Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Fall 2013 October 8

54 degrees this morning.  Dental surgery still somewhat discomforting.  Rash almost gone.
Busy day today, my a.m. post will be very short.  Good exercise this morning, I have found a way to shorten the time I "dawdle" in the morning before I start my walk.  (I do my daily journal on my cell phone instead of my computer, that is my "calendar" which is when I get up, what exercise I do, where I eat, etc.  
Listening to a book about "money".  Is is actually interesting, and in a way rather frightening, (perhaps puzzling is a better word) about inflation, the bond business, about what "backs" bonds etc.  I'm not sure what I enjoy more, the walks or the books that I listen to that, in all honesty, I probably wouldn't read otherwise!
(Later):  Very busy day, but generally rewarding.  

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