Saturday, April 11, 2015

Spring 2015 April 11 Saturday

59 degrees this morning, 38:04 minute walk (shortened due to lightning and light rain)

Checked my weather app this morning, said “lightning within 24 mi”.  I assume that meant miles.  Walked most of my walk, shortened due to light rain as I came to a point I could cut it short just in case.

Starting to transition to my new area at work.  Our area is based on which zip code we are working in. 

Maybe that is where my dream comes in?  Zip Codes were a major problem in Lakeland (a smaller city near Lakeland had the same zip code and for some maddening the other city was always used.  Now the Zip Code defines my work area, which actually makes sense in this context.

Anyway, today I mentally said goodby to some of my areas and hello to some of my new areas.  The new area will keep me busy, which is good, and I won’t have to drive near as much.  Always a little good and a little bad. However, congested traffic and finding a parking area will be more of a problem.  

There are a lot more Starbucks in my new area, but I don’t take breaks when I’m “in the field”  (It is just too intense and you can’t really relax until you get done what you planned to get done, and it always takes longer than you think!)

I have to think it is like any change, you say hello to a lot and goodbye to a lot and just realize that is part of it.

I used to have a friend who said “Life is a series of Hellos and Goodby’s”.  I didn’t like it, probably because there is a lot of truth to it.

I always say “embrace change” since change is going to happen anyway, but it doesn’t make it any easier.

Finalizing my tax return has been very frustrating, primarily due to Turbo Tax.  I think it is an excellent program, but there is some kind of bug in the system.  

Somewhere, Turbotax got it in it’s head that some of the W-4’s, 1099’s etc. were in one state, with the zip code (there we go again with the zip code again!) in another state.

That may seem simple to change, but the appropriate state is our current state, and Turbotax won’t let me change the state (which is incorrect0 , it wants me to change the zip  code, which is correct!

I have gone all the way back and restarted to fix the error,,but the program won’t let me do it!

A good reason we will never be taken over by machines.   (or maybe this is a start!)

The idea of “drones” flying the skys worries me.  I can see the advantage (especially for a lot of projects), but them flying just for the heck of it or to deliver junk we don’t need I think could create problems.

My biggest concern is a “1984” (seems quaint now!) type situation, which is very possible now, with GPS and camera technology.  You can literally be monitored for everything you say and do 24/7 and not even know it!

I think (maybe) anyone flying a drone over your property should have to pay some sort of “air rights”, if not to individual property owners, at least to the City or state.  it would be simple to have the drone programed so it reports and pays the lease fees.  

I don’t know if that is the right way or not, but it just seems unjust that they shouldn’t have to pay everything and property owners are subject to someone flying a drone over your property and “storefronts” have to pay taxes, rent etc. 

Questions of the future.

That’s it for now, Saturday, April 11, 2015

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