Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Winter 2015 March 10 Tuesday

47 degrees this morning. No walk, light rain.

I always wonder where the time goes when I can’t walk.  It seems to go by without me getting all of the things done I plan on doing when I can’t walk!

Apple Watch?  Yes I want one!  I don’t know if I actually “need” one, but I”m sure I could find many good uses for one!  I was amazed at the number of things that could be done with the watch.

I think, just like the iPhone, it will do things that we haven’t even thought of yet. 

I also liked the new Macbook, I really like my Macbook Air, and I understand the new Macbook than the Macbook Air.  If nothing else, the existing  MacBook Air is cheaper.  

Also, it means I can start going to the “1 to 1” sessions again where I can continue learning about computer programs.  

Thinking some more about Algorithm’s.  

I think it goes back to the only “garbage in, garbage out”.  An Algorithm can be used for good or bad.  By itself, it isn’t good or bad, it is how you use it.

I think that is what is important is who is in charge of and designs the Algorithm.  For example, I find it very disquieting that Algorithm’s are used to write stories without some type of disclosure that a machine is writing the story and may not consider many aspects of the situation.  Admittedly a sports story, it probably  doesn’t matter, but others it could make a major difference.   

I took journalism in college and one of the big (if  not the biggest) ethical foundations was “opinions below on the opinion pages” or at least be clearly labeled as opinion and news was reported without bias.  It may not have happened that often, but at least the attempt and ethical guidelines were clear.  

I am still stunned when I hear “news stories” which are really just an attempt to present the writers opinion rather than an actual news story. 

I feel this has become epidemic, to the point you really can’t trust reporters to give you”just the facts”.  

Today, you really need to look to find a story that is truly unbiased. 

The change in news reporting, from unbiased (except when there was a byline and obviously opinion) to pure bias was rather surprising and I think is one reason for the polarization of opinions and extremist positions.

People watch or read only what support their belief, so the diversity of opinion is not considered when someone considers their position on something.

Not that I”m any different than anyone.  I like to read/hear/watch what supports my opinion  It is harder to seriously read something that doesn’t support your existing belief, at least without looking for reasons to find fault with what you disagree with.

I noticed the change in local government some years ago, when the persons running for office changed from running for office as a civic function to running for office for either a single project or an extreme position, normally a position they maintain for selfish reasons and not for the good of the community.  

The same actions also have spread (or started at) persons running private businesses.

Obviously not true of everyone, but the “single issue” candidates greatly increased.  

Started raining shortly at the end of  my walk this morning.  Rained all day.  Much prefer the rain to the snow of last week!  Hope that was the last snow of the winter!

That’s it for now, Tuesday, March 10, 2015.

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