Thursday, December 12, 2013

Fall 2013 December 12 Thursday

25 degrees this morning. 
Thursday, have a variety of activities planned today, including breakfast meeting (although I eat breakfast before I go since I have to desire to eat a breakfast of rolls and bagels, plus I am used to eating around 6 a.m.  Appreciate the effort though and I can always drink coffee.
I am coming to the realization that the Apple iCloud is probably basically useless for documents from word processing etc., when compared with Dropbox or even the Amazon Cloud or even Google Drive.  It is super for the calendar, notes, reminders etc. and worth it just for that, but I was hoping it would be at least as good for documents, but it is basically useless, as far as I can tell.  I've scheduled a 1 to 1 at the Apple Store on it, but expect ti will be bad news.  I am surprised they released an iCloud that is several generations behind Dropbox and Amazon.  
I have tried to used Android products (Google Chrome, Matrix 7 etc.), but they just don't compare with Apple projects in my opinion.  Of course, for me, the main thing is that I can got to an Apple Store and get assistance.  
I keep thinking I will ride my bicycle now that I have time, but I really haven't had the time, with the variety of other activities, plus the cold weather.  I'll make time when better weather comes!  I ride some almost every day, but it is a short "commuting" trip to the gym.  I need to work on my stamina 

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