Saturday, December 21, 2013

Winter 2013 December 20 Saturday

68 degrees, cloudy, rain coming in.  First day of Winter, 2013!
Sitting in Starbucks, working on computer and watching the world go by. There is a certain timelessness about sitting and Starbucks.  I especially enjoy it when I have the time to enjoy it, if that makes any sense.  I don't like drive-thrus anyway (nor drive-inns for that matter).   I don't like to eat in the car (or drink coffee for that matter, unless I'm on a long trip and I can't see any purpose in picking up something and eating it at home, unless maybe a pizza or ice cream.  A few years ago, I was taking a night class and it was convenient to stop by Starbucks and pick up some coffee on my way to class. I think I like the sense of the "experience", which includes sitting in Starbucks.  
All I drink is regular coffee (well, the strongest possible) anyway, with an occasional iced coffee when it is too hot to drink hot coffee (which is almost never), although sometimes I drink iced coffee just for the taste and the experience.  Actually I try not to drive after drinking two "Vente" iced coffees, because of the caffeine buzz, about the only time I feel coffee affects me.  I can literally drink several cups of coffee and then go to sleep. 
I frequently say "coffee is my only vice" and I"m not even sure it is a vice, except excess is a vice.  My biggest coffee in drinking coffee is finding a decent cup of coffee.  Starbucks is always good, as is Steak n Shake,  McDonalds is good as long as it is fresh and hot. It is really frustrating in a restaurant where you may pay $3.00 for a cup of coffee and they try to give you cold and old coffee (J Alexanders is the worst), or try to pawn off instant coffee on you (TGI Fridays, I just don't bother to order coffee there anymore) or just don't know how to make it apparently (On the Border).  I should start a "Hall of Fame" and a "Hall of Shame" for hot coffee, although there are many in the middle. 
Life continues in the "every day is a Saturday except for Sunday" mode, except that is not exactly true, as I am keeping relatively busy keeping up with searching for another position etc., as well as catching up on projects that got behind.  I am trying to keep my same routine, and after Christmas (well, may after New Years), I am going to set regular "office hours", so I don't get lazy.  I am already feeling the "leisure time spin" where I occasionally have some inept moments when I try to do choose between all of the projects I could be working on, books to be read etc.  On the job, it is easy to set priorities, but while "on the beach", there really are not priorities for daily use of time, although there is a significant overall priority.  
Maybe Starbucks is the sense of shared experience.  I am surprised at how many job interviews I hear in Starbucks.  Clouds are still going overhead, cars are stacking up in the parking lot at Starbucks.

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