Friday, July 29, 2016

2016 Summer July 29 Friday

78 degrees this morning, walk 36:33 minutes

Nice to walk under the stars this morning without any clouds in the sky.  There is still enough “dark sky” in this area that you can see the starts etc.  Only a half moon (actually a little less), but I enjoy the full moon when I can!

Definite coolness in the air this morning, even at 78 degrees.  

This is “National Chicken Wing Day” (or something close).  I was advised by a Buffalo Wild Wings e-mail that “wings” are half price today, all day. Don’t know that the chickens will be happy about it.

I guess it is normally quiet out here most mornings, I can hear the car (or vehicle) that delivers the papers each morning.  I recognize the sound of it’s motor and the way it is driven.  

While I am currently sitting out on the patio (of course) in back of the house, I can also hear it inside the house where I write this journal.  

I never got back into my habit of reading the newspapers when I moved here.  It just worked out so well in Memphis when I could ride my bike to the gym and read them while I rode the stationary bicycle.  Of course, there the papers got delivered at 3:30 a.m or so.  

Here, they don’t get delivered until 5:00 a.m.  (actually it was 6:00 a.m. where I used to live so that is early).  However, it isn’t early enough for me, and I  really can’t read the paper without disrupting my other schedule.

Actually normally I look at the local paper (which as a newspaper  is what you would expect around here-I don’t bother reading the editorial pages), which doesn’t take long.  I read the Wall Street Journal later and just read the New York Times on the internet and only get the Sunday paper.  

For whatever reason, maybe all of the other news sources, I don’t really feel any compulsion to read them.  However, they are unique enough I pick up news that makes it well worth the time and money to subscribe and read them, at least right now.  

The problem with internet news are the advertisements are so disruptive, I frequently quit reading in disgust.  When I get a “pop up” ad, I normally just exit the site.  Ads are understandable, but they shouldn’t be disruptive.   

Also, much of the internet “news” is simply thinly disguised advertisements or one sided opinions of the owner or writer or whatever.

I miss the “unbiased” news of the past, it seems there ought to are  one source of “news” that is really “news” and not slanted and biased  articles. 

Last day of July.  I always think of August as when it is still hot and summer, but the nights start getting shorter, a portent of the winter to come.  Of course, there are still many nice days left before cold weather hits.  

I am going to have to keep track of how long the Crepe Myrtle bloom.  It is amazing.  We have three Crepe Myrtle, one a beautiful red one,one pink and one white.  

Field day today.  While I normally have a general plan of where I am going (some times, especially at the first of the month, plans for a Field Day are much more defined), each day seems to take on a life of it’s own.  

When I think about it, each day is kind of like that.  No matter what you plan, you normally react to what is happening and adjust, so no day, no matter what your are doing, goes exactly as planned.  Probably a good thing!

That’s it of now, Friday, July 29, 2016.

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