Monday, March 31, 2014

Spring 2014 March 31 Monday

43 degrees this morning.  Paper was late (substitute carrier), which throws off my entire early morning schedule (from 3 a.m. to 8 a.m., when my schedule is highly structured). 
Thinking about the delay in the paper  this morning reminded me  of the everything actions, activities etc. which make my life either happier, easier, more comfortable or just more bearable.  A few years ago (actually about 26 years ago, which probably qualifies for more than "a few"), I decided I needed to quit living in the future (I'll be happy/successful/ ? (pick it)  when.....) or worrying about the past (while recognizing and learning from mistakes, not dwelling on them) and try to "live in the present", in the sense that I enjoy and learn from each day, not in the sense of party every day, which to me would not be happiness.
A few years ago (this is probably about 15 years ago, which may qualify as "a few"-I didn't realize it had been that long myself until I started equating my age with the circumstances where this came up), I realized how happy (or at least comfortable) the small act of putting on lotion after I shaved made me feel.  I know, it is trivial, but it is one of those small things I enjoy.  I'm not quite sure why this makes me feel so good for a brief moment (it still does, and I consciously enjoy it), but I've leaned not to question it and just enjoy.  
Another is reading the newspaper(s) each morning.  This is  along standing habit and something I look forward to and miss if I don't get a chance.  Of course, it isn't just any old time, but in the morning.  I have really gotten to enjoy the Commerical Appeal, New York Times, Wall Street Journal and the on-line edition of the USA Today.  I am lucky I live where they are delivered, I realize I may not always be so lucky.
Another, of course, is my "power nap", which not only give me a little break during day, but is really a necessity.  I normally take one several times a day, and while I am driving, I  frequently will also take a 3 to 7 minute break every hour or so.  This isn't just for enjoyment, this is also a necessity and actually something I really enjoy, the break from having to constantly watch all time.  While at a rest stop an napping, I even enjoy the sounds of the cars and trucks going by on the interstate.
What made me think of all of this was body wash. While organizing, we found a number of small bottles of "body wash"  (or other similar names).  That is something I really enjoy, maybe it is the feeling that I am doing something special for myself.  Also, it feels good.  
Of course, riding my bicycle, but a special case of an enjoyable moment is the bath I take after a long bike ride.  I soak in "body wash", read a book and just relax for awhile.
We are continuing to "sort, organize and weed".  Not any fun, but something we have to do.  Should be a wonderful day, forecast of 70 degrees.
That's it for now. 

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