Saturday, March 08, 2014

Winter 2014 March 8 Saturday

37 degrees this morning.  Miserable day yesterday, hopefully will be better today.  Good to be home, although we did have a very enjoyable conference and visit with friends.  Daylight Savings Time usually means Spring is coming, but this is one of those Winters when you wonder if it will be one of those Summers that never really arrive.  On the other hand, this Winter could mean a very hot Summer.  I am ready to see my first crocus, which to me is a sign of Spring.
Indulged in some over-eating, will get back in the groove.  Eating right while traveling is so difficult, at least for me.  Perhaps a matter of allowing an excuse for not eating right!  I have also been drinking Gatorade (which seems to be almost pure sugar) hopping to forestall a cold, although it could just be allergies or a reaction to traveling to a different climate.  I hate getting a cold and realizing I have 7 days (or more) of misery.
Aliene and her friend have been friends for over 40 years.  Started in Oklahoma City and continued though the life changes, moves to different states and other major life changes.  They don't get to visit personally a lot, so it is important when they do get a chance.
I have always known about the "familiarly trap", where you don't go see so meeting because you live so close that you can always visit when you "get a round tuit".  The Memphis area has a number of sites we see only when we have friends or family visit, and fortunately, we have seen most of this places in Memphis we would want to see (that we know of anyway!), although we probably need to do more "day trips".  For example, I never tire of the Mississippi.  It rouses my interest and actual excitement whenever I look at it.  It is truly the "nightly Mississippi".  I could actually enjoy living by the Mississippi and just sitting outside and watching it go by.  While we have lived in Lakeland, we have seen the Mississippi at way below average and in flood stage, and it is always interesting.  I can only imagine going down the Mississippi in a raft.  I will probably do the second best thing and bicycle down along the Mississippi.  
Two things we haven't done, which we will do this Spring, is visit Shiloh and Oxford, Mississippi.  I can't believe I have lived within an hours drive (more of less) of both and never gone.  Something I will definitely take care of this Spring.   I don't believe in "bucket lists", but if I did, those two items would definitely be on it.  I'm sure there are other sites or places we would enjoy, maybe we will do some exploring.  One of the more unusual places in Memphis (to me anyway) is the "Metal Museum" which includes actual artisans who create metal art.
Just checked my spam folder on my gmail account, over 1,000 e-mails!  Once I found one that shouldn't have been on there, had to scan them one by one before I deleted them.  I check this morning and there were 68 more!  I really hate the way Gmail is set up, to separate what Google feels is "social media" and "promotional e-mails".  Google isn't any better than Amazon at determining what I want to see or read.  I wish they would just stop trying, it is really irritating. 
Good to be home for awhile.

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