Thursday, July 28, 2016

2016 Summer July 28 Thursday

74 degrees this morning, Walk 36:03 minutes 

Cooler this morning, but somehow the walk seemed just as hot or hotter.  Probably the humidity from the recent rains etc.  We have had some heavy lightning etc. and some heavy rain.  

The City we live in recently had to start buying water from the “central city”.  It was interesting, the way they process their water is enough different that the change could affect fish tanks or certain medical equipment.  

That is one thing we really miss about Memphis is the excellent water.  It was all ground water and it was excellent tasting etc.  

I realize some areas have to use surface water, but I drink as little of it as possible, since I can’t believe all the chemicals etc. don’t affect you in some way.  I know it is tested and is safe, but I can’t help but get a queasy feeling about all the chemicals.  

For some reason, our house has a  reasonably new water softener.  I may keep it too soft (or too hard for all I know).  One of those “a round tuits” I need to get done, probably call the city and ask them or a water softener person.  

I am amazed at the water wasted in watering of  right of ways, medians etc. by the HOA and other residents.  During my walk, there are large  areas where there is water running down the streets every day, apparently ignoring the “odd/even” rationing.  

Somehow I feel that maintaining proper operation of medical equipment (and fish tanks for that matter) is a lot more important than unnaturally green grass on a street right of way or a median or even a yard for that matter. 

Also, I am sure when they have to buy “peak” water, it is very expensive and so the wasting of the water affects everyone’s bills also.  

I think that is one reason that I thought Tennessee’s approach that a Water Utility or a Sewer Utility didn’t “make or lost money”, and never was supported, or supported other operations of the City.

I think the approach here makes water too cheap so it is wasted.  No one is paying the true  cost of the water, since it is supported by sales taxes etc.  

Anyway, our sprinkler system is operating now, so I expect I will find out the cost of water here.  Although we basically just water enough to keep the grass and trees etc. on life support, I think it will still be expensive.  

I was amazed at the dip in electric use we had (until Air Conditioning session started) just due to switching to LED lighting for much of our security lighting or lights we use a lot.  There was a noticeable dip in electric used.  

We need to continue replacing our light bulbs with LED lights, although for some reason the “floodlight” type LED lights are very expensive.  

Soon it will be August of 2016. Time seems to speed by, not just  seems to, but does.  I think that is one reason I write this journal on a regular basis is to somehow make some sense of where the time goes and somehow mark the passage of time.  

I think I feel if I mark the passage of time, it somehow preserves the fact that time is valuable even though it disappears fast.  

In addition to this journal, I keep an “events” journal which basically notes what I did each day (where an what I eat, any notable events etc.).  Somehow it preserves the value of the past as well as the future by providing a means to remember it.  I can go back and remember the entire day just by noting a few entries. Somehow that puts a marker on time, and it doesn’t just pass into the blur of history, since I now have some way of remembering the events of each day.

That’s it for now, Thursday, July 28, 2016.

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