Saturday, May 07, 2016

2016 Spring May 7 Saturday

62 degrees  this morning, No walk,  was the cough/cold (probably “walking pneumonia) continues. 

Feeling a lot better, although I can still feel the underlying cough etc. Starting on some new medicine.  

Thinking about money and time, how we tend to ignore small amounts that build up over time and notice large one-time expenses of time and money!

Aliene and I were debating tickets to a MLB ballgame while we were in a city.  We had the choice between some really good tickets (supposedly anyway) at a fairly hefty price or some about half the cost.  If it were a common thing we did, the cost may matter, but finally we decided for a “one time” thing, while we wouldn’t go crazy, paying what would normally seem rather exorbitant may be ok.

Actually I attempted to contact the team ticket office first, but of course, didn’t have much luck.  (Although in another city, the team ticket office was very nice and competent and we got what we hope are good tickets.)

Maybe this will be a good test between “Stubhub” and the team ticket office.  

Anyway, considering that we are going to a total of two games (in two different cities) and the cost is less than what we probably spend without even thinking if broken down into payments for a year, it really isn’t that bad.  We probably tip more than that in a typical week.  

Anyway, I have started looking at my “zombie” payments, the little payments that nick you each week or month and you really don’t realize how much it is.  (Like the car payment that “for whatever dollars more you can buy this etc., even though it seems like a lot.)   

They can total a lot per year when added up.  

Time is the same thing, three are little things I do each day that I probably don’t need to do or is just wasting time that could add up to big time savings.  

Of course, on the other hand, I have to think if that little expenditure of time or money each day is important, so what ?

I believe it gets back to priorities as to how you want to live each day.  I decided the important thing is to be aware of what I am spending in time and money, so in one, three or ten years, I’m not shocked and feel I’ve wasted time or money in “zombie bites” .  

Of course for me, one of those things is the daily paper and the amount of time I spend on the daily paper etc. 

Strange dream last night,  very powerful.  Even got up and noted it, as noted below.  Rather long, but…

5-7-16:  Dream

Dreamed I was in a unique shopping center (something like the one on Kansas Center).

I keep driving around the shopping center looking for a parking place even though there were plenty of parking places.   The parking garage was one of those intercity ramps with close concrete walls and high rise parking.

I finally parked and hit the wall, causing two big parallel (but jagged) breaks in the wall.  
I even had to back the car down (it was sitting like it had tried to climb the wall, but I backed it right down).

The car I was driving was our SUV, which I normally don’t drive as far as driving to work etc. 

I walked around hoping no one would notice.  

It was a very old, concrete type of ramp parking space that “everyone” said was being redone.

In another episode of the dream I was driving and saw a very old friend (in both aspects).  Although he was always an acquaintance than a friend, I always enjoyed talking with him.  

He was going the other way and didn’t recognize me, he was listening on a big old style radio sticking out of his car.  For some reason he was rounding a curve and there was an old squat tree growing in the area which is the interior of the turning area.

Other episodes, I was driving around another area looking for something, this appeared to be a small city in the open somewhere.  

Woke up and it took me a while to realize it was only a dream.  Dream seemed to be disquieting, still feel a little odd about it.  (It was a  “middle of the night dream”, about midnight.  

Don’t remember much else about it, but it definitely grabbed me and I decided since I was awake I may as well write it down.

My cough etc. has significantly changed, (even since bedtime) don’t know if that is part of the dream or not.  

The midnight hour is so quiet, you can imagine any kind of noise.

That’s it for now, Saturday, May 7, 2016.

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