weekend come!  Nothing bad or anything, just glad!

That’s it for now, Friday, July 26, 2019.


Thursday, July 25, 2019

2019 Summer July 25 Thursday


69 degrees this morning,65% humidity 

Yesterday started off at 64 degrees, but got up to around 88 degrees which actually seemed cool!  

Today is supposed to get up to 90 degrees.  

It is a strange how when it is winter and the temperature reaches 64 degrees you think it is too cold to wear shorts and a t-shirt and dress warm.  However if it is summer you just keep wearing shorts and a t-shirts.  For me it is not giving in to to the cool weather in the summer!  

Exercise yesterday 

Walk:  27:41 minutes, pace 1 second faster than my goal
Swim:  20:25 minutes
Bicycle:  (outside, after work):  21;52 minutes

I was able to ride my bike into another neighborhood  which I really enjoy.  Exploring is 75% of the fun, just riding around and looking at the area. 

Read a story about “Private Equity” investors.  

The story mentioned (as I have noted) that the “private equity” firms use funds from a bunch of people who care only about quick profit.

Normally, according to the story, they buy a company, screw the employees with lower pay, fewer benefits, try to make them go from part-time to full time etc., lay off many (especially older workers who then can’t find anther job) and lower paid workers, while the top executives rip off the the company with huge salaries and benefits.  

They also rip it off by paying huge dividends  to the “investors” and when they have ripped it off as much as possible, they declare bankruptcy and enjoy the money they plundered from the company.  How that is legal I really can’t believe.  

Anyway the story confirmed what I have been saying, that private equity “investors” are just thieves.  

One or the Presidential  candidates is proposing restricting it and I am all for it.  Like a lot of things, it has really gotten out of hand.

It has been a busy week, I am ready for things to slow down.  On the other hand, it is nice be be busy!

That’s it for now, Thursday, July 25, 2019.


Wednesday, July 24, 2019

2019 Summer July 24 Wednesday


 64 degrees this morning, 75%  humidity. 

Coolish day yesterday (low 80’s), no rain etc, although light mist early morning.  

Quite a change from 85 degrees when I took my walk last week to 64 degrees today!  Due to my exercise patterns (swim after I walk), I haven’t walked today yet, and I’m not looking forward to walking in 64 degree weather!  

My one thought will be it will be getting warm again soon!  Even today it is supposed to get to 87 degrees! 

My major problem is deciding how to dress while I walk and when I go to swim.  Right now I’m leaning to my “t-shirt and shorts” summer dress and now worry about it!  

We listen to audio books while we are driving. Normally they are fiction (just like the ones I listen to while I walk are non-fiction).  That isn’t our goal, just the way we seem to doit.    

The last few  fiction books we listened to had very unrealistic and disappointing “lazy” endings and we hope it isn’t a trend and everyone feels they need to emulate.

Obviously we know “fiction is fiction”, but still it is a disappointment when the author just has a completely unrealistic ending.  It is almost like the author got lazy and just decided to toss in a “twist” ending without any justification throughout the book for the ending.  

We have pretty well stop reading John Grisham books, he is a good author but his stories seems to sometimes be really contrived (the Runaway Jury, which is so unrealistic I quit reading it) and his latest book plot was really totally unrealistic.  I actually waited a long time before I ordered his latest book (to listen too) but finally relented.  A wonderfully written book but the plot was bad and lazy.  

I don’t think some authors consider the readers at all.  Of course the answer to that is to quit buying or reading their books!  

I didn’t think it was possible, but the lying coward lunatic and his cowards have sunk to even new low levels of pandering and juvenile playground lying coward bullying  behavior.  If they were on a playground, they would be placed in detention or probably expelled from school!   

It is really shameful to have such a clown and incompetent person represent our country.  I really don’t understand why the congress allow this lunatic to take his illegal actions that are destroying the country and world. 

What is really shameful is the way the lying coward lunatic is allowed to lie, threaten, abuse his office and use the resources of the government to attack his personal “enemies” and make juvenile lying attacks and the congressional cowards are shaking and snivel in fear of this lying coward bully,

His expensive golf vacations at taxpayer expense (which he then rips off millions by  going to his failing “resorts” and charging the government millions) ought be cause to perp walk him out of the white house to jail.   I realize it will never happen, but it should.

That’s it for now, Wednesday, July 24, 2019.


Tuesday, July 23, 2019

2019 Summer July 23 Tuesday


Talk about a cold front!  Due to a meeting I am skipping my walk this morning, but I expect it will seem like it is freezing outside!  
Another nice day yesterday,  some clouds.  Temperature around high of 88 degrees.  Actually I thought that was the “cold front”!  

My MacBook Air keyboard quit working.  Since the MacBoard Air is basically a paperweight without the keyboard, I was a little worried.  

My main concern was that I was going to trade the compeer in and get about $250, plus the money I will save from not buying a battery for this computer.  Plus the veterans discount!  Of course the worst was being without a computer while I tried to fixe this computer or buy a new one.  

I was able to “reset” the keyboard (with the computer plugged in, press Shift/control/option/power button and release all at the same time.  If successful, the light on the  power cord will change colors.)  It took me several times, but I finally got it reset.  

It appeared like it was a common problem, but I had never heard of it before.  Like a lot of things, I’m not aware of common problems until they happen to us!  

The MacBook Air was just “refreshed”  by Apple  (minor changes) on July 10, 2019, so I doubt if a major upgrade is coming this fall, but you never know.  Probably just fixed the problems of the original upgrade!

It isn’t that any “upgrade” is always that big of a deal, it just you feel slightly cheated when you buy a computer and it is upgraded in a short while.  

My worst experience at that was my first desktop Apple computer.  An iMac 5, I still remember.  Shortly after I bought it, they switched to an Intel chip, which was a major difference.  

Of course, I realize any device will be upgraded and eventually basically obsolete by  upgrades, but I like to delay the inevitable for as long as possible!

The battery on the MacBook Air is staying in there.  At least it is completely charging, and staying charged for several hours.  

For some reason, battery problems are affecting all of my “recent” devices, including my work computer.  All of my old ones (including my 13 year old original iPod, my 9 year old “original iPad” and even my shuffles which have to be 15 years old at least, are doing fine.  Of course, they aren’t used that much any more. 

We do use our iPhone 5 and 5+ almost daily, which we  repurposed as music and book players and they are doing find.  Of course, I think the iPhone 5 and 5+ are still used by many people as their primary phone, the 5/5+ model was one of the best models made. 

I am holding my breath on my work computer, hoping it lasts until it is replaced on July 31.  Without the computer, I literally  can’t do my job since literally everything is on the computer.  Currently I can only recharge it with the plug in charger, so I hope that lasts for another week.  I have to set it up so that it is just so, and I can’t do that on mobile charging. 

Not looking forward to cold weather, although it is supposed to get into the 80’s today!

That’s it for now, Tuesday, July 23, 2019.


Monday, July 22, 2019

2019 Summer July 22 Monday


75 degrees this morning, 83% humidity 

Good day yesterday, high of 101 degrees.

Lightning last night, as cooler weather is expected to arrive this week.  I really expected a storm last night or this morning, but it all stayed to the north.  

Exercise yesterday

Walk:  27:56 minutes, pace was 4 seconds slower than goal
Swim:  20:05 minutes 

Listening to the book about the “brain” while I walk, I have learned some interesting facts and concepts.   

One, synesthesia, is seeing colors when haring music or seeing certain numbers.  I have associated some music with colors or see colors when listening to certain music, but not to the extreme I read about.  

There was a story about a conductor who told his (bewildered) orchestra to “play more pink” or “play a darker blue”, since he saw extensive colors when hearing music.

There are also cases when people see colors with certain number can even pick certain numbers our of a picture of a lot of numbers, because they may see It in colors.  

I had always known the brain was amazing, but what I have heard from the book is actually encouraging as the brain can be retrained to accomplish a lot of daily tasks after an energy or disease etc.

There was one story about a woman who was helped by a machine after she took some drugs that tended to kill the “balance hairs” in the ears (I really learn something new every day!).  She learned to retrain her brain to walk again and keep her balance, even after using the machine.

The inventor got cancer and the drugs he took caused the same problem and the women than repaid the inventor by showing him how to use his machine!  He walked and even danced again!  

Going to be an unusual week, due to some meetings etc.  

We are trying to schedule our vacations etc. for the year.  Due to changing conditions, I decided not to attend a conference I have been attending (I think I missed only 4 in that time) for 40 years.  It just isn’t relevant anymore.

However, as they say, when one door closes, another opens, so we decided to do something different during the time I usually take for the  conference.  

Hopefully this year we can resume our “escape to hot weather” in the middle or late February, a tradition we tried to start 2 years ago, and will try to resume this year.  Not sure where yet, but I have always wanted to go to Panama and this may be a good year to try that.  

We also have been discussing going to Niagara Falls, although not in the winter obviously!  Perhaps later this Summer, or maybe next Summer.
Time to start doing some of the “plan to do it” type of experiences!  Years ago, I met a man slightly older than I am now.  He wistfully mentioned how he wished he had taken the time when he was younger to travel etc.  About a month later I read where he had died.  

That really help change my thinking, probably helped me become more of a “today” person rather than a “tomorrow’ person!  

That’s it for now, Monday, July 22, 2019


Sunday, July 21, 2019

2019 Summer July 21 Sunday


79 degrees this morning, 77% humidity 

Another nice hot Summer Day yesterday.  

I noticed our “red” Crepe Myrtle started “blooming” and I heard the first Cicada last night, both a sign of the height of summer.  

I like Crepe Myrtles because, for one reason, they bloom so long.  Of course I also like their blooms, if you call them that.  They have a quiet elegance and beauty to them. 

I remember Cicada’s (we called them locusts) from when I was a kid.  I always like the sound of Cicada’s and feel a sense of peace when I hear them (which I realize may sound strange, but it is the best I can describe it!)

During the Summer here, I am reminded of “Memphis nights”.  I especially like the summer nights there, even with the tree frogs, it had a certain feeling about it.  

Regarding the man who “visited almost every country on earth, but saw none”  (because he was blind)), they went into more detail on that.  

Apparently he literally used his other senses to “see” the country.  He said didn’t need sight to experience the sounds, tastes, odors etc. of a country.   In addition, he had a stick which, by the way of “echo seeing”, he could visualize shapes etc.  

Actually, glancing at the internet, there were a number of people who traveled extensively even though blind and, in some cases, blind and deaf.  They are able to “retrain” their brain to heighten their other senses to experience life..  

One of the first “seeing aides, was a camera hooked up to some sensors that ran to his tongue.  Somehow he came to where he could identify  shapes, and then even decals, chairs etc.  

The brain is a wonderful device in a lot off ways!

Exercise yesterday:

Walk:  27:55 minutes, pace was 28 seconds slower than my goal.
Swim:  24:15 minutes
bicycle (outdoors), 17 minutes (afternoon) 

I really hesitated before trying the bike due to the heat.  Went a little slow and short.  The heat didn’t brother me aa much as a possible low tire did.  As I have said before the biggest challenge of riding a bike is the tires!

That’s it for now, Sunday, July 21, 2019.
