Friday, February 13, 2015

Winter 2015 February 13 Friday (Crocus, Spring, Accidents, Gas)

37  degrees this morning (28 degrees wind chill)  45:27 minutes walking.

One of the Nature areas here yesterday reported the first Spring flower (I call it a crocus, they called it a daffodil), has appeared,  who cares what is it called as the fact it is here!

I am tired of the cold, even though it really isn’t all that cold.

I am looking forward to seeing the first crocus (or whatever) “in the wild” because it means Spring is headed here!

The problem then is just waiting for Spring, or at least warm weather to get here.  Somehow it seems to remain at least fairly chilly until mid May. 

I really like the rush of flowers, tree leaves and grass that erupt as Spring arrives.  It is truly amazing.

Of course it also brings storms, bugs, snakes etc., but I guess that is all part of it.  Of course, the sun, heat, swimming pools being one etc. more than make  up for the negatives j

Observed two accidents happen within 30 minutes yesterday.  The fist was right in back of me (the car that was hit was right in the back of my car) and was fairly minor.

The second was right in front of me and was a four car accident, all a case of  one car hitting the back of the next car.  

For some reason, the first three cares weren’t hardy damaged, the fourth, a pickup was very badly damaged and I’m sure, totaled.  It’s entire front end was damaged and the driver was a little shaken up.

I wonder if the fact the first three cars probably had some “give” and when the pickup hit the back of the 3rd car, they had locked up and didn’t absorb the energy, so the pickup was badly damaged. Whatever it was, the pickup was totaled.  

It was weird because was looking right at them, probably about 30 feet away and even when I heard the “bang”, it took me a while to realize what had happened.

Needless to say, after that I  stopped and took a short break.  I’m not really superstitious but the old saying “things come in threes” is hard to break!

Gas was $1.90 per gallon today, 36 cents higher than when I got it for $1.54.  I assume it will only go higher. 

I was disappointed to learn that the new station near our house an “On Cue” plays the same game every other station other than 7-11 plays, advertising the cheapest gas at (say) $1.90 for the 10% gas, then changing $2.29 for “ what they call “100% gas.  

That is fine, as long as they advertise it.  But then, they charge like .50 to 1.00 more per gallon for “premium unleaded” , which brings it up to over $300.  In my opinion that is almost criminal, it is so misleading
Anyway, 7-11  is say, $1.99 for regular, 2.09 for mid-leve1 and 2.29 for premium.  Of course, no one has to purchase premium at other stations, but it seems at least unethical.  

That is why I am only using 7-11 for any an all  gas purchases and anything else I buy from a convenient store that has gas pumps. 

 Watched the “Frontline” show on the process of dying.  It was an excellent show and handled well as to the process of setting priorities when the possibility of years of life left becomes days. 

That’s it for now, Friday, February 13, 2015.

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