Monday, December 30, 2013

Winter 2013 December 30 Monday

30 degrees this morning (28 degrees now).  It really felt cold this morning, even for 30 degrees,l probably due to the wind.  Didn't help I forgot my keys (to ATC Fitness) and had to cycle back up the steep hill coming into the addition to get them!  (Only steep if you ride a bike!)
Read another story on design this morning, this time for noodles, among the more common tech type items!  I really have to wonder how design can be used to improve municipal services.  Design as oriented to making the experience easy to sue for the customer, not design as to make it attractive, although that could be part of it.  Interesting concept I'm researching it some more.
I am concentrating on watching what I eat and trying to increase my exercise.  I figure it is time to go for that last 10 lbs I need to lose!  (Probably 15 after the Christmas gorging!).  Basically, even then, my target weight is 10 lbs more than the "maximum" recommended for my height, but even when I was in my teens and early twenties I couldn't reach the "model" weight for my height.  The last time I weigh less than I weight now (currently I weight the least I have since 1989) I just couldn't maintain a weighty below my goal weight.  It has been two years since I lost weight (actually one year at my current weight) and it is well stabilized (for me this means a range of about 5 lbs), it is time to bear down and get down to my "model" weight.  I can decide then if I want to make it even more, but I need to reach the goal weight first.
It will also help train me for longer bike rides  I doubt if I will do the "ride with the summer" ride this year (probably 2015 or 2016 at the latest).  I may try the "ride across Tennessee" bike ride this year if I don't have any conflicts, but I need to develop my ability to ride further.  I ride my bike almost every day, but it is a relatively short distance and doesn't prepare me for a long ride.
Getting new eye-glasses today. My current ones are four years old.  I decided to change to provide myself with a backup pair.  The ophthalmologist advised I didn't really need a new prescription, but I wanted a pair of glasses I could wear for reading on the stationary bike.  I am going to try to ride my bike longer in the afternoon and maybe even take a second walk.
Current reading "The Catcher in the Rye" for my book discussion class.
Picked up new eye glasses, really feel good.

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