Saturday, April 02, 2016

Spring 2016 April 2l, 2016

42 degrees (feels like 36) this morning.  Walk 47;39 minutes

1 3/4 years in this area today.  The time has gone fast, but it seems like lot longer.  Don’t mean that in the bad sense, just the sense that perhaps the past has extended into the present to make it seem like we have been here longer than that.

Also marks 19 months in my current job, which is also difficult to believe.  I think, somewhat like life, I thought I would be an expert in my job by now, but it is just like a lot of things in life, the more I learn, the less I know. 

Apparently that frame of mind comes from realizing from what I learn that I learn enough to realize how much I don’t know!  Or something like that. 

Of course, what makes it difficult in my current job is there is no “google” or simple answers to many of the questions.  Of course, a lot of knowledge I have now is second nature to me and I may not even think about something I used to have to research.  

Of course, by researching it, I also obtain a lot of information I can use.

When I was City Manager for  relatively long periods, I learned the power of knowledge and how some things were just basic information.  

Along with that I was thinking of the importance of “keeping up” with new information and trends in the field you are working at.  Certainly we want our Doctors, legal and financial advisors etc. to keep up with the latest information and trends etc. and, perhaps as important, consider their impact based on their knowledge etc.

Probably this is just as important in air conditioning repair, plumbing electricians etc.  

I think another example of how “continuous improvement”  is so important in all aspects of life.
If you don’t change, you lose your effectiveness.  

We are currently in that phase of trying to select persons we need to work on the house occasionally, everything from sprinklers to HVAC items.  

Experience has though us there are a lot of persons in these areas who do excellent work and many who don’t good work at all.  The important thing is telling the difference!

We had our “family” birthday party last night.  It is basically just to recognize the people who have had birthdays in the past (or future) time frame.  We used to use 3 months as the time frame, now we are using six months since the circumstances have changed so much.

These occasions really provide a yardstick on how fast life is.  Each of the children seem to grow so fast. 

It is almost like you can see the past in the present, time goes so fast and children grow up so fast.  You realize they are now adults, (or for little children, that they have grown so much and learned so many new behaviors.

I guess by looking at the parents you also can see somewhat of the future, although  you never know how things will really turn out.

Another weekend, which I have come to enjoy.  One major change is that in the past a lot of my weekend included working in some fashion.  In my current job, I can’t work on weekends (except for special projects) and I absolutely can’t work over 40 hours per week.

Kind of like being partially retired!

That’s it for now, Saturday, April 2, 2016.  

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