Sunday, April 05, 2015

Spring 2015 April 5 Sunday

55  degrees this morning, 15:33 minutes walking

Checked the weather before my walk this morning, noted was supposed to start raining in several hours.  Seemed clear.

Just started walking and heard thunder in the air, then saw lightning.  I smelled that weird burned electricity smell in the  air, and felt that unease in the air preceding a major storm. I  saw some lighting and thunder closer than I expected and I quickly turned around and headed home!  I was almost jogging the last several blocks!  

Right as I walked into the door, it  started to rain, although it ended up being just sprinkles.    When I got home, my phone had a “lightning warning” on it.  Thanks for the early warning, I thought!

I noted then the very small patches of storms was coming to our area, so small I couldn’t even hardly see them.  

Aliene is still doing very well, actually better than she expected.  Some pain, but she is able to get around fairly well.  She is wearing a neck deal so she can’ move her head etc., but otherwise is getting around great.

I don’t mean to trivialize the neck brace, it is a major detraction, but necessary.  

Cool weather came back this weekend, but it is supposed to reach the 80’s and even 90’s next week, which will be nice. 

I recently noted that we hadn’t been out of town since August of 2014. Actually, a friend reminded me we had been out to town to visit friends in early December of 2014!  It is amazing how your mind can play tricks on you!  So we haven’t been out of town since early December!  (I think!)

It is hard to believe I’d forgot that, but, what can I say, I did!  Interesting how your mind can work some times, it is kind of like a warning that sometimes your first thought isn’t always true!  

I have to admit, the use of the “pro” basketball players by Kentucky, the “one and done” players who only care about getting to pro basketball and nothing about college leaves me cold about college basketball.  I think it is disgusting that they are allowed to take the place of true college students.  

So of course, I was pleased (perhaps hysterically happy describes it better) at the results Saturday night!  I was glad to see the “buy a championship” tactics didn’t work, for whatever that means.  I still think the NBA needs to allow players to work if they are over 18 and  want to and can make a team.  I’m surprised the restriction is legal. The NBA needs to  run their own minor league instead of colleges being the NBA minor leagues or their free training for the first year. 

Of course what is even more disgusting are the announcers and news media sucking up to such contrived “college” teams! 

Perhaps even more disquieting to me is why I even care, or at least care enough to write about it. 

My years in government have always indicated to me how much easier it is to be “against” something than “for” something and I guess that applies to sports also!

This time of year it is always hard to wait for the warm weather, though it is just a matter of enjoying the good days and enduring the cold days!

Another dream (Saturday, April 4)

Dream was based in the current house we live in, Dream included Aliene, my mom, and (for whatever reason) Toby Keith and some unrecognized people. 

I don’t recall a lot about this, but we were having some kind of party. 

My mother was there.  For some reason, I dreamed Toby Keith was there and he was roughhousing (wrestling in good nature) with some OU football players.  I”m not sure where that came from!

There was a heavy rain.  I didn’t really notice anything and then I looked outside and 

saw a heavy sea of mud out back and all of our patio furniture was either missing or in a sea of mud.  There was mud on the patio.

It was like the water  couldn’t get through the side of the house and it backed up into the back yard.

I yelled at everyone about the damage, but no one seemed interested.  My mother kept on doing what she was doing

I don’t recall any more abut the dream, but the rainstorm and the mud in the back yard seemed very real.  I almost went to look, but I realized it was a dream.  

That’s it for now, Sunday, April 5, 2015.

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