Sunday, December 29, 2013

Winter 2013 December 27 2013 Friday

34 degrees this morning.  Woke up early this morning.
Daddy passed away 19 years ago today.  It is hard to believe it has been that long.  I can have a picture in my mind of when Mama called and advised me he had died.  I guess it wasn't necessarily unexpected,, but it was.  I guess like all parents, my feelings about him are still mixed.  Certainly many things about him to admire, including his honesty, his work ethic and certainly his overcoming his upbringing in an orphanage that today wold probably be considered abusive in a lot of ways.  I am still amazed at how a man who grew up in an orphanage who only saw his sister rarely (in the girls side of the orphanage) etc. ended up with seven children and basically making a go of it and saving money in the process.  I think I still grieve somewhat about ambitions both Mama and he had that they never achieved.  i think going through their papers is kind of an "Our Town" type experience.  Speaking of loss, it is probably just starting to really hit me as to what happened in Lakeland.  Such is life.
The much anticipated Christmas (anticipated no so much for Christmas, as for the family gatherings etc. ) are almost over.  New Year is the next event, a time I normally assess (or rei-assess as it may be) my life and where I am or want to be or wish I was. 
Time becomes even more precious somehow even through theoretically I have a lot more free time now. It is hard not to hate the Spoiled Brat Politician, my Judas neighbor who used me for his own purpose and the other two toadies, but I just feel a coldness, really no anger.  What is, is.  
Enjoyable day today, took Kali and Katherine to the lake (it was a little cool, but nice just to look around for awhile and do something different).  Also, very few people were out there, so it was nice.  
(Some areas in shade were still icy).  It was fun doing something different like that, they are a lot of fun.  Had lunch with Angela and then with Kali and Katherine.  I feel like I've gained 10 pounds this week from reduced exercise and increased eating!  
Last day of "Christmas vacation" such as it is.  Actually, in spite of the unexpected, it has been good.  
Somehow, Katherine became quite a shopper.  She gets this glazed look in her eyes as she determinedly heads for all the stores she wants to look in and quickly makes decisions on what she wants.  It is amazing to me an 11 year old would show such determination and focus.

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