Sunday, December 29, 2013

Winter 2013 December 25 Wednesday

30 degrees this morning.
Christmas Day.  
Driving a car without SiriusXM raised my appreciation for XM (and for iPods and iPads) and increased my disgust about commercial radio.  Couldn't find Christmas music but on one channel and the evening version was that creature "Delia' (I may have the name spelled wrong) who for some reason has been hanging around commercial  radio for years as some kind of "therapist".  I automatically turn the channel when I hear her.  The only thing worse is sports radio talk/call shows.
A lot worse things have happened and could happen than minor inconveniences of having to turn a radio channel and shut off the radio and plug in an iPad or iPhone I realize.  I am just amazed that commercial  radio stays in business at all with their low quality of programming.  I wonder if people really listen or are the  surveys on listeners wrong?  On the other hand, if people really enjoy it, more power to them.  
Found a channel on tv with a video of  fireplace burring and playing traditional Christmas/holiday music.  It is really nice to have traditional Christmas music available. 

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