Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Winter 2015 February 3 Tuesday (No more Super Bowl Chatter, Gasoline, Vegan and Death)

32 degrees this morning, 46:26 minutes walking

Right now, I don’t want to hear anything about the super bowl super bowl ads etc.  I am really sick of hearing about something that is entertainment, but is otherwise meaningless.  I just turned the tv (CNBC yet, a supposedly “news” and “business” channel) after hearing more chatter about it and not being able to take any more of it.  Enough is too much.

I really wish they would have maintained the standard of sports being on the sports section, the news media being neutral etc. Much “news” now is simply propaganda or the personal views of some person. 

Anyway, enough of that.  I just had to say it.  I have literally started speeding through (or even mutingI) any conversation about the super bowl, super bowl ads et.  I have too many other things I want to do, rather than listen to that.

One of the things I like about reading the newspaper (either digital or physical) is that I’m not  captured into an announcer  reading the news.

If I am reading a newspaper or magazine, I can simply skip over a story I’m not interested in , instead of having t listen t something I’m not interesting.  I almost feel I am being held captive.

I guess that is a reason I don’t really care for videos all that much, even short ones.  There is just too much going on to take the time to concentrate n a video.                           l           

The days of very low price gas may be over.  The actually lowest I purchased was $1.54 per gallon.  $1.77 (the current price) seems expensive!  

While I like the saving of money on gasoline my hybrid brings, the real reason I like driving a hybrid is I feel I am doing my best to not support countries that use oil money to spread terror etc.  Even though I”m not helping that much, at least I am reducing demand a little bit! 

True, no one will ever notice the tiny bit I don’t use, but I will know it.

It is kind of like my granddaughter is a “vegan” eater to protest the treatment of animals.  While it won’t make any significant difference (or I should say probably notI), at least she knows she is doing it.  

She has been eating “vegan” for over a year, so she is serious about it!  

I get a sense of satisfaction just knowing I’m not burning the gas which is hurting, however slightly, some of the countries where the leaders are worse than wild animals.  In fact to even insinuate that they are lower than wild animals is an insult to the animals.

Like it or not, I am getting to the age where I can expect to know more and more people who pass on to the next world, until I am one with them. 

I think one thing about growing old is that you really don’t fear death.  (I do almost hate to write about it, thinking perhaps I will call it’s attention to me! If I do, I do.)  

I may not like the idea of dying, but it is going to happen whether I like it or not, so I may as well not waste my time excessively thinking about it.  As I mentioned before about videos, there is just too much other stuff to worry about!

Today is the day I should get more accounts at work.  It is like a monthly Christmas.  Well, so to speak, and speaking only of the gift side of Christmas.  Perhaps I should say it is like receiving 80% of your mail once a month.  

That’s it for now,  4:50 a.m., Tuesday, February 3, 2015.

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