Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Fall 2013 October 16

66 degrees, rain.  Able to walk, but couldn't cycle outside (did do the stationary bike).  I miss it when it rains, but after a fall several years ago (just some scrapes and scratches, but I was surprised at the number since was a low speed fall), I decided to avoid riding in the rain, although I will need to learn to ride in the rain.  The fall several years ago occurred when I hit a wet manhole and the wheel slid.
I am still planning my "ride with the summer" some year when I start in Texas and "ride with the Summer" to Canada.  I have a lot of practice to do yet.  While I ride almost every day, will need to get my daily distance up.  
Of course, my major concern is a good route to follow.  Fortunately there are more and more off-road trails I can take, which would help.   There is a "Ride Across Tennessee" (not known as "RAT" I hope) that I can take.  I should have gone this year, it was close to Lakeland but I didn't feel prepared and it feel on a bad day.
Went to the dental surgeon yesterday, he advised my tooth implant area was doing good, but he wanted me to continue an antibiotic and see him next week.  
Rain continues.  I know we "need rain", but....

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