Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Winter 2015 March 18 Wednesday (Snowflakes, Raindrops and Memory)

52 degrees this morning, 46:07 minutes walked.

Light rain this morning.  Almost cut my walk short, but didn’t, it remained light rain.  It did start raining harder after I completed my walk.  

Since today is a “Field Day”, I was hoping the rain would hold off, but, that’s one of those things I can’t control.

“Does the rain remember what it was like to be a snowflake”?  That is an intriguing question and obviously no one really knows the answer.

I asked Kali and Katherine and there answer surprised me, that rain and snow had the same structure!  Actually a very good answer and I was surprised that they would think of it that way.

This does emphasize the environment we live in and it’s effect on our basic structure.  A raindrop would not be a snowflake in some areas since it wouldn’t be cold enough, while a raindrop may be nothing but a snowflake in other areas.

I have always been fascinated by the effect of our environment on our lives.  For example, someone who lives surrounded by mountains will have a much different reaction than someone who grows up on the plains or on a small island etc.  

I’m not sure how it affects traits such as your career, personality etc., but I’m sure it does.  I wonder if growing up in a rainy climate makes you more depressed, or does moving from a sunny climate to a rainy climate the reason for depression.

That is, if rainy weather does bring on depression.

Certainly there is no way I could live in the northeast states with all that snow, but if I grew up there and was used to it, it maybe different, anymore than I don’t mind a very hot summer and in fact prefer it.  

Maybe people who grow up in cold, snowy weather prefer that, although it is hard for me to believe it. 

On the other hand, I know people who like rainy climates, I believe the question is if most people like it because they grew up there or if they like it for other reasons.

I think positive reinforcement makes a big difference, so maybe if you have pleasant experiences even in the worst of weather, you prefer that type of weather since you associate pleasant experiences with certain types of weather.  

Of course, while I was in the Air Force, I spent over a year at Goose Bay, Labrador, where it snows, snows, snows and is cold, cold, cold.  

I actually liked it, but I certainly don’t like snow and cold here.  Of course, there it was a fact of life so you just learned to deal with it.

Maybe that is the answer.

Working on income tax returns.  The combination of changing states, moving expenses etc.  and some other things make it really unique.  I at least have the basics done and now I need to go back and review it.

I know I have over a month, but time goes so fast, especially when it is something I want to avoid doing!

That’s it for now, Wednesday, March 18, 2015

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