Sunday, March 29, 2015

Spring 2015 March 29 Sunday

59 Degrees this morning 44:07 minutes walking.

59 degrees still seems cool with the wind.  I wore the thing over my mouth and my regular warm stocking cap.

Trying to finalize my taxes.  Very depressing, mainly because not enough was withheld so we have to pay in.  I was kind of expecting a refund. And not just a little payment, but a lot (to me anyway).

Of course, as long as we actually owe it, I don’t mind paying it.  Well… I mind paying it, but if I would have paid it anyway, I want to pay what we owe.  Or something like that.

What is worse is having to deal with all the situations, including moving, job hunting, home office, two states, IRA withdrawal etc.  on he tax form.

Usually I enjoy doing taxes, not this year.

Went to the Library again today.  Again, I have to marvel at what a nice library system it is.

I checked out some fiction books by authors I haven’t read before, see how that goes.  Also checked out a book by Lincoln on a matter I wasn’t familiar with.  

It involves a lawsuit he was involved with prior to his becoming President and concerned a bridge across the Mississippi River, which established a precedent.  If it had gone the other way, it could have prevented bridges across the Mississippi which would have make a major difference in our country!

One of the best side trips we took in Washington D.C. several years ago was to the “Lincoln Summer House”, actually a place he went to to relax and think.  He actually frequently rode out there by himself.  

I am sure I was imagining or rather investing my emotions, but I could feel the sense of peace he felt when he was there and not at the White House.

Unfortunately it was not actually open when we were there (I had heard a podcast of how they had just recently opened the museum and renovated the house), but I was glad I had the chance to see it and perhaps it was better. 

The Washington D.C. trip actually set the standards we would use for our China trip and is one reason we enjoyed the China trip so much.  

Part of it was investing in a private guide, which actually isn’t that much more expensive than a group tour, and is much more efficient and fun.  Our trip to China included a group tour (as part of the conference).  While it had it’s good points also, it reinforced for us that a private tour is so much better.

At least the Tennessee Women’s Basketball Team is still in the NCAA tournament.  They came back after I was ready to give up on them.  (Aliene said “don’t give up on them” and right then they started coming back from 17 or so points to win!)

These dreams almost aren’t worth while noting, but who knows?  They are really very small parts that I remember:

Dream 3-28=15

In large house or hotel

Aleine and I were standing in line for something (I don’t know what)

Three was a bathroom that acted as a a way to “cut the line”

I went into the bathroom and came out and the line was different for some reason.

I looked around puzzled and asked where the line was.

Woke up

(Later, after early afternoon nap)

Sketchy dream, 

Intense search to find something, don’t recall what: That’s all I remember.  

That’s it for now, Sunday, March 29, 2015

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