Saturday, August 03, 2013

Summer 2013 August 3

79 degrees this morning, very pleasant day, cloudy 
I especially enjoy Saturday and Sunday morning for the opportunity to sit out on the patio a little longer.  Even then, the time goes too fast!  Soon the time will come when it is too cool to sit out on the patio, although I usually can until early November.  
The woods sit in back of my house, quiet and presenting a smooth surface to what I expect is a seething caldron of birds, insects, animals etc. playing out their daily life.  It is much more open in winter without all the leaves etc.
Soon we will have lived in our house (with this wonderful view!) for almost 8 years (I believe-it is amazing how time gets lost in the mass of time gone by).  We actually bought the house in August and moved in in December.  It is a wonderful house, and we have really enjoyed it, especially the view.
I finally had to take down the bird feeders, and haven't put them back up, since raccoons or some other animal kept getting into them.  (I was also concerned about the pests that came to feed on the seed the birds dropped.) The birds always throughly enjoyed the feeders, although I expect there are many others available. 

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