Friday, August 30, 2013

Summer 2013 August 30

77/79 degrees this morning.  A slight touch of muggy in the air, although still relatively coolish (to get hot later)!
Time keeps getting away from me, as it seems my attempts at organization to get more done are successful, which only brings more things to be done since I am getting more done!  
Friday, the last work day in August. One thing I am lucky about, I almost never have "writers block".  That may not be good if what I write isn't that good, but at least I get something out!
Labor Day always reminds me of the time I feel on my bike (I believe 4 years ago).  I scraped my arms and knees and realized I wasn't immune from falling.  It was a very low speed fall, which I think almost made it worse.
I love 3 day weekends.  The time seems to spread out, and then of course, I get busy and the 3 days speed by.  Anyway, I enjoy the anticipation and the 3 days.

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