Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Spring 2015 May 5 Tuesday (The Death and Life of an iPod Shuffle)

67 degrees  this morning, 44:35 minutes walking

I saw my iPod Shuffle lying on the pavement, obviously run over by some cars.  I carry it on my early morning walk as a backup and apparently had dropped it, which means it had been lying in the street for almost 12 hours.

I got the iPod Shuffle in approximately 2006, which means it is about 9 years old.  The battery is still excellent, and I assumed that some day the battery would give out, not that it would be run over by traffic.

Perhaps worse, the area I dropped it is at a bus stop, and none of the kids probably even knew what it was to pick it up!

I carried it into the house, and was shocked when I turned it on and it worked!  I’m not sure how much longer it will work, it had to have some damage.

I am just amazed at the battery life of Apple products.  As I have mentioned, I have three iPod shuffles, all, about 9 years old, still working.  

My original iPad is probably at least 7 years old and has a super strong battery.  

I have repurposed my old iPhone 3 and 3s and they continue to work.  

My old original iPad is still working fine, although the disc drive catches sometimes (but hasn’t since I reset it).  

I do have a problem my iPad Air, about a year and 1/2 old and have had problems with it lasting since I got it.  It may be because I maintain it bright and have it on “always on” (no automatic shutt-off along with the poorly designed keyboard cover.  

It if seems like a lot of gadgets, remember this is a collection of almost 9 years!

Went to the baseball game last night.  It was a wonderful night and a good game.  The opposing pitcher hit three batters in a row (lack of control not any intent).  

As usual, my regular reasonably good eating habits were suspended in favor of the free baseball food (hot dogs-although without the bunII), chicken breast, peanuts, M & M’s, big pretzel with cheese etc   However, I do only drink water!  

We figured by the time we went to the ball game and had water and a snack, the ticket with free food was worth it.  Anyway it is fun and there are only a limited number of games.  

Aliene continues to feel well and can quit  wearing the neck brace in about and week and start driving .  She currently only needs to wear it while riding in a car or out walking etc., I assume where she might fall or be jolted.

She should be able to start driving shortly, which I’m sure she is looking forward too.

A short dream I haven’t noted yet:

5-3-15 Dream

Dream involved getting on a bus.  Not sure of location almost desert scene.  

Kept discussing with someone the results of someone beating the spoiled brat mayor and whether their approval rating was going up or down.  
Didn’t understand the dream or why or how we were getting the results but that is the way dreams are.

for some reason were getting on a bus. Can’t remember much more.

Weather has been wonderful.  Supposed to be storms coming in.  

I finally learned how to open the storm shelter in the garage.  Simple to say the least!

That’s it of now, Tuesday, May 5, 2015.

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