Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Spring 2015 April 29 Wednesday

43 degrees this morning, 44:46 minutes waking

Recently read where the city next to us has 80% participation in recycling!  I looked out the door and saw three persons (of about 20 houses) doing any recycling at all in my neighborhood!  It seems the city we live in could make more efforts to recycle and make it easier to recycle!

One thing I can say, as i mentioned yesterday morning, I see very few loose dogs and I haven’t seen any cats, which is really unusual.

I have seen a lot of rabbits, ever since I moved here.  Nothing against rabbits, I’m glad they are doing well.  As I alluded to yesterday, our dog  when I ws a kid  (“puppy”- a very original name) liked to chase and eat rabbits.  Very few rabbits could outrun Puppy.

As I remember it, we started off with one calico cat and when we moved, we much have had at least 50 cats.

Puppy and the cats never got along (he would chase the cats), and until years later I assumed no dogs or cats actually got along.

The bird made me think of it.  The cats on the farm would play with the birds (or vice versa).  Sometimes, the bird would end up being lunch for the cat.  

The birds would actually tease the cats by dive-bombing at them.  Maybe they were protecting their families, but I have a feeling they were just harassing the cat.  However, I never saw a cat be lunch for a bird!  

To my disgust last night, I spent a lot of time looking for an e-mail I needed to read, instead of other stuff I needed to do.  I found out I had moved it to the “deleted” folder instead of the appropriate folder.  Even the best of us make mistakes occasionally!

In about two weeks Summer should be here in actuality as well as by the calendar. ThAANK goodness!  I tire, tire tired of winter and cold weather.  

Busy day today at work “in the field”.  I worked completely  in the new area.  It was fun.  It is a lot different than my old area, must denser as far as businesses etc.  

Aliene is going to the Doctor (Surgeon) today, her first followup since her operation.  Overall, I think she is satisfied with the operation and feels it really helped her hands and headaches.   

A short dream from yesterday:
4 28 15 Dream
Remember ending of Dream.

Driving in the current city but ending in Memphis, I drove to an intersection without a stop light and slightly overshot the intersection (past the crosswalk).

A traffic policeman looked at me and I backed up up after I thought he motioned to back up

I looked and I was right next to a large pole, which blocked my  view and I wondered if I could drive past it.

It was like an intersection in Memphis except I was in another city (and the actual intersection doesn’t have a pole like that)

Not sure what happened before this.

That’s it for now, Wednesday, April 29, 2015.

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