Thursday, April 07, 2016

2016 Spring April 7 Thursday

50 degrees this morning, walk 48:51 minutes

It is fun to look at a blank page each morning and realize I can write anything I want (within reason).  

I read the other day that soon we may be able to “think” thoughts and they will appear on the screen.  Probably can be done now to a limited degree.  

I know how I  felt when I first “typed” on a computer and felt the “magic” os seeing the words appear on  the screen, perhaps as I thought them with some short delay while my fingers transposed the thoughts into words.

Of course, it may be like dictation, that you have to insert the commas, periods, capitalization and spaces etc.  

Not that I mind saying “period” or “comma” or “new paragraph”.  I am just amazed that I can say it and it appears!

Thoughts may be more difficult. My major problem with “dictation” is saying random thoughts (or words from the radio etc.) that appear in the text that I have to go back and delete! 

I can just imagine what random thoughts may appear on the paper if I am just writing it in my mind! 

I don’t know what the status of this (being able to “think” thoughts to written letters) but I assume it will happen.

Of course, the next thing may be direct communication (thought to thought among people).  That is rather scary!  

It is all communication, but I think “reading” another persons mind may just be going to far!   I assume if it ever happens they will need some sort of “mind block” where you can block certain thoughts!  Or at least I hope so!

Thursday seemed to get here fast, hard to believe the week went so fast and the month of April, is going so fast.

Signs of Spring are everywhere (warm weather, things turning green etc.), but I still don’t see the colorful flowers.  Soon it will be too hot for them (except for the ever enduring Crepe Myrtles), so maybe there are few in this area.

For the first time I can remember, our “trash day” is a day other than Monday, it is actually Friday.  Recycling is “every other Friday”, which plays havoc with your mind in trying to calculate how much recycling I can get into the recycling cart.  

In my opinion, they should have it the other way around, the recycling cart every week and he regular trash every other week, although it seems they could put the recycling on a weekly schedule. 

We actually have a lot more recycling than we do trash.  

We really do right now, since I am recycling a lot of boxes in addition to the regular recycling which pretty well fills up the cart every other week anyway. 

I make kind of a game seeing how much cardboard can get into there recycling cart.  It is amazing how much I can get in!

That’s it for now, Thursday, April 7, 2016.  

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