Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Fall 2013 December 18 Wednesday

37 degrees this morning.  Felt warmer than that, maybe just used to the cold weather.
Another quote from "And the Mountain Echoed":  "That is what aging is, she thinks as she follows Isabelle into the store, those random unkind moments when you least expect them"  (This is a point when she looks into a store windows and realizes how old she looks).  Kind of like when I look in a mirror and wonder what my father is doing here. 
Another favorite quote of mine is also from a fiction book, I believe by Jeff Deaver (I'll have to check on that).  It is a point when a older woman who is a spy is caught.  She thinks to herself that this is the point that her life, which she enjoyed, will never be the same again.  I can think of several recent points like that.  (Including the "spy" angle, bur from the other side!).  Probably "moment" that you realize everything is changed and its will never be the same  hit Aliene worse then it did me.
I guess life is composed of moments like that, when a momental change is occurring and you may  or may not be aware of the gravity of it.  On the other hand, maybe life doesn't have enough of those moments, maybe that is why time passes and we suddenly realized the journey is going faster than we want or realize.  
Apple Store today.  Trying to get control of my e-mail, calendar and contacts (also reminders) while I can take a breath and do something with it.  When I look at my e-mail and see 29,000 e-mails I need to do something to get organized!  
Looks like it will be another beautiful day today, will be in the mid-fifities and sunny.  About as good as it gets this time of year.

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