Friday, August 02, 2013

Summer 2013: August 2

Coolish this morning (70 degrees).  
TGIF.  I am ready for a weekend, although the week seemed to fly by.  Finishing a long process today of final interviews for a Receptionist/Administrative Assistant position.  Three very qualified persons, which means at least it is a positive choice, although a difficult choice.
Listening to "Steve Jobs", who believed in (and practiced) a minimalist life style.  I look around and see how possessions have taken ownership of me, not always a negative.  I tend to hang on to things (especially books and clothes) until they wear out.  
i remember when I first started working I rented everything so I wouldn't have to worry about it.  As the years went by, I accumulated items, and now look aghast at all the stuff.  However, I have a hard time giving away my books, even ones I haven't touched for years, my clothes (I recently lost enough weight to justify keeping some clothes for years on the basis that "I could wear them when I lost weight!, which is a wonderful feeling!  I want to throw away all of my "too large" clothes, but Aliene insists on putting them away "just in case".  
Of course, my Hot Wheels (Matchbox etc.) collection will die with me.  I will always pack them up and take them with me.  I will probably leave them to an orphanage or someplace where they will be used.  Or maybe a museum if there is such a thing as a "Hot Wheels Hall of Fame".  I don't know why I am so attached to toy cars (and similar vehicles), but it is an inexpensive hobby and one that I enjoy.  I actually bought my first "Hot Wheels" car in 1980, when my daughter was less than a year old.  Over the years, I pick them up, with no real purpose in mind, just nice or unique to look at.  I have a lot of race cars.  I don't "play" with them, but I do like to display them and change the displays.  
One reason August was always my favorite month probably was because it was the "birthday month".  John and Mary Anne were born on the same day (August 5) exactly one year apart and I came along 3 years later on August 6. We would aways combine into one big birthday part, usually at the swimming pool.
I can remember the swimming lessons we had when we were kids.  We would actually walk (on mud roads in bare feet" for over three miles to be picked up by a bus and then we would walk back three miles.  (It may be 4 1/2 miles). That is the absolutely truth!

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