Sunday, July 03, 2016

2016 Summer July 3 Sunday

2016 Summer July 3 Sunday

80 degrees this morning, walk 29:26 minutes (lightning, followed by increasing thunder shortened walk)

Started walk this morning, saw some distant lighting, which I won’t too worried about.  However, when I could hear the thunder, I did an about face and started home!  

It rained a short welcome rain (since our sprinkler system is out), but really just enough to ruin my sitting on the patio.

That would be ok, but the cable tv connection in the room I use if I”m not on the patio is out.  Good old Cox cable, “maximizing value to the shareholders” by minimizing  service to the customer and charging “fees” which they can’t explain when you call up to ask what they are!

The main problem is just the time involved in contacting them about the numerous problems their system has.  Then they want to do all kinds of stuff over the phone before they’ll finally send someone out.

It was actually a very short rain, I hoped for more, since it will probably be anther week before our sprinkler system is fixed.

Wasn’t sure if I was going to do my weights today (sore from moving stuff, not my move fortunately!), but my barbell and weight exercises went ok anyway.

My laptop computer warranty (actually the extended warranty) goes out in early August.  I am going to get the keyboard looked at (the space bar doesn’t always seem to work) but other than than, I don’t see any sense in buying a new one.  

Apple Computer shut down the “one to one” program, which is the only  reason I bought a new computer  every three years.  Apple seems to have a case of shooting themselves in the foot sometimes.  

I really doubt I’ll buy another Apple computer until they come out with a touch screen.  I do plan on buying an iPod Pro when the new upgrade comes out.  I really doubt that it will substitute for a laptop, but you never know.  My regular iPad has served well in a pinch.

I think it is a case of the convenience of a true laptop being worth the money over a period of 3 to 5 years

I have to wonder why many of the “apps” available for the iPhone and iPad aren’t available on the laptop.  It seems if they truly wanted to provide a “seamless” (to use an overused word) experience, the same apps would be available for all the devices,.  

That probably makes too much sense!  

We are trying to decide if we want to join Golds Gym.  We are very disappointed in the YMCA, we feel like they should have advised of the limitations in the swimming pool before we joined.  Obviously this YMCA has other priorities.

Also very disappointed in the City for being hornswoggled by the school and the YMCA into participating in a project which does nothing for the residents, in fact, it hurts the residents who are “regular members”.  

At least it makes it simple when the YMCA asks for a donation of any type in the future, it will be an automatic “no”. 

Almost the middle of the three day July 4 holiday.  We have several  family gatherings we plan to attend, which will be nice.  

That’s it for now, Sunday, July 3, 2016.

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