Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Summer 2013 August 14

70 degrees this morning (actually 70 or 73 degrees depending on the site).  It actually felt cool during my exercise this morning.
I ate some popcorn (the caramel and cheese kind which I shouldn't eat anyway!).  It affected my sleep in ways I won't mention, but my iPhone app clearly indicated I slept at "77% efficiency" as opposed to my normal 97% or so efficiency.  The app says to strive for 85% efficiency, so I thought maybe I wasn't doing something right that I was so "sleep efficient"  I guess the app does work!
A little cool to sit outside this morning, plus I want to finish watching the Cardinals game (taped) and "Mad Money".  I hate it when tv interferes with my life (even taped tv!), but I could decide to enjoy the patio and not watch it also.  

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